
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/02 04:25:27
 【Morning Buzz】
The days that make us happy make us wise. (John Masefield, English poet and writer, 1878-1967)
Dow Jones
11,105.85 +44.73 +0.40%
2,532.15 +37.06 +1.49%【Highlights】
>Civil loan crashed in FJ
>HTC may buy own mobile OS
>World Bank helping Libya
>Child HIV cases in India
>The happiest job: clergy
>Trees that grow money
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>Taliban attack in Kabul
Taliban suicide fighters launched a multi-pronged attack in Kabul Tuesday, firing rockets towards the US embassy and NATO compounds in the capital of Afghanistan. Reuters reported the Taliban have also sent 2 suicide bombers to the city's west, killing at least 12 and injuring 21 others. The assault was the 2nd major Taliban attack in Kabul in a month after suicide bombers targeted the British Council headquarters in August, killing 9 people. The US embassy said its personnel were safe.
据路透社报道,塔利班13日在阿富汗首都喀布尔发动自杀式连环袭击,美国驻阿富汗大使馆和北约总部均遭到火箭炮袭击。塔利班还在喀布尔西部制造了2起自杀式爆炸事件,至少12人死亡,21人受伤。这是自塔利班8月袭击英国文化协会总部造成9人死亡后,一月之内发动的第2次大规模袭击。美国使馆称其人员无恙。 【Top News】
>Civil loan crashed in FJ
The county of Anxi in Fujian was shocked after a wealthy person undertaking civil loan business ran off, leaving over RMB300m debts behind, fjsen.com reported. The person is Xu Huocong, the richest man in Gongde village, and the head of the villagers' committee. Most of the money came from millionaires in Anxi, some lent Xu hundreds of thousands of yuan and some tens of millions. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's Anxi branch may be the biggest victim among State-owned banks, involving more than RMB50m.
据东南网报道,福建省安溪县公德村的村委主任、公德村首富许火从,从事民间借贷业务欠下3亿多元的巨额本息后出逃,轰动整个县城。从债主透露的信息来看,债权金额小到几十万,大到几千万,很多资金来自于安溪富豪。在国有银行中,安溪工商银行可能是最大的受害者,涉及金额高达5000多万元。>HTC may buy own mobile OS
Cher Wang, chairwoman of Taiwan-based smartphone producer HTC Corp, revealed that the company is considering the purchase of a new mobile operating system, but made it clear that HTC will not "make a decision on impulse", foreign media reported. Rumor has it that HTC is interested in buying webOS from HP.
据外媒报道,中国台湾智能手机厂商宏达电董事长王雪红近日透露,宏达电或许将考虑从其它公司手中收购一款移动操作系统,但不会就此事"仓促作出决定"。有传闻称,宏达电有意从惠普手中收购webOS。 >World Bank helping Libya
The World Bank Tuesday said it officially recognized the ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) as Libya's government and had been asked to help lead efforts to restore vital services and develop jobs programs as the country tries to return to normal after the war, Reuters reported. "We are ready to support the people in Libya," World Bank Managing Director Sri Mulyani Indrawati said. "Our experts have started coordinating with their partners already and we are moving fast to begin work."
Libya's interim leader has made his first public speech in Tripoli, warning against reprisals after loyalists of the ousted Muammar Gadhafi struck out at the revolutionaries pursuing them. In an apparent attempt to disrupt a drive by the ruling NTC to seize the ousted leader's last bastions and revive the oil-based economy, the pro-Gadhafi fighters killed 15 guards at an oil refinery Monday.
China Monday officially recognized the National Transition Council of Libya as the ruling authorities and representative of the Libyan people, Xinhua reported.
另据新华社报道,12日,中国政府宣布正式承认利比亚"全国过渡委员会"为利比亚执政当局和利比亚人民代表。 >Child HIV cases in India
Twenty-three children aged between 5 and 10 who received blood transfusions have tested positive for HIV in the Indian state of Gujarat, British media reported. All the children had received free transfusions at a public hospital in Junagadh district between January and August. The children, all from poor families, all suffer from thalassemia, a genetic disorder that requires regular transfusions. An investigation has been launched into the cases.
据英国媒体报道,印度古吉拉特邦23名5-10岁的儿童输血后感染了艾滋病毒。所有儿童均来自贫困家庭,因为患有地中海贫血,今年1至8月在朱那可特区某公立医院接受过免费输血。地中海贫血是一种遗传病,需要长期输血。印度当局已经对此展开调查。>The happiest job: clergy
Clergy are considered to be the happiest job, according to a General Social Survey by the National Organization for Research at the University of Chicago, forbes.com reported Tuesday. Firefighters amazingly rank 2nd,with 80% of them saying they are "very satisfied" with their jobs, which involve helping people. Director of Information Technology is voted to be the most hated job.
据福布斯网站13日报道,美国芝加哥大学国家研究组织的综合社会调查显示,神职人员被认为是最快乐的工作。消防员出人意料地排名第2。因为可以帮到别人,80%的消防员都对自己的工作感到满意。而信息技术主管被评选为最令人痛恨的职业。 【In Brief】
>China's central government has allocated RMB1.3b to help with drought-relief efforts in the country's rain-starved southwest regions, the Ministry of Finance said Tuesday, Xinhua reported.
>Authentic hairy crabs from the Yangcheng Lake will debut on Sept 17. Crabs entering the market before that date are not from the lake, said the Association of Yangcheng Lake Crabs.
>Gunmen opened fire on a school bus in the Pakistani city of Peshawar Tuesday, killing 4 children and the driver, Reuters reported.
据路透社报道,巴基斯坦白沙瓦市一辆校车13日遭武装分子袭击,造成4名儿童和司机死亡。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Trees that grow money
They say money doesn't grow on trees. But it certainly appears to do so on the mysterious coin-studded trunks dotted around the UK's woodlands, the Daily Mail of London reported. A local in the village of Portmeirion, Wales said: "We had no idea why it was being done when we first noticed the tree trunk was being filled with coins. I did some detective work and discovered that trees were sometimes used as 'wishing trees'. A sick person could press a coin into a tree and their illness would go away."(See photo)
都说世上没有摇钱树,但据英国《每日邮报》报道,在英国的一些树林里,却真有长满钱币的树。威尔士小镇波特梅里恩一名当地人说:"我们刚开始也不清楚树干上怎么能长出硬币来。后来调查了半天才发现,这些长钱的树曾是'许愿树'。如果病人把硬币砸进树里,他的病就能被带走了。"(见图)  【Talk Show】
网友"miss lin"把比基尼穿在外面,在《大学生了没》里高喊"整个场面我要hold住","hold住"成网络流行语,"hold住姐"迅速蹿红网络。在英语中,"hold"有"抱、坚持、握住、掌控"等意思。今天你hold住了吗?
>I hope the rain holds off until we get home.
>Hold it! You almost stepped on my contact lens!
>This is a good plan but not at this time. Let's just hold it in abeyance until things get better.
>Just hold your horses, Bill. Let's think about this for a moment.
沉住气,比尔,我们好好想一想。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】
Mum's the word意思是?
例句:Don't tell anyone about the surprise for Mr Green. Mum's the word.