
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/26 21:44:21
 【Bonus Oriens】
Mother's arms are made up of tenderness, and sweet sleep blesses the child who lies therein. (Victor Hugo, French poet and novelist, 1802-1885)
>Schools ease migrant rules
>4 hurt outside Apple store
>Police raid Ronaldo's flat
>Food used as vehicle fuel
>Women run on different clock
>Dancing granny becomes star
音频大变身详情见尾帧 【Cover Story】
>'PaperPhone' in the future?
A team of computer researchers believes cellphones in the future will be as thin, light and flexible as a sheet of paper, and their "PaperPhone" will be officially unveiled next week, ABC reported. The prototype of what the researchers call a "flexible iPhone" is made of super-thin bendable film, but makes calls, stores books and plays music. The PaperPhone uses electronic ink to display content. It relies on high-tech bendable plastic material, instead of glass. However, interactive flexible display still presents research challenges. There is still work to be done before the PaperPhone succeeds in the market.
据美国广播公司报道,计算机研究人员相信,未来的主流手机将会像纸一样轻薄柔韧。概念手机"PaperPhone"将于下周正式亮相。这种如纸一般的手机也被称作"灵动的iPhone",是由一种极轻薄且可折叠的胶片做成,可以用它来打电话、看电子书和播放音乐。这部概念手机并不在玻璃屏幕上成像,而是用电子墨水在高科技塑料材料上显示内容。现阶段,互动显像技术还面临一些技术问题,要想在市场上成功,还有更长的一段路要走。 【Top News】
>Schools ease migrant rules
Beijing Municipal Commission of Education announced a new policy that makes it easier for children of migrant workers to enter junior high schools in Beijing, xinhuanet.com reported. For the 2011 school year, the number of certificates required for their enrollment is reduced from 5 to 2. Same as children of permanent Beijing residents, the children of migrant workers can enter a nearby school without taking entrance exams, as long as their parents' Beijing residence permits and original household certificates are provided. Three more certificates were required before, including the parents' guardian certificates.
据新华网报道,北京市教委近日发布了2011年小学升初中政策,外来务工人员子女只需提供"两证",即家长在京居住证明和户口簿,就可以按照北京户籍学生就近入学方式免试入学。据介绍,此前,外来务工人员子女在京入学需要提供监护人证明等"五证",今年减少为"两证"。 >Food used as vehicle fuel
Greenergy, one of Britain's biggest petrol suppliers, said it has started making motor fuel from food waste, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. The company uses only food that can't be sold, such as products that are misshapen, past their sell-by date or overcooked. The best ingredients are pies, pastries and crisps for their high fat content. The oils and fats are removed from the food and then further purified. The finished biodiesel is blended into the diesel that Greenergy supplies to petrol stations nationally.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英国最大的燃油供应商之一Greenergy公司称,他们已经开始利用食物残渣生产机动车燃油。生产原料均是滞销食品,如变形食物、过期食物或烹饪过度的食物。馅饼、糕点和薯片这类高脂肪食物都是很好的炼油原料。食物中的油脂被分离出来并进一步提炼。最后,成品生物柴油被混入常规柴油中销往英国各地。【In Brief】
>Four people were wounded and rushed to the hospital in a scuffle outside Apple's Beijing store in Sanlitun Saturday afternoon, Sina Tech reported. A staffer reportedly came into physical conflict with customers waiting in line. Police are investigating the matter.
>The Bank of China launched its Phnom Penh Branch in Cambodia Saturday, which may help strengthen economic ties between the two countries.
中国银行柬埔寨金边支行7日开始正式运营,这将有助于加强中柬两国间的经济交往。 【Newsmakers】
>Police raid Ronaldo's flat
A flat owned by Cristiano Ronaldo was raided by armed police hunting a violent criminal, the Metro of London reported. The apartment, near the Portuguese capital, Lisbon, was unwittingly rented by the 26-year-old Real Madrid star to Ricardo Alves - wanted in a series of carjackings and ATM thefts. Alves, 28, was reportedly never late on rent. Ronaldo bought the 2-story flat in 2008 while playing for Manchester United.
据英国《都市报》报道,皇马球星C罗名下的一座住宅日前遭到警方武装突袭,原因是C罗糊里糊涂地将其位于葡萄牙首都里斯本附近的房产租给了一起连环劫车案及ATM机盗窃案的通缉犯。据说,这位28岁的房客里卡多·阿尔维斯倒是从来不拖欠房钱。26岁的C罗在2008年买下了这幢2层小楼,当时他还在效力曼联。>Dancing granny becomes star
A grandmother from Beijing has become China's latest sensation after an energetic, Michael Jackson-inspired dance routine on television (see photo), the Beijing Evening News reported. Bai Shuying, 65, appeared on the first episode of the new season of China's Got Talent. Bai, a big Michael Jackson fan who named her grandson Michael after the late pop star, taught herself how to dance by watching videos of Michael Jackson. In recent years, Beijing has seen a growing number of elderly pensioners - mostly women - practice hip-hop in the city's parks.
据《北京晚报》报道,在《中国达人秀》新赛季第一场比赛中亮相的北京老太太白淑英,凭借一段迈克尔·杰克逊的标志性热舞获得了全场观众的掌声,一举成名(见图)。这位65岁的活力"达人"靠观看杰克逊的视频自学成才。她是杰克逊的铁杆粉丝,甚至给小外孙起了个小名叫迈克尔。近年来在北京的各大公园,学跳街舞的老人层出不穷,其中以女性居多。  【Kaleidoscope】
>Women run on different clock
The biological timekeeper deep in the brain that governs when we sleep and when we wake runs at a faster pace in women, a new study shows, NPR reported. Surveys have shown that women are more likely to identify themselves as early birds, while more men call themselves night owls. Earlier studies have also found that women report insomnia about 50% more often than men do. Their faster clocks may have something to do with it. (See photo)
据美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)报道,最新研究显示,较之于男性,女性大脑中控制何时入睡、何时清醒的生物钟走得更快。此前有调查表明,女性更倾向于当"早起的鸟儿",而更多男性认为自己是"夜猫子"。也曾有研究指出女性报告失眠症的频率比男性多出约50%。这可能和女性的生物钟走得更快有一定关联。(见图)  【Language Tips】
'Muddy the water'
Muddy是由mud发展而来的词。这里的muddy是动词,意思是"弄得浑浊"。Muddy the water从字面意思来看就是在水里搅起泥浆,使水浑浊。其实这个习惯用语对中国人说来是耳熟能详的,因为中文里也有"把水搅浑"一说。当然muddy the water跟中文的"把水搅浑"一样,是用作比喻意义的。它的意思是搬出细枝末节来混淆视听,使人搞不清楚问题症结所在,而且往往是故意这样做的。
The defense is trying to muddy the water by painting the wife as bad.
被告企图通过往妻子脸上抹黑来混淆视听。【Talk Show】
>He's a good problem-solver.
>Facetious remarks are part of his stock-in-trade.
>The chef had produced one of his most spectacular creations.
>The javelin is her best event.
标枪是她最拿手的项目。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色。)