
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/15 10:44:29
Dow Jones
12,381.26 -130.78 -1.05%
2,758.90 -44.42 -1.58% 【Bonus Oriens】
The secret to any lasting relationship is to see the beauty in the imperfection.
任何长久的恋情都有一个秘诀,那就是在不完美里发现美。 【Highlights】
>3rd-party payment companies
>Faster downloads coming
>No deal for Lamborghini
>Obama seeks roots in Ireland
>Li Ao joked in micro blog
>Arnold loves ugly women?
施瓦辛格被曝只爱丑女 【Cover Story】
>Network links driver and car
A Japanese carmaker Monday announced a new initiative teaming up with Salesforce.com to create its own social network site. The private social network will connect customers with their cars. Examples of the integration include automatically alerting a driver with a personal message if the car battery runs low. The new service will be gradually rolled out, first in Japan in 2012, and only for owners of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids.
日本某品牌汽车23日宣布,将与Salesforce.com合作打造基于社交网络的"伙伴"系统。这是一款私人社交网络服务系统,将实现车主与爱车之间的"沟通"。比如,车在电池电量低的时候,会自动给主人发一条信息,提醒主人充电。这款产品将逐渐推向市场,预计于2012年率先在日本上市。汽车制造商表示首先使用上该系统的车型将是电动车及混合动力车。【Top News】
>3rd-party payment companies
As China's Central Bank is set to issue its first batch of licenses for third-party payment companies, more companies are terminating their cooperation with third-party payment companies, xinhuanet.com reported. Shanghai Brilliance Group, 360buy, Shanghai Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Supermarket are among the companies building their own payment platform. Some industry insiders believe the license issuance may trigger a new round of industry shuffling.
据新华网报道,在央行将于近期正式颁发国内首批第三方支付牌照之际,业内近日接连上演了上海百联、京东商城、上海农工商等多起商家与第三方支付企业分道扬镳并自建支付平台的事件,对此专家认为,首批牌照的发放或将改写第三方支付业未来市场格局。--The Association for Payment Clearing was established Monday in Beijing. The widely-discussed, third-party payment licensing issue was not issued as expected at the establishment conference.
中国支付清算协会23日在北京正式成立。备受关注的第三方支付牌照未在协会成立之日"如期"发放。 >No deal for Lamborghini
Taobao users are playing tricks on super sports car Lamborghini, soon after the luxury brand was available to the online retail site, Shanghai-based Morning Post reported. More than 5,000 orders were made for Lamborghini, but all the buyers turned out ostensible and nobody has paid money. The car agents say Lamborghini online shopper was making light of such behavior. They would rather regard it as a chance for netizens to virtually have experience the happiness for buying top luxuries. 
据上海《新闻晨报》报道,超级跑车兰博基尼刚入驻淘宝,就遭网友开涮。据称,兰博基尼跑车目前被下单超过5000笔,但网友都是"只拍不买",没有一人真正付款。经销商表示,网店不会介意网友恶作剧,这也是借机让网友玩玩下单买大件奢侈品的感觉,让大家开心一下。>Faster downloads coming
Chinese American scientists at the University of California-Berkeley in the US have developed the world's smallest optical modulator which uses graphene to reach speeds 10 times beyond the current switching technology, PC Magazine reported. The process could lead to devices capable of downloading an entire high-definition 3D movie in seconds. The team, led by Dr Zhang Xiang, created an optical data modulator out of a piece of graphene just one atom thick. At that size, 400 graphene modulators can fit in the cross-section of a human hair.
据知名科技杂志《个人电脑杂志》报道,世界最小的石墨烯光学调制器,日前由美国加州大学伯克利分校的华裔科学家们研制诞生。该调制器的信号传输速度是当前交换技术速度的10倍。几秒钟内下载一部高清3D电影指日可待。这项研究由张翔教授带领他的华裔团队完成,他们制造调制器只需一个相当于原子厚度的石墨烯,400个石墨烯调制器加起来只有一根头发丝那么粗。 >Obama seeks roots in Ireland
US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle landed in Dublin Monday, opening a 4-nation tour of Europe including the UK, France and Poland, AP reported. In Ireland he will explore his Irish roots in a town, Moneygall, which was home to his shoemaker grandfather 3 times removed. One of Obama's moves is to appeal to 37m Americans who claim Irish ancestry and could produce powerful imagery for his 2012 re-election campaign, according to US media. Obama said Monday the US and Ireland share a "blood link" that extends beyond strategic interests or foreign policy into the hearts of the millions of Irish Americans who still see a homeland here.
据美联社报道,23日,美国总统奥巴马和夫人米歇尔抵达都柏林,开启访问爱尔兰、英国、法国和波兰欧洲4国的序幕。在爱尔兰期间,奥巴马将前往该国小镇莫尼高尔进行寻根之旅,据悉,奥巴马母亲的先祖曾是莫尼高尔鞋匠之子。美国媒体称,奥巴马访爱尔兰的一大目的是备战2012年总统大选,以期赢得3700万名自称是爱裔美国人的支持。奥巴马当天在爱尔兰表示,美国和爱尔兰有着"血缘"纽带,维系双方关系远非靠战略性外交政策,而是出于数百万爱裔美国人对故土的赤子之心。 【In Brief】
>The Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway will begin operation in June. The new line is expected to provide a serious challenge to Beijing airlines. The cheapest air ticket from Beijing to Shanghai offers a 60% discount, cnr.cn reported.
>At least 89 people have been killed after a tornado tore through the city of Joplin in the US state of Missouri, officials said Monday, US media reported.
>"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, " the 4th installment in Disney's action franchise, sailed over the competition, grossing $90.1m over the first weekend. Though the film received only middling reviews, it earned an impressive $256.3m overseas, the highest international movie opening of all time.
《加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪》上映首周末乘风破浪,以9010万美元票房在美国市场夺冠。该片是迪斯尼出品的《加勒比海盗》系列动作片的第四部。虽然该片获得的评价平平,但美国海外票房达2.563亿美元,刷新海外市场上映首周末票房纪录。 【Celebrity】
>Li Ao joked in micro blog
Taiwan writer Li Ao claimed in his micro blog the US CIA once plotted to kill him with 200m (not idicating currency) worth of polonium after he wrote the book, Impotent America, chinataiwan.org reported. Li then joked in the post he advised the CIA to save the money, the most poisonous substance in the world. "You can just give the money to me, and I will kill myself," he said. "Li has always been so humorous," most comments to the post said.
据中国台湾网报道,台湾作家李敖近日在微博上表示,在他写了《阳痿美国》之后,美国中央情报局妄图用世界上最毒的物质钋杀死他。李敖紧接着打趣道:钋毒死一人要花两亿(编者注:李敖未指明是何币种),"不如把钱给我,我自杀算了"。引得粉丝们纷纷评论"大师好幽默"。>Arnold loves ugly women?
The News of the World is running a great headline this week. They explain away Arnold Schwarzenegger's affair and lovechild with his frizzy haired, overweight housekeeper Mildred Baena, by claiming that he preferred to sleep with ugly women. The paper also cited examples saying that he had an affair with Gigi Goyette and other plain-looking women. Insiders claimed that the star likes the way unattractive females fawn over him and feel grateful for his attention, in a way that beautiful women never do.(See photo)
八卦媒体《世界新闻报》本周对阿诺德·施瓦辛格的婚外情事件进行了大肆报道。文章中详细剖析了为什么施瓦辛格会喜欢贝纳这样头发蓬乱、身材臃肿的女人,该报给出的结论是:施瓦辛格有"丑女情结"。文章还引用例子称,与施瓦辛格交往过的情人中,总是不乏像吉姬·戈雅蒂等相貌极其平庸的女人。知情人士解释称,"丑女们"甘愿讨好施瓦辛格,对他的"垂青"也很感激,这些都是他从美女那儿得不到的。(见图)  【Talk Show】
>old codger(不敬的称呼,相当于中文的"老家伙",通常只是用于背地议论,谨慎使用)
Gee, I sure wish that old guy who lives next door would buy himself a hearing aid. He's a nice old codger, but he's deaf as a post and I have to yell every time I talk to him.
I know it wasn't polite but I had to laugh when I saw that old geezer with his false teeth eating corn on the cob.
我知道这样不礼貌,但是我看到那老家伙用假牙啃玉米棒子的样子就忍不住要笑。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Due to new formatting regulations, all word processing software at the Weekly Wire Newspaper is _______.
答案:(A)to be upgraded