
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 00:15:49
 【Bonus Oriens】
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on. (Robert Frost, American poet, 1874-1963)
>16 dead in boat accident
>'Pirates' better overseas
>Car plate price record high
>World's most generous givers
>Woman tries to sell moon rock
>Value of happy marriage
婚姻换算成钱价值几许? 【Cover Story】
>Iran uncovers US spy ring
The Iranian Intelligence Ministry said Saturday it had arrested at least 30 people in a spy ring linked to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Xinhua reported. The US-related spy network was "established by a number of leading CIA operatives," said the statement. The network was operating under cover of the so-called job-finding centers to attract Iranian citizens to cooperate with them, by promising jobs and education opportunities, and deceiving them with visa and entry permission to the US.
据新华社报道,伊朗情报部21日发布声明,宣布破获一个涉嫌为美国窃取情报的间谍网络,并逮捕了至少30人。这份声明说,被破获的间谍网络由美国中央情报局高级特工建立,以职业介绍中心为名义开展活动,通过承诺介绍工作或提供培训的方式引诱伊朗人与其合作。他们还许诺帮助伊朗人获得前往美国的签证,以此蒙骗伊朗人,收集关于伊朗的信息和情报。【Top News】
>16 dead in boat accident
16 people were confirmed dead in a boat mishap in Vietnam. Chinese Consul Zhu Zhigang in Ho Chi Minh City confirmed that among the 16 bodies, 4 were Chinese, Xinhua reported. The accident happened on Friday night when a man held a birthday party for his 3-year-old son on the boat on the Saigon River, Binh Duong, Vietnam, when the boat met with strong winds and heavy rains. 21 people were on the boat, but only 5 people survived.
据新华社报道,20日夜在越南平阳省西贡河沉船事故中失踪的16人已全部遇难。中国驻胡志明市领事朱志刚证实,遇难16人中包括4名中国人。事故发生时,众人正在游船上参加为一名3岁儿童举办的生日派对,突然遭遇大风和暴雨导致船体翻沉。事故发生后,船上21人中有5人获救。 >'Pirates' better overseas
Disney's 3D "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" is off to a softer start in North America than overseas, Reuters reported. It reflects the overall downturn in the North American box office. It's been 4 years since the last installment in the blockbuster franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" played on the big screen. "On Stranger Tides" will earn closer to $90m for the weekend in  North America. That would put it well behind the $114.7m opening for "At World's End." Overseas, "On Stranger Tides" is off to a dazzling start, grossing $44.2m Wednesday and Thursday as it rolled out in its first 37 territories. That's 10% ahead of "At World's End."
据路透社报道,迪士尼3D电影《加勒比海盗4:惊涛骇浪》近日上映以来,在北美的票房不尽如人意,在海外却势头凶猛。《加勒比海盗3:世界末日》时隔4年之后,加勒比海盗系列重返大荧幕,此番景象反映了北美电影市场整体的低迷。据估计,《惊涛骇浪》首周末的北美票房将接近9000万美元,比《世界末日》的1.1147亿美元相差甚远。而在海外市场,《惊涛骇浪》开局良好,在37个国家和地区上映以来,18、19日两天就赚足4420万美元,比《世界末日》高了10%。【In Brief】
>US Food and Drug Administration said Friday it approved a new HIV drug from Johnson & Johnson. The once-a-day pill Edurant works by blocking the virus from reproducing.
>Bid price for private car license plates in Shanghai continues to climb in May, xinhuanet.com reported. The average price reached RMB47,700, a record high since 2008.
据新华网报道,5月上海私车车牌拍卖价格继续上涨,均价达到4.77万元,创2008年以来新高。 【Newsmakers】
>World's most generous givers
Forbes magazine released its latest list of the world's biggest givers. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates tops the list. He has gifted $28b to his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Warren Buffet took the 2nd spot with donations of $8.3b. He is followed by George Soros ($8b) and Intel co-founder Gordon Moore ($6.8b). There are 19 people who have donated at least $1b to charities or foundations. 13 of the philanthropists are from the US. All but one is a self-made entrepreneur. Li Ka-shing is ranked 11th, and he is the only Asian on the list.
福布斯近日揭晓了最新的全球慈善家排行榜。微软创始人比尔·盖茨排名榜首,已向自己创办的比尔及梅琳达—盖茨基金捐出了280亿美元。巴菲特以83亿美元捐款排名其次。索罗斯及英特尔创始人戈登·摩尔排在第3和第4。他们的捐款额分别为80亿美元及68亿美元。全球一共19人的慈善捐款超过10亿美元,其中13人来自美国,仅1人不是白手起家。李嘉诚排名11,是唯一上榜的亚洲富豪。>Woman tries to sell moon rock
An unidentified American woman was held in custody for allegedly trying to sell a moon rock for $1.7m, BBC reported. The woman was targeted in a sting operation when she showed the rock to a NASA investigator. Moon rocks are considered national treasures in the US and their sale is illegal. The rock was recovered but NASA investigators have not yet determined whether it is genuine. The sting operation had been planned for several months and took place at a restaurant.
据英国广播公司报道,一名身份尚未证实的美国妇女据称因以170万美元的价格叫卖一块月亮岩石而被拘留。月亮岩石在美国被视为国家财富,相关买卖是违法行为。在向一名美国宇航局调查员展示月亮岩石后,该名妇女就成为了逮捕行动的目标。历经数月计划,逮捕行动在一家餐馆实行。美宇航局调查员已经寻回这块岩石,但还未验明其真假。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Value of happy marriage
A stable marriage has the same emotional value to a husband or wife as a salary of £65,000 a year, the Daily Mail of London reported. Couples in long-term marriages are "significantly more content" than those who are unmarried, American author David Brooks said. "Marriage is tremendously important," he said. "We have a tendency to think of ourselves as rational individuals who are driven by economic motives, but in fact we are social individuals, driven by the need for relationships." He has calculated the "psychic benefit" of a long marriage at £65,000 a year.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,美国作家戴维·布鲁克称,感情好的老夫老妻"明显比未婚的人对生活更满足",稳定的婚姻如果换算成金钱,价值为每年6.5万英镑。布鲁克认为,我们一般倾向于认为理性个体的行为受经济利益驱动,但实际上我们是社会性的个体,我们的行为受人际关系的需求驱动。因此,婚姻在人的一生中是非常重要的。根据他的估算,长期稳定的婚姻给人带来的"心灵效益"相当于每年多挣6.5万英镑。  【Language Tips】
'Bio break'
Bio break(字面意思为"生理休息")指让身体稍事放松的小憩时间,大家可以伸伸腿,去下卫生间,打杯水等等,这里译为"会间小憩"。这个词多用在会议、演示讲座等职场活动中。
Let's take a 10-minute bio break and be back in our seats at 3:30.
我们会间休息10分钟,请在3点30分回到座位。【Talk Show】
>What line of work are you in?
>Where do you work?
>What kind of business do you run?
>What's your job like?
你的工作怎么样?(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
May 20 is dubbed "Web Valentine's Day" in China's cyberspace. The number "520" shares a similar pronunciation with "I love you" in Chinese. As many choose to confess their love this weekend, ChinaDaily Mobile News invites you to share your vows with our readership nationwide. Spread the love by sending us a text message for free!
居京,大不易。十年求学,今夏毕业。这一路坎坷跋涉,辛苦打拼中,与慧丫头的感情是我最大的收获,也是最大的动力。站在人生的十字路口,我并不彷徨,无论走向哪个方向,都将用诚实的劳动证明自己,创造新的生活。是慧丫头的一路相伴,默默支持,让我勇敢前行,无所畏惧! 借此机会,祝天下有情人都终成眷属,经得起时间的考验!江苏常州136****5549
和老公青梅竹马十年终于携手走入婚姻殿堂,我们俩一直默默守护爱情,可现今三年之痒终于应验了,我想对老公说:让我们再说一次520吧。 重庆159****4651