
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/04 00:44:19
 【Morning Buzz】
I dream of painting and then I paint my dream. (Vincent William van Gogh, Dutch post-Impressionist painter, 1853-1890)
>Rare-earths supply dwindling
>UBS faces possible downgrade
>9 dead in US air show crash
>WikiLeaks holds eBay auction
>Weng Fan studies at Tsinghua
>Nazca Lines found in Mideast
>Tips: 'Gap year'
点津:'空档年'为何意? 【Cover Story】
>Landslide hits brickyard
A rain-triggered landslide hit a mountain-side brickyard in Xi'an Saturday, leaving 4 people dead and 2 wounded, China News Service reported. The landslide roared down the mountain about 2 pm and engulfed the brickyard 300 meters away. A villager from nearby Maoxi said people in the workshop and the dormitory were buried. The brickyard's chimney was also toppled by the landslide. More than 700 police, firefighters, and local residents have joined the rescue efforts.
据中新社报道,17日14时许,西安市一砖瓦厂因大雨发生滑坡,目前已造成4人死亡,2人受伤。事发时,滑坡体把距离山体300米外的砖瓦厂厂房埋没。附近毛西村一位目击者称,当时厂房有工人干活,宿舍有工人休息,里面的人来不及撤离。砖厂的大烟囱也已坍塌。当地已组织公安消防干警和居民700余人投入抢救工作。【Top News】
>Rare-earths supply dwindling
Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth Hi-Tech Holding Co, the nation's biggest rare earths producer, said that short supplies of these valuable minerals represent an "irreversible" trend. Rare-earth metals are widely used in high-technology applications, including iPhones and hybrid cars. China, which supplies about 95% of the world's total rare-earths consumption, has been tightening production and exports since 2009. Industry experts said the world's heavy reliance on China for the metals could not be sustained, as high levels of mining activity had exacted an enormous environmental toll.
目前国内最大稀土生产企业内蒙古包钢稀土高科技公司近日表示,稀土供应短缺是不可扭转的趋势。稀土金属被广泛应用于高科技行业,例如制造iPhone和混合动力汽车。目前,世界稀土消费的95%由我国提供。业内专家表示,由于大量稀土开采已对我国环境造成严重破坏,世界对中国稀土出口的严重依赖应该加以限制。2009年起,国家开始收紧稀土开采及出口。 >UBS faces possible downgrade
Rating firm Moody's said it was considering lowering the credit rating on Swiss banking giant UBS after UBS said Thursday it had lost $2b through unauthorized trading by a rogue trader, AFP reported. Moody's said it put the bank's financial strength rating and Aa3 long-term debt and deposit ratings "on review for possible downgrade."
UBS is likely to cut thousands of jobs in its investment bank business, Reuters reported. The Swiss bank also may fire senior executives in an attempt to hang onto concerned private clients and avoid having its ratings downgraded, analysts said.
据路透社报道,瑞银很可能裁掉其投行部门的数千岗位。分析人士称,该行还有可能炒掉几名高管,以保住忧心忡忡的私人客户,并避免被降级。 >WikiLeaks holds eBay auction
The WikiLeaks website has put up for sale a collection of memorabilia associated with its founder, Julian Assange, in a bid to raise funds, the BBC reported. Among the items on the eBay auction site are a packet of prison coffee and a laptop computer used by Assange himself. Starting bids for the items range from $315 for the coffee to $6,000 for the computer. WikiLeaks has come under increasing financial pressure as sources of funding were shut down.
据英国广播公司报道,为了筹集资金,维基解密近日在eBay网站拍卖自家家当,所售主要是一系列和创始人阿桑奇有关的纪念品。此次拍品中包括阿桑奇本人用过的笔记本电脑以及他在狱中喝过的袋装咖啡。这两件拍品的起拍价分别为6000美元和315美元,也是此次拍卖中最贵和最便宜的物品。由于资金来源被封,维基解密正面临与日俱增的财务压力。 【In Brief】
>Seven people were killed and more than 30 were injured Saturday after their tourist bus overturned on a road in Sichuan, Xinhua reported. The accident occurred near Huanglong tourist spot in the county of Songpan, Tibetan-Qiang autonomous prefecture of Aba.
>The death toll in the US air show crash rose to 9 people, AP reported. A vintage World War II-era fighter plane crashed into the grandstands Friday at an air show in Nevada.
>US space officials say they expect a dead satellite to fall to Earth in about a week, AP reported. NASA scientists have calculated the satellite will break into 26 pieces as it gets closer to Earth. The odds of it hitting someone anywhere on the planet are 1 in 3,200.
据美联社报道,美国宇航局官员日前称,一颗废弃卫星将在下周坠落地球,在近地高空分解为26片,击中人的几率为1/3200。 【Newsmaker】
>Weng Fan studies at Tsinghua
Weng Fan, wife of Chinese American Nobel Prize winner Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, is taking PhD courses in architectural history at the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, a person from the school confirmed, the Yangcheng Evening News reported. Photos on the Internet, probably taken by a classmate, show student Weng Fan in class at Tsinghua University. Responding to a question about whether Weng, who received a master's degree in translation, is eligible to study architecture, the person said there are many inter-disciplines at the school, and "any student with some general knowledge on architecture can conduct study on one of the inter-disciplines."
据《羊城晚报》报道,近日,一组疑是同班同学偷拍清华建筑历史系博士新生翁帆上课的图片在网上出现。清华大学建筑学院工作人员证实,此翁帆就是诺贝尔奖获得者、美籍华裔科学家杨振宁之妻。被问到翁帆翻译学硕士的学历背景能否胜任建筑学的学术研究时,该工作人员说,清华大学建筑系有很多交叉学科,"任何稍微有点建筑常识的学生,都能就交叉学科中的任何一个学科进行研究。" 【Kaleidoscope】
>Nazca Lines found in Mideast
Peru's Nazca Lines, the mysterious geo-glyphs etched into the desert centuries ago by indigenous groups, are world famous. And now thousands of similar patterns have been found in the Middle East, the Daily Mail of London reported. Satellite and aerial photography revealed mysterious stone "wheels" that are more numerous and older than the Nazca Lines in countries such as Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The structures are thought to date back 2,000 years, but why they were built is baffling archaeologists and historians.
几百年前,南美土著部落在秘鲁沙漠中刻下了神秘的象形线条,这就是举世闻名的"纳斯卡线"平原巨画。据英国《每日邮报》报道,现在中东地区也发现了类似的图案。卫星和航空图像显示,相比"纳斯卡线",在叙利亚、沙特阿拉伯和约旦这些国家发现的石制轮状图案,数量更多,年代也更悠久。据称,这些图案拥有2000多年历史,人类学家和历史学家尚不清楚建造它们的原因。  【Language Tips】
'Gap year'
Gap year(空档年)是指学生离开学校一段时间,经历一些学习以外的事情,比如外出旅行或者工作。当然,这段时间不一定非得是一年。空档年一般选在离开中学进入大学之前。不过,近几年越来越多21到23岁、已经获得学位的年轻人也开始给自己一个空档年。空档年这种做法于20世纪60年代兴起于英国。在空档年期间,学生可以旅行、参与海外义工活动或者到国外打工度假。如今,空档年在英国、澳大利亚、新西兰以及加拿大的学生当中都已非常流行。新近的趋势是在空档年期间参与国际教育项目,其中包括语言学习、住家、文化渗透、社区服务以及独立学习等。
I am planning my gap year trip with Andy.
我正在计划和安迪的空档年旅行。【Talk Show】
>I don't give a damn.
>People have dirty looks on their faces.
>I got the short end of the stick.
这实在是我所能遇到最糟的情况了。 【Weekly Topic】
A new survey found that as many as 72% of Chinese employees want to change their career paths in the next 5 years. Have you ever experienced or are you planning a career change? What's your main motivation behind it?
近日发布的一项报告显示,我国72%的雇员想在5年内转换职业方向。您是否计划或者曾经经历转行?您转行的主要动机是什么?请将您的姓名(昵称亦可)和观点发至106580007835(免信息费),中英文皆可。短信获选手机报刊登的作者将获赠10元话费。此外,您的观点有可能被翻译成英文,在China Daily报纸新增栏目"What's the Buzz"上刊登,详见每周一第9版。安徽芜湖1521***3262
Elane W:我对转行觉得可以理解。毕竟现在人们越来越不满足于现状,再加上跟风意识作祟,使得人们更加愿意涉足从未经历过的领域,而不是在一棵树上吊死。但个人觉得不一定换个领域你就会更得心应手,找到自己真正有兴趣的才是根本。 浙江杭州1358***5733