
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 06:51:58
 【Morning Buzz】
Rivers know this: there is no hurry, we shall get there some day.
Dow Jones
11,493.57 -119.96 -1.03%
2,546.04 -33.42 -1.30%【Highlights】
>Wenzhou RCS out of control
>Manufacturing gets home lift
>TW organ receivers HIV+
>Big-name stocks now cheaper
>Dog living on mountain top
>Sculpture on an eyelash
邀您参与《爱·分享》 【Cover Story】
>Apple producers polluting
Chinese environmental groups accused Apple Inc of turning a blind eye as its suppliers pollute the country. Five environmental protection organizations jointly released a 2nd report Wednesday, accusing 27 suspected Apple Inc's manufacturers of pollution, 21cbh.com reported. "The large volume of discharge in Apple's supply chain greatly endangers public health and safety," said the report. It also alleges that the suspected Apple suppliers have severe pollution problems, from toxic gases to heavy metal sludge. In one case a nearby village experienced a "phenomenal rise in cases of cancer." The first report was released on Jan 20, but the company remained silent about the issue.
Apple Inc proposed Wednesday to hold a conference call with various environmental protection organizations to discuss their recent findings about its suppliers.
苹果8月31日提出愿与环保组织召开电话会议,讨论这些组织最近发现的有关供应商的问题。 【Top News】
>Wenzhou RCS out of control
Wenzhou local audit office has said: "the internal management of the Red Cross Society (RCS)'s Wenzhou branch is largely out of control", in its audit report to the local legislature, the Qianjiang Evening News reported. There were RMB8,063,500-worth of goods stored in the warehouses which belong to the Wenzhou branch of the Red Cross Society at the end of 2010, according to the organization's annual account book. But nothing was found in the warehouses. Receipts of half of the out-going goods had been received until June 28, 2011. No evidence has emerged on the whereabouts of the rest of the goods which is worth over RMB4m. One temporary staff member working for the organization embezzled RMB1.26m in one year, the Wenzhou audit office also said.
据《钱江晚报》报道,近日温州审计局在当地人大审计报告中指出,"温州市红十字会内部管理严重失控"。温州红十字会2010年底账面反映库存商品806.35万元,仓库里却是空空如也,截至2011年6月28日,方才补回一半的发出物资的收据证明,另一半4百万余元的发出物品依旧无流向证明。此外,该会临时工作人员在短短一年时间内挪用公款126万元。>Manufacturing gets home lift
Slumping export demand slowed factory activity in some of Asia's biggest economies in August, although China fared better thanks to solid domestic growth, according to a series of surveys released Thursday, Reuters reported. China's Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) climbed 0.2 percentage points to 50.9% in August after falling for 4 consecutive months.
据路透社报道,9月1日公布的一系列调查显示,由于国际出口需求暴跌,亚洲几个最大的经济体8月工业生产活动大幅放缓。然而,受益于稳步增长的内需,中国却得以幸免于难。中国制造业采购经理人指数(PMI)在历经4个月持续回落后上升0.2个百分点,至50.9%。 >TW organ receivers HIV+
Four patients who had received HIV-infected organs in transplant surgeries operated by the Taiwan University Hospital have been found HIV positive, local media reported. The virus density is highest in the patient who underwent a lung transplant surgery and received the HIV-infected organ. Xinhuanet.com reported the head of an organ transplant task force at Taiwan University Hospital has resigned, taking responsibility for the hospital's recent HIV-positive organ transplant accident.
据台湾当地媒体报道,台湾大学医院误将艾滋感染者的器官移植后,已经有4名器官移植接受者的艾滋病毒检验结果呈阳性,其中换肺的病患体内病毒浓度最高。另据新华网报道,台大医院器官移植小组召集人已经辞去职务,为此次艾滋器官误植事故负责。>Big-name stocks now cheaper
One out of 10 US companies is now cheaper than during the 2008-2009 market meltdown, Reuters reported Thursday. The companies in question are not exactly obscure. Besides stalwarts like Apple and JPMorgan Chase, others on the list include Microsoft and Wal-Mart Stores, illustrating the extent of investor pessimism.
据路透社9月1日报道,目前美国1/10的公司的股价低于2008-2009年市场大跌后的水平。存在这类问题的公司并非无名小卒。除苹果和摩根大通这类实力雄厚的企业外,微软和沃尔玛也赫然在列,使投资者的悲观预期进一步得到印证。 【In Brief】
>China tied 0-0 with South Korea at their opening match in the Jinan Olympic Sports Center Thursday at the women's soccer Asian qualification for the 2012 Olympic Games in London, Xinhua reported.
>Led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron, leaders of the Libyan uprising that overthrew Muammar Gaddafi sat down with world powers Thursday to map out the country's rebuilding, Reuters reported. 
>Japanese restaurant chain operator Skylark has closed 120 outlets following an outbreak of dysentery mostly in northeastern Japan, which was hit by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the Nikkei Business Daily reported.
>Google promoted a daily deals offer on its home page Wednesday for the first time, which signals an escalation of competition with Groupon, Reuters reported. Google launched a daily deals business this year called Google Offers.
据路透社报道,8月31日,谷歌首次在其搜索首页发布了一则团购广告。此举意味着谷歌与Groupon之间的竞争升级。今年,谷歌刚刚推出名为Google Offers的团购服务。 【Newsmaker】
>Dog living on mountain top
A dog has been spotted apparently alive and well at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. The rust-colored animal was seen by a tourist at Uhuru peak, the mountain's highest summit between 5,730 and 5,895 meters above sea level where temperatures range from minus 4 to 15℃. The sighting on the desert-like mountain has baffled animal scientists. One expert suggested that the dog might be rabid - one explanation for his mountaineering inclination.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,非洲最高山脉——乞力马扎罗山的最高峰上,住着一条显然活得不错的狗。一名旅行者日前在海拔约5730至5895米、温度零下4至15摄氏度的乌呼鲁峰上,发现了这条赭色小狗。动物学界对一只狗在荒凉的"非洲屋脊"上安家困惑不已。一专家称,这条狗可能患了狂犬病,要不,怎么解释它"登高修炼"的举动呢? 【Kaleidoscope】
>Sculpture on an eyelash
Willard Wigan, from Birmingham, England, has created a minute sculpture of diver Tom Daley on an eyelash smaller than a human blood cell (see photo), the Daily Mail of London reported. The mini-Tom measures less than 20 microns. Wigan spent months carving the model out of gold flakes, using the hair from the leg of a fruit fly as a brush.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国伯明翰艺术家威拉德·维冈,在一根眼睫毛上造了一座比人类血细胞还小的跳水运动员汤姆·戴利微型雕像(见图)。这座小汤姆·戴利还不到20微米。维冈花了数月时间,用金箔作为原材料、果蝇腿毛作为刷子,完成了这部作品。  【Talk Show】
>Prices keep rising at a dizzy rate.
>The rise in prices nullified the rise in wages.
>Electricity has gone up - you put £10 in the electricity meter and it's gone immediately.
电费也涨了,买10英镑的电一下就用完了。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)【Word Prize】 
Be broad in the beam意思是?
例句:Tess has been rather broad in the beam, despite all those diets.
翻译擂台中奖用户出炉了!还记得我们刊登过的经典音乐剧《吻我,凯特》(Kiss me,Kate)的选段吗?谢谢您的热情参与,首先奉上的是获奖翻译作品,大家一起分享一下吧。原文:
LILLI:Do you know what day this is Fred? Our anniversary and you forgot.
FRED:What anniversary?
LILLI:The first anniversary of our divorce.
FRED:If you must know, I was thinking of sending you a cactus. But no money. I know you're rolling in money –
LILLI:Every night before I go to bed, that's exactly what I do. Roll in my money. Oh, it's wonderful for the hips.
FRED:Hollywood – swimming pools – avocado ranches. While I – I put every penny I could scrape, borrow or steal into my Cyrano. My Magnum Opus! I’m sorry you missed it. I was a huge success.
LILLI:And you closed on Saturday? Four glorious performances!四川绵阳150****3881