
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/17 23:41:58
 【Weather Sept 25】
Wuhan: cloudy 18~26℃
Yichang: cloudy 19~25℃
Shiyan: sunny 17~24℃【Highlights】
>Designers eye China
>18 killed in Yemeni clashes
>NASA satellite falls on Earth
>NBA cuts preseason games
>ROK bank chief's suicide
>Tips:'Dollars to buttons'
点津:'十拿九稳'怎么说 【Top News】
>Designers eye China
Presenting luxurious dresses at London Fashion Week, designers said they have a certain market in sight in China, Reuters reported. "We're all in a recession but China isn't, China is booming," designer Julien Macdonald said. "The new money is in China, every designer in the world wants to break into China." Harold Tillman, chairman of the British Fashion Council, said he was taking a group of designers to Hong Kong next month to show their products. "Next year I'm taking them to Beijing and Shanghai. So we are working on getting the audience," he said.
据路透社报道,在近日的伦敦时装周上,各路设计师在纷纷展示奢华服饰的同时表示,他们看好中国市场。设计师朱利安·麦克唐纳德表示:"现在,全球经济都不景气,只有中国经济仍在蒸蒸日上。新的挣钱机遇在中国,全球设计师都想打入中国市场。"英国时装协会主席哈罗德·提尔曼表示,下月他将带领一批设计师赴香港展示作品。提尔曼称:"明年,我还会带他们去北京和上海。我们正努力吸引观众的眼球。"Did You Know?
China, the world's biggest luxury market, in 5 years has become the 2nd home for brands such as Hermes, Prada and Tiffany & Co.
短短5年间,中国这个世界上最大的奢侈品市场就成了爱马仕、普拉达和蒂芙尼等诸多时尚品牌的第二故乡。 【Cover Story】
>Palestine seeks UN membership
Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas Friday formally presented the application letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a bid to seek UN recognition of Palestine as its 194th full member state, Xinhua reported. The UN Security Council will have consultations Monday afternoon on the application of Palestine for UN membership, said Nawaf Salam, Lebanese UN ambassador and Security Council president for September.
据新华社报道,巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯23日向联合国秘书长潘基文当面递交了巴勒斯坦寻求成为联合国第194个会员国的申请。联合国安理会本月轮值主席、黎巴嫩常驻联合国代表萨拉姆说,安理会将于26日下午就此进行磋商。 >18 killed in Yemeni clashes
At least 18 people were killed and 35 wounded Friday in fierce clashes that rocked Yemen's capital Sanaa hours after President Ali Abdullah Saleh returned from Riyadh and called for a cease-fire between his troops and foes,, the news website of Yemen's main opposition party Al-Islah, reported.
据也门主要反对党Al-Islah新闻网站Al-Sahwa.net报道,也门总统萨利赫23日从利雅得返回也门并呼吁政府军与反对派武装分子停火,仅数小时后也门首都萨那就发生激烈冲突,造成至少18人死亡,35人受伤。>NBA cuts preseason games
Forty-three exhibition games were wiped from the NBA calendar Friday, the first significant fallout from a labor crisis that could soon threaten the regular season, The New York Times reported. The league canceled its first week of games, scheduled for Oct 9-15, and indefinitely postponed training camps, which were set to begin on Oct 3. This is the first time since 1998, and only the 2nd time in league history, that the league has lost games to a labor standoff. Regular-season games will be jeopardized if no deal is in place by the first week of October.
据《纽约时报》报道,由于劳资谈判尚未达成协议,NBA官方23日宣布取消43场季前赛,常规赛能否如期开战也悬而未决。同时,将于10月3日开始的训练营也被无限期推迟。NBA季前赛原定于10月9至15日进行,是下赛季的首周比赛。NBA因劳资纠纷取消比赛是1998年以来的头一回,即使在其历史上也仅有一次先例。季前赛被迫取消是NBA劳资纠纷的首个严重后果,如10月第一周双方仍无法达成协议,下赛季常规赛恐也将被砍。 【In Brief】
>Income tax for interest that companies and individuals have earned on municipal bonds in 2009, 2010 and 2011 will be exempted, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation said Thursday.
>Police captured a prison inmate who broke out and went into hiding, after a 14-day intense manhunt, Xinhua reported. Wang Zhenqing, who fled a prison in Shenzhou, Hebei on Sept 11, was caught Saturday in his home county of Dancheng, Henan.
>13 new trains with 78 cars are to be purchased for Beijing's subway Line 4, and the minimum interval time on Line 4 will be reduced to 2 minutes after these trains go into operation, officials from Beijing Development and Reform Commission said, reported Saturday.
>A 6-ton NASA science satellite pierced the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean and fell back to Earth, the US space agency said Saturday, but it was not yet known where the remains landed, Reuters reported.
据路透社报道,美国航空航天局24日称,一颗6吨重的该局报废科学卫星穿过太平洋上空大气层,坠落地球,但目前尚未知其残片落于何处。 【Newsmaker】
>ROK bank chief's suicide
The president of Seoul's Jeil 2 Savings Bank, which was suspended on Sept 18, jumped to his death Friday in an apparent suicide, highlighting intense pressure on troubled junior lenders and regulators from enraged customers, Reuters reported. While the savings bank debacle has had little impact on the financial system of the country, it was a further blow to the political credibility of the conservative Lee Myung-bak government, which has come under fire for its perceived inability to stop record-high inflation and a growing wealth gap.
Jeil 2 and its sister bank, the listed Jeil Savings Bank, were among 7 banks slapped with temporary suspensions by financial regulators on Sept 18.
韩国金融监管机构18日勒令第二储蓄银行及姊妹行第一储蓄银行等7家储蓄银行暂停营业。 【Kaleidoscope】
>3km wedding veil sets record
An Italian bride named Elena De Angelis has broken the Guinness World Record for longest wedding dress by arriving at the church with a 3km long veil, the Daily Mail of London reported Friday. The dress is made from 6,000 meters of silk, and the veil stretches for miles. It would take Usain Bolt running at blistering world-record pace almost 5 minutes to run its full length.
据英国《每日邮报》23日报道,一位名叫伊琳娜·安琪罗斯的意大利新娘创造了最长婚纱的吉尼斯纪录。伊琳娜的梦幻婚纱由6000米丝绸制成,其头纱绵延3公里,就算是博尔特以世界纪录的速度从头飞奔到尾也需要5分钟。【Language Tips】
'Dollars to buttons'
Dollars to buttons the train will be late.
这趟火车十有八九要晚点。 【China Daily Radio】
新闻联播要改版每晚7点准时响起的《新闻联播》开播声,是很多家庭再熟悉不过的音乐。但是明年一月,这段播了23年的片头曲就要和大家说再见了。日前举行的央视2012年节目资源推介会透露,央视《新闻联播》将进行改版。请看《中国日报》的报道: Xinwen Lianbo, which runs every night at 7 pm on CCTV 1 and all provincial satellite channels, is expected to get new faces and a new focus in the makeover.每晚7点在央视一套和各省卫视播出的《新闻联播》将在此次改版中启用新人,加入新的关注点。从上文我们可以知道"改版"就是makeover,也可以用revamp来表示。此次改版除了要把opening theme(片头曲)换掉之外,还要增加欧阳夏丹、郎永淳两位70后news anchors(新闻主播)。据悉,欧阳夏丹和郎永淳在21日上午已经录制了demo(样片)。改版后的《新闻联播》将把in-studio reporting(播音室报道)、guest interviews(嘉宾访谈)和on-the-spot reports(现场报道)结合在一起。调查数据显示,《新闻联播》是我国most authoritative news programs(最权威的新闻节目),拥有数百万loyal viewers(忠实观众)。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色) 【Weekly Topic】
Do you talk to your new neighbor? Will you help an unknown old man who has fallen to the ground? Do you buy goods recommended by a stranger? People's Daily has claimed China is turning into a strangers' society. How would you react when facing a stranger? Please share with us your experiences and opinion.
你会跟新来的邻居寒暄吗?遇到摔倒在地的老人,你会上前扶一把吗?陌生人推销的产品,你会购买吗?《人民日报》日前评论称,我国已进入陌生人社会。面对陌生人,你会怎么做?欢迎大家与我们分享你的经历和观点。请将您的姓名(昵称亦可)和观点发至106580007835(免信息费),中英文皆可。短信获选手机报刊登的作者将获赠10元话费。此外,您的观点有可能被翻译成英文,在China Daily报纸新增栏目"What's the Buzz"上刊登,详见每周一第9版。广西梧州 1380***0951
cutecat:在这个鱼龙混杂的社会,想要做到关键时候对需要帮助的人伸出援手,又不遭骗,对各种信息加以分析并做好应有的风险防范,例如邀请第三方加入等,恐怕才是上上之策。北京 1870***6901
吉斯:被恶人蒙蔽过一次,并不能成为第二次不再理会陌生人的理由。若面前有个急需帮助的人,我便一定会上前――若是个骗子,我最多损失了身外之物,何况若非骗子,我岂能救人一条人命?而且骗子最多骗走你的钱财,不要让他们连你内心的柔软都带走了!上海 1362***3174