
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 06:06:58
 【Weather May 10】
Wuhan: rainy 17~25℃
Yichang: rainy 18~23℃
Shiyan: rainy 15~19℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 649.88 CNY
100 GBP = 1064.5 CNY
100 EUR = 935.11 CNY
100 HKD = 83.63 CNY
100 JPY = 8.052 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2872.46 +8.57 +0.30%
HangSeng Stock
23336.00 +176.86 +0.76%【Highlights】
>Money shifts from property
>Mobile charged by sound
>Bin Laden products explode
>Official sentenced to death
>Xiuli Hawken on rich list
>William to be godfather?
>Topless coffee shop to close
美赤裸咖啡店被迫关门 【Cover Story】
>Mavericks eliminate Lakers
Jason Terry tied an NBA playoff record with 9 3-pointers and the Dallas Mavericks matched another post-season mark with 20 3s, powering them to a 122-86 victory over the Lakers Monday morning in Beijing time and a sweep of their second-round series, AP reported. The victory puts the Mavs in the Western Conference finals, ends the latest Lakers dynasty and sends their coach Phil Jackson into retirement. This game was over before halftime, with the Mavericks tying an NBA playoff record with 11 3-pointers in the first half. Terry alone outscored the Lakers 20-16 in the 2nd quarter.
据美联社报道,北京时间9日早上,在NBA季后赛第二轮中,达拉斯小牛122比86战胜洛杉矶湖人,以4-0的总比分将卫冕冠军扫地出局。小牛队凭借这场胜利跻身西部决赛,结束了湖人王朝,并导致湖人主帅菲尔·杰克逊下课。这场比赛中,杰森·特里独中9个三分,小牛队共投中20个三分球,均平了联盟季后赛的三分球纪录。小牛队在上半场就以创纪录的11个三分球让比赛失去悬念,特里一人在第2节就砍下20分,超过湖人全队的16分。【Top News】
>Money shifts from property
The investment frontline of wealthy coal mine owners in Shanxi has been shifting away from property to the IT Internet industry, according to a new survey, chinanews.com reported. With the strengthening of the state's macro control over the real estate market, investment enthusiasm in this area among wealthy individuals is ebbing away. The IT Internet sector has become an area of focus among coal mine owners, with 29% of them already investing in this sector, the survey shows.
据中新网报道,最新调查报告显示,山西煤炭转型资金开始由此前投资最多的房地产业转向IT互联网业。调查显示,随着房地产市场宏观调控的持续深入,投资人对于房地产的投资热情正在消退,IT互联网业成为投资人重点关注的领域,目前已有近三成(29%)的煤老板"触网"。 >Mobile charged by sound
Engineers in South Korea have developed a new technique for turning sound into electricity, allowing a mobile to be powered up while its user holds a conversation, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. The technology would also be able to harness background noise and even music to charge a phone while it is not in use. It uses tiny strands of zinc oxide sandwiched between 2 electrodes. A sound absorbing pad on top vibrates when sound waves hit it, causing the tiny zinc oxide wires to compress and release. This movement generates an electrical current that can then be used to charge a battery.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,韩国的工程师们发明了一种能将声音转化成电流的新技术,这就使得人们在讲电话的同时也能为手机充电。该技术也能利用周围噪音甚至音乐来为不在使用中的手机充电。其原理是将极小的氧化锌电线夹在两个电极之间,一块吸音垫置于其上,当声波传来时,即发生震动,导致氧化锌电线压缩和拉伸,从而产生电流并最终可用于电池充电。>Bin Laden products explode
As soon as the news of Osama bin Laden's death broke out, smart businessmen began selling bin Laden-related products.
--A popular online video game franchise is offering a virtual recreation of the mission to capture and kill bin Laden. Gamers can lead the team of US Navy SEALs who raided the al Qaida leader's compound in Abbottabad, and will get the chance to pull the trigger and end the terrorist's life themselves.
--A shopping website is offering more than 3,000 bin Laden items, including customized T-shirts, posters, mugs and baby clothing.
--A website hosting company says that since the death of bin Laden, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of website domain names related to the al Qaida leader. There were more than 1,500 bin Laden related domain names registered through the company less than 15 hours after news of his death broke out.
一家提供网站域名注册的公司表示,自拉登死后,拉登相关的域名注册数量迅速上升。拉登死讯公布的短短15小时内,该公司收到1500个拉登相关的新增域名注册。 >HK's first yuan IPO starts
Hui Xian Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) has started trading in Hong Kong, boc.cn reported. BOC International Holdings Ltd is the joint bookrunner, joint lead manager and joint listing agent of the deal. As the first renminbi-denominated REIT sold in Hong Kong as well as the first renminbi-denominated initial public offering outside of the Chinese mainland, the listing marks a historic milestone in the development of Hong Kong's off-shore renminbi market.
据中国银行网站报道,由中银国际担任联席账簿管理人、联席牵头经办人及联席上市代理人的汇贤产业信托日前在香港联交所主板成功挂牌上市。汇贤产业信托是全球首只以人民币计价的房地产投资信托基金,也是境外首只以人民币计价的股票,它的成功上市发行对香港建设离岸人民币中心具有重大意义。 【In Brief】
>The Intermediate People's Court of Zhengzhou, Henan, Monday sentenced Xu Zongheng, former mayor of Shenzhen, to death with a 2-year reprieve for taking bribes, Xinhua reported.
>More than 4,000 Volvo models in the Chinese mainland are being recalled Monday over faulty headlight cleaning systems, Reuters reported.
>A military parade is being held in Red Square in Moscow, Russia, Monday to mark the 66th anniversary of the World War II victory, local media reported.
据当地媒体报道,俄罗斯9日在莫斯科红场举行了庆祝二战胜利66周年的大规模阅兵式。 【Quotable Quote】
唐纳德·特朗普曾经是美国最具知名度的房地产商之一,人称"地产之王",如今进军政坛,这是否会对他的品牌价值有所影响呢?默维联合品牌服务公司(Movéo Integrated Branding)的分析与品牌总监凯文·兰道(Kevin Randall)说:
"I think the actual flirtation [with the presidency] as opposed to committing [to it] really heightens the value."
"我觉得相比于真正投身政治,拿竞选总统来炒作一下更能提升品牌价值。" 【Newsmakers】
>Xiuli Hawken on rich list
The 1,000 richest people in Britain saw their wealth continue to bounce back from the recession and increase by 18% from last year to a collective fortune of £395.8b, the Sunday Times Rich List says. Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal continues to top the list with £17.5b. There are now 108 women among the 1,000 richest – the 1st time the proportion has surpassed 10%. The highest new female entry is Chinese businesswoman Xiuli Hawken, 48. She was ranked 61st, with a fortune of £1.06b.
英国《星期日泰晤士报》最新富豪排行榜显示,英国的超级富豪继续从经济低潮中崛起,过去一年资产总额上升18%。据悉,今年上榜的1000名富豪资产总额上升至3958亿英镑。钢铁大王米塔尔依然蝉联榜首,其资产为175亿英镑。1000人中,共有108名女性,女性富豪人数首次超过10%。新进榜的女富豪中,名次最高的是48岁的华裔商人戴秀丽,她以10.6亿英镑的资产排名第61位。>William to be godfather?
Prince William and Kate will be among the 1st guests to meet David and Victoria Beckham's new baby daughter, a sister for boys Brooklyn, 12, Romeo, 8, and Cruz, 6, the Daily Mirror of London reported. The newly wed royal couple will be in Los Angeles, the US in July when David and Victoria's little girl is due to be born. And it is possible that Becks may even ask William to be godfather to the baby. William and Becks forged a strong friendship when they worked together on England's failed 2018 World Cup bid.
A godparent, in many denominations of Christianity, is someone who sponsors a child's baptism. A male godparent is a godfather, and a female godparent is a godmother. The child is a godchild (godson, goddaughter).
教父或教母这一说法主要存在于部分基督教派中,他们在洗礼仪式中为受洗儿童扮演作保的角色,男性为教父,女性为教母,受洗的儿童被称为教子或教女。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Topless coffee shop to close
A coffee shop with topless waitresses, which has caused a storm of protest in a small town, has been forced to close after it put up a "boobies wanted" sign, the Daily Mail of London reported. Grand View Topless Coffee Shop in Vassalboro, Maine, hit the headlines when it opened in 2009, offering to serve customers semi-nude. And despite protests and an arson attack threat, the shop had managed to keep business going. But the controversial store will finally have to close after town officials ruled that it has been putting up signs illegally. They say simply putting up the new signs without permission violated zoning rules. The owner of the coffee shop Donald Crabtree said: "I wanted to have some fun; I wanted to see people smile, but now my smile's gone."
据英国《每日邮报》报道,美国一个小镇咖啡店的服务员一直以来都是裸露上身为顾客服务,但近日却因张贴"招聘大胸妹"的告示遭到镇上民众抗议而被迫关闭。大景观裸胸咖啡店自2009年在美国缅因州瓦萨保罗镇开业以来,一直遭到当地居民抗议,还有人以纵火相威胁,即便如此,咖啡店一直在经营中。现在,这家备受争议的咖啡店却因为一张告示而即将关闭。据称,市议会官员裁定其未经批准张贴告示违反了当地法规。咖啡店老板唐纳德·克拉布特里说:"我只是想找点乐子,博大伙儿一笑。但是现在,我自己也笑不出来了。"  【China Daily Radio】
没错!是千斤大小姐,不是千金大小姐!猜不透的江浙味,连我千斤大小姐都不敢称自己是老饕了!没错,地方美食的说法就是要在地名后面加一个cuisine。食物在口中绵滑细腻的口感那是可以用很多形容词来形容啊!比如说,fresh,tender,soft或者是smooth等等一起上啦!如果想拽文也没关系,时不时抛出一个mellow也是很有面子滴!浙江菜,简称浙菜,是中国的八大菜系之一。浙菜由省内的杭州、宁波和绍兴三地的特色菜组成,菜品鲜美滑嫩,色香味佳,有口皆碑,尤以杭州菜最为著名。 准备好了么?大小姐邀您挑战更高难度听力测试!开始喽! Hangzhou cuisine is characterized by its elaborate preparation and varying techniques of cooking, such as sauteing, stewing, and stir- and deep-frying. Hangzhou food tastes fresh and crisp, varying with the change of season. Ningbo food is a bit salty but delicious. Specializing in steamed, roasted and braised seafood, Ningbo cuisine is particular in retaining the original freshness, tenderness and softness. Shaoxing cuisine offers fresh sea food and poultry that has a special rural flavor, sweet in smell, soft and glutinous in taste, thick in gravy and strongly seasoned.
杭州菜的特点是工艺精细,烹饪技法多样,如煎、炖、炸、炒等。杭州美食脆软清爽,风味四季皆有不同。宁波菜口感略咸,美味可口,以蒸、烤、炖制海味见长,注重保持食材鲜、嫩、软的特点。绍兴菜作料为鱼虾河鲜和鸡鸭家禽,富有江南水乡风味,讲究香酥绵糯,汁浓味重。不知不觉看傻了眼?没关系,大小姐有些单词和说法也不认识呢!我们来看今天给大家介绍的词汇吧!Elaborate: 复杂的,精心制作的。
Sautéing: 煸或是煎。干煸豆角,有木有?就是这个动词。
Braised: 用文火炖到全熟。
Glutinous: 粘糊糊的,有胶质的。炖猪脚,有木有?好啦!江浙味道到底是什么?由你来决定!快快拿起手机,给大家推荐浙菜美味经典!你人在江浙?还是曾经游玩时留下难忘的美食记忆?快给我们推荐你心目中经典的江浙味道!发短信时,不妨想想今天学到的词汇,试试用英语来介绍家乡美味?106580007835,如果下周一我们介绍的是你的推荐,幸运读者会获得10元移动充值卡!(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Alice Philipson润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
During the parade on Saturday, most of Willow Street will be ______ closed to traffic.
(A) completely
(B) completed
(C) complete
(D) completing