
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 20:36:48
 【Weather May 26】
Wuhan: cloudy 19~28℃
Yichang: cloudy 19~28℃
Shiyan: cloudy 17~31℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 649.49 CNY
100 GBP = 1049.28 CNY
100 EUR = 913.67 CNY
100 HKD = 83.51 CNY
100 JPY = 7.9076 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2741.74 -25.32 -0.91%
HangSeng Stock
22747.28 +16.50 +0.07%【Highlights】
>Worst drought in 50 years
>Billionaire fakes death?
>Russia defense budget stolen
>Car bomb hits police station
>Obama's guest book gaffe
>Gillard pays for BF's adviser
澳总理雇专家培训男友【Cover Story】
>Poisonous zongzi in festival
Some reed leaves used to wrap zongzi, a traditional Chinese food made for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, are "dyed" green with chemicals that can cause copper toxicity, Chongqing's commodity safety watchdog has warned. Some vendors soak reed leaves with water mixed with copper sulfate and chloride to create a bright, fresh green color on the leaves, the Chongqing Morning Post reported Wednesday. Normal reed leaves retain a grayish black or yellow color after being cooked at a high temperature.
据《重庆晨报》25日报道,重庆市质监局提醒市民,端午节临近,市面上出现一种煮过之后依然青绿可人的"返青粽",食用后可能引起铜中毒。部分不法商贩在浸泡粽叶时加入工业硫酸铜和工业氯化铜,让已经失去原色的粽叶返青,使其表面光鲜、色泽鲜绿。新鲜粽叶在制作过程中要经过高温蒸煮,粽叶颜色都会呈现偏灰黑或淡黄。 【Top News】
>Worst drought in 50 years
The worst drought in 50 years to hit provinces along the Yangtze River may continue to plague Central China. Data indicated rainfall in these regions is 30-80% less compared to normal years while Anhui, Jiangsu, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Shanghai suffer the worst drought since 1954. In the counties near Dongting Lake, the 2nd-largest freshwater lake in China, farmers have been forced to move their water pumps to the center of the river, but some parts of the river are drying up quickly.
我国中部长江流域日前遭遇50年一遇的旱情,缺水状况仍将持续。气候监测显示,长江中下游大部降水量较常年同期偏少3至8成,安徽、江苏、湖北、湖南、江西、浙江、上海平均降水量为1954年以来同期最少。我国第2大淡水湖——洞庭湖附近区县的农民,已经被迫将水泵迁往河中心取水,但部分河段正在迅速干涸。>Billionaire fakes death?
Self-immolated billionaire Jin Libin, chairman of Huilong Trading Company in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, was said to have faked his death, the Beijing News reported. "Jin didn't die. The person burned was his father who died several years ago but hadn't been cremated. Jin was arrested when he was leaving the country," Liu Ruidong, executive director of Merrill Lynch International's Hong Kong branch, said on his microblog Tuesday. On May 13, Baotou police revealed Jin died in a self-immolation on April 13. His company was suspected of illegal fund collection worth RMB1.25b. Responding to the fake death, an official with the publicity department of Baotou's police station said the information is wrong, and they will make a clarification.
据《新京报》报道,5月13日,内蒙古包头警方披露一起亿万富翁自焚案:包头市惠龙商贸公司涉嫌非法集资12.5亿元,公司老板金利斌于4月13日自焚身亡。24日,美林国际(香港)有限公司执行董事刘芮东在其微博上称:"确定消息:包头惠龙公司董事长金利斌没有烧死,烧死的是他去世多年但未火化的父亲。金利斌在出境时被捕。"对此,包头市公安局宣传处负责人表示,金利斌"诈死"之说不实,警方准备做出澄清。 >Russia defense budget stolen
A fifth of Russia's state defense spending is stolen every year by corrupt officials, dishonest generals and crooked contractors, Russia's chief military prosecutor said Tuesday, Reuters reported. "Huge money is being stolen and the troops are still getting poor quality equipment and arms," chief military prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky told Russia's official gazette, Rossiiskaya Gazeta. "Every year more and more money is set aside for defense but the successes are not great," he said, adding kickbacks and fictitious contracts were being used to defraud the state.
据路透社报道,俄罗斯军事检察官谢尔盖·弗里金斯基24日称,俄罗斯每年1/5的军费都被腐败官员、不诚实的军官和承包商所贪污。他在接受官方报纸《俄罗斯报》采访时表示:"大量金钱被偷走,军队装备和武器还是很差。每年军费都在增加,但成效不大。"他补充说,国内还存在回扣和虚假合同等腐败行为。>Car bomb hits police station
Suspected militants drove a car packed with about 300 kg of explosives into a police station in the Pakistani town of Peshawar Wednesday morning, killing 4 and wounding 30 people, local police said Wednesday, xinhuanet.com reported. The police station was destroyed in the blast. The explosion rattled windows throughout town. The suicide attack occurred at a place full of important military and political institutions, including the US consulate.
据新华网报道,巴基斯坦警方25日说,该国西北部城市白沙瓦一警察局当天清晨遭自杀式汽车炸弹袭击,导致4人死亡、30人受伤。警方说,恐怖分子驾驶一辆装有约300公斤炸药的汽车冲向警察局大楼,并引爆炸药,警察局大楼被夷为平地,多座楼房的玻璃被震碎。事发地点周围有许多重要的军政机构,包括美国驻白沙瓦领事馆等。 >'Watson' turns to medicine
After battling human competitors on the US game show "Jeopardy!," IBM supercomputer "Watson" is getting ready for its next big challenge - helping doctors navigate the increasingly complex world of medicine, CBS reported. IBM says Watson, with its ability to understand language, can absorb questions about a patient's symptoms and medical history and quickly suggest diagnoses and treatments. They envision several uses, including a doctor speaking into a handheld device to get answers at a patient's bedside or to serve as a 2nd opinion. Watson could also link to electronic health records that the federal government wants hospitals to maintain.
据美国哥伦比亚广播公司报道,在美国高阶智力竞赛节目《危险边缘》上击败人类后,超级电脑"沃森"已做好准备迎接另一项重大挑战——帮助医生在日渐复杂的医疗领域解决疑难问题。沃森是由美国国际商用机器公司制造的。该公司表示,由于沃森可以读懂人类语言,在了解病人的症状和病史等问题后,它可以迅速给出诊断建议及治疗意见。他们还设想了未来沃森可以服务的几个方面,包括医生在临床检查时,通过便携通话装置寻求沃森的帮助或不同意见。沃森还可连接联邦政府希望医院保存的电子健康记录。 【In Brief】
>Northern Europe was set to bear the brunt of air traffic disruption from Icelandic volcanic ash Wednesday, but experts said the eruption was rapidly dying down, Reuters reported.
>Utah became the 1st state in the US this month to legalize gold and silver coins as currency, AP reported.
>Two freight train crew members were killed and 2 others were injured when a pair of trains collided Tuesday in North Carolina, AP reported.
>Friends of the former IMF chief Dominque Strauss-Kahn have reportedly contacted the family of the maid he is alleged to have sexually assaulted and offered a 7-figure sum to persuade them to drop the case, the New York Post reported.
据《纽约邮报》报道,国际货币基金组织前总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩的密友曾联系"性侵案"女服务员的家人,称愿意支付7位数的赔偿金以换取他们撤销指控。 【Quotable Quote】
I am pro-commitment, I back marriage and I think it's a wonderfully precious institution. Strong families are where children learn to become responsible people. When you grow up in a strong family, you learn how to behave, you learn about give and take.
我支持负责任的婚姻。婚姻是一种极其珍贵的社会制度。在稳固的家庭中,孩子会学到如何做一个有责任感的人,一个处事得当的人,一个懂得让步的人。 【Newsmaker】
>Obama's guest book gaffe
A mistake by US President Barack Obama in the guest book of Westminster Abbey has immediately caused a stir on social networking sites. The president wrote a heartfelt note in the book during a half-hour visit to the Abbey, but appears to have dated the message "24 May 2008". Apparently, Obama was heard asking the dean what the day's date was - but managed to get the year wrong. A Westminster Abbey spokeswoman confirmed it was the president who had written the wrong date, the Sky News reported.(See photo)
据英国天空新闻台报道,奥巴马24日在威斯敏斯特大教堂参观半小时,并在教堂的贵宾签名本上写下了真挚的留言,但令人尴尬的是,他错将落款日期写成了"2008年5月24日"。 据悉,签名前,有人还听到奥巴马问教长当天日期,没想到最后还是把年份写错了。威斯敏斯特教堂一名女发言人随后证实,写错签名的人正是奥巴马。这件事迅速在社交网络上传开,引发热议。(见图)[各方舆论纷纷调侃]
Daily Caller, a news website based in Washington, reported President Barack Obama seemed to indicate he is still stuck in the glory days of 2008. As a tough election looms next year and he faces criticism for his handling of the financial crisis, perhaps Obama wished it was indeed May 24, 2008, when he was still a rising superstar, according to the Daily Mail of London.
When he won the presidency, Obama made a mistake during the oath he took at his inauguration ceremony, meaning he had to be sworn in for a 2nd time to make it legal.
当年奥巴马获选总统,在就职典礼宣誓时就因口误不得不二次宣誓以使其合法。  >Gillard pays for BF's adviser
Julia Gillard's long-term boyfriend, Tim Mathieson, was assigned a specialist adviser about a month ago to assist with his duties as the partner of the Australian Prime Minister, The Australian reported Tuesday. "My understanding is that that person is mainly there to assist Mathieson with his scheduling of his official events, if you like, as the Prime Minister's spouse and ensuring the arrangements of those events are properly put in place, and assisting Mathieson with his official duties," Kim Terrell, the First Assistant Secretary within the Ministerial Support Unit of the Prime Minister's department, said.
据《澳大利亚人报》24日报道,澳大利亚总理吉拉德1个月前雇佣了一个特别专家顾问,专门为其长期交往的男友蒂姆·马修森提供服务,帮助他认识和学习作为总理伴侣的职责。据总理办公室第一助理秘书金姆·特勒尔说:"我的理解是,这个专家主要帮助马修森安排其作为总理伴侣出席官方活动,保证这些活动正常进行,并帮助他明确自己的官方职责。" 【China Daily Radio】
韩美美和李磊NOW!先来回答问题,Q: 1352***4299上海:到底外国人多用的是power of nature还是force of nature? 考试我写后者老师说我错!
A: The difference is so small that most people who say force of nature will mean power of nature, and vice versa. When it comes to nature, force is strength of energy or active power. Power is the ability to produce an effect, or force.
两者区别不大,意思互通,反之亦然。但在形容大自然的力量时,force是指能量释放的一种强度,而power是指能对某事物产生影响的力量。(两个词的区别不是对错的关系。至于老师说你错,那是因为他是老师,哈哈)Q: 1527***2955江西南昌读者:撞衫在英文中有没有特定词语? 
A: 三种说法供你参考: I say I don't want to be a copycat. I say I don't want to clash. I say I want to be unique. 今天的地道美语环节,我们先来熟悉一些词汇:Mystery meat: unrecognizable cooked foodstuff。
Street pizza: A pile of dried puke on the pavement or street most likely to be found in a town centre on a Sunday morning.
Road kill: dead animals on the road run over by cars
Grub: food
High-roller: someone with money
On my nickel: charged to me; that I'm paying for
Cheapskate: someone who hates to spend money
准备好了么? 音频开始!  纯正美语,午饭咋解决?
A: Did you see that mystery meat on the menu today at school?
B: It looks like street pizza.
A: Yep, road kill.
B: You're a high-roller. Let's leave campus and buy some decent grub.
A: Not on my nickel, cheapskate.
又要我请客啊! 你这人也太抠门儿了。Mystery meat: 实在看不出是什么食物
Street pizza: 街边呕吐物有时看起来像披萨
Road kill: 公路上被压死的小动物惨状
Grub: 食物
High-roller: 有钱人
On my nickel: 我来埋单
Cheapskate: 小气鬼,不舍得花钱对了,还有一位用户提问差点儿就忘了!
Q: 1387***3126湖北黄石读者:请问英语中"这个人很无聊"怎么表达? 例如一个人在说一些很没意思的事情,另外两人在讨论他的时候说,这个人实在太无聊了。应该如何表达? 
A: 最常见的说法就是 He is boring. 当然还有好多其他的说法: "He's boring our socks off." "He sure knows how to put on a snooze fest." "He's better than a sleeping pill." 敬请关注下周三的韩美美和李磊NOW,我们来讨论美语中"无聊"的地道说法。明天见。 【Word Power】
all-weather friendship
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Wednesday reaffirmed the 2 countries will maintain an all-weather friendship.
standing ovation
The crowd gave Oprah Winfrey a standing ovation when she walked on the stage.
奥普拉·温弗瑞登场时,观众起立鼓掌致意。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
As part of our special promotion, free shipping ______ on purchases totaling $50 or more.
(A) offer
(B) offers
(C) offered
(D) is offered