
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 18:16:50
 【Morning Buzz】
Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep. (Garfield)
你的未来取决于你的梦想。所以还是再睡一会吧!(加菲猫) [读者Linda:起床了!Wake up!]★欢迎发送"早安+您推荐的箴言或问候语"至106580007835(免信息费)。【Highlights】
>CSCLF cuts ties with local
>Typhoon rips over Japan
>Protests to fade in Israel
>Loaves salty as crisps
>4-year-old beauty outrage
>Coin-made 'buildings'
《爱·分享》周一有约 【Cover Story】
>Mass fish die-off
Millions of dead fish have been found in several towns along the Minjiang River in Gutian County, Fujian province since Aug 31. CCTV reported a loss of up to RMB200m in the town of Shuikou, the largest grass carp cultivation base of the province. Downstream the Minjiang River, Xiongjiang Town also reported a sudden die-off, which led to "unendurable stink." Authorities are still investigating.
福建省古田县水口镇一带的闽江流域,8月31日以来发生大规模死鱼现象。据中央电视台报道,福建省最大的草鱼养殖基地——水口镇的数千万尾鱼基本全死光,损失高达两亿元。水口镇的下游雄江镇也出现死鱼,闽江江水"腐臭不堪"。目前有关部门仍在调查此事。 【Top News】
>CSCLF cuts ties with local
The Beijing-based China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (CSCLF) has issued a statement refuting any managerial ties with local charity groups using the same name, Xinhua reported. According to recent media reports, the Soong Ching Ling Foundation in Henan province reportedly loaned large amounts of money to several companies and turned a charitable construction project into a luxury apartment building. Officials with the Henan foundation said they were waiting for "instructions from the CSCLF" to clarify the facts.
据新华社报道,总部位于北京的中国宋庆龄基金会日前发表声明,称中国宋庆龄基金会与地方宋庆龄基金会"无上下隶属关系"。近日,有媒体报道称,河南宋基会出现公益项目严重缩水变身豪宅、大量资金用于放贷等问题,河南宋基会相关工作人员此后表示"正在等待中国宋庆龄基金会的指示"。 >Typhoon rips over Japan
At least 20 people have been killed and more than 50 are missing after powerful Typhoon Talas ripped through western Japan, the Japan Times reported. Some of the worst hit areas appeared to be in Nara and Wakayama prefectures, with reports of homes being swept away by floods and landslides. Talas has now passed over Japan and is expected to bring heavy rain to China's Heilongjiang province, according to China Meteorological Administration.
据《日本时报》报道,强台风"塔拉斯"横扫日本西部,造成至少20人死亡,超过50人失踪。奈良县与和歌山县受灾最严重,有报道称洪水和泥石流将房屋卷走。据中国气象局消息,"塔拉斯"现已越过日本。受其影响,我国黑龙江将有较强降雨。>Protests to fade in Israel
As many as 400,000 Israelis demonstrated Saturday night against the high cost of living and for social justice in one of the largest protests in the nation's history, The New York Times reported. The mass protest had been planned for weeks and was considered to be the grand finale of the street protests that have swept Israel this summer. The most visible symbols of the protest movement, the tent encampments, have gradually emptied as summer vacations ended.
据《纽约时报》报道,当地时间3日晚,以色列爆发有史以来最大规模的抗议活动,多达40万人参加示威,抗议物价飞涨,要求社会正义。此轮大规模抗议已经策划数周,被称为今夏以色列抗议活动的"压轴戏"。随着暑假的结束,抗议活动最明显的标志——露营帐篷,正在慢慢地"人去帐空"。 【Health】
>Loaves salty as crisps
One in every 4 loaves of bread sold on the UK high street contains as much salt per slice as a packet of crisps, according to a research, the Guardian of London reported. The research was carried out by the Consensus Action on Salt & Health. The group said consumers were unwittingly eating too much salt, which can cause high blood pressure, leading to potentially fatal strokes and heart disease.
据英国《卫报》报道,"盐与健康共同行动"组织的一项调查显示,1/4英国商业街店铺中出售的面包,每片含盐量堪比一包薯片的含盐量。该组织称,消费者无意中摄入了过量盐分。这可能增加罹患高血压的风险,进而引发有致命风险的中风和心脏病。 【In Brief】
>The former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn returned Sunday to his homeland France to face a frosty public reception, after attempted rape accusations by a New York hotel maid shattered his presidential hopes.
>The initial support rate for the Cabinet of new Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda stands at 63%, a poll showed Saturday, contrasting with the dismal 15.8% support for the Cabinet of Naoto Kan, The Japan Times reported.
>The amount of debris orbiting the Earth has reached "a tipping point" for collisions, which would in turn generate more of the debris that threatens astronauts and satellites, according to a US study, Reuters reported.
>"War on Terror: The FBI's New Focus" opened in the Newseum in Washington, DC. Huge pieces of an airplane that survived ramming into the World Trade Center towers are on exhibit, CNN reported.
据美国有线新闻电视网报道,"反恐战争:FBI新焦点"展览日前在华盛顿新闻博物馆开放,展品包括撞击世贸大厦后残留的大块飞机碎片。 【Newsmakers】
>4-year-old beauty outrage
Barely out of nappies, 4-year-old Maddy Jackson is already on the road to womanhood. She is the latest shock contestant on US show Toddlers and Tiaras, the Daily Mail of London reported. In an attempt to mimic her curvaceous icon, country singer Dolly Parton - who is known for her ample cleavage - the toddler is shown sporting fake C cup breasts and padding on her bottom, before performing live on stage. The show has caused outcry with many who believe that it could influence youngsters to adopt similar behavior. (See photo)
美国小萝莉曼迪·杰克逊虽年仅4岁,乳臭未干,但已走出了自己的熟女路线。据英国《每日邮报》报道,小曼迪刚刚参加了美国真人秀节目《选美小天后》,引起轰动。为了模仿以深V乳沟著称的乡村歌手多莉·帕顿的曲线美,曼迪在出场前戴上了C罩杯的假胸,还垫高了臀部。此节目引发不小争议,很多人认为这会引起孩子们的效仿,把她们带坏。(见图)  【Kaleidoscope】
>Coin-made 'buildings'
A Zhejiang University student has been a hot topic on the Internet recently for his hanging "buildings" made of hundreds of 1-yuan coins, the Qianjiang Evening News reported. He used 400 1-yuan coins as his "bricks" to construct a series of "buildings": terraces, the London Bridge and a mechanical octopus. But what's amazing is that some of his "bricks" are hanging in the air, standing steadily without any support (see photo). The boy is hence dubbed "Brother Mechanics", who denied there was any mechanical theory behind his magical buildings.
据《钱江晚报》报道,近日浙江大学一名男生因用几百枚1元硬币搭建出各种"悬空"建筑迅速走红网络。他用400枚1元硬币当"砖头",错落有致地搭建起梯田状、伦敦大桥状、甚至机械章鱼形状的硬币"建筑物"。更绝的是,这些建筑中有一大部分"砖头"都悬在空中,完全没有任何支撑却稳稳当当(见图)。该男生因此被称为"力学哥",但他否认神奇"建筑"与力学高深理论的关系。  【Talk Show】
>You don't want to do that.
>You're telling me.
>Look smart!
快点,赶快。(本期英文内容由新西兰籍编辑Yvonne Brill润色。)