
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/10 23:36:45
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Happiness is a way station between too much and too little. (Channing Pollock, American writer, 1880-1946)
>China improves healthcare
>Publishers to suit 360buy
>Group buying fraud exposed
>Hollywood's global agenda
>Songwriter dies in suicide
>Girl listens to iPod in exams
>Secret online dating tips
哈佛生授网络约会技巧 【Cover Story】
>China golf courses growing
Golf is now enjoying an explosion in popularity in China despite a ban on new construction to protect farmland. The country added 60 18-hole courses last year, a 14% increase of such facilities, according to a report by Forward Management Group, a golf tour organizer in China, Xinhua reported. The government banned construction of golf courses in 2004, but many developers have found ways to skirt the government's requirements. Most golf course developments are built using the names of country clubs, greenbelts and parks. China had 490 18-hole golf courses by the end of last year; only 10 of them are licensed.
据新华社报道,虽然政府为保护耕地,明令禁止新建高尔夫球场,但这种"贵族运动"依然在国内受到追捧。中国高尔夫行业组织朝向管理集团的一份项报告显示,去年中国大陆境内新增了60个18洞标准高尔夫球场,增长幅度高达14%,创下纪录。据了解,政府2004年就曾明令禁止修建高尔夫球场,但开发商们规避禁令,以乡村俱乐部、绿化带、郊野公园等名目立项建设高球场。截至去年年底,国内共有490个18洞标准高尔夫球场,其中只有10个得到政府立项批准。 【Top News】
>China improves healthcare
China's Ministry of Health (MOH) said Tuesday the country will inject over RMB30b this year to fund basic public health services and will increase the per capita funding for basic public health services from RMB15 to RMB25, xinhuanet.com reported. Qin Huaijin, director of Women/Children Health and Community Health Department under the MOH, said at a press conference the funds will be used to upgrade 10 programs and offer more free health services for the public.
--The new programs will provide regular physical examinations and vaccinations for all children under the age of 6; the previous services only benefited children under 3.
--Pregnant women can have a total of 5 visits for free health care services prior to delivery. Individuals over 65 are eligible for one free health care visit each year.
--To improve the food safety monitoring system of grassroots medical institutions in communities, villages and towns, food-related health incidents will be reported to authorities immediately.
健全社区、村镇等基层医疗卫生机构的安全监管体系,增加食品安全信息报告等服务项目。 >Publishers to suit 360buy
A price war among online book retailers has impacted publishers after Jingdong Mall, a Beijing-based online store 360buy, unveiled its 60% discount cap for books, Beijing Business Today reported. Following the move, another 2 major online retailers — Dangdang and Amazon.cn — also announced lower prices for book sales with Dangdang even offering 61% discounts. In response, 24 publishers said they will file a joint lawsuit against 360buy unless it stops its low price strategy.
360buy CEO Liu Qiangdong said book sales based on 60% discounts can produce a 10% profit. The figure was questioned by publishers who insist sellers are dumping their books if the price is tagged above a 55% discount.
京东商城CEO刘强东表示,京东4折贱卖仍有10%的利润。出版界对该说法产生质疑,其观点为:低于4.5折就是倾销。>Group buying fraud exposed
Lashou.com, a collective buying website, may have deliberately raised the prices of its merchandise and then discounted it significantly to attract consumers, the New Express reported. According to the source, the discounted price in the online shop shows almost no difference from the selling price in local retailers. It was then confirmed by several reporters. The high markup proves to be a common hidden rule in the industry, using discounted prices to be eye-catching to consumers, reports said.
据《新快报》报道,有消费者爆料称其在拉手网团购时发现,所谓的团购价其实跟商家的原价相差无几,该网宣称的原价存在虚高嫌疑。记者调查后证实,虚构原价然后以超低折扣来吸引消费者,聚集人气,已成团购业内的潜规则之一。 >Lincoln, Chrysler top brands
Each year, auto industry trade research firm AutoPacific releases its Vehicle Satisfaction Award (VSA) list, measuring how happy consumers are with their new vehicle purchases. For the 2011 list, the Highest Satisfaction Premium Brand was won by Lincoln and the Highest Satisfaction Popular Brand goes to Chrysler. This is great news for Ford, Lincoln's parent company, and Chrysler as the embattled manufacturers seek to recapture lost market share. Porsche 911 ranks highest for Sports Car, while Honda Fit ranks highest for Economy Car.
汽车行业研究公司Auto Pacific通过对新购车者的跟踪调查,每年推出一份全美消费者汽车满意度调查报告。林肯成为今年"消费者最满意的豪华汽车品牌";克莱斯勒赢得"消费者最满意的大众汽车品牌"。对于因市场份额大幅下降而处境艰难、亟需"收复失地"的福特汽车公司(拥有林肯品牌)和克莱斯勒集团来说,这无疑是个好消息。此外,保时捷911是"最佳跑车",本田飞度是"最佳经济型汽车"。>Hollywood's global agenda
More Hollywood films are opening outside the US, a reflection of the growing importance of the international market to the world's major studios, the New York Times reported. The Motion Picture Association of America said 67% of box office revenue comes from outside the US. "There is no doubt that in the not-too-distant future, it's going to rise to 80%," said Greg Coote, chairman of the board of ScreenSingapore. To appeal to the growing Asian audiences, Hollywood studios are increasingly producing movies in local languages. For example, 20th Century Fox is co-financing and co-creating foreign-language films like "My Name is Khan" in India and "Hot Summer Days" in China.
据《纽约时报》报道,越来越多的好莱坞影片选择在美国以外的地区首映,进一步凸显了国际市场对于大牌制片公司的重要性。美国电影协会称,美国影片67%的票房源于海外。新加坡影汇董事会主席格雷格·库特说:"毫无疑问在不久的将来,这个数字将升至80%。"为迎合日益增长的亚洲观众需求,好莱坞出品的非英语电影数量也大幅增加。例如,二十世纪福克斯就以联合投资、制作的方式推出了系列外语电影,如印度的《我的名字叫可汗》和中国的《全城热恋》。 【In Brief】
>The 14th China Beijing International High-tech Expo highlights the Bank of China for its performance and innovation in green financing.
>The US will impose preliminary anti-dumping duties up to 83% on multi-layered flooring imports from China, the US Commerce Department announced, Bloomberg reported.
>A Beijing hukou, or permanent residence permit, is now priced at RMB160,000 in the black market as rumors say the quota for new Beijing hukou has reduced by 1/3 compared to last year, Beijing Evening News reported.
>Around 250 flights to northern Britain were canceled Tuesday over concerns about the ash cloud spewing from an Icelandic volcano, but British and Irish officials dismissed fears of a mass shutdown of airspace, Reuters reported.
据路透社报道,因担心冰岛火山灰云继续扩散,24日约250趟飞往英国北部的航班被取消。但英国和爱尔兰官员都否认将大规模关闭领空。 【Celebrity】
>Girl listens to iPod in exams
A schoolgirl has won the right to use an iPod while taking exams after claiming she can only concentrate while listening to her favorite music, the Daily Mail of London reported. The girl won the concession after threatening legal action against her school and examination authorities. The Mary Erskine School for girls in Edinburgh has been forced to buy a new iPod that is loaded with the girl's choice of music by a teacher to ensure no exam answers are hidden among the tracks.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国一名女学生获准在考试时听iPod,理由是她声称除非听着心爱的音乐,否则她无法集中精力应考。该女生威胁将对学校以及考试当局提出法律诉讼,因而争取到了校方前所未有的让步。为确保没有考试答案隐藏其中,位于爱丁堡的玛丽埃斯科学校被迫购买了一部新的iPod,然后由一名老师下载该女生选择的音乐。>Songwriter dies in suicide
Joseph Brooks, the Oscar-winning composer of the hit "You Light Up My Life" and who was awaiting trial on rape charges, was found dead in his New York apartment Sunday, US media reported. Brooks had a plastic bag wrapped around his head. A helium tank with a hose attachment was also found at the scene and may have been used in the apparent suicide, police said. Brooks, 73, was awaiting trial after pleading not guilty in 2009 to charges he raped and sexually abused at least 11 women. According to the district attorney's account, Brooks, a director and screenwriter as well as a composer, tricked aspiring actresses into coming to his apartment in the belief they were auditioning for a role.
据美国媒体报道,曾凭借歌曲《你点亮我的生活》摘得奥斯卡音乐奖项的创作者约瑟夫·布鲁克斯22日被发现死于其纽约的寓所,警方称,布鲁克斯死时头部套着塑料袋,现场还发现一根连接着一罐氦气的软管,因此警方推断他死于自杀。现已73岁的布鲁克斯2009年因涉嫌诱奸至少11名女子被法庭传讯,他选择了无罪辩护,目前正等待候审。地方检察官的档案显示,身兼作曲者、电影导演和剧作家多重身份的布鲁克斯,被指以招聘女性试镜为诱饵,将渴望获得角色的女演员骗至他的居所中实施性侵。  【Kaleidoscope】
>Secret online dating tips
Have you tried online dating? A group of former Harvard math majors are crunching data to reveal the secret tips of the online dater, displaying them in graph form, the Daily Mail of London reported.
Women were told to flirt with the camera for their profile photo. If they made a "flirty-face", they received 1.5 additional messages on average per month. A woman's smile is well-documented as a signal of sexual interest and can cause men to be less levelheaded. Men were ordered to be aloof on camera. When they did so, they had a roughly 90% success rate with their emails. Smiling for men is sometimes interpreted as a sign of submissiveness.
The data also showed women should show a bit of cleavage. Women's mate value declines with age, but they can compensate for their decline in mate value by showing cleavage. For men, the inverse is true. Male online daters, if not young, should show off a sound economic status rather than body. Women who see an older man showing off his abs will just think he is silly, according to a clinical psychologist.
Another tip was to subtract 2 inches from the height your potential date claims to be and deduct 20% from their salary. For men, the psychologists said, this makes sense as height suggests good health and wealth suggests resources. Men lie about their status and income in order to make themselves seem more desirable. Women, however, may not be lying.
网上约会另外一招就是,你得将征友者所声称的身高减去2英寸,然后再减掉他们声称收入的20%。心理学家表示,对于男性来说,身高意味着健康,而收入意味着财力,因此男士在此问题上撒谎是为了使自己更具竞争力。但女人就不大可能在此问题上撒谎。 【Talk Show】
>Bill can tell a dead cat on the line before anybody knows there's something wrong.
比尔总能比别人先发现问题。>Jill: I've hinted to Mary several times that I need her to pay me the money she owes, but she just ignores me.
Jane: A cat in gloves catches no mice, Jill. Tell her bluntly that you need the money.
珍妮:吉尔,过分谨慎可能一事无成。你就直接告诉她让她还钱就行了。>Has the cat got your tongue? I'm waiting for an explanation.
你哑巴了吗?你倒是解释啊!(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Please watch out _________ the gap between the carriage and the platform as you leave the train.