
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/11 21:40:23
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Courage is grace under pressure. (Ernest Hemingway, American writer, 1899-1961)
>CBRC says policies unchanged
>Discounts for Tourism Day
>Zurich keeps assisted suicide
>Digital orders at McDonald's
>UAE hires Blackwater founder
>Schwarzenegger admits affair
>Rwanda pres. in Twitter feud
微博现首位总统'口水仗' 【Cover Story】
>Watermelon burst fiasco
Watermelons bursting by the score in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, are suspected of being overdosed with growth and sweetener chemicals, CCTV news channel reported Tuesday in an investigative report. Farmers used the chemicals during an overly rainy period and added them too late in the season, causing the melons to burst open, CCTV said, citing agricultural experts. Intact watermelons were being sold at a wholesale market in nearby Shanghai, the report said, but even those showed signs of forchlorfenuron use: misshapen fruit with mostly white instead of black seeds.
针对近日江苏镇江大片西瓜未熟却炸裂事件,央视新闻频道17日报道,疑与瓜农使用过量膨大增甜剂来催熟有关。据相关专家表示,天气也是导致爆裂的原因——瓜农注入添加剂的时间较晚,而且时下又正值雨季。央视记者随后又采访了上海一个农贸批发市场,种种迹象显示,有些西瓜虽然完好无损,但由于个头过大,瓜子是白色,极有可能也被注入了催熟膨大剂。【Top News】
>CBRC says policies unchanged
The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) denied reports it has urged some trust companies to suspend their real estate trust business. CBRC officials said it has been consistently asking trust companies to do proper risk management while doing its property-related business. Its policies and requirements for loans from trust firms to property developers remains unchanged.
针对部分媒体报道称"银监部门紧急叫停房地产信托业务",银监会对此传言表示否认。银监会相关负责人重申,银监会一直要求信托公司在依法合规、风险可控的前提下开展房地产信托业务,目前,银监会对信托公司房地产信托业务的要求没有变化。 >Discounts for Tourism Day
Cities and provinces nationwide are gearing up for China's first National Tourism Day which falls on Thursday this year, Xinhua reported. Tourists will get half-price tickets for all scenic spots in Shanxi. In Hainan, free tickets and discount coupons will be distributed around the island's west coast and all tourists taking public transportation from Thursday to Saturday will get half-price tickets for the Li and Miao ethnic groups' cultural tourism zone.
The National Tourism Administration of China announced last month that China's National Tourism Day will be held annually on May 19, starting this year. The date was chosen to commemorate the day when China's ancient travel book writer Xu Xiake began writing his masterpiece "Travel Notes of Xu Xiake" in the Ming Dynasty.
上月,国家旅游局宣布,为纪念明代游记作家徐霞客,从今年起,每年的5月19日定为"中国旅游日"。而这个日子据称是《徐霞客游记》的开篇日。>Digital orders at McDonald's
McDonald's will digitally overhaul its ordering systems in Europe, the Financial Times reported. The move, partly replacing cashiers and the use of banknotes at its 7,000 fast-food restaurants in the region with touch-screen terminals and swipe cards, is part of the fast-food chain's efforts to entice cash-strapped customers by making the restaurant more convenient and efficient. President of McDonald's Europe Steve Easterbrook said the changes would make average transactions 3-4 seconds shorter for each customer and the new technology would allow McDonald's to harness more information about customers' ordering habits.
据《金融时报》报道,麦当劳将对其欧洲7000家快餐店铺中的点餐系统进行升级,用触屏终端和信用卡取代传统的收银柜台和纸币。完成改造之后,麦当劳餐厅会提供更方便和高效的服务。这一举措也将让麦当劳得到更多缺乏现金的人士的欢迎。麦当劳欧洲区总裁史蒂夫·伊斯特布鲁克介绍说,每个客人完成交易的时间将平均缩短3-4秒,同时新的技术也将让公司更好地掌握用户的点餐习惯。 >Zurich keeps assisted suicide
Voters in Zurich, Switzerland, overwhelmingly rejected proposed bans on assisted suicide and "suicide tourism", local media reported. About 200 people commit assisted suicide each year in Zurich. Many terminally ill foreigners — particularly from Germany, France and Britain — travel to Switzerland to commit suicide. But a rise in the number of foreigners seeking to end their lives in Switzerland and a study showing more people who are seeking assisted suicides in the country do not suffer from a terminal illness has provoked a heated debate.
据当地媒体报道,瑞士苏黎世的选民日前以压倒性票数投票否决了禁止协助自杀和"自杀旅游"的议案。每年大约有200人在苏黎世选择协助自杀。很多外国晚期患者前往瑞士"自杀旅游",寻求帮助结束生命,尤以来自德国、法国、英国的游客居多。目前前往瑞士寻求协助自杀的外国人越来越多,而且有调查表明,许多在瑞士协助自杀的人,并未患有晚期疾病,这些现象引起了热议。*Did You Know?
Assisted suicide has been allowed in Switzerland since 1941. The law permits those who are not physicians and who have no vested interest in the death to assist others insuicide. Euthanasia, or "mercy killing", is legal only in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and the US state of Oregon.
自1941年以来,协助自杀在瑞士就已合法化,但协助者不能是医生,而且不能从病人的死亡中获利。"安乐死"目前仅在荷兰、卢森堡、比利时、以及美国俄勒冈州合法。 >UAE hires Blackwater founder
The United Arab Emirates confirmed Sunday it had hired a company run by Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater Worldwide, to provide "operational, planning and training support" to its military. The New York Times reported Mr Prince's company, Reflex Responses, has been paid $529m to train a troop to assist the UAE government with intelligence gathering, security, counterterrorism and suppression of revolts.
Former Navy Seal officer Erik Prince founded Blackwater in 1997. The 41-year-old earned billions of dollars in contracts from the federal government for security work. It has been revealed the Bush Administration paid Blackwater more than $320m for the Secretive Global Security Program. Mr Prince sold Blackwater in December 2010 to an investment group. Blackwater had been renamed Xe Services. Erik Prince's new company, Reflex Responses, was founded in March, 2010.
普林斯,41岁,美国海军"海豹突击队"前队员,1997年创立黑水保安公司。黑水公司因获得美国政府的安保合约而大发横财。据悉,布什政府支付黑水公司的"全球外交保安服务费"高达3.2亿美元。2010年12月,普林斯将黑水公司全盘出售给新的投资人,并更名为"Xe服务公司"。普林斯去年3月注册新企业,取名"本能反应"。 【In Brief】
>BOC International Holdings Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank of China, was named by London-based magazine, The Banker, as the best organization for Equity-linked Notes in 2011.
>Two NATO helicopters attacked a Pakistani army post near the Afghan border Tuesday, injuring 2 soldiers, Pakistani officials said, AP reported.
>IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn's new temporary home is at New York City's notorious Rikers Island jail, the Telegraph of London reported. Kahn will likely be held in isolation with 24-hour watch.
>French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is definitely pregnant, her father-in-law has revealed, AFP reported. "The two do not want to know the gender in advance, but I'm sure it will be a girl and as beautiful as Carla," Sarkozy's father said.
>The number of people with mental health problems in disaster areas in Japan is increasing, due to the loss of homeland and suffocating life in asylums, local media reported.
>Chinese actor Duan Yihong will celebrate his wedding in Beijing on June 12, according to an insider, people.com.cn reported.
据人民网报道,某圈内人士日前证实,演员段奕宏将于下月12日在北京举行婚礼。 【Celebrity】
>Schwarzenegger admits affair
Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted he and his wife, Maria Shriver, separated after she learned he had fathered a child more than a decade ago with a member of their household staff, the Los Angeles Times reported Tuesday. The 2 had been married for 25 years. The marriage, which paired one of Hollywood's top box office draws and a member of the Kennedy family, had long been a subject of public interest.
据《洛杉矶时报》17日报道,美国加利福尼亚州前州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格承认,他在10多年前与一名女佣发生婚外情并育有一孩子,这是导致他和夫人玛丽亚·施赖弗告别25年夫妻生活、开始分居的主要原因。这桩婚姻曾经令无数美国人艳羡,施赖弗出身声名显赫的肯尼迪家族,而施瓦辛格则是最具好莱坞票房号召力的大牌之一。>Rwanda pres. in Twitter feud
When Ian Birrell, a British journalist, tweeted Rwanda's President Paul Kagame (see photo) was "despotic and deluded", he got a sharp reply from the African leader himself, AP reported. The response set off an unprecedented online spat between a head of state and one of his critics. The former editor at The Independent newspaper sparked the exchange Saturday by tweeting: "No-one in media, UN or human rights groups has the moral right to criticize me, says despotic & deluded (Kagame)." The same day, a comment came from Kagame himself: "Not you either!" The president fired back with 14 tweets including one in which he told Birrell simply: "Wrong u r."
据美联社报道,英国记者伊恩·比勒尔近日在推特上指责卢旺达总统卡加梅(见图)"独裁而愚昧",竟得到了总统本人的尖锐回复,随即展开一场前所未有的国家领导人与批评人士之间的网上"对峙"。这名曾在英国《独立报》供职的记者在14日挑起了这场"战役",他在推特上写道:"独裁而愚昧的卡加梅说,媒体、联合国或人权组织在道义上都没有批评他的权力。"没想到,他当天就收到总统本人的一条评论:"你也没有!" 卡加梅先后用14条微博予以反击,其中一条只有3个字:"你错了。"*卢旺达外长强势围观
Even Rwanda's foreign minister chimed in, telling Birrell in a tweet: "wld u care 2 know what 11,000,000 Rwandans think of Paul Kagame b4 u spread ur formed opinion? 2 big a challenge 4 u?"
卢旺达外长也来凑热闹,为总统助阵。他在一条微博中质问比勒尔:"在发表意见前,你想不想知道1100万卢旺达人民对卡加梅的看法呢?这对你来说有点难是吧?"  【Kaleidoscope】
>Grave robbery case ends
A jailed Cypriot murderer ordered his brother to dig up the corpse of the island's former president and hide it so he could negotiate his own release from prison, a court ruled Monday, the Huffington Post reported. The court found the jailed murderer, his brother and another man guilty of unlawfully exhuming the body of Tassos Papadopoulos. The jailed murderer was sentenced to life in prison in 1994 for the rape and murder of a Swedish housewife and a Ukrainian female dancer.
据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,塞浦路斯一名在押凶犯为了获得"通风报信"的机会从而使自己减刑释放,竟指使其兄盗墓藏尸,而墓主是塞浦路斯已故总统帕帕佐普洛斯。法庭16日做出裁决,认定该涉案男子、其兄及另一男子犯非法掘墓罪。该服刑凶犯曾因奸杀两名女子于1994年被判终身监禁,受害者分别是一名瑞典家庭主妇及一名乌克兰舞女。 【Talk Show】
>When a young child answered, I knew I had the wrong number.
>Working on the principle of safety in numbers, we decided we should all go and complain together.
>Inflation has been public enemy number one for this government.
>Todd placed himself with the top athletes at the school.
>Please number off by tens.
十人一组报数!(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Chris Clark润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
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