革命逸事 类似的小说:ChinaDaily早报5.6

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/14 03:48:58
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12,584.17 -139.41 -1.10%
2,814.72 -13.51 -0.48%【Bonus Oriens】
Why do the birds go on singing?
Why do the stars glow above?
Don't they know it's the end of the world,
It ended when I lost your love. (Skeeter Davis, American country music singer, 1931-2004)
>Pirates hijack China sailors
>China bans spy, love shows
>No release of bin Laden photo
>House contractor arrested
>JP food hard to regain trust
>Apple updates software
>Longest cigar in the world
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>Juice safety questioned
Another food safety problem has been exposed, and this time it concerns juice. Homemade juice, which many restaurants flaunt for its instant freshness, turns out to be nothing more than a mixture of additives, the Jinling Evening News reported. Chemistry experts even warned of a cancer risk if it is drunk excessively and regularly. Blend the additives at a stipulated ratio, and it will churn out something that looks exactly like "freshly-made juice". The mixture has a vivid color and even tastes better than the real thing. The fruit particles in it will also help make you think it is real juice.
据《金陵晚报》报道,现如今一些酒楼热卖的"自制鲜榨果汁"实际是毒汁,含有大量添加剂。化学专家称,长期过量食用会致癌。这些果汁添加剂只要按照一定的比例配兑调和,看上去和新鲜果汁是差不多的,这样调制出来的"鲜榨果汁"色泽会更鲜艳,口感会很好,而且还真能看到漂浮在果汁当中的果粒,足以以假乱真。【Top News】
>Pirates hijack China sailors
A Panama-registered bulk cargo ship with 24 Chinese sailors on board was hijacked by 7 pirates Thursday noon Beijing Time in the Arabian Sea, said China Sea Rescue Center, Xinhua reported. Pirates attacked the vessel, "Full City," some 450 nautical miles off the coast of India's Mumbai and 750 nautical miles east of the area where the Chinese Navy convoy fleet was assembled, said an official of the rescue center. 2 Chinese navy vessels patrolling the Gulf of Aden were sent to rescue the ship. According to a latest report, 24 Chinese sailors have been rescued at 23:25 Thursday by a US fleet and a Turkish naval special team.
据新华社报道,北京时间5日中午,中国海上搜救中心接报,巴拿马籍散货船"Full City"轮在阿拉伯海中部距印度孟买约450海里海域遭海盗袭击。7名海盗已登船,船上共有24名中国船员。中国海上搜救中心总值班室有关负责人介绍,该船遭海盗袭击的地点,位于中国海军护航编队集合点以东750海里。正在执行亚丁湾护航任务的两艘中国海军军舰正全速赶往现场救援。另据新华社最新报道,经美国舰队和土耳其海军特战队救助,24名中国籍船员已于5日23时25分平安获救。 >China bans spy, love shows
It has been confirmed that television dramas with plots involving espionage, criminal schemes and romance will be banned from May to July from satellite TV channels. The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has formally imposed such conditions, triggering a rush among broadcasters to change schedules, Zhejiang, Tianjin and Jiangsu satellite TV channels told the Chongqing Morning Post. According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, authorities have issued a list of 40 "recommended shows" for this particular period of time.
据《重庆晨报》报道,国家广电总局要求各大卫视在5、6、7三个月份中,不能播出谍战、涉案、言情题材电视剧的消息,日前得到证实。浙江、天津、江苏等卫视已接到总局正式通知,目前正在考虑换播其它剧目。另据《南方都市报》报道,上级单位提供了40部"提倡播出的电视剧"名单。>No release of bin Laden photo
US President Barack Obama decided Wednesday not to release any photos or videos showing Osama bin Laden after he was shot to death, saying the images could incite violence or be used as a propaganda tool against the US, the Wall Street Journal reported. Obama said the US is "absolutely certain" the man that its forces killed and buried at sea was bin Laden, and that releasing a graphic photo would do little to silence doubters. The White House also won't release images of bin Laden's burial at sea, press secretary Jay Carney said.
据《华尔街日报》报道,美国总统奥巴马4日决定,不公布本·拉登被击毙后的任何照片或视频,称这些图像会激起暴力活动或被用作反美宣传工具。奥巴马说,美国"非常肯定"美军击毙并葬在海里的人就是拉登,发布照片对消除质疑作用甚微。白宫新闻秘书卡尼表示,白宫也不会公布拉登海葬的图片。 >House contractor arrested
Pakistani authorities Wednesday arrested the contractor who built the 3-storey mansion where Osama bin Laden was residing, intelligence sources said, the Times of India reported. Gul Madah, aged between 45-50, a native of Battagram town, about 35 km north of Abbottabad, constructed the house in 2005. Security agencies were also questioning others involved in constructing the compound and providing construction materials.
据《印度时报》报道,巴基斯坦情报官员称,巴政府4日逮捕了建造本·拉登藏身之处——一座3层宅院的承包商。这名承包商名叫古尔·马达赫,年龄在45岁到50岁之间,来自阿伯塔巴德北部35公里的巴塔克小镇。2005年,他承包了建造拉登住所的工程。巴基斯坦安全机构也在调查其他参与建筑宅院和提供建筑材料的人。>JP food hard to regain trust
Japanese restaurants and supermarkets around Asia face an up-hill battle to reassure consumers their products are safe almost 2 months after Japan's nuclear crisis sparked worries about food contamination, Reuters reported. Recent years have seen a boom in Japanese restaurants in major cities around Asia, driven by a perception that Japanese cuisine is healthy. This suggests the impact of the nuclear crisis on the food industry cannot be underestimated, analysts say. Across Asia, restaurant chains and supermarkets have been struggling to cope with the psychological impact of the nuclear crisis on consumers despite bans by authorities on some Japanese food and agricultural products. 
据路透社报道,距日本核危机爆发已经快2个月了,公众对食品污染的担忧依然无法褪去,亚洲各地的日本餐厅和超市正在进行一场重塑消费者信心的攻坚战。近几年来,在日餐健康理念的推动下,日本料理在亚洲各大城市大行其道,因此分析人士认为,核危机对食品行业的影响不容小觑。虽然亚洲各国纷纷对一些日本食品和农产品实行进口限制,但是各地连锁餐厅和超市仍然难以化解核危机对消费者造成的心理冲击。 >Apple updates software
Apple Inc Wednesday released a software update to fix a problem that enabled its mobile devices to collect and store customers' location data, making good on a promise it made last week, Reuters reported. The company said in the update that the software fix reduces the size of the location storage, ensures that the device no longer backs the location information in iTunes, and enables the iPhone or iPad to stop collecting data when Location Services is turned off. The update is available through its iTunes stores and automatically pops up when an iPhone or iPad is synced.
据路透社报道,苹果兑现了其上周做出的承诺,于4日发布软件升级包以解决其手机收集并存储用户位置数据的问题。苹果称,升级软件将减少位置数据的存储规模,确保设备不会再把位置信息反馈到iTunes,并使iPhone或iPad在定位服务关闭时停止收集数据。用户可以在iTunes商店下载升级软件,当iPhone或iPad与之同步时,会自动跳出提示窗口。 【In Brief】
>More than 5,000 fire fighters have been mobilized to battle a forest fire that broke out Thursday morning in Heilongjiang, Xinhua reported. The fire stretched several kilometers in a forest in Jiayin County, Yichun City.
>Workers entered the No 1 reactor building at Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Thursday for the 1st time since it was rocked by an explosion in the days after a devastating earthquake, AP reported.
>A nuclear leak on a Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker off the coast of western Siberia forced the vessel to head back to port, AFP reported.
>Warner Bros Home Entertainment Group has agreed to acquire Flixster, a top movie ratings website in its latest push into social networking, the company said Wednesday, Xinhua reported.
>Apple's iPad 2 with Wi-Fi will be available in the Chinese mainland from Friday, with prices of RMB3,688, RMB4,488 and RMB5288 for the 16GB, 32GB and 64GB versions.
6日,苹果WiFi版iPad 2将在中国大陆正式发售,分为16GB、32GB和64GB三种,价格分别是3688元、4488元、5288元。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Longest cigar in the world
The 67-year-old Cuban cigar roller Jose Castelar set a new Guinnes Record Tuesday when completing a massive cigar measuring 81.8 m long and 4 cm in diameter, Xinhua reported. The huge cigar is being exhibited at the International Tourism Fair "FIT Cuba 2011" which runs from May 3 to 7 and Castelar said his next project is to roll a cigar measuring 100 m. Castelar began to roll cigars at the age 14 and says he "never thought it was possible to make a cigar this long" as he wanted to learn to master the skill of cigar making as "an art".(See photo)
据新华社报道,67岁的古巴卷雪茄专家何塞·卡斯特拉3日刷新了吉尼斯世界纪录,完成了一只长81.8米,直径为4厘米的巨型雪茄。目前这支超大号雪茄正在5月3日至7日举行的2011年古巴国际旅游会展上展出。卡斯特拉表示他下一个目标是卷出100米长的雪茄。自14岁起,卡斯特拉便开始卷雪茄,他一直想掌握这项技能,使之成为"一门艺术"。他表示,自己从未想过雪茄能卷出这么长。(见图)  【Talk Show】
>Some students often doze off in class.
>Jack nodded off during the minister's sermon.
>He was caught taking a nano nap during the conference call.
他在电话会议上打盹儿被发现了。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Alice Philipson润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Ms García has asked that we set up an additional meeting with ______ temporary employees for Monday morning.
答案:(B) all