
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/30 08:13:36
 【Morning Buzz】
A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband. (Michel de Montaigne, French writer, 1533-1592)
>Beijing to ban 'gutter oil'
>Opening theme means a lot
>Crisis in eyewear industry
>Billionaire to hold concert
>'Avatar' park to be built
>Tips: What is 'be a steal'?
点津:'像偷来的一样'? 【Cover Story】
>Putin to run for president
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Saturday that he will run for president in 2012, reported. He announced the long-awaited decision after President Dmitry Medvedev proposed Putin run for the post at the ruling United Russia Party's congress. Putin also said he was confident that Medvedev would become prime minister after the 2012 election. Meanwhile, Putin nominated Medvedev to head the ruling party's list for the Dec 4 parliamentary elections.
据新华网报道,俄罗斯总理普京于24日在执政党统一俄罗斯党代表大会上宣布将参加2012年的总统竞选。普京是在总统梅德韦杰夫提议他参选后宣布这一被期待已久的决定的。普京还说他相信梅德韦杰夫将在2012年选举中成功出任总理。同时,普京还提议由梅德韦杰夫率领统俄党参加将于12月4日举行的议会选举。【Top News】
>Beijing to ban 'gutter oil'
Beijing will ban the production and sale of "gutter oil," the Beijing Times reported. Rules on Management of City Garbage, discussed by the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People's Congress, stipulate that the production, sale and consumption of cooking oil recycled from restaurants' waste oil are strictly banned. And eligible large restaurants should introduce on-site treatment for waste to prevent illegal oil from flowing back onto people's dinner tables.
据《京华时报》报道,北京拟立法禁止生产销售地沟油。日前,市人大常委会正在对《北京市生活垃圾管理条例(草案修改稿)》进行审议,草案修改稿中规定,禁止生产、销售、食用以餐厨废弃食用油脂为原料的食用油。并要求一定规模符合条件的就餐点应建垃圾就地处理设施,以切断地沟油流入餐桌的渠道。 >Opening theme means a lot
Xinwen Lianbo, a national news program that runs every night at 7 pm on CCTV, is rumored to be getting a new opening theme in a makeover. Netizens are in a heated debate over it, with 80% saying they are unhappy to see the music changed, Shenzhen Evening News reported. "Every time I hear the theme on the bus TV on my way home from work, it reminds me of the evening twilight and my mother's cooking. I feel warm inside," says a netizen surnamed Li. "It has been 23 years since the theme was first broadcast; we watch it during suppertime with our family every evening, which makes it a tradition and cultural icon of Chinese homes. It gives strong feeling of family belonging," says another netizen.
据《深圳晚报》报道,《新闻联播》已播出23年的片头曲可能要被换掉的消息日前引发热议。在一个网络调查中,有80%的网友称"还真有点儿不舍"。一位李姓网友称:"下班路上听到这个曲子,就想起万家灯火,还有老妈做的饭菜,心里好一阵温暖。"还有网友称,这么多年,中国人始终保持"家天下"的传统观念,片头曲已成为"万家灯火、我爱我家"的文化符号。>Crisis in eyewear industry
The disappearance of a leading enterprise boss has caused a crisis in Wenzhou's eyewear industry, Sina Finance reported Saturday. Hu Fulin, chairman of Zhejiang Center Group, which is Wenzhou's  industry leader, was RMB2b in debt and fled last week, putting many mutual guarantee companies in danger of collapse. If the situation worsens, Wenzhou's eyeglasses industry may face a wave of bankruptcy.
据新浪财经24日报道,负债逃跑的温州市眼镜行业龙头企业浙江信泰集团董事长胡福林欠债20多亿元,他的跑路引发了一系列连环危机。目前整个温州眼镜行业哀鸿遍野,部分互保企业面临倒闭境地。如果危机进一步加深,温州眼镜行业将面临倒闭潮。 【In Brief】
>Apple Inc opened its first store in Hong Kong Saturday. The store is located in Hong Kong's International Financial Center Mall, the Washington Post reported.
>UBS Chief Executive Oswald Gruebel has resigned over a $2.3b rogue trading loss, the bank said Saturday, foreign media reported.
>Moammar Gadhafi's daughter has said in an audio recording that her father is in high spirits and fighting alongside his supporters against the revolutionary forces who swept his regime from power, AP reported Saturday.
>A boat capsized near Madura, East Java Saturday, killing at least 13 passengers, and 15 others went missing, the Jakarta Post said.
印度尼西亚《雅加达邮报》报道,东爪哇省马都拉岛附近24日发生一起沉船事故,造成至少13人死亡,15人失踪。 【Newsmaker】
>Billionaire to hold concert
Chen Guangbiao, a renowned philanthropist in China, will hold a solo concert in Bijie, Guizhou Sunday evening, local media reported. No tickets are needed for the concert. As long as they listen to his music from start to finish, the impoverished villagers will be given a live pig and a goat each. Chen reportedly has brought more than 3,000 pigs and goats and many tractors. "In this novel way of holding a concert, I want China's richest men to follow me and give away their fortunes," said Chen.
>'Avatar' park to be built
Movie-goers pining for a return to the planet Pandora from James Cameron's "Avatar" will finally get their chance. Reuters reported that Walt Disney Co, teaming with the director, will begin building in 2013 in Florida a theme park that will mimic the thriving green landscape depicted in the movie. "Our goal is to give park-goers the chance to see, hear, and touch the world of 'Avatar' with an unprecedented sense of reality," Cameron said in a statement.
电影爱好者们想要重返"阿凡达"的潘多拉星球?你们的机会来了。据路透社报道,迪士尼公司已携手电影《阿凡达》的导演卡梅隆,将于2013年在美国佛罗里达州开建阿凡达主题公园,再现电影中潘多拉星球欣欣向荣的绿色美景。卡梅隆在一份声明中说,"我们会给每位观赏者呈现一个集视、听、触于一体的全方位阿凡达世界体验,给大家带来前所未有的真实感。" 【Language Tips】
'Be a steal'
He spent only $300 on the car, which was simply a steal.
这部车他只花了300美元,跟白捡的一样。【Talk Show】
>It seems you are in a dilemma.
>We shouldn't dwell on someone's past.
>The thought that he could have helped more preyed on his mind.
>Don't take such small things to heart.
>My heart is being torn in 2 different directions.
>I'm on the fence.
我举棋不定。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色) 【Weekly Topic】
Do you talk to your neighbors? Would you help an unknown old man who has fallen? Do you buy goods recommended by a stranger? People's Daily has claimed China is turning into a society of strangers. How would you react when faced with a stranger? Please share your experiences and opinions.
你会跟新来的邻居寒暄吗?遇到摔倒在地的老人,你会上前扶一把吗?陌生人推销的产品,你会购买吗?《人民日报》日前评论称,我国已进入陌生人社会。面对陌生人,你会怎么做?欢迎大家与我们分享你的经历和观点。请将您的姓名(昵称亦可)和观点发至106580007835(免信息费),中英文皆可。短信获选手机报刊登的作者将获赠10元话费。此外,您的观点有可能被翻译成英文,在China Daily报纸新增栏目"What's the Buzz"上刊登,详见每周一第9版。江苏南通159****8800