
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 00:31:19
 【Bonus Oriens】
Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly.
>High prices for Zongzi
>E. coli found in Japan
>Al-Qaida militant killed
>Monaco readies royal wedding
>The rise of blondarexia
>Tips:'Shoulder surfing'
点津:英语中'肩窥'为何意【Cover Story】
>Li Na wins French Open
Li Na notched the first-ever grand slam women's singles title for China and Asia, beating defending champion Francesca Schiavone of Italy 6-4, 7-6(7/0) in the French Open final Saturday, Xinhua reported. The triumph also gifted Li Na a great rise from No 7 to No 4 on WTA rankings.
据新华社报道,在当地时间4日的法网女单决赛上,中国金花李娜以6-4、7-6(7/0)直落两盘击败卫冕冠军、意大利选手斯齐亚沃尼,成为中国乃至亚洲第一个赢得女子单打大满贯的选手。这场胜利也使得李娜的世界排名从第七上升到第四。 【Top News】
>High prices for Zongzi
The upcoming Dragon Boat Festival has become more expensive as the traditional festive specialty, zongzi, turned into a luxury gift, xinhuanet.com reported. Zongzi, the dumpling made from glutinous rice and bamboo leaves eaten during the festival, is another victim of festive food price surge after moon cakes. A shopping website is selling more than 10 brands at eye-popping prices of over RMB1,000 per packet. One packet, called regal and limited, even asks for RMB1,320, which is equivalent to RMB110 per piece, due to the unique material it is made of.
今年端午节,粽子接棒"天价月饼",也染上了节日"富贵病"。据新华网报道,市场上高价礼品粽子相继出现。在国内某购物网站上,1000元以上的粽子品牌有十几个。一款称作限量版"尊贵龙粽"的粽子单价高达110元,一盒12个共1320元,原因是所用原料珍贵。>E. coli found in Japan
E. coli infections have been found in at least 15 customers of a barbecue restaurant in Japan. The strain involved is not the same as the one causing the current outbreak in Europe, AFP reported. Of the 20 people who became sick in Toyama prefecture, 15 were infected with the O157 strain after eating at an outlet of the popular Gyukaku restaurant chain. REINS International, the Tokyo-based operator of the Gyukaku chain, apologized and said it suspected the infections might have been caused by Australian beef imports. At least 4 people in Japan have died from E. coli bacteria food poisoning since April after eating raw beef at a different low-price barbecue restaurant chain.
据法新社报道,日本一家烧烤餐馆至少15名顾客出现大肠杆菌的感染症状,但这15名病人所感染的大肠杆菌与目前正在肆虐欧洲的大肠杆菌并不属于同一种类。20名顾客在富山县很受欢迎的"牛角烧肉"连锁烧烤餐馆用餐后出现身体不适,其中15人被查出感染了大肠杆菌O157。"牛角烧肉"在东京的运营总部REINS International已为此事道歉,并表示感染源可能是从澳大利亚进口的牛肉。据悉,今年4月以来,日本已经有至少4人因为在廉价烧烤餐馆误食被大肠杆菌污染的生牛肉死亡。 >Al-Qaida militant killed
Senior Al-Qaida operative Ilyas Kashmiri, a contender for replacing the late Osama bin Laden, was killed by a US drone aircraft missile strike in Pakistan Friday night, Reuters reported Saturday. Kashmiri's death is another blow to Al-Qaida just over a month after bin Laden was killed by American commandos. The 47-year-old Pakistani, said to be blind in one eye and missing a finger, wearing sunglasses and sporting a thick beard, has been labeled by the US as a "specially designated global terrorist".
据路透社4日报道,美军无人机3日深夜在巴基斯坦发动空袭,"基地"组织高级指挥官、最有可能接替拉登的人选伊利亚斯·卡什米里被炸死。这将是自上月美军突击队击毙本·拉登以后的又一次重大胜利。卡什米里是巴基斯坦人,现年47岁,据称缺一根手指,一只眼睛失明,常配戴太阳眼镜,蓄有浓密胡须,他早被美国列入"特别认定全球恐怖分子"名单。【In Brief】
>Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan plans to step down by August, Kyodo News reported Saturday.
>Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh did not go to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment, said a senior aide, Xinhua reported Saturday, adding that 5 senior officials seriously injured have been sent to the neighboring country. The 5 officials were injured when opposition tribal militants hit the presidential palace Friday.
据新华社4日报道,也门总统高级助理表示,该国总统萨利赫并未前往邻国沙特阿拉伯接受治疗,但是其他5名在总统府遭到袭击时受重伤的高官已经被送往沙特就医。3日,也门总统府遭到反政府部落武装袭击,造成5名高官受伤。 【Newsmaker】
>Monaco readies royal wedding
Prince Albert II of Monaco will marry his long-term companion Charlene Wittstock, a South African Olympic swimmer, on July 2, foreign media reported. The prince and Wittstock will tie the knot during a religious ceremony at the palace's main courtyard. Giorgio Armani will design Wittstock's wedding dress. The prince and his future wife will go to the occasion in a Lexus LS 600h, a hybrid vehicle. Prince Albert is 53, 20 years older than his bride. He has been a bachelor his whole life. He met Wittstock in 2000, but it wasn't until 2006 that they began a formal relationship. They announced their engagement in June 2010.(See photo)
据外媒报道,摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王和相恋多年的女友、南非前奥运游泳选手查伦·维特施托克将于今年7月2日举行婚礼。婚礼的宗教仪式安排在摩纳哥王宫广场举行。新娘将身着乔治·阿玛尼设计的婚纱。搭载阿尔贝二世亲王夫妇的座驾是一辆黑色的雷克萨斯LS600HL油电混合动力车。阿尔贝二世亲王现年53岁,比新娘大20岁,多年来迟迟不婚。他和维特施托克2000年相识,2006年正式展开交往,2010年6月宣布订婚。(见图)  【Kaleidoscope】
>The rise of blondarexia
You need to be pretty brave to follow most fashion trends these days. But the latest beauty craze - bleaching your hair so much it is practically white - has undesirable longer-term effects. Blondarexia, or, as the Urban Dictionary defines it: "being so addicted to bleaching your hair that it's almost white, flat, monochromatic, and burnt to a frizzle," is spreading. Rachel McAdams, Mischa Barton, and Mena Suvari have all been spotted with pale blond locks recently, British media reported. Unlike other fashionable crazes, which usually encourage you to look your best, this is one that will leave your hair frizzy, brittle and dry - sometimes beyond repair.(See photo)
这年头,跟风时尚是要勇气的,但是最近要让你的发型潮一把的话,可不仅仅是一时之勇的问题了,你得准备好长线作战,而且后果自负。时下最新的美发趋势:过度染烫头发直至其变成接近白的颜色,这种偏执爱好被称为Blondarexia。潮词词典Urban Dictionary专门给出解释:执着于把头发染成差一点就成白色的单一色调,不仅看着寡淡,而且弄了一头毛糙。蕾切尔·麦克亚当斯、米莎·巴顿和米娜·苏瓦丽等一干女星近期不约而同秀出自己的灰白发色。不过其它潮流趋势到最后好歹都是让人变美的,但是这次就不一样了,这么一折腾头发看着干枯毛糙、脆弱易断,严重的根本无法修复。(见图) 【Language Tips】
'Shoulder surfing'
在款台刷卡结账时,排在后面的顾客多半会后退一步,主动回避。可有些人偏偏就要凑上来看你输密码,实在让人无法忍受。这种行为在英语里叫做shoulder surfing。在计算机安全领域,肩窥(shoulder surfing)指(站在别人身后)越过肩膀探看别人操作获取信息的做法。这种方式在填表、在POS机上输密码等人多拥挤的场合更为适用。"肩窥"还有另一层意思。说的是,在聚会上,你正跟一个人说着话,而对方似乎对你们的谈话并没有兴趣,所以眼神越过你的肩膀,试图搜寻别的更有趣或对其更有吸引力的聊天对象。人们把这种情况也叫做"肩窥(shoulder surfing)"。
Stop shoulder-surfing me! I'm not going to tell you my email password.
不要再肩窥我了!我是不会告诉你我电子邮箱的密码的。【Talk Show】
全美收视冠军《绝望主妇(Desperate Housewives)》有很多地道的英语表达,我们一起来学习吧!
>So we've got to play ball.
>He read my palm.
>What's the point? The past is the past.
>You're going to have to take over my carpools on Mondays.
>The bank says your check is going to take 5 days to clear.
银行说你的支票5天才能兑现。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
Han Qunfeng, a former white-collar worker in Dongguan, pled guilty to drowning her twin sons in the bathtub at home. The boys were living with cerebral palsy. The murder confession came this week at a public trial in Dongguan No 1 People's Court. "If I had the chance to choose once more, I would not do it," the 37-year-old said. "But I worried about their life once I got too old to look after them." Hundreds of people have signed a letter and submitted it to the court calling for a lenient sentence for Han. What's your opinion on this case?