
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/05 14:04:43
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12,070.81 -19.15 -0.16% 
2,701.56 -1.00 -0.04%【Bonus Oriens】
Spend the afternoon. You can't take it with you. (Annie Dillard, American author, b.1945)
>Officials sacked for SH fire
>Office workers ineffective
>Facebook workers youngest
>Chilean volcano halts flights
>More men seek better looking
>Arnold's romance again
阿诺德曾恋史泰龙前妻 【Cover Story】
>Illegal publicity sites shut
Authorities have shut down 55 websites engaging in illegal online publicity, Xinhua reported Tuesday. Some of the websites recruited "Internet mercenaries" to engage in improper competition against rivals. Those shut down also included sites that engaged in blackmail by publishing negative information, websites claiming they could delete unwanted online posts, and websites promoting repetitive online voting for favored companies.
据新华社7日报道,55家从事非法网络公关活动的网站近日被依法关闭。这些网站有的招募"网络水军",利用不正当手段打击竞争对手,有的歪曲、捏造事实进行敲诈勒索,有的声称代理删除负面帖文,还有的进行代理刷票活动。【Top News】
>TV dramas scolded
The State Administration of Radio Film and Television withheld approval of several TV plays, citing the shows fabricate stories depicting the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression or the civil war in a bid to make sensational effects, Shandong Business Daily reported. Many TV shows related to revolution are actually idol dramas or kungfu dramas in disguise, an expert said.
据《山东商报》报道,近日广电总局发出通知,指出近期的电视剧申报备案中,个别剧目为追求娱乐效果,在表现抗战和对敌斗争等内容时,脱离历史真实,胡编乱造,将严肃的抗战和对敌斗争娱乐化,故不予批准。对此,专家指出,近期的电视荧屏上出现的几部革命剧,披着主旋律外衣,行的却是青春偶像剧甚至是武打剧之实。 >Officials sacked for SH fire
A vice mayor of Shanghai, Shen Jun, received an administrative penalty and some senior officials were sacked in ramifications stemming from the high-rise apartment fire on Nov 15, Xinhua reported Tuesday. Zhang Renliang, head of Jing'an District, was fired. A total of 26 people have been found guilty criminally in connection with the deadly fire. Another 28 received administrative penalties in line with discipline of the Communist Party of China.
据新华社7日报道,上海市"11•15"大火行政责任人员处理结果出炉,副市长沈骏被行政记大过,静安区区长张仁良等多名官员被免职。目前,上海火灾涉案认罪人员共计26人,另有28名官员受党内处分。>Office workers ineffective
A survey of 8,000 respondents revealed 73% think distractions during work time has been serious among office workers, China Youth Daily reported. When asked how they are unable to concentrate, 71.2% say they "appear busy but actually work ineffectively;" 66.0% like "to postpone a task until deadline;" 58.1% go with "a diversion to online news or something from time to time."
据《中国青年报》报道,一项有8000人参与的调查显示,73.0%的人认为当前职场人士注意力不集中的现象严重。注意力不集中的表现有哪些?71.2%的人首选"看起来忙碌,实际效率低下";其次是"工作任务一直拖延,不到'死线'不动手" (66.0%),排在第3位的是"不时停下手头工作,去关注新闻或其它事情"(58.1%)。 >Facebook workers youngest
Facebook Inc employees are the youngest and most satisfied among workers at big US technology companies, Bloomberg reported. A survey revealed Facebook employees are also the most stressed. Facebook had the lowest median age, 26, as well as the highest portion of female workers, 33%, among 9 of the industry's top businesses. Employees at International Business Machines Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co were the oldest surveyed with a median age of 44.
据彭博社报道,一项调查发现,在美国的大型科技公司中,Facebook员工最年轻,对自己的工作满意度最高,但也是工作压力最大的。调查显示,Facebook员工平均年龄26岁,是最年轻化的公司,而且在排名前9位的科技公司中,Facebook的女性员工比重也最大,占员工总数的33%。而IBM和惠普是受访公司中员工平均年龄最大的,达到44岁。>Chilean volcano halts flights
Ash from a volcanic eruption in Chile grounded flights in neighboring Argentina, AP reported. Smoke and ash shot more than 6 miles (10 km) into the sky when the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano complex in southern Chile first erupted Saturday afternoon. An estimated 4,000 people have left the region around the volcano. All flights between Buenos Aires and the Andean resorts of Bariloche and Chapelco were canceled until June 12. Seven other airports in Argentina were closed through Thursday.(See photo)
据美联社报道,受智利火山灰影响,阿根廷大量航班被取消。智利南方普耶韦火山群从4日下午开始喷发,浓烟和火山灰喷至10公里的高空。约有4000名居民撤离火山附近地区。阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯与巴里洛切、沙佩科等安第斯旅游胜地之间的航班禁飞令将执行到12日。阿根廷其它7座机场将于9日开放。(见图)  【In Brief】
>China banned 43 recently published online pornographic novels, according to a notice issued by the National Office against Pornographic and Illegal Publications Tuesday. The authorities have punished 24 websites and demanded the deletion of 209 links to illegal content. Eight of the sites were shut down for providing porn.
>Water supplies to parts of Yuhang, a district in Hangzhou, were suspended after environmental regulators discovered tap water was contaminated by 10 types of industrial chemicals including benzene discharged by factories upstream from the city. Some of local schools were closed for 3 days starting Tuesday.
>China announced its London Olympic table tennis singles squad Tuesday. Men's singles list includes world No 1 Wang Hao and No 3 Zhang Jike; women's single candidates are world No 1 Li Xiaoxia and No 2 Guo Yan.
>The annual charity auction for lunch with Warren Buffett began Sunday night, and by midday Monday, bids had topped $2m. The lunch is expected to approach last year's record quickly, Reuters reported.
>Saudi Arabia has imposed a temporary ban on vegetable imports from EU countries because of the deadly E.coli bacteria outbreak, local media reported.
据当地媒体报道,由于欧洲多国疯狂蔓延的肠出血性大肠杆菌疫情,沙特阿拉伯日前出台了一项命令,暂时禁止从欧盟进口蔬菜。 【Celebrity】
>Arnold's romance again
Brigitte Nielsen (see photo), former wife of Sylvester Stallone, revealed all about her passionate romance with Arnold Schwarzenegger, according to the Daily Mail of London. During the making of the action film "Red Sonja" in 1985, its 2 lead stars Arnold and Brigitte allegedly had an affair. Arnold wasn't married to Shriver at the time, but they were a couple. The attraction had been instant "and since we both knew that wouldn't last beyond the movie, we didn't hold back," Nielsen said.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,史泰龙前妻布里吉·尼尔森(见图)近日爆料称,自己与阿诺德·施瓦辛格早在1985年有过一段浪漫史。布里吉详细叙述了这段炙热的爱恋,二人在主演影片《神剑女王》时相识,并拥有了戏外情。据悉,当时阿诺德与现任妻子施莱弗虽未订婚,但业已定情。据布里吉称,她与阿诺德一下子就被对方吸引了,但"因为深知这段情不会长久,两人爱得越发毫无保留。"  【Kaleidoscope】
>More men seek better looking
More men are opting for plastic surgery and other enhancements to lift droopy necks and excise excess body fat, the Wall Street Journal reported. Younger men are increasingly viewing cosmetic procedures as an acceptable way to become more attractive. Men are motivated by competitive issues such as maintaining an edge in a youth-dominated work environment.
据《华尔街日报》报道,现在更多的男性会选择整容手术或其它方法,以提拉松弛的颈部、去掉身上多余的脂肪。越来越多的年轻男性认为,通过整形手术提升魅力是可以接受的。而男士做整形多是为了竞争需要,比如在年轻人占主体的工作场所中保持优势等。>Germany 'the least funny'
An international poll concluded Germany is the least funny country in the world, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. The survey of more than 30,000 people was conducted in 15 countries. Many of the respondents said they saw Germans as being more focused on rationality and efficiency and a German joke is no laughing matter. Russia, Turkey, the UK and the US rounded out the 5 least witty countries.
"Yesterday, I met my friend Horst at the hospital. He'd swallowed a sponge. He says it doesn't hurt but he's always thirsty"。
"昨天,我在医院碰到了朋友Horst。他吞了块海绵。他说一点都不疼,但就是很渴。" 【Talk Show】
>I'd like to mail this parcel overseas, please.
>Would you like it air mail or surface mail?
>How long would it take by surface mail, give or take?
>It should arrive there within 30 days, more or less.
大概30天内到达。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
_______ a strong password, we recommend using a combination of letters and numbers.答案:(A) To create
根据句意,此处应填"为了……"的表达,而四个选项中只有"to do"的形式符合要求,故选A。