
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/24 12:47:58
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12,441.58 +38.82 +0.31%
2,796.86 +13.94 +0.50%【Bonus Oriens】
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. (Donald Kendall)
>Additives rampant in cakes
>Students call for love lessons
>Strauss-Kahn 'gentleman'?
>Large breasted girl accused
>Tips:'Weekend lag'
英语点津:何谓'周末时差'【Cover Story】
>Home Inns absorbs Motel 168
Home Inns & Hotels Management Inc, China's largest budget hotel operator, will pay $470m to buy 100% stake in hotel chain Motel 168 International Holdings Ltd, caijing.com.cn reported. The acquisition, which aims to consolidate the chain's market lead, is expected to be completed by the end of this year. Home Inns offers 97,321 rooms at 848 hotels. Motel 168 is the country's 5th largest budget hotel chain with 281 hotels and 45,669 rooms in 81 cities.
据财经网报道,如家酒店集团正式签署了4.7亿美元收购莫泰168国际控股公司全部股份的协议,将进一步巩固其行业老大的位置。本次交易预计于2011年底前完成。如家酒店集团拥有开业酒店848家,客房数量为97321间,位居中国经济型连锁酒店第一。莫泰168也是中国经济型酒店市场上的知名品牌,位居行业第五,拥有281家分店,共45669间客房,分布在81个城市。 【Top News】
>Additives rampant in cakes
Dozens of artificial food additives are widely used in moon cake markets in China, the Yangcheng Evening News reported. Some are used to prevent the pastries from decay, and some are added to enhance taste and appearance. A wide variety of additives are in use, including preservatives, thickeners, sweeteners, antioxidants and colorants, among others.
据《羊城晚报》报道,目前添加在月饼中的食品添加剂多达几十种,除了人尽皆知的防腐剂,还有增稠剂、甜味剂、抗氧化剂、着色剂等。有的是为了保鲜,而更多的是为了"美容"、"增味儿"。>Students call for love lessons
A post titled "How to handle a relationship? How to balance love and study? Can university set such an optional course for us?" attracted lots of attention on the BBS of a Wuhan-based university. The student who posted the message claims that he and his girlfriend brawl over petty things from time to time, leading to a bad mood and skipping of classes. The post was backed by many students, one of whom said, "I don't know how to get along with my boyfriend either. He is my first love. Really need such classes." A survey by cnhubei.com found that 70% of students hope there are lessons about romance at universities.
"不会谈恋爱,不会平衡恋爱和学习之间的关系,跪求学校开恋爱选修课。"武汉某高校的论坛上出现了这样一篇帖子。发帖者称,他和女友常因小事吵架导致心情非常不好,课也好几天没上了。"如果有恋爱课教我怎样处理这种情况就好了。"许多网友跟帖大呼赞同,有女生说:"第一次谈恋爱,我也不知道怎样和男友相处。"荆楚网的一项调查显示,七成的大学生表示希望学校开设"恋爱选修课"。 >Solitary superstar found
An international team of astronomers has detected a monster star in a nearby galaxy, UK media reported. The team led by staff from the Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland said the star may be 3 million times brighter than the sun. It is about 150 times the mass of the sun and is unusual in that it lies in relative isolation. The isolation makes this start mysterious, because stars similar to this one have all been found at the center of crowded clusters.
据英国媒体报道,由北爱尔兰阿尔马天文台的科学家领队的一支国际天文学研究小组日前发现,离我们很近的一个星系存在一个巨大恒星,它异常明亮,或许是太阳亮度的300万倍;它的质量约为太阳质量的150倍。这颗星的最奇特之处在于它相对独立。之前发现的类似的超级巨星大都位于星团中,这颗"孤独巨星"因此变得愈加神秘。  【In Brief】
>According to a newly released survey in Taiwan, 77% of respondents are willing to work in the Chinese mainland. For those who are in the mainland, 74% earn more annually than they did in Taiwan, xinhuanet.com reported.
>Japan Friday had its sovereign credit outlook lowered from stable to negative by Fitch Ratings, Xinhua reported.
据新华社报道,惠誉国际信用评级有限公司27日宣布,将日本长期主权信用评级展望从"稳定"下调为"负面"。 【Newsmakers】
>Strauss-Kahn 'gentleman'?
An Italian porn star named Natasha Kiss has claimed that she had sex with Dominique Strauss-Kahn. But she insisted that he behaved like a gentleman, not "a drooling dog", the Daily Mail of London reported. Kiss, 38, claims to have met the former head of the International Monetary Fund in a private club in Paris 4 or 5 years ago. "He wasn't a randy old man or hungry for women as he has been depicted. He was very kind and educated. I know men, and he was not the violent type." Kiss said she thought the former IMF chief had no need to rape a woman because he could afford to pay for escorts like her.
>Large breasted girl accused
A US lawyer requested that a "large breasted woman" move from her seat at the opposing counsel's table, the Huffington Post reported. Attorney Thomas Gooch, who is representing a car dealership in the case, filed a motion asking the judge to order his opposing counsel's paralegal to sit in the gallery with other spectators. Gooch claims that the woman sitting next to the plaintiff's lawyer has no legal experience and was placed there to "draw the attention of the jury away from the relevant proceedings." Gooch is now being accused of sexism.
据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,美国一名律师日前以对方律师的助手"胸部过大"为由,要求该助手换位。在这起案件中,这位名叫托马斯·古奇的律师为被告——某汽车经销商提供辩护,他在法庭上提出动议,要求法官将原告律师的女助理从辩护席赶到旁听席上去。他说这名女助理毫无办案经验,对方明显就是想用她"过大的胸部"来干扰陪审团集中精力工作。古奇因此被诉性别歧视。 【Language Tips】
'Weekend lag'
很多上班族把周一叫做"黑色星期一",因为刚过完悠闲的周末,又要恢复早起上班的作息,大家都会有点回不过神儿来。这种情况在英语里叫做weekend lag,就跟长途飞行结束后的飞机时差(jet lag)类似。只不过,导致周末时差的原因是周末聚会、豪饮以及作息时间的变化,而飞机时差主要是因为长途飞行引起的。
Monday morning classes are so rough. It's only 8 in the morning but I feel like it is 7 pm. That's a serious case of weekend lag.
周一早上的课真痛苦啊。虽然现在是早上8点,可我觉得好像已经是晚上7点了。严重的周末时差反应啊。【Talk Show】
>Hello, I'd like to inquire about a parcel I mailed to China 2 months ago.
>Do you have a tracking number for it?
>Yes, the number is 123456789. It was sent on March 1st.
>Did you try to track it online?
>Yes, it said there is no information. Could you look into it for me?
查过了,说查不到相关信息。你能帮我查查吗?(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Chris Clark润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
This week, the renaming of No 4 Building at Tsinghua University as Jeanswest Building has triggered a hot debate among netizens. What's your opinion?
虽然说一直以来都有企业或个人投资学校建楼命名,但作为授业传道解惑的国内最高学府,应该对此类事件慎重选择。真的缺那点钱吗?就算是也应该选择与高校匹配的学术气息或高雅的文化相关的,不能随便人或企业都能进入。我们社会最后的净土也开始随波逐流浮躁起来了! 上海150****9290