
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/14 18:11:36
 【Weather May 27】
Wuhan: sunny 20~30℃
Yichang: cloudy 21~31℃
Shiyan: sunny 19~33℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 649.21 CNY
100 GBP = 1058.67 CNY
100 EUR = 917.24 CNY
100 HKD = 83.41 CNY
100 JPY = 7.9215 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2736.53 -5.21 -0.19%
HangSeng Stock
22900.79 +153.51 +0.67%【Highlights】
>Property prices in Chongqing
>Explosions in Fuzhou
>Satellite finds pyramids
>Entrepreneur-friendly nations
>France faces new sex scandal
>Joey Wong has a love child?
>Botox boob job
英国兴起肉毒杆菌丰胸【Cover Story】
>Sinopec deals with 'oilgate'
Sinopec gas stations at Yueyang in Hunan have become the subject of the recent "oilgate", the National Business Daily reported. Oil provided by the gas stations has caused several engine problems. Sinopec has offered free repair for cars which were filled oil between April 26 and May 10 at the Yueyang Sinopec gas stations. The number of affected cars is not known, but at one Buick store, 1,100 cars are waiting to be fixed. "Sample tests show no problems with our oil," an official from Sinopec said.
据《每日经济新闻》报道,湖南岳阳市中石化加油站陷入"问题油"风波,汽车在加油之后出现发动机故障。中石化方面将对4月26日至5月10日期间到中石化岳阳加油站加油的车辆实施免费维修。受到波及车辆目前无法统计,仅一家别克4S店等待维修的车辆就达1100部。中石化岳阳分公司相关人士表示,检测显示油品没有问题。 【Top News】
>Property prices in Chongqing
Prices of luxury homes have dropped by 10.48% in Chongqing about 4 months after the municipality launched a property tax reform, a local housing authority said Wednesday. The trade volume of Chongqing's high-end housing market also slumped. The policy helps to calm speculation and make expectations of real estate developers more rational as demands for luxury houses fall, an official said.
重庆房产税改革试点实施已近4个月。重庆国土房管局25日表示,政策调控作用逐步显现,重庆高档住房交易出现量价齐跌局面,成交均价较政策实施前下降10.48%。有关官员表示,房产税实施后,受高档住房消费需求下降的影响,房地产开发企业对高档住房的定价更趋理性,价格上涨预期不断下降。 >Explosions in Fuzhou
Explosions went off at 3 different locations in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Thursday, killing 2 people and injuring 6, Xinhua reported. The blasts happened around 10 am near the city's procuratorate office, the Linchuan district government building and district food and drug administration. A witness said most of the window panes in the procuratorate office, an 8-story building, were broken. The cause of the blasts is still being investigated, but the source with the provincial government said a farmer was suspected to have triggered the explosions to avenge his resentment.
据新华社报道,26日上午10时左右,江西省抚州市检察院、临川区政府大楼和临川区药监局大楼附近发生爆炸,造成2人死亡、6人受伤。据目击者称,市检察院8层大楼的玻璃已基本震碎。爆炸原因正在调查。据省政府有关人员称,爆炸原因是该市一农民对一些事不满而进行的报复。 >Satellite finds pyramids
Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt, BBC reported. More than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements were also revealed by using infra-red images that show underground buildings. Initial excavations have already confirmed some of the findings, including 2 suspected pyramids.
据英国广播公司报道,在最新一次卫星勘测中,科学家意外在埃及找到了17座失落的金字塔。用来拍摄地下建筑的红外线图像显示,地下还埋藏着超过1000座古墓和3000处古代定居点。初步挖掘已经证实了部分卫星发现,已有两座疑似为金字塔的建筑出土。>Entrepreneur-friendly nations
A survey has suggested Indonesia is the best place for entrepreneurs to start a business, BBC reported. The US, Canada, India and Australia are among the next best countries. At the other extreme, Colombia, Egypt, Turkey, Italy and Russia are among the least entrepreneur-friendly. The results come from a survey of more than 24,000 people across 24 countries.
据英国广播公司报道,一项针对24个国家涉及2.4万人的调查显示,印度尼西亚是世界上最适合企业家们白手起家的地方。美国、加拿大、印度和澳大利亚紧随其后,也被视为最支持创业的国家。在另一个极端,对创业者最不友好的国家包括哥伦比亚、埃及、土耳其、意大利和俄罗斯。 【In Brief】
>Leaders of the world's richest nations began the G8 summit on France's Normandy coast Thursday. Topics will include the Arab situation, the economy and Japan's nuclear disaster, AFP reported.
>Bank of China earned the title of the most popular employer for business graduates in 2011 for the 2nd consecutive year according to the list of the most popular employers for Chinese graduates in 2011 released recently.
>Jiangsu's electricity shortage may worsen after some large vessels carrying electricity coal can't enter the province via the Yangtze River and Huaihe River due to a severe draught, the Beijing Times reported.
>Tsinghua University has cancelled naming one of its buildings "Jeanswest", a popular Chinese clothes brand, CCTV reported.
据央视报道,清华大学已经摘下铭牌,不以流行服装品牌"真维斯"命名该校教学楼。 【Quotable Quote】
Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is, and get about the job of doing it. Don't waste any more time. Start embracing the life that is calling you, and use your life to serve the world.
每个人都有一项人生的使命,需要做的就是弄明白自己真正的使命是什么,并投身其中。不要再浪费时间,从现在起就拥抱生活,听从使命的召唤,为世界奉献吧。 【Newsmaker】
>France faces new sex scandal
Nicolas Sarkozy's UMP party has been hit with its own sex scandal after 2 women accused the French president's public works minister Georges Tron of sexually harassing them, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. The latest scandal to rock French politics came less than 2 weeks after Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former IMF chief and leading Socialist presidential challenger, was charged with attempting to rape a hotel chambermaid in New York.
The women told Le Parisien newspaper they were encouraged to break their silence following Strauss-Kahn's arrest. "When I see that a little chambermaid is capable of taking on Dominique Strauss-Kahn, I tell myself I do not have the right to stay silent," said one woman. "Other women are perhaps suffering what I went through. I must help them," she said.
两名女性接受法国《巴黎人报》采访时表示,看到卡恩被捕后,她们受到鼓舞,决定不再沉默。一名女性说:"当我看到一个小小的酒店女服务员都敢于指认卡恩,我告诉自己我没有权利保持沉默。其他女性可能正在遭遇我所经历的羞辱。我必须帮助她们。" >Joey Wong has a love child?
Hong Kong actress Joey Wong is involved in a love child scandal. Taiwan media reports she gave birth to a deaf girl in 1994. The girl is now 17 and lives in Taipei. It is reported that a woman resembling Wong went to a hospital in Taipei and asked for an abortion 17 years ago, but the child was secretly raised by the midwife and sold. The father of the girl might be Hong Kong millionaire Peter Lam, as Wong was dating Lam in 1993. Lam said he knew nothing about the child and Wong's father denied the report.(See photo)
香港女星王祖贤卷入私生子丑闻。台湾媒体爆料王祖贤1994年生下一聋哑女婴,目前已17岁,居住在台北。报道称,17年前,一神似王祖贤的女子到台北某医院要求处理腹中胎儿,女婴被当时的助产护士引产后偷偷养活,再贩卖给他人。至于女孩的父亲,有指是香港富商林建岳,1993年,王祖贤与林建岳爆出绯闻。对此,林建岳回应称不知情,而王祖贤的父亲彻底否认了这一报道。(见图)  【Kaleidoscope】
>Botox boob job
In the past, a woman who wanted a breast lift had only one option: major surgery. The surgery is very expensive and requires several weeks of recovery time. But a new treatment - the Botox breast lift - is now available in the UK, the Daily Mail of London reported Thursday. The new treatment costs £700 and promises instant results with no side-effects or recovery time. The results last for an average of 6 months, after which patients need to have treatment again.
女人想要恢复乳房坚挺,过去只有一种办法:进行丰胸手术。但这种手术价格昂贵,且需数周恢复时间。据英国《每日邮报》26日报道,英国近日出现一种名为"肉毒杆菌注射乳房提升术"的新方法,号称"瞬间见效,无副作用",仅需700英镑。注射后乳房提升效果可持续6个月,失效后可再次注射。 【China Daily Radio】
A:protection强调的是比较直接和具体的保护,比如遭遇危险时需要保护,受到外力干扰需要保护。preservation更强调为使某事物更长久存在下去的一种长期维护,比如对于濒临灭绝文化的保护,对于稀有物种的保护。 1580***7435黑龙江哈尔滨:请问"天津三绝"中的"狗不理"包子、"桂发祥十八街"麻花和"耳朵眼"炸糕,还有天津人的早点"煎饼果子"如何用英文表达?我也想借此发扬天津的小吃。
答:据天津《每日新报》2007年报道,狗不理集团已经将"go believe"注册为英文商标。其他小吃的官方英文说法无法考证,大家如果有标准翻译可以跟我们分享啦! 今天跟大家分享是经典名片《阿甘正传》片段赏析,开始之前我们来温习一个词:
destiny: 命中注定,宿命。 Death is just a part of life.
Something we're all destined to do.
I didn't know it,
but I was destined to be your mama.
I did the best I could.
You did good.
Well...I happen to believe you make your own destiny.
You have to do the best with what God gave you.
What's my destiny, Mama?
You're going to have to figure that out for yourself.
Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest.
You never know what you're going to get.
你永远不知道下一块是什么味道。 【Word Power】
impulse buys
Modern men spend more on impulse buys than women do, research has revealed.
调查显示,现代男性冲动购物比女性花费更多。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Ms Matthews has left the Phoenix branch, and her replacement, Mr Slovic, is ____ handling all customer inquiries.
(A) yet
(B) now
(C) rather
(D) ever