
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/10 08:56:11
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To do a common thing, uncommonly well, brings success. (Henry John Heinz, American businessman, 1844-1919)
>Less migrant worker on farms
>Kids' naked sunbath
>'Bullets Fly' shamed
>Ku6 start-up team removed
>Anti-Americanism in France
>Stars bid Oprah farewell
>Aussies brew 'space beer'
邀您参与'爱·分享' 【Cover Story】
>Divorce ceremonies come to China
The movie "If You Are the One II" features a scene about a ceremony marking the final termination of a marital union. It now turns out a real thing in China. A Shijiazhuang-based company began offering divorce services on its website, haohehaosan.net, early this month, Hebei Youth Daily reported. It is believed to be the first to promote divorce ceremonies in China. Shu Qing, a mother born in 1980s, founded the website with her 4 female friends. "We will promote the ceremony as a way for divorced couples to show respect to each other, gain relief and then begin their new lives," Shu said. Reports say several people have consulted the website for tips.
据《河北青年报》报道,电影《非常勿扰Ⅱ》中的离婚分手仪式日前变成现实。本月初,好合好散婚姻服务网在石家庄成立,被认为是国内首家离婚服务网站。网站首创者之一舒晴为一名80后妈妈,她和她的4位姐妹创立了该网站。舒晴表示,网站倡导分手时举行仪式,以示对对方的尊重,同时可以帮人们走出痛苦,开始新的生活。据悉,目前已有不少人前来咨询。【Top News】
>Less migrant worker on farms
About 84.5% of the young generation of migrant workers have never engaged in farming, making the group's dual status as both worker and farmer a thing of the past, according to a study by China Economy & Informatization magazine. Based on a survey of 6,232 migrant workers, the study showed over 50% of workers have settled down in cities with an average wage of RMB1,720 per month. Their average net balance per year is RMB7,843, out of which RMB6,462 is sent to their homes in the countryside.
《中国经济和信息化》杂志近日针对6232名农民工的问卷调查显示,新生代农民工没有从事过农业生产的比例高达84.5%,"亦工亦农"正在成为历史。调查表明,半数以上的农民工已在城镇稳定就业,农民工平均月工资1720元,年净结余7843元,寄回老家的现金6462元。 >Kids' naked sunbath
An exercise class in a kindergarten in Dongguan, Guangdong, has drawn attention as kids are playing together naked or half-naked outdoors. Among the 2 dozen kids, boys are mostly naked and girls wear only pants. Some parents have complained undressed boys and girls playing together could have a bad influence on the children, Guangzhou Daily reported. However, the head of the kindergarten said it is an exercise class and children are enjoying bathing in the sun. Basking in the sunshine helps build bones and prevent hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD).
--The children aged between 3 and 5 already have gender awareness and such kind of sunbathing is improper.
反方:3到5岁的小孩子已经有性别意识了,知道"男女有别",让他们在公共场所裸体玩耍,很不妥当。--It's not such a big deal. Children are naked or half naked in the swimming pool or on other public occasions.
正方:这个情况和在游泳池等公共场合比较类似,小孩子也是裸体或者身穿泳衣,没有必要太在意。 >Ku6 start-up team removed
Famous video site Ku6 said Wednesday it will layoff about 20% of its marketing employees, caijing.com.cn reported. Hao Zhizhong, a senior vice president of the web company, expressed his anger with the shakeup in his micro blog and was soon fired by Shanda Group, the holding company of Ku6. Hao called Shanda "stupid, mean and cold-blooded" in his twitter-like personal page. The expulsion also included another Ku6 vice president, Zeng Xingye.
Entertainment company Shanda completed the acquisition of Ku6 in November 2009. However, Li Shanyou, a founder of Ku6, resigned from his position as CEO of Ku6 in March 2011 because he disagreed with Shanda over the strategic direction of the online video site. A source said the start-up team of Ku6 has been dismissed from management as of today.
2009年11月,盛大正式将视频网站酷6网收并其中。2011年3月,酷6网创始人、原酷6网CEO李善友辞职,据悉是因为其与盛大方面在酷6战略发展方向上存异见。有消息称,至今日,现有酷6网管理团队中,创始团队已被全部清洗。>'Bullets Fly' shamed
New Year blockbuster "Let the Bullets Fly" was given a shame award, the "Dirty Ashtray Award", in Beijing Wednesday for its excessive smoking scenes. "Let the Bullets Fly" has the most smoking scenes, or every 1.65 minutes one smoking scene, among the 40 most popular films over the past year, according to the award presenter Chinese Association on Tobacco Control. The association also gave "No Smoking Scene Awards" to 18 films and series, including "Under the Hawthorn Tree", "Echoes of the Rainbow" and "Marriage Battle. However", no one came to pick the awards at Wednesday's award presenting ceremony.
18日,中国控烟协会评选的"脏烟灰缸奖"在京发布,贺岁大片《让子弹飞》因烟草镜头过多,从2010年热映的40部国产电影中"脱颖而出"获得该奖。据统计,《让子弹飞》每1.65分钟就出现一次烟草镜头。此外,《山楂树之恋》、《岁月神偷》、《婚姻保卫战》等18部影视作品获"无烟影视奖"。据悉,当天无人来领取以上奖项。 >Anti-Americanism in France
France has launched itself into one of its spasms of anti-Americanism after the arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on charge of sexually assault, the Los Angeles Times reported. French citizens have questioned America's handling of the incident saying it was outrageous for New York police to lead Strauss-Kahn out of a police department in handcuffs. Other questions like, "What about the presumption of innocence? How could a judge throw Strauss-Kahn into Rikers Island prison which was reportedly noisy, overcrowded, dangerous and filled with prisoners carrying contagious diseases?"
据《洛杉矶时报》报道,在纽约警方以性侵罪名拘捕国际货币基金组织总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩后,卡恩的祖国法国出现了一股反美情绪。针对卡恩戴着手铐被纽约警方押送出警察厅,有法国人表示:这情景太让人受不了。还有人质疑:无罪推定原则怎么在他身上不适用呢?法官竟然把他关在雷克斯岛监狱,那里既吵闹、拥挤不堪,又危险重重,还关满了携带传染病毒的其他囚犯! 【In Brief】
>By the end of 2010, the average monthly income of PLA cadres reached RMB5373.14, 2.61 times higher than it was at the end of the 10th Five-Year Plan, according to the website of the Ministry of National Defense.
>Apple earned a massive profit of $419,528 per employee in the past 12 months, beating Google, Microsoft, Intel, HP, Dell and other tech firms, US media reported.
>Bank of China announced its partnership with Mashreq, one of the UAE's financial institutions, to establish a "China Desk" in the UAE.
>Maria Gomes Valentim, a 114-year-old Brazilian woman, is the world's oldest living human, Guinness World Records said Wednesday.
吉尼斯世界纪录的官方机构18日宣布,114岁的巴西妇女玛丽亚是世界上活着的最长寿的人。 【Celebrity】
>Stars bid Oprah farewell
Hollywood's A-list celebrities were on hand to say goodbye to Oprah Winfrey. Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Madonna and Beyonce were at Chicago's United Center Tuesday night for the taping of The Oprah Winfrey Show as the TV talk show approaches its finale next week. Winfrey received a standing ovation from about 13,000 fans. The Oprah Winfrey Show, which debuted September 8, 1986, has run for 25 seasons and will air its final episode on May 25.(See photo)
"Men now know how to communicate their feelings to their loved ones because of Oprah. Kids now know how to tell the truth about what has happened to them because of Oprah ... Love you, girl." — Tom Hanks
因为奥普拉,现在的男人知道如何与爱的人沟通情感;因为奥普拉,孩子们知道如何真实讲述发生在他们身上的事情,爱你,姑娘。——汤姆·汉克斯"She's always there. She always has something positive to say ... I couldn't possibly say farewell ... I'm in denial that she won't be part of my every afternoon." —Julia Roberts
她乐于助人,总是能提出积极的建议。我不可能说出再见,我无法接受要告别她以及这个我每天下午必看的节目。——茱莉亚·罗伯茨  【Kaleidoscope】
>Angry Birds-parabolic thrill
The Angry Birds computer game has risen to global ubiquity. The Wall Street Journal said the thrill of a well-launched parabolic projectile from an evolutionary perspective might be what makes the game so popular. Only humans can find predicting parabolas intriguing, said the article. Until 10,000 years ago, mankind relied on this talent for gathering food by killing at a distance. The report says, "Imagine how much keener the joy of the throw if the prize was food after a day of hunger. No wonder we still love to experience the thrill of a well-launched parabolic projectile - ven a cartoon of an angry bird."
《愤怒的小鸟》这款电脑游戏现已红遍全球。《华尔街日报》一篇报道称,从生物进化的观点解释,这也许是因为抛物线投掷东西特别能让人着迷。文章称,也许只有人类才会对预测抛物线运动感兴趣,通过进化,直到一万年前,人类才开始依靠抛物线投掷来收集食物,这能让人远距离杀死猎物。文章写道:"想想看,饿了一天后,通过投掷,人们得到的奖励是食物,那是多大的快乐啊。怪不得我们现在还是激动于抛物线投掷的乐趣,即使只是一只卡通的愤怒小鸟。" >Aussies brew 'space beer'
Looking ahead to a future of growing space tourism, 2 Australian engineers have developed the first beer designed specially for weightless conditions, Reuters reported. The special brew, Vostok 4 Pines Stout, is full-bodied and flavorsome to counter the loss of taste sensation which occurs when tongues swell in space. The prototype was tested on a zero-gravity flight over Florida. Throughout the test flight, an expert drank almost a liter of the beer despite the challenges of keeping the bottle to his mouth and getting the beer to pour out.(See photo)
据路透社报道,随着人类到太空旅游的梦想渐渐成真,澳洲两名工程师酿制出了世界上第一种适合在太空无重力状态下品尝的啤酒。这款啤酒名为沃斯托克四棵松烈性啤酒,味道纯正、香味扑鼻,适合太空旅行者舌头肿胀、味觉减弱后的口味。这款啤酒已经在美国佛罗里达州通过了零重力环境测试。测试过程中,品酒员在零重力环境下喝下将近一升啤酒,但是要做到把瓶子放到嘴边,并把啤酒倒出来,却费了不少功夫。(见图)  【Talk Show】
>This car came hurtling towards me and I thought my number was up.
>You gotta look after number one, right?
>Please tell me in round numbers what it'll cost.
>I'm not worried about Taylor. I've got his number and I know what to expect.
>The man who came to fix my roof certainly did a number on me. He said he'd do the work for $1,500, but when he finished he charged me more than $3,000!
来给我修屋顶的那个人骗了我,他起先开价1500美元,但是完工后却要3000多美元。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Chris Clark润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
All participants in the research program are required to fill out feedback surveys _______ the sessions are finished.
答案:(B) when