
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/22 03:17:32
 【Weather May 16】
Wuhan: cloudy 20~28℃
Yichang: cloudy 18~30℃
Shiyan: sunny 17~33.6℃【Highlights】
>Club application form revealed
>Little Sheep devoured by Yum
>Robbers make off with Y604M
>Martelly sworn in as president
>Liu Xiang VS Oliver tonight
>Tips: 'Have/get a hunch'
点津:'有预感'怎么说?【Cover Story】
>IMF chief arrested in NY
IMF chief and possible French presidential contender Dominique Strauss-Kahn was taken into police custody and is expected to be charged Sunday after an alleged sexual assault of a hotel maid in New York City, police said, Reuters reported. A 32-year-old maid filed a sexual assault complaint after fleeing the hotel suite. She told detectives Strauss-Kahn came out of the bathroom naked, ran down a hallway to the foyer where she was, pulled her into a bedroom and began to sexually assault her. A lawyer representing Strauss-Kahn told Reuters in an email that the IMF chief "will plead not guilty."
据路透社报道,美国纽约警方称,国际货币基金组织总裁、可能参与竞选法国总统的多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩因涉嫌性侵一名酒店服务员被逮捕,警方可能于当地时间15日对他提出指控。一名32岁的酒店女服务员告诉警方,自己当时在房间的门厅,卡恩全身赤裸从浴室走出来,穿过过道跑到门厅,把她拉进卧室对她进行性侵犯。这名女服务员随后逃离了房间,并报警。斯特劳斯-卡恩的代理律师在发给路透社的电子邮件中称,斯特劳斯-卡恩将否认指控。 【Top News】
>Club application form revealed
New details emerged on whether the Forbidden City's Jianfu Palace Garden has been changed into a high-end club. An insider revealed that he and around 100 graduates from the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business's CEO program received a club member application form after having been invited to attend a club opening ceremony at Jianfu Palace Garden on April 23, the Beijing News reported. The application form has a logo which reads "Forbidden City Jianfu Palace". Club members can enjoy services like having dinner, throwing a party and holding a conference at Jianfu Palace. CCTV anchorman Rui Chenggang continued to tweet on his microblog Saturday night saying, "It's said that the club membership fee is RMB1m. Five hundred members will contribute RMB500m, which is enough to build 5 Jianfu Palaces."
--On May 11, CCTV anchorman Rui Chenggang said on his microblog he heard the Forbidden City's Jianfu Palace had been changed into a club for worldwide billionaires and the limited 500 person membership will be sold all over the world.
--On May 13, the Palace Museum responded on its microblog and blog the rebuilt Jianfu Palace did not and won't change into a private club for billionaires.
"Rui Chenggang shot to fame overnight after he asked the Starbuck outlet to withdraw from the Forbidden City. Now he seized the widely concerned art stolen accident as a chance to hype himself up," Forbidden City employee Song Qiao said. "Jianfu Palace has organized many activities and many Beijing media and CCTV reporters have come to cover events. How could he say something like this? Doesn't he feel guilty?" Song told the Southern Metropolis Daily.
据《南方都市报》报道,故宫工作人员宋乔表示,"芮成钢之前就是靠故宫星巴克事件一夜成名的,现在又趁社会各界广泛关注故宫临时展品被盗的'机会',借此炒作自己。建福宫办了那么多的活动,北京多少媒体都来过,央视记者也来过多次采访报道,怎么他就能说出顶级富豪私人会所这种话来?他亏心不亏心?"  >Little Sheep devoured by Yum
Yum! Brands Inc, the owner of several fast-food chains including KFC and Pizza Hut, is set to acquire a 93.22% stake of the Hong Kong-listed Mongolian hot pot brand Little Sheep Group Ltd at a price of HK$6.5 per share, cnr.cn reported. The offer from Yum is 30% higher than the hot pot group's closing price of HK$5 on April 21. Little Sheep will delist once the deal wins final approval from the Ministry of Commerce, according to a joint announcement by the companies Friday.
据中广网报道,拥有肯德基、必胜客等知名品牌的百胜餐饮集团13日和内蒙古火锅连锁店小肥羊就收购达成协议,百胜拟以每股6.5港元现金收购小肥羊93.22%股权。每股6.5港元的价格,较小肥羊4月21日的收市价每股5港元溢价约30%。收购完成后小肥羊将在港交所退市。但交易尚需取得中国商务部等相关监管机构批准。>Robbers make off with Y604M
Two men broke into a security company office in the western Tokyo suburb of Tachikawa early Thursday and made off with 604m yen, pulling off the biggest robbery in Japanese history, the Kyodo News Agency reported. The police said 2 masked men entered the security firm's office at about 3 am. After beating a security guard with an iron pipe and stabbing him to get the combination for the vault, they put the cash into 70 bags and fled, the police said.
据日本共同社报道,日本近日发生了有史以来最大抢劫案,东京西郊立川市的一家保安公司被抢匪攻入,多达6.04亿日元(约合人民币4854万元)现金被抢走。警方透露,12日凌晨3时许,两名蒙面劫匪潜入保安公司,用钢管击倒现场保安,还捅了他几刀,逼他说出存放现金房间的开门密码,从金库里抢走整整70袋现金后逃之夭夭。 【In Brief】
>A Russian government delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov visited one of the disputed islands Sunday. It is the first visit by top Russian officials to the islands since the March 11 mega earthquake-tsunami disaster hit Japan, Japan Today reported.
>China's flying man Liu Xiang will compete with American star David Oliver Sunday night in the 110 meter hurdles at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix. It's the first time the hurdler will compete on an outdoor field this year.
15日晚,上海田径黄金大奖赛110米栏比赛即将拉开战幕。中国"飞人"刘翔将与美国名将奥利弗上演强手对决。这是刘翔今年第一次在室外赛场亮相。 【Celebrity】
>Martelly sworn in as president
Former pop star Michel Martelly was sworn in Saturday as the president of impoverished Haiti, a country still reeling from last year's devastating earthquake. The electricity went out moments before the inauguration, prompting formally dressed dignitaries and guests - including former US president Bill Clinton and French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe - to fan themselves to stave off the rising May heat. Despite the outage, the ceremony proceeded before parliament and Martelly took his oath of office amid the lights of media cameras.
海地著名流行歌手米歇尔·马尔泰利14日宣誓就职总统,接管这个自去年大地震后仍在挣扎中的赤贫国家。但就职仪式开始前不久,现场断电。包括美国前总统克林顿和法国外长阿兰·朱佩在内的来宾们身着正装,在海地5月的高温下挥汗如雨,不得不给自己扇风。虽然电力中断,但伴随着媒体闪光灯的光亮,马尔泰利仍在黑暗中进行了宣誓。 【Language Tips】
'Have/get a hunch'
在西方,驼背的人据说和魔鬼有特殊关系,能够未卜先知。所以英文hunch这个字,既可以解作背上的隆肉,也可以翻译为预感、直觉。Have/get a hunch(背上有一块隆肉),就是"有一种预感或直觉"的意思。
I have a hunch that the plan will not work.
我预感这计划不会成功。 【China Daily Radio】
目标:学习《中国日报》原创新闻故宫博物院展品被盗案已经破获,一名山东籍嫌疑人被抓。该男子在北京居住4年左右,警方通过指纹识别将其绳之于法。犯罪嫌疑人交代:作案动机就是缺钱。指纹比对相对应的英文是fingerprint comparison。嫌疑犯在作案时,会留下fingermark(指痕,指迹)。不同人之间、同一个人的正常细胞与病变细胞之间的基因也不相同,这种差异可像指纹一样具有"唯一性",被形象地称为genetic fingerprint(基因指纹)。故宫中保存有大量的cultural or historical relics(历史文物),其中有很多价值不菲的unearthed relics(出土文物)。不少人还热衷于收集antique(古董)。故宫发言人已做出表态,对这起失窃案件负有unshirkable responsibility(不可推卸的责任)。音频马上开始,准备好了吗? 请看《中国日报》的报道:Shi has lived in Beijing for 4 years. He allegedly entered the Palace Museum as a tourist and conducted the theft for money. He was identified by police through fingerprint comparison.嫌疑犯石柏魁在北京已经居住了4年。他称自己是以游客身份进入故宫,作案动机就是缺钱。他是通过指纹比对被警方发现的。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
A recent survey shows that nearly 50% of office workers have encountered bosses who make harsh comments. When it comes to office survival, what advice can you share about how to get along with colleagues and superiors? Describe your good or bad experiences at your workplace. We look forward to your comments.
完美无缺的职场只存在于理想之中,毒舌无处不在:老板、客户、同事、竞争对手、舆论,都可能做出不好的评价。一方面,要提高自己的抗压能力。另一方面,要提高自己解决问题的能力,做成了事,毒舌可能变甜舌。 江苏盐城137****7655 