
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/12 12:18:22
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Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. (Eskimo proverb)
>Free tea not risk-free
>New radioactive leak into sea
>Relaxation of rules for US
>'Flying trains' developed
>GM eyes rural China markets
>Bin Laden's son disappears
>Pink liquid used at protest
邀您一起参与'爱·分享' 【Cover Story】
>Sichuan rises after quake
Three years after a devastating earthquake, the worst-hit areas in Sichuan and neighboring provinces have risen from the rubble. 95% of reconstruction projects have been completed, with the remainder set to be finished by the end of September, Mu Hong, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission said. In Sichuan alone, nearly 3,000 schools, 1,000 hospitals and more than 5m homes have been built or renovated. The 8.0-magnitude earthquake jolted Wenchuan and surrounding areas on May 12, 2008, killing at least 87,000 people and leaving millions homeless.
距离汶川大地震已经整整3年。四川以及周边省份在废墟之上重建家园的目标胜利在望。国家发改委副主任穆虹表示,截至目前,灾后恢复重建项目已完工近95%。今年9月底将全面完成灾后恢复重建各项任务。仅四川一省,已经重建或重修学校近3000所,医院1000所,民房超过500万间。2008年5月12日,汶川及周边地区发生8.0级大地震。至少8.7万人遇难,数百万人无家可归。【Top News】
>Free tea not risk-free
Many people think that free tea provided by restaurants is just made of low quality tea leaves; not tasty but safe. But it seems this is not the case. According to cnr.cn, restaurant tea is not a well-kept secret at the wholesale market. This kind of tea is mostly powder, dark in color, and with a smell like smoke and dust. Half a kilo of restaurant tea leaves (RMB20/kg) can make 125 kg of tea, making the cost of a pot of tea less than RMB0.01. Tests have shown that restaurant tea contains many micro-organism viruses, including colon bacillus, which poses a threat to consumers' health.
很多人认为,饭店的免费茶不过是品质差一些的茶叶冲泡出来的,口感一般但也不会喝出什么问题,但真实的情况却不是这样。据中广网报道,在批发市场,所谓饭店茶已经是公开的秘密。这些茶多为粉末状,色泽发黑,有烟尘味。一斤10块钱的饭店茶可以冲泡250斤茶水,平均泡一壶茶的成本还不到一分钱。经检测,这种茶含有包括大肠杆菌在内的很多微生物菌,足以威胁到饮用者的健康。 >New radioactive leak into sea
Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), the operator of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station, said Wednesday it may have found a new leak of radioactive water into the ocean from the plant, this time from the No 3 reactor, Reuters reported. A TEPCO spokesman told reporters that a worker had found water coming into one of the pits of the No 3 reactor by the ocean. The spokesman said the utility could not confirm whether water was actually leaking into the sea nearby and was conducting tests. Japan's foreign ministry has notified the US and neighboring countries of Wednesday's leak.
据路透社报道,日本东京电力公司11日表示,他们可能发现福岛第一核电站的一处新泄漏源,这次放射性污水或从3号反应堆泄漏入海。东京电力发言人对记者表示,一位工作人员发现有水流入了3号反应堆靠海的一个坑中。发言人称,东京电力无法证实放射性水是否已渗入附近海洋,公司正在进行测试。目前日本外务省已将此次泄漏事件通报美国及日本周边国家。--Up to 800 sq km of land – the equivalent of 40% of Tokyo, was polluted as the result of the nuclear leakage of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station,Asahi Shimbun reported.
据《朝日新闻》报道,福岛第一核电站核泄漏事故造成的土地污染面积已达800平方公里,相当于日本东京都面积的4成。>Relaxation of rules for US
Washington regulators are looking at relaxing rules around companies raising capital after criticism that tough regulations are hindering the growth of start-ups and eroding the appeal of US public stock markets, the Financial Times of London reported. Some lawmakers and market participants fear that the shrinking number of US IPOs, which in recent years have lagged far behind their peak levels in the 1990s, harms job creation. Mary Schapiro, chairwoman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, called for a review of restrictions on communications in initial public offerings, the ban on marketing non-registered securities and the cap on the number of shareholders a private company can have before facing tougher disclosure requirements.
据英国《金融时报》报道,美国监管机构正考虑放宽有关公司募集资金的规则,此前严苛的监管政策广受批驳,因为它们不仅阻碍初创企业的成长,且削弱了美国公开股票市场的吸引力。一些立法者与市场参与者担忧,近年来,美国IPO数量不断缩水,远远落后于上世纪90年代的峰值水平,这会祸及就业岗位的创造。美国证交会主席玛丽·夏皮罗已要求重新审议相关规则,如对首次公开发行信息交流的限制、对营销非注册证券的禁令、以及对于私人公司的股东人数超过多少就需要面临更严格披露要求等。 >GM eyes rural China markets
As a decade-long boom in car sales along the prosperous coast eases, inland villages have become the new sales frontier for GM and other foreign auto makers, the Wall Street Journal reported. The success of microvans in these areas has prompted a push to manufacture other no-frills vehicles. A larger swath of people in less developed parts of China have become rich enough to buy a no-frills car, said the article. Their growing demand for cheap yet sturdy vehicles is at the heart of GM's strategy to double its sales in China to around 5m units by 2015 from about 2.35m in 2010.
据《华尔街日报》报道,十年来中国沿海地区一直都是汽车销售的前线,但随着增势放缓,内陆农村地区日渐成为以通用为首的进口汽车厂商的新兴销售阵地。小型厢式货车在这些地区的热销更是促使厂家纷纷投入到其它基本款车型的生产中。文章称,在中国欠发达地区,越来越多的人有了购置一辆基本款汽车的经济实力。通用2010年在中国市场的销量为235万辆,如果想在2015年翻一番达到500万辆的话,农村地区对于经济且耐用车型日益增长的需求将是通用下一步战略要考虑的重中之重。>'Flying trains' developed
Trains are designed to stay firmly on the ground. But Japanese researchers are developing a free flying ground-effect vehicle that uses some stubby little wings to fly just above the ground, local media reported. The ground-effect vehicle takes advantage of the fast-moving air that crops up between the bottom of the train and the ground. A robotic prototype of the flying train has been build by the research group, led by Yusuke Sugahara at Tohoku University.(See photo)
火车生来就是在地上跑的,但日本科学家偏偏在研制一种基于地面效应的飞行火车。它们长着小小的短翅膀,能在近地面上方腾空飞翔。据当地媒体报道,地效火车的工作原理是让火车借助车底和地面间产生的快速气流飞行。研究人员已经造出了一台自动化样机。研究小组的领军人物是日本东北大学的菅原雄介。(见图)  【In Brief】
>Bank of China Sichuan branch has issued loans worth RMB75.719b for quake relief and post-quake reconstruction since the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008.
>The average annual pay of listed banks' employees is RMB260,000, the Beijing Times reported.
>Toyota Motor Corp posted a 52% fall in quarterly operating profits Wednesday and gave no annual forecasts, Reuters reported.
>Google vice president Marissa Mayer said new indoor imagery will be integrated with Google Street View, US media reported. A person can click on the doorway of a store or other location to "step inside." 
据美国媒体报道,谷歌副总裁玛丽莎·梅耶表示将把室内图片整合到谷歌街景中。用户点击商店等建筑的门即可"入室"浏览。 【Newsmakers】
>Bin Laden's son disappears
A relative of Osama bin Laden disappeared during the US raid that killed the al Qaida leader, according to Pakistan security officials, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. 3 of bin Laden's widows, currently in Pakistani custody, have told interrogators that one son has not been seen since the operation on May 2, raising fears that the al Qaida leader's youngest son and closest confidant, Hamza, may have escaped capture. Hamza has been described as the "crown prince of terror" by Patrick Mercer, a conservative MP. He read a poem that called for the "destruction" of America, Britain, France and Denmark. Intelligence agencies believe he was being groomed as a possible future leader of al Qaida.
>Pink liquid used at protest
Ugandan police have sprayed opposition leaders with a pink liquid to stop them holding a banned rally in Kampala, the country's capital, BBC reported. The police intercepted the opposition leaders' procession with dogs. When this failed to stop them, they were drenched in a pink liquid sprayed from nearby trucks. This week, opposition parities have stepped up their campaign over high prices, which has led to recent clashes between the police and protesters. The tactic of spraying paint at protesters is fairly common in Uganda and elsewhere in the continent, according to the Daily Mail of London.(See photo)
据英国广播公司报道,在乌干达首都坎帕拉的街头抗议活动中,警方竟然用喷射粉色液体的方式阻止示威者行进。警方开始试图用警犬阻止示威队伍前行,未果,便改从附近卡车上喷射流体,生生把反对党领导人淋成了粉色落汤鸡。本周,该国反对派政党针对物价飞涨举行的示威活动声势日益浩大,因此最近警方与示威者冲突不断。另据《每日邮报》报道,喷射彩色液体阻止抗议的事例不仅在乌干达,而且在整个非洲都屡见不鲜。(见图)  >Huge guitar made of trees
Seventy-year-old Argentine farmer Pedro Martin Ureta created and maintained a giant guitar landscaped out of 7,000 trees over many years as a tribute to his late wife, the Wall Street Journal reported. At 28, Mr Ureta married his wife Graciela Yraizoz. One day while traveling in a plane over the pampa, Ms Yraizoz noticed a farm that looked a bit like a milking pail from the air. That's when she started musing about designing the family's own farm in the form of a guitar. In 1977, Ms Yraizoz suddenly died of aneurysm. A few years later, Mr Ureta decided to comply with her wishes about the design of the farm. He started the project while raising their 4 children. Today, the children have grown up, but Mr Ureta himself has never seen his great guitar from the sky because he's afraid of flying.
据《华尔街时报》报道,现年70岁的阿根廷农场主佩德罗·乌莱塔用了几十年的时间,在自家农场植树约7000棵,使庄园形成一个巨型的吉他图案,以此缅怀亡妻。28岁时,乌莱塔和伊莱索丝结为夫妻。一天,妻子乘飞机时俯视地面,偶然发现一处庄园形似奶桶,于是开始想把自家农场改造成吉他模样。但1977年伊莱索丝突然因动脉瘤离世。几年之后,乌莱塔决定完成妻子之前种吉他农场的心愿。他一边种树,一边养育4个孩子。现如今,孩子们已经成人,而因为害怕飞行,乌莱塔却一直没能从空中俯瞰过自己亲手培植起来的这把巨型吉他。 【Talk Show】
>John seems to be in high cotton. He may well become a big shot.
>Fischer made a sensation when he achieved the grandmaster title at age 15, in 1958.
>Many people like him got a flying start but soon disappeared.
很多像他这样的人只是有个开门红,然后便销声匿迹了。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Alice Philipson润色。)