
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 10:34:20
 【Weather May 9】
Wuhan: rainy 21~29℃
Yichang: rainy 21~29℃
Shiyan: rainy 18~28.8℃【Highlights】
>China is major investor
>New York teachers face axe
>Washington's beer recipe
>Kate pushes her own trolley
>Corset piercing trend in UK
点津:'恶意中伤'怎么说? 【Notice】
音频大变身详情见尾帧  【Cover Story】
>Zawahiri sold out bin Laden?
Al Qaida chief Osama bin Laden was betrayed by his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri who led US forces to his hide-out, said a Saudi Arabian newspaper. The 2 top al Qaida men had their differences and were involved in an intense power struggle, reported al-Watan newspaper. The paper claimed it was Zawahiri's faction which had persuaded Osama to leave tribal areas close to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border to take shelter instead in Abbottabad, where he was finally killed by US forces. And the courier who led US forces to Osama was also working for Zawahiri.
沙特主要媒体《国家报》爆出惊人猛料,称本·拉登之死源于其副手、"基地"二号头目扎瓦希里的出卖。报道称,扎瓦希里与本·拉登分歧重重,早就试图争夺"基地"组织的领导权。早前,扎瓦希里领导的分支劝说本·拉登离开巴基斯坦与阿富汗边界的部落地区,改住巴基斯坦的阿伯塔巴德地区,最终导致其行踪败露被美军击毙。而给美军送信透露本·拉登居所的人,也是在扎瓦希里的指使下行动的。【Top News】
>China is major investor
China has become the 3rd most important investor in Latin America and the Caribbean accounting for almost 9% of the total investment flow to the region in 2010, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean said, xinhuanet.com reported. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Latin America grew by about 40% in 2010 to $113b, and Chinese companies invested about $15b. The US still provides the biggest percentage of FDI in the region, accounting for 17% of the total. The Netherlands is next with 13%.
据新华网报道,联合国拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会日前公布报告说,去年中国在拉美和加勒比地区的投资占总额的9%,成为拉美地区第三大投资来源国。去年拉美和加勒比地区吸引外国直接投资额1130亿美元,比2009年增加40%左右,而中国公司的投资额约为150亿美元。美国继续保持拉美地区第一大投资来源国地位,其投资额占该地区投资总额的17%。荷兰为第二位,占13%。 >New York teachers face axe
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proposed a $65.7b fiscal 2012 budget to the City Council that would cut more than 6,000 teaching positions, the New York Times reported. It's the first significant layoffs of teachers since the fiscal crisis of the 1970s. Frustration is growing among teachers who fear the massive layoffs, and New York City teachers will meet Monday to protest against Mayor Bloomberg's proposed budget, CBS News reported.
据《纽约时报》报道,美国纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格日前向市议会提出一项657亿美元的2012财政年度预算案,提出削减超过6000个教师职位的计划。这是纽约自20世纪70年代财政危机以来最大规模的教师裁员计划。另据哥伦比亚广播公司报道,面对如此大规模的裁员,纽约教师们倍感压力,计划于下周一集会抗议市长的预算提案。>Washington's beer recipe
A handwritten recipe for "small beer" created by George Washington in 1757, while serving in the Virginia militia, has been published by the New York Public Library, local media reported. The recipe, which was found in Washington's "Notebook as a Virginia Colonel", lists the ingredients as bran hops, yeast and molasses – an addition that may explain his infamously rotten teeth. A 15-gallon batch of Washington's beer is to be made to mark the library's centenary by the Coney Island Brewing Company, under the name "Fortitude's Founding Father Brew".
据当地媒体报道,纽约公共图书馆日前公布了美国首任总统乔治·华盛顿于1757年手写的一份啤酒配方。该配方来自华盛顿的《弗吉尼亚州上校笔记》,他当时还是一名弗吉尼亚州民兵队的成员。华盛顿在配方中列出了制作啤酒所需的原材料,例如麦麸啤酒花、酵母以及糖蜜,而这位美国国父喜欢在啤酒中加糖蜜的习惯也许就是他有一口坏牙的原因。为了纪念纽约公共图书馆成立100周年,科尼岛酿酒公司计划按照华盛顿的配方酿制15加仑(约57升)的啤酒,并将这种啤酒命名为"刚毅国父之酿"。 【In Brief】
>A rainstorm and tornado pounded Foshan, Guangdong Saturday, causing 4 deaths and injuring 17, Xinhua reported.
>At least 9 people were killed and more than 100 were injured after Muslims and Coptics clashed Saturday in an area west of Egyptian capital Cairo, AFP reported.
据法新社报道,埃及首都开罗西部7日发生穆斯林和科普特基督徒之间的严重冲突,已造成至少9人死亡,100多人受伤。 【Celebrity】
>Kate pushes her own trolley
A week ago she was walking up the aisle in front of a global audience of billions. Now, a dressed-down Duchess of Cambridge is strolling down aisles of a more mundane kind as she does the weekly shop like any other housewife, the Daily Mail of London reported. In a loose-fitting green poncho and white V-neck sweatshirt worn with skinny jeans and ballet pumps, Kate pushed a trolley among dozens of shoppers (see photo). One onlooker said: "It looked like she was stocking up on the basics, but she also bought a few special items, so perhaps she was preparing their first romantic meal as a married couple."
一个星期前她是全球亿万目光注视下的王室婚礼的闪亮主角,一个星期后,她推着购物车在超市做每周的采购,和普通家庭主妇无异。据英国《每日邮报》报道,新婚的剑桥公爵夫人凯特购物时,穿着极其随意,绿色宽松披肩,白色V领短袖,紧身牛仔裤搭配平底鞋(见图)。同在超市购物的人说:"她采购了不少日常用品,也买了一些特别商品,可能这对新婚夫妻正准备一顿浪漫晚宴。"  【Kaleidoscope】
>Corset piercing trend in UK
The latest trend in body modification sweeping the UK is "corset piercing," where metal rings are pierced into the skin and joined together with a ribbon to give a corset effect (see photo), the Daily Mail of London reported. The "decoration", which can cost up to £300, can be applied to any area of the body where the skin is loose enough to pinch in order to thread a needle through. Popular areas include the back, ribs and, in some cases, even the throat. But a cosmetic surgeon has now warned of the dangers of the bizarre trend, saying the scarring following the procedure can be "absolutely horrendous".
据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国日前兴起一种"穿刺紧身衣",即将金属环扎进皮肤,然后用丝带将所有金属环系起来,制造出穿着紧身衣的效果(见图)。这种"装饰"价格不菲,要价高达300英镑,可"装饰"在身体的任何部位,只要皮肤面积容得下针线即可。标新立异的潮人们主要在后背、肋骨处穿洞,有人甚至在喉咙上扎环。但整形专家警告,皮肤穿孔过后留下的疤痕极为骇人。  【Language Tips】
Folks, these nasty lies other people keep telling about my past life are nothing but mudslinging.
各位,对方反反复复地在讲有关我过去生活的一些可恶的谎话,这些话纯粹是恶言中伤。 【China Daily Radio 资讯台】
至今仍清楚记得上次做飞机出行的惨痛经历,在机场弄丢了身份证,误了航班,连票也废了。这样的flightmare你经历过吗?Flightmare refers to an unpleasant experience during air travel. A blend of the words "flight" and "nightmare".Flightmare(航班噩梦)指不愉快的飞行旅途,这个词是flight(航班)和nightmare(噩梦)的合成词。Flightmares go well beyond the usual perils of airline travel such as crowded seats, lost luggage and food not fit for a dog. A flightmare usually involves lost money, lost opportunities (such as missing a graduation or a funeral) and lost dignity."航班噩梦"所指的并不是飞行途中所遇到的座位拥挤、行李丢失及食物不佳等平常的问题,而是诸如钱财丢失、机会错失(错过毕业典礼或亲人葬礼)以及尊严丧失等严重的意外事件。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Alice Philipson润色。)