
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/14 10:22:34
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Be happy. It's one way of being wise. (Colette. French novelist, 1873-1954)
>SK president shuffles Cabinet
>Italians stage strike
>US & Europe unite and divide
>Facebook founder buys 1st home
>Human-shaped mobile phone
>Tips: 'Run scared'
音频大变身详情见尾帧 【Cover Story】
>China story tops the rank
The biggest news story around the world since January 2000 is the rise of China as an economic and political power. That's according to a study released Thursday by the Global Language Monitor, Reuters reported. The China story has about 300m citations to date, which puts it atop the list of 10 biggest news stories during the 21st century. It is followed by the election of Obama to the US presidency with 123m. The death of bin Laden was the 3rd biggest world news story, and the British royal wedding was the 5th biggest story of the century with 63m citations.
据路透社报道,全球语言监测机构5日公布的一项研究报告显示,中国经济政治实力崛起的新闻成为自2000年1月至今最大的新闻,雄踞21世纪全球10大新闻之首。有关中国崛起的报导迄今已出现约3亿次之多。位居第2的是奥巴马当选美国总统,被报道过1.23亿次。本·拉登之死位列全球第3大新闻,英国王室婚礼也跻身10大之列,以6300万次报道位列第5。【Top News】
>SK president shuffles Cabinet
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak carried out a partial Cabinet shakeup Friday. He replaced 5 ministers. Incumbent labor minister Bahk Jae-wan has been named the new finance minister, Xinhua reported. The shakeup comes after the ruling Grand National Party suffered a setback in parliamentary by-election. The move is widely seen as Lee's bid to inject some fresh blood into his administration as he starts out the last year of his 5-year stint as president.
据新华社报道,韩国总统李明博6日小幅改组内阁,更换了5名内阁成员。其中,现任雇佣劳动部长官朴宰完被任命为企划财政部长官。韩国执政的大国家党在不久前的国会议员补选中失利。因此,此次内阁换血被广泛视为李明博在其5年任期的最后一年为政府注入新的血液。 >Italians stage strike
Commuters in Italy scrambled Friday to find the few buses and subway trains still running. That day was marked by a one-day general strike that also affected air and rail travel, banks, public offices and schools, AP reported. The nationwide strike was organized by Italy's biggest labor confederation to push for more investment in job creation and for reform of a tax system. The tax system is widely seen as penalizing salaried workers, as the self-employed often evade taxes.
据美联社报道,意大利6日举行全国性大罢工,该国航空、铁路、公交、地铁受到影响,上下班的人们没什么车可乘,银行、公共事业和学校也中断运营。此次罢工由意大利最大的工会联盟发起,为期一天,旨在要求政府创造更多就业机会,改革税收体系。意大利民众普遍认为该国的税收体系对工薪阶层不利,因为个体经营者经常可以逃税。>US & Europe unite and divide
When Osama bin Laden's men flew airliners into New York's World Trade Center 10 years ago, they drew an outpouring of solidarity from Europe, captured by a French newspaper under the headline "We are all Americans now." It didn't last. Now bin Laden's death, after being reportedly unarmed, at the hands of American troops has brought a new wave of contrasting emotional responses from across the Atlantic, Reuters reported.
据路透社报道,10年前,当本·拉登的手下劫持飞机撞向纽约世贸中心时,他们的疯狂举动激发了欧洲人的同仇敌忾,与美国人同心同德一心反恐。法国报纸就曾以《我们现在都是美国人》为题表明了态度。然而这种团结状况并没有持续多久。现在,拉登在手无寸铁的情况下被美军击毙,引发了大西洋两岸人们的不同反应。 [民众反应各不同]
Jubilant Americans poured into Times Square to chant "USA, USA, USA!" They hit the Internet to snap up T-shirts reading, "We Got Him" and "Hey Osama, Tell Hitler We Said Hello." Europeans, also targeted by al Qaida, kept satisfaction more contained, even if tabloid headlines were no less triumphant. And many people began to question the legality and morality of the killing and the risk of revenge attacks.
欢腾雀跃的美国人涌入纽约时报广场高唱"美国,美国,美国!"的爱国口号,并在网上抢购印有"我们干掉了他"、"你好,奥萨马,代我们问候希特勒"等字眼的T恤。而同为基地组织袭击目标的欧洲,虽然报纸上也不乏对拉登死讯的大肆渲染,但整体情绪却较为内敛。更重要的是,不少人开始质疑击毙拉登的合法性和道德性,以及引发的报复袭击风险。Tony Metcalf, the British editor-in-chief of the Metro newspapers in the US, ran a story on European qualms over what a former German chancellor called a breach of international law. Upon publication, Metcalf said, "We knew it would cause a reaction". Near unanimity on the European criticism: "Arrogant, smug, thoughtless and thankless people." "Democratic states do not execute people without first going through the judicial process," Metcalf wrote. "If that process is circumvented, then you are no better than the terrorists."
当美国报纸Metro的英国籍主编汤尼·麦卡夫在报纸上刊登了一条有关一位德国前总理称杀死没有反抗能力的拉登违反国际法的报导时,麦卡夫表示:"我们知道发表这篇文章会引发人们的某种反应。"果然,美国读者几乎无一例外地对欧洲人的态度进行了抨击:"傲慢、自以为是、没有头脑、不懂感恩。"但麦卡夫不为所动,继续写道:"民主国家不会不经司法程序就处决罪犯。如果绕开这一程序,那么你并不比恐怖分子高明多少。" 【In Brief】
>The terrorist group al Qaida confirmed Friday the killing of Osama bin Laden and warned of retaliation, saying Americans' "happiness will turn to sadness", AP reported.
>Japan urged Chubu Electric Power Co Friday to suspend all reactors at Hamaoka nuclear plant in Shizuoka. Prime Minister Naoto Kan announced Friday night the move was to avoid a possible nuclear accident by a major earthquake, Xinhua reported.
>France expelled 14 Libyan diplomats Friday due to their loyalty to the government of Muammar Gaddafi, Reuters reported.
>Samsung Electronics Co Ltd took the No 1 spot in the Western European cell phone market in the 1st quarter of 2011. Samsung passed the long-term market leader Nokia on its home turf, the research firm IDC said.
研究公司IDC表示,今年第一季度,三星电子在西欧手机市场份额位居榜首,超过长期占据该市场头牌的欧洲本土品牌诺基亚。 【Celebrity】
>Facebook founder buys 1st home
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has treated himself to a $7m home in California. He finally put an end to 7 years of rental living, the Daily Mail of London reported. The house is believed to be a 5,617-square-foot property with 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, a banquet-hall-sized dining room and a salt water swimming pool. Even with the move to the larger mansion, Zuckerberg's home is still dwarfed by those of his Silicon Valley rivals. Microsoft founder Bill Gates lives in a home that is an impressive 66,000 square feet.(See photo)
据英国《每日邮报》报道,Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格近日在美国加利福尼亚州以700万美元购入一幢房屋,结束了7年租房生活。据悉,这幢房屋占地5617平方英尺(约合505平米),有5个卧室、5个浴室、一个宴会厅大小的餐厅和一个咸水游泳池。尽管这幢房屋比扎克伯格租的房子大得多,但它仍无法与其他硅谷竞争者的豪宅相提并论。微软创始人比尔·盖茨的家占地6.6万平方英尺(约合5940平米)。(见图)   【Kaleidoscope】
>Human-shaped mobile phone
Scientists at Japan's Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International and Osaka University have teamed up to produce the prototype of a future mobile phone. The phone, which they call Elfoid and is shaped like a human, will replicate its "face" to resemble the person with whom the user is talking, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. The gadget's human-shaped exterior is covered with a urethane material that is designed to feel like human skin. The new technology is designed to "allow individuals in remote locations to converse in such a way that they feel each other's presence" through voice, appearance, touch and motion, the researchers said.(See photo)
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,日本国际电气通信先进技术研究所和大阪大学的研究人员组成的团队正在研发一种名为"Elfoid"的新型手机。该手机拥有人形外观,且其"脸"可模仿机主通话对象的表情。不仅如此,其由聚氨酯材料制成的外壳也颇具皮肤的触感。研究人员表示,之所以研发这项新技术,是希望它能使分隔两地的通话者可以通过声音、表情、触感和手势感知对方的存在。(见图)  【Language Tips】
'Run scared'
政坛风云是变幻不定的,所以即使是胜券在握的候选人也会嘱咐他的竞选班子万万不可大意,要"run scared"。Run scared的含义是"像处于失败的威胁中一样全力以赴地努力工作",类似于汉语中常说的"居安思危"。
Listen people - the Senator is 25 points ahead in the polls but he wants us to keep running scared like we're way behind.
各位听着,参议员的民意调查结果领先25分,但是他要求我们毫不懈怠地继续努力,就像我们仍大大落后于他人一样。 【Talk Show】
>Come down Ping'an Ave about 100 meters.
>It will be Ping'an Ave. It's a 6-lane avenue.
>You will see a PetroChina gas station on your left.
>Keep going 50 meters before you come to a fork road.
>This road will dead end into 10th Street.
这条路通往第十大街的丁字路口。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Chris Clark润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
Mother's Day is Sunday. Have you already prepared a present for your mother? Come on and share your gift ideas with other ChinaDaily Mobile News subscribers. The editors here in Beijing also extend greeting to all the mothers around the world. Happy Mother's Day!
本周末迎来母亲节,您是否已为妈妈准备了一份节日礼物?快来和ChinaDaily手机报读友一起分享您的礼物单!我报全体编辑祝天下的母亲节日快乐!请将您的短信发至106580007835(免信息费),中英文皆可。短信获选刊登的作者将获赠10元话费。 【Notice】