
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/17 20:49:59
【Weather May 5】
Wuhan: cloudy 17~26℃
Yichang: cloudy 17~31℃
Shiyan: sunny 17~32℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 650.13 CNY  
100 GBP = 1071.67 CNY 
100 EUR = 963.98 CNY  
100 HKD = 83.7 CNY  
100 JPY = 8.0288 CNY  
Shanghai Stock
2866.02 -66.17 -2.26%
HangSeng Stock
23315.24 -318.01 -1.35% 【Highlights】
>Youth Day holiday unknown
>Micro blog users study
>Obama approval rate soars
>World population to hit 7B
>Terror godfather next door
>A cat's-eye view of life
邀您一起参与'爱·分享'【Cover Story】
>Milk tainted with formalin
   Maeil Dairies, South Korea's 3rd-largest dairy company, was found to have produced milk from cows given feed tainted with formalin. But no formalin has been found in the milk powder imported into China due to different milk sources, the general agency of Maeil Dairies said Tuesday, the Beijing News reported. The agency said that the milk used in the dairy products exported to China comes from New Zealand, Europe and other places outside South Korea, so Chinese consumers should have nothing to worry about.
   据《新京报》报道,韩国第三大奶制品生产公司每日乳业的牛奶中被检测出含有福尔马林,原因是奶源使用了受污染的饲料。每日乳业中国总代理公司3日表示,中国地区销售的产品奶源全部来自于新西兰、欧洲及其它韩国以外的地方,因此不含有福尔马林,中国消费者不用担心。【Top News】
>Youth Day holiday unknown
Today, May 4, marks Chinese Youth Day, however most young people have no idea that they are entitled to a half-day holiday on this day. In December 2007, the State Council stated that people aged between 14 and 28 years old would enjoy a half-day holiday on Youth Day. But according to an online survey, 54.27% of netizens have no idea that they can enjoy a half-day off today, and 87.9% of netizens say they have never been let off by employers on Youth Day, Chongqing Evening News reported.
今天是五四青年节。但却有很多人不知道,这个节日是可以放半天假的。2007年12月,国务院规定在5月4日当天,14至28岁的适龄青年要放半天假。据《重庆晚报》报道,网上调查显示,54.27%的网友表示不知道有青年节放假这回事,对于"五四青年节你们单位是否放过假"的答案,受访者中有87.9%选择了"一次也没放过"。>Micro blog users study
A blue paper on social mentality, released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Wednesday, charts the rise in popularity of micro blogs in China and finds that core users of the Twitter-like service are mostly young people and those with degrees. The paper shows over 70% of people using the social network sites are seeking instant news. Bloggers born in the 1970s tend to lecture other people and stick to serious comments. The 1980s generation like to get involved in discussion of popular topics, while those born in the 1990s mainly log on for fun, reveals the paper.
社科院4日发布的2011年《社会心态蓝皮书》指出,微博正逐渐向大众普及,核心用户年纪轻、学历高。超七成用户愿意将微博作为获取新闻的重要平台。蓝皮书同时还指出,微博上,"70后"好为人师,制造深度话题;"80后"对话题的参与度和活跃度较高;"90后"基本上是为了娱乐。>China wages rise in 2010
Average annual wages for employees in China's private companies totaled RMB20,759 in 2010, increasing by 14.1% year-on-year, according to statistics released by the National Bureau of Statistics Tuesday, the Beijing Times reported. Wages for those in the non-private sector climbed 13.5% to RMB37,147, which is 1.8 times those in private companies. Wages in the financial and IT industries remain top of the pile.
据《京华时报》报道,国家统计局3日发布的数据显示,2010年我国城镇私营单位就业人员年平均工资为20759元,同比增长14.1%,非私营单位在岗职工年平均工资是其1.8倍,为37147元,同比增长13.5%。金融和IT业的工资水平仍位居各行业的前两名。 【In Brief】
>McDonald's has raised prices for its large-size carbonated drinks in China by RMB0.5 since the end of April, the 2nd markup in 6 months, the Beijing Morning Post reported.
>US President Obama's overall approval rating jumped upward from 47% to 56% after the death of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, according to a survey released by the Pew Research Center and the Washington Post Tuesday.
>The world population is expected to hit 7b on Oct 31, 2011, and to reach 10.1b at the end of the century, according to a new UN report released Tuesday, Xinhua reported.
>Three Japanese have been detained in the DPRK for drug trafficking and currency counterfeiting and one of them has already been expelled from the country, the KCNA said Wednesday.
据朝中社4日报道,3名日本人因涉嫌贩卖毒品和伪造货币被朝鲜有关部门扣留,其中1人已被驱逐出境。【Quotable Quote】
日本发生大地震后,一款叫做Yure Kuru(地震来了) 的iPhone应用程序颇受欢迎,该程序可发出紧急地震警报,让用户及时知道震中在哪个位置,以及地震强度有多大。程序开发公司负责人栗山明说:
"Among other things, there still isn't a lot of understanding about the quake warning. If our app helps more people learn about this, and increases their safety, we'll be pleased."
"人们对地震预警了解得并不多。如果我们的应用程序能够让更多的人对此有所了解,并让人们更安全,我们会很高兴。" 【Newsmaker】
>Terror godfather next door
Details of the comfortable family life Osama bin Laden enjoyed have emerged. The BBC interviewed a 12-year-old boy who said he used to visit the building where bin Laden had died. "He had 2 wives, one spoke Arabic, and the other one spoke Urdu. They had 3 children, a girl and 2 boys. They gave me 2 rabbits," the boy said. Some other local children even regularly made a profit from the presence of the terrorist mastermind. "If a football went into bin Laden's compound the children would not be allowed to get it," said a local ice cream vendor. "They were given money instead; 100-150 rupees ($2-$3) per ball."
奥萨马·本·拉登生前的惬意隐居生活近日曝光。据英国广播公司报道,一名12岁的小男孩在接受采访时称,他经常到本·拉登的生前居所串门。男孩说:"他(拉登)有2个妻子,一个讲阿拉伯语,另一个讲乌尔都语。他们有3个孩子,1个女儿,2个儿子。他们还给过我2只兔子。"甚至有当地小孩从拉登这里找到了生财之道,当地一名卖冰激凌的小贩称:"如果足球飞进了拉登家的院子里,他们不让孩子们进去捡,而是给他们钱,每个球100-150卢比(约2-3美元)。">Girl's snake act
Seven-year-old Olivia Binfield performed on Britain's Got Talent with a 6ft boa constrictor wrapped around her neck. She took to the stage to deliver an impassioned poem about the protection of endangered species, but the audience was more worried about her own survival. Olivia explained that the potentially dangerous animal is named Lucy, a family pet that lives in her house, UK media reported.
据英国媒体报道,在电视节目《英国达人秀》中,7岁小女孩奥利维亚·宾菲尔德在朗诵关于保护濒危动物的诗歌时,脖子上缠绕着一条长约6英尺(1.83米)的蟒蛇。奥利维亚充满激情地朗诵,但观众却在为她的人身安全担忧。事后,奥利维亚解释说,那条看起来很危险的蟒蛇其实是她家的宠物,名叫露西。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Metal coffee beans invented
The morning coffee is a ritual beloved by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Now a team of inventors has promised to improve this daily pleasure with metal beans that can keep your drink warm for up to 5 hours, the Daily Mail of London reported. The beans, called Coffee Joulies, cool down your beverage to a drinkable temperature 3 times faster than normal, and then maintain that temperature. They work by absorbing extra thermal energy in the drink when it's too hot, and then releasing that stored energy back into the drink to keep it at an optimum temperature as it begins to cool down.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,许多人喜欢每天清早喝一杯咖啡提神,现在一研发小组发明出一种"金属咖啡豆",可以让咖啡最多保温5小时,延长品味咖啡的乐趣。这种金属咖啡豆名为Coffee Joulies,它能用比正常情况下快3倍的速度把饮品降到适宜饮用的温度,并保持这一温度。金属咖啡豆的工作原理是在饮品温度过高时吸收多余热量,并在饮品开始冷却时释放储存的热量。>A cat's-eye view of life
Ever wonder what the cat gets up to when you let it out? Well, now you know, thanks to the amazing Cooper - the feline photographer, the Daily Mail of London reported. Fitted with a timer-operated camera on his collar, Cooper takes a picture every 2 minutes capturing everything from a cat's eye view. On his exploits he catches other cats, his favorite hiding places, his human owners and even abstract sky shots all on his lens. Cooper's owner Michael Cross and his wife Deirdre, from Seattle, the US, decided to try out the cat camera last year. Since then they have had 2 exhibitions and are starting selling Cooper's work around the world.(see photo)
是否想过自家猫咪跑出家门都去了哪里?"猫咪摄影师"库伯可以带你找到答案。据英国《每日邮报》报道,猫咪库伯的项圈上带有一个自动拍照的相机,每2分钟拍下一张所到之处的照片。库伯拍到的照片中有其它猫咪、最爱的藏身处、主人,或仅仅是高远的天空。库伯的主人迈克尔·克劳斯和妻子迪尔德丽来自美国西雅图,去年开始实验猫咪相机。他们至今已举办2场猫咪摄影展,并开始把库伯的摄影作品卖到世界各地。(见图 )  【China Daily Radio 资讯台】
奥巴马已死亡?就在基地组织最高头目本·拉登被击毙的消息刚刚传到英美各大媒体耳朵里时,英国广播公司和美国不止一家媒体都犯了一个非常"低级"的错误,将奥萨马·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)的名字写成了"奥巴马"(Obama),并宣布"奥巴马已死亡",大摆乌龙。请看相关报道:In fact, FOX News reported that "Obama bin Laden" was dead. Freudian slip, or wishful thinking? It wasn't even the only one that they made.
事实上,福克斯新闻报道称"奥巴马·本·拉登"已死。是说溜了嘴?还是痴心妄想?他们可不止一次犯下这样的错误了。文中的Freudian slip本意是"弗洛伊德式口误",就是指无心说出了心里话。根据弗洛伊德的理论,从口误中往往能看出人们内心的真实想法。而有时候你想说的是一回事,但是嘴上说出来的却是另一回事,这种情况一般被说成是a slip of the tongue(说溜了嘴)。福克斯新闻网几乎可以称得上是贴有共和党标签的保守派媒体。比如在之前的医疗改革争论中,《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)曾这样描述:"美国现在分成了两派,奥巴马派(The Obama Party)和福克斯派(The FOX Party)"。因此,福克斯的这次口误就很容易被理解为下意识的失言。提到媒体的政治倾向,我们一般用left-leaning(左倾)或者right-leaning(右倾)来形容,而并不将媒体划归left wing(左翼)或者right wing(右翼)的阵营。Wishful thinking一般可以理解为"一厢情愿、痴心妄想、如意算盘"等意思。比如:Could this wishful thinking become a reality?(这个如意算盘能不能打得响?) 【Word Power】
new-energy model city
A National Energy Administration official said the concept of "new-energy model cities" is still in the early stage of development.
国家能源管理部门官员表示,"新能源示范城"这个概念还处于前期酝酿中。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Alice Philipson润色。)【TOEIC Test Daily】
Mr Qu has already ______ for vacation and will be unable to return any phone calls before Tuesday afternoon.
(A) depart
(B) departs
(C) departed
(D) departing