
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 09:50:10
 【Weather Sept 18】
Wuhan: rainy 16~21℃
Yichang: rainy 15~18℃
Shiyan: rainy 12~16℃【Highlights】
>Smiley face means excellent
>Gold price in Beijing drops
>3 dead in US air show crash
>Former Acer CEO joins Lenovo
>Giant onion sets record
>Tips:'Five o'clock shadow'
点津:何谓下午5点的阴影? 【Cover Story】
>Nostalgia fuels consumption
Goods and consumption evoking nostalgia are springing up all over China, xinhuanet.com reported. As nostalgia is an ever-present emotion for mankind, the market motivated by nostalgia will be huge and business opportunities are tremendous, experts say.
Walking into an old-style restaurant in Hefei, Anhui, you can find hanging on the wall old-fashioned clocks and black-and-white photos of the city, a record player in the corner playing old songs, kids' toys from the 1980s, such as sheet iron leaping frogs, displayed in the cabinet. "The serene and antiquated atmosphere in the restaurant is a reminder of the old days and makes me feel good," said customer Huang Jingjing.
Li Xiang, an employee in a foreign company in Beijing, has bought some special notebooks online. The covers of the notebooks are similar to textbook covers from the old primary school days, and the flyleaves contain familiar texts from school. "I like them so much that I've bought a lot. It is a kind of reminder of my childhood."
在北京一家外企工作的李想最近在网上买了很多特别的笔记本。这些笔记本的封面设计与她小学时用的课本很类似,每一本的扉页都有当年的课本中的例题。李想说:"我特别喜欢这些复古笔记本,已经买了很多了。每次看到这样的本子都有回到童年时光穿越的感觉。" 【Top News】
>Smiley face means excellent
All food service providers such as restaurants and snack bars must hang up a cartoon picture to show its food safety inspection results, according to a new regulation by the State Food and Drug Administration, the Beijing Times reported. There will be 3 signs: "happy face" indicates excellent, "serious face" indicates good and "sad face" indicates ordinary. Consumers can see the food safety level easily by checking these faces.
据《京华时报》报道,根据近日国家食品药品监督管理局的新规,所有餐馆、快餐店、小吃店等餐饮服务单位均将根据食品安全检查结果悬挂卡通图片表示食品安全状况:"笑脸"为优秀;"平脸"为良好;"哭脸"为一般。据此,消费者可以轻松判断一个餐饮单位的食品安全等级。>Gold price in Beijing drops
Gold shops in Beijing lowered retail prices for gold jewelry Friday following the drop of international gold prices. This is the first price cut for gold this year after 8 price hikes, xinhuanet.com reported. The fall reached RMB14 per gram in some shops. International gold prices dropped below $1,800 an ounce Thursday, after 5 central banks announced a coordinated action to increase dollar funding to banks and reduced the demand for safe-haven gold.
据新华网报道,因五家主要央行宣布将协同向欧洲金融系统注入美元,削减了黄金作为避险资产的需求,国际金价15日跌破1800美元关口,受此影响,京城各家金店的黄金饰品价格16日普遍下调,这也是今年内金价首次集体下调。从昨天调整的情况来看,降幅最高的每克达到14元。 >3 dead in US air show crash
At least 3 people were killed and 56 injured when a vintage World War II-era fighter plane crashed into the grandstands Friday at an air show in the US state of Nevada, according to US media. Among the dead was pilot Jimmy Leeward. Spectators said the crash created a horrific scene strewn with body parts and smoking debris.
据美国媒体报道,16日美国内华达州发生严重飞行表演事故。一架二战时期的战斗机在表演时,突然冲入正面看台,造成至少3人死亡,56人受伤。驾驶员吉米·李瓦德已确认死亡。据现场观众描述,事故发生时现场情形十分惨烈,散落着尸体残肢和冒烟的残骸。 【In Brief】
>Persistent rains have killed 9 people and forced 47,200 to evacuate their homes in Shaanxi during the past 2 weeks, Xinhua reported.
>Lenovo confirmed Friday that Gianfranco Lanci, former CEO of Acer, is joining the company as a consultant to "help develop and accelerate Lenovo's worldwide consumer business."
>The US State Department issued a notice that al Qaida may be planning to attack US oil companies operating in North Africa, foreign media reported.
据外媒报道,美国国务院发出通知称,基地恐怖组织有可能计划对美在北非地区的石油设施进行袭击。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Giant onion sets record
Peter Glazebrook, a 67-year-old retired chartered surveyor, set a new record for the world's heaviest onion, the Daily Mail of London reported. The giant vegetable tipped the scales at 8.15kg and measures 0.6m from top to bottom. Glazebrook has been trying for the honor of cultivating the world's heaviest onion for 25 years but always missed out until yesterday's victory at Harrogate Flower Show.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,一位已退休的特许测量师种出了世界上最重的洋葱。这颗巨大的洋葱头重达8.15公斤,高0.6米。67岁的彼得·格雷兹布鲁克过去25年来一直在尝试种植世界最重的洋葱,但总是与成功失之交臂,直到本月16日的哈罗盖特花展上,他终于得偿夙愿。 【Language Tips】
'Five o'clock shadow'
Her husband has a five o'clock shadow, which makes him look much older than his age.
她丈夫一脸胡子,所以看起来比实际年龄老多了。 【China Daily Radio】
The use of essence in staple foods such as rice and buns is banned, according to China's food hygiene rules. Yet, the owner of a shop named Zhenggongfu in Beijing's Changping district said he adds the flavoring to meat to make it more appealing.
国家食品卫生法禁止在大米、馒头等主食中添加香精,然而,北京昌平区一家打着"蒸功夫"牌子的包子店店主说他在肉馅中加入香精是为了让包子味道更诱人。这种添加了肉味香精的包子就是所谓的"香精包子",可以翻译成steamed stuffed buns with meat-flavor essence。过多食用这种"香精包子"会伤及人体的肝、肾,并会损害immune system(免疫系统)。Swill-cooked dirty oil(地沟油)还未禁绝,又冒出了香精包子,实在让人担忧中国的food safety(食品安全)。调查还发现,"香精包子"中所使用的unidentified additives(不明添加剂)包装上的标签全为外文,而根据规定,中国所有进口食品的包装内必须含有Chinese specifications(中文说明书),其中必须包括sell-by date(保质期)、manufacturer(制造商)、distributor(经销商)和contact information(联系信息)。这次事件让人们发现,food made on-site(现场制售的食品)也未必比prepackaged food(预包装食品)更安全。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色) 【Weekly Topic】
A new survey found that as many as 72% of Chinese employees want to change their career paths in the next 5 years. Have you ever experienced or are you planning a career change? What's your main motivation behind it?
近日发布的一项报告显示,我国72%的雇员想在5年内转换职业方向。您是否计划或者曾经经历转行?您转行的主要动机是什么?请将您的姓名(昵称亦可)和观点发至106580007835(免信息费),中英文皆可。短信获选手机报刊登的作者将获赠10元话费。此外,您的观点有可能被翻译成英文,在China Daily报纸新增栏目"What's the Buzz"上刊登,详见每周一第9版。天津138****8050