
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 19:06:31
 【Morning Buzz】
Don't wait. The time will never be just right. (Napoleon Hill, American author, 1883-1970)
Dow Jones
11,433.18 +186.45 +1.66%
2,607.07 +34.52 +1.34% 【Highlights】
>Train refund charge lower
>Americans prefer Asia
>UBS rogue trader loses $2B
>Voice commands cell phones
>PM mistaken for spouse
>Wild birds learn human words
>City defines style
邀您参与《爱·分享》 【Cover Story】
>Stressed workers need Hoohah
The new version of China's official workout intends to relax stressed white-collar workers, as 16 choral riffs of "Hoo-Hah!" are written into the 9th Edition of the People's Radio Calisthenics's soundtrack. "Chinese are facing more pressure than ever before and they need a way to release it," He Fengxiang, an official of the General Sports Administration, told the Wall Street Journal. The latest version of the calisthenics, released last month, has also added a repeating drumbeat to encourage clapping for keyboard-strained hands.
People's Radio Calisthenics is a government-promoted 40-minute workout, featuring kung-fu-type lunges and kicks. It was established by Chairman Mao Zedong in 1951.
广播体操是一种官方倡导的全民健身运动,长40分钟,融入了中国传统武术元素,最早于1951年由毛泽东颁布。 【Top News】
>Americans prefer Asia
Americans are turning away from Europe toward Asia, according to a survey released Wednesday. For the first time, most US citizens think China and Japan are more important to their national interest, Reuters reported. The new American focus is prompted by both interest in new business opportunities from Asia's booming economies and fear of growing competition from the Far East, said analysts. Meanwhile, majorities in European countries, including Germany and Britain, said China was an opportunity.
据路透社报道,14日公布的一项调查显示,美国人首次把目光从欧洲转向亚洲。多数美国公民认为,中国和日本对其国家利益更为重要。分析人士称,美国人开始关注亚洲有两个原因,其一是亚洲蓬勃发展的新经济体中所蕴含的新商业机会,其二是对远东地区不断增加的竞争力的恐惧。与此同时,包括德国和英国在内的多数欧洲国家公民均将中国视为机遇。 >UBS rogue trader loses $2B
Switzerland's UBS said Thursday a trader in its investment bank had lost it around $2b in unauthorized deals, and police in London arrested a man in connection with the case, Reuters reported. "The matter is still being investigated," the bank said in a brief statement. "It is possible that this could lead UBS to report a loss for the 3rd quarter of 2011. No client positions were affected."
UBS had started to see client confidence return this year after it had to be rescued by the Swiss state in 2008 following massive losses on toxic assets held by its investment bank. "With this they are losing a lot of credit that they had regained with effort," said ZKB trading analysts.
2008年,因投行部门持有不良资产,瑞银曾被迫寻求政府救助。直到今年,客户对瑞银的信心才开始恢复。瑞士苏黎世银行交易分析师称:"此事让他们失去很多努力赢回来的信任。" >Voice commands cell phones
Fiddling with complex mobile phone menus and even typing itself could soon be a thing of the past. Mobile phone users can now speak instructions to their phones. Search giant Google has launched "Voice Commands" that will allow British customers to issue instructions such as "Navigate to", so that phones can instantly supply driving directions, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Other voice commands that Google is introducing will let users dictate notes to their phones, navigate straight to websites, see maps and send e-mail or text messages. Some devices will even allow users to say "Wake me up at" to set the alarm clock.
通过复杂菜单甚至打字来操纵手机可能将很快成为过去。如今手机用户通过语音就可发出指令。据英国《每日电讯报》报道,搜索巨头谷歌近日面向英国手机用户推出"声控"功能,只要用户口头下达诸如"导航到……"的命令,手机就能据此提供驾车导航。手机还能通过声控写便签、浏览网页、查地图、收发邮件和短信。在部分机型上,用户甚至只用说出"……点叫醒我",就能设定好闹钟。 【In Brief】
>The 20% charge for refunding a train ticket will be lowered to 5%, according to the Ministry of Railway, cnr.cn reported. The new policy will start from Sept 25, and a minimum RMB2 will be charged for one ticket refund.
>More than 110,000 civil servants have lost their jobs in the UK in the past 3 months as public sector job cuts are already 5 times greater than expected for the entire year, The Daily Telegraph of London reported Wednesday.
>Australians have been given a 3rd choice when describing their gender on passport applications, the BBC reported Thursday. Transgender people and those of ambiguous sex will be able to list their gender as indeterminate, which will be shown on passports as an X.
据英国广播公司15日报道,澳大利亚在申请护照的性别选项上为公民提供了第3种选择:变性人和性别不明者可将他们的性别列为不确定,在护照上标为X。 【Newsmaker】
>PM mistaken for spouse
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard was stopped from getting on a bus with leaders of the Pacific islands at a forum in New Zealand. She was told by the driver to get on the bus for spouses, The Australian reported. Gillard was offered an apology as soon as officials found out and was allowed on the leaders' bus. The driver was not put on duty again during the forum. This was not the first mix-up Gillard encountered during the forum. At the opening ceremony, the host addressed the leaders' spouses and told them to "come up and meet your husbands."
据《澳大利亚人报》报道,澳大利亚总理朱莉娅·吉拉德近日在新西兰出席太平洋岛国论坛时遭遇尴尬:领导人专用巴士的司机将她误认为家属,勒令她下车,改乘配偶专用车辆。发现错误后,新西兰官员赶紧道歉,并把吉拉德请上领导人专车。"肇事"司机论坛期间被"下岗"。这是吉拉德论坛上第2次遭遇"性别乌龙"。开幕式上,主持人曾向领导人配偶喊话:"过来和你们老公会合了!" 【Kaleidoscope】
>Wild birds learn human words
Wild flocks of birds have learnt how to talk by picking up phrases from pet parrots who have escaped from their cages, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Australian naturalist Martyn Robinson said: "We have had people call us thinking they are going mad because they've gone out to look at the flock of birds in their backyard and all the birds have been saying something like 'Who's a pretty boy then?'". He said the household pets had picked up phrases from their owners. The words are being learnt by chicks and younger birds in the wild flock. "I just hope a pet bird that's been taught dirty words doesn't join a flock because we don't want to hear that kind of thing going around the back gardens," Robinson said.(See photo)
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,野鸟居然也学会了讲人话,教它们的老师则是从鸟笼中逃跑的宠物鹦鹉。澳大利亚自然学家罗宾森称:"曾有人打电话过来,说觉得自己要疯了,因为发现自家后院的野鸟居然叽叽喳喳说起人话来,比如'到底谁是帅哥?'之类。"罗宾森表示,宠物鸟先跟主人学舌,再传给野鸟,之后便在野鸟群中代代相传。"只是别让学了脏话的家鸟混进野鸟之中,毕竟我们不想自家后院天天都骂声一片。"(见图)  【Fashion】
>City defines style
As the new season begins, fashion trends from the catwalks of New York, London, Paris and Milan will appear in boutiques around the world. Despite globalization, different markets still have diverse tastes and demands. Here industry insiders reveal how their local markets will interpret this season's trends, according to the Financial Times.
"You would think Dallas was all about glitzy, over-the-top clothes," says Valerie Steele, Museum Director at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, "but you would be surprised. Even someone as sophisticated and avant-garde as Comme des Garçons sells quite well in Dallas."
Lady chic also strides through China's fashion world, but tastes are changing. While consumers have favored women's clothes that are not too revealing, they are also more receptive to darker, more challenging styles.
时尚淑女风同样横扫中国时装界,但现在品味也在变。中国消费者更喜欢不太暴露的衣服,但同时也越来越青睐深沉稳重、非常挑身材的衣服。 Mumbai/孟买
While longer skirt length isn't attracting much attention in India, lace mania has caught on. Indian women also like to try to wear colorful accessories with traditional saris.
"Maxi dresses, maxi skirts, maxi coats." That's what's going to catch on in Moscow, according to Natalia Syunkova, brand manager at department store Podium.
Podium百货公司经理纳塔利亚·西昂科娃的意见是:"长连衣裙、长半裙、长外套"是莫斯科当季的流行风。Sao Paulo/圣保罗
"Our style is casual, very sexy; urban, but relaxed," says Daniela Falcão, editor of Brazilian Vogue. "Sometimes a trend that is important in Paris does not replicate with the same strength in Brazil."
巴西版《Vogue》主编达尼埃拉·法尔考表示:"我们的格调是兼顾随意与性感、都市与休闲。有时在巴黎大热的元素,巴西却不怎么感冒。" 【Talk Show】
>You're getting on my nerves.
>Get off my back, I didn't sleep last night.
>Get out of my face, I don't want to see you again.
立马在我眼前消失,我不想再看见你。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)【Word Prize】 
Close to the bone意思是?
例句:What he said is too close to the bone; it makes everyone feel uncomfortable.