
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 08:42:57
 【Morning Buzz】
When I thought I couldn't go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck.
Dow Jones
11,139.30 -100.96 -0.90%
2,473.83 -6.50 -0.26%【Highlights】
>Kids 'lost in cyberspace'
>Plastic paper delays trains
>Obama hits all-time lows
>More sent to private tutors
>Former HP manager in Want Want
>World's longest ears dog
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>Eid started on wrong day?
The celebration of Eid this year has been marred by controversy after claims that Saudi religious officials announced the festival on the wrong day, The Guardian of London reported. Traditionally Ramadan comes to an end when the new moon is visible with the naked eye. This year, officials in Saudi Arabia announced a sighting on August 29. Since then, however, astronomers have presented evidence to show that the moon was not visible at the time, and suggested that the Saudi officials may have actually been looking at Saturn. If true, the mistake would mean that millions of Muslims around the world stopped fasting a day too early.
据英国《卫报》报道,由于伊斯兰教神职人员算错了斋月结束时间,全球穆斯林今年恐怕是在错误的时间庆祝了开斋节。按照传统,斋月要在裸眼能够看到新月的时候才算结束。今年,沙特阿拉伯神职人员于8月29日宣布,他们看到了新月。但此后天文学家提出证据显示,当时根本不可能看到月亮。他们认为神职人员看到的实际上是土星。如果事实果真如此,这意味着全球上百万穆斯林今年提前一天结束了禁食。 【Top News】
>Kids 'lost in cyberspace'
Unlike older generations, schoolchildren in China are used to spending holidays at home instead of playing games outdoors, China Daily's Yang Wanli reported. About 60% of the primary and high school students in Shanghai spent half of their summer holidays inside their homes, according to a report released by the Shanghai youth service platform. The report also said many "indoor-teens" keep themselves busy by chatting or playing games on the Internet. Experts express concerns that it is impeding children's development.
据《中国日报》记者杨万丽报道,与父辈们相比,如今的孩子已经习惯于假期"宅"在家中,较少进行户外游戏。根据上海市青少年公共服务平台发布的报告,约6成中小学生假期生活一半时间是在家中度过。很多"宅童"沉迷于上网聊天或玩游戏。专家担心过于"宅"会影响到孩子的健康成长。>Plastic paper delays trains
A large number of bullet trains on the railway connecting Shanghai to Nanjing were delayed Tuesday afternoon, jschina.com.cn reported. A piece of plastic paper blown up by the wind was caught in the overhead electrical contact system, staff at the Shanghai rail administration said. The problem was solved after 25-minutes of repair work, and the longest delay was around 40 minutes, according to the official.
据中国江苏网报道,沪宁高铁6日下午出现晚点状况。上海铁路局工作人员称,造成晚点的原因是大风将一块塑料布吹到铁路接触网上。铁路部门通过紧急抢修,25分钟后恢复运行。事故造成数趟列车晚点,最长晚点40分钟。 >Obama hits all-time lows
Up to 51% of Americans disapprove of the job US President Barack Obama is doing as president, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll has found. Some 73% say the country is headed in the wrong direction, a level of pessimism not seen since late 2008, as the financial crisis struck. About 44% of Americans say they are more likely to vote Republican next year than for Obama's re-election. The president is losing support from key groups including political independents, women and Hispanics.
《华尔街日报》和美国全国广播公司新闻台一项联合调查发现,高达51%的美国人不认同奥巴马作为总统所做的工作。约73%的民众认为美国走错了方向。自2008年底金融危机爆发以来还未见过这样的悲观程度。约44%的受访美国人表示明年总统大选更倾向于投票给共和党候选人。奥巴马正在失去无党派人士、妇女和拉美裔美国人等关键群体的支持。>More sent to private tutors
Research shows that growing numbers of UK middle-class children are being sent to private tutors to boost exam grades and win places at top schools, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Data shows that 23% of children have received some private tuition in the past. This compares with 18% when the same research was carried out 6 years ago. Janette Wallis, from the Good Schools Guide, said: "It is true that affluent families are more likely to turn to tutors but in recent years we have really started to see it filtering down to those less wealthy families."
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,研究显示,为了提高孩子考试成绩,使他们能进入名校,英国越来越多中产阶级家庭为孩子请家教补习功课。数据显示,23%的受访学生曾请过家教,高于6年前的18%。英国"好学校指南"的詹妮特·沃里斯表示:"虽然近年来富裕家庭的家教现象更为普遍,但现在的趋势是,这种现象正向较低收入家庭延伸。" 【In Brief】
>The euro area's gross domestic product expanded 0.2% in the 2nd quarter, after growing 0.8% in the previous period, the EU's statistics office said Tuesday. Governments have imposed austerity measures to tackle the debt crisis.
>Kyodo News reported that the Democratic Party of Japan decided Monday to name 2 former prime ministers, Yukio Hatoyama and Naoto Kan, as the ruling party's supreme advisers, DPJ members said.
>Workers across Italy went on strike Tuesday in protest at the government's austerity measures, Reuters reported.
据路透社报道,意大利工人6日举行了全国性大罢工,抗议政府财政紧缩政策。 【Newsmaker】
>Former HP manager in Want Want
Hong Kong listed food company Want Want China Holdings announced Monday Ruey-Bin Kao, the former president of Hewlett-Packard (HP) China, became an independent non-executive member on its board, the Beijing Times reported. The company's statement also said Ruey-Bin Kao had been assigned to its strategic planning committee and nomination committee. The designation has no time limit, and Kao's salary remained unknown. Ruey-Bin Kao resigned from HP China in April, 2011.
据《京华时报》报道,在香港上市的食品公司中国旺旺5日发布公告称,前惠普中国总裁高瑞彬出任公司独立非执行董事。公告显示,除当选公司董事外,高瑞彬还被委任为中国旺旺策略委员会成员及提名委员会成员。上述任命没有固定期限,相关薪酬也未敲定。高瑞彬于今年4月突然宣布辞去惠普中国总裁一职。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Care center crunch for dogs
Anyone who thinks gaining admission to elite preschools is rigorous may want to take a look at doggie day cares. They, too, are submitting prospective charges to exhaustive screening in the US, The Wall Street Journal reported. About 5-10% of dogs are rejected from daycare, usually because they are aggressive, fiercely territorial or very uncomfortable interacting with other dogs, day-care operators say.
当人们认为精英幼儿园准入条件苛刻时,宠物狗托护所也变得挑剔起来。据《华尔街日报》报道,美国托护所正在对想要入园的宠物狗进行全面评估。宠物狗托护所的经营人员说,约5-10%的狗会被托护所拒之门外,通常是因为这些狗好斗、爱占地盘或者太不合群。>World's longest ears dog
Harbor (see photo), an 8-year-old black and tan coonhound from Colorado, the US, is officially awarded a Guinness World Record for the longest ears on a living dog, The Daily Telegraph of London reported Tuesday. His left ear is 12.25 inches, while his right ear is 13.5 inches. His owner Jennifer Wert said Harbor is popular with passers-by who love to stop, take photos, and tug at his ears.
据英国《每日电讯报》6日报道,来自美国科罗拉多州的黑褐猎浣熊犬哈伯(见图)近日正式被授予吉尼斯世界纪录,成为目前耳朵最长的狗。哈伯现年8岁,其左耳长12.25英寸(约31厘米),右耳长13.5英寸(约34厘米)。它的主人沃特表示,哈伯很受路人欢迎,他们喜欢停下来给它照相和拉它的耳朵。  【Talk Show】
>You can't finish the quest unless you go talk to Cain.
>Does anybody want to go questing with me? I only need a few more experience points to level up.
有人愿意和我一起做任务吗?我再要一点经验值就可以升级了。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)【Word Prize】
Hang a right意思是?
A.放弃权利 B.行事保守
例句:I told him to hang a right at the next corner, but he went on.