
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/05 01:20:04
 【Morning Buzz】
Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death.
Dow Jones
11,613.53 +53.58 +0.46%   
2,579.46 +3.35 +0.13%【Highlights】
>Fitch Ratings warns banks
>Moms in south happier
>Frenzy for gold goes global
>UK spends more on Scots
>iPhone isn't enough for Cook
>Train surfing a fad in India
>Style my doll just like me
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>Mandarin, 2nd best for biz
Mandarin Chinese, spoken by 845m people, scored highest among languages excluding English based on business usefulness, according to Bloomberg Rankings. French, spoken by 68m people, was ranked 2nd, followed by Arabic, spoken by 221m people. Mandarin is, however, unlikely to supplant English soon as the primary language of business, said experts.
彭博社最新排名显示,拥有8.45亿使用者的中国普通话,被评为除英语以外最有用的商务语言。全球有6800万人使用的法语排名第2。排名第3的是阿拉伯语,全球有2.21亿人使用。不过,专家表示,普通话短期内不会取代英语成为最主要的商务语言。【Top News】
>Fitch Ratings warns banks
Fitch Ratings Wednesday warned of significant risks to China's banking system over the next few years, with the property market posing the biggest threat, caijing.com.cn reported. The ratings firm said China's easy monetary policy in 2009 and 2010 fueled a rise in inflation and a property bubble. An overextension of loans to local governments and property firms is brewing credit risk.
据财经网报道,惠誉国际评级公司8月31日警告称,中国银行业未来数年可能面临巨大风险,房地产市场将对银行业构成最大威胁。惠誉表示,中国2009年及2010年实施的宽松货币政策加剧了通货膨胀和房地产泡沫。面向地方政府及房地产企业的过度放贷正在催生信用风险。 >Moms in south happier
Mothers in southern China feel happier than their peers in northern China, a survey showed, xinhuanet.com reported. Work pressure and economic pressure are the 2 major factors that affect their happiness. More than half of working moms said they had considered quitting their jobs to take care of their kids. The survey also showed that women who give late childbirth are happier than those giving early childbirth.
据新华网报道,近日揭晓的一项调查显示,生活在南方的妈妈"幸福感"更强。工作压力和经济压力成为制约"幸福感"的两大主要因素。在调查中,超过一半的职场妈妈承认"想过为照料宝宝而辞职"。调查还显示,晚育的妈妈比早育的妈妈感觉更加幸福。>Frenzy for gold goes global
As the price of gold rests near record highs, people from Spokane to Bangkok are selling jewelry or buying bullion, Reuters reported Wednesday. With currencies and stocks faltering and prices of other commodities held back by slowing economic growth, the frenzy for gold has gone global. Theft of gold chains and watches is, however, on the rise worldwide. Dubai, Casablanca and Pathanamthitta in southern India have all been hit by major robberies linked to gold in recent weeks.
据路透社8月31日报道,黄金价格目前居于历史高点附近,从美国斯波坎到泰国曼谷,人们都在出售珠宝或买入黄金。经济增长放缓导致货币贬值和股市下跌,其它商品价格也纷纷回落,使得人们对黄金的追捧热潮席卷全球。黄金如此受宠却使全球金链和金表盗窃案明显增多。迪拜、卡萨布兰卡和印度南部的帕塔南蒂塔,最近几周都遭遇重大黄金抢劫案。 >UK spends more on Scots
The gulf in UK state spending between Scotland and England has hit a record £1,600 per head, the Daily Mail of London reported. Government spending in Scotland averaged £10,212 per person last year, which was £1,624 per head more than in England. The staggering figures, buried in UK Treasury documents, reveal the gap increased by more than 15% in only a year. Warnings have emerged that the issue is fuelling growing resentment in England. But Treasury officials admitted that the yawning gap would continue to widen over the next 4 years.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国在苏格兰和英格兰两地区的人均政府支出差距达到了创纪录的1600英镑。英财政部文件数据表明,该国政府去年在每个苏格兰居民身上平均花费10212英镑,比在每个英格兰居民身上多支出1624英镑,差距一年内扩大了15%以上。有警告称,这一问题在英格兰加剧了日渐高涨的不满情绪。对此,英财政部官员坦承,南北间这一差距未来4年内还将继续扩大。>Facebook pays to bug hunters
Facebook is paying out an average of more than £1,000 per day to outside security experts to act as "bounty hunters" by finding bugs in its software that could be exploited by malicious hackers, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. The 3-week-old project has already handed out rewards totaling around £25,000, including more than £4,300 to one individual who has reported 6 potential vulnerabilities. The largest single payment of more than £3,000 went to a security expert who made "one really good report", said Joe Sullivan, Facebook's chief security officer.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,为防范黑客恶意攻击,Facebook悬赏外部安全专家为自己的软件找漏洞,每天平均要为此发放1000多英镑赏金。这个项目持续了3周之久,总共已支出约2.5万英镑赏金。有人曾因报告了6处潜在安全隐患而获得4300多英镑奖励。据Facebook首席安全官乔伊·苏利文称,某安全专家曾因报告一处重要漏洞,获得了迄今单笔最高奖励3000多英镑。 【In Brief】
>The State Council vowed Wednesday to increase financial support for the country's pre-school education system while improving the evaluation system for primary and middle school teachers, Xinhua reported.
>China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has decided to dismiss Jiang Fan, the general manager of CNPC Dalian, which saw 4 incidents in 13 months, chinanews.com reported. 
>Wuhan plans to start building the city's 10th bridge across the Yangtze River in October, 2012, xinhuanet.com reported.
>Jewelry retailer Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Co, aiming to raise $3b to $4b in an initial public offering, submitted Wednesday the so-called A1 form to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Wall Street Journal reported.
据《华尔街日报》报道,珠宝零售商周大福已于8月31日向香港交易所提交了上市申请,该公司计划通过首次公开募股筹资30亿至40亿美元。 【Newsmaker】
>iPhone isn't enough for Cook
Tim Cook has big shoes to fill and he can't do it by just pushing out snazzier versions of the iPhone or iPad, Reuters reported. Apple Inc's newly minted CEO needs a revolutionary product to prove he has the chops to succeed Steve Jobs, and that may be a full-on assault on the living room by as early as 2013, analysts and industry experts say. Jobs has called Apple TV - a 4-inch-square box launched in 2006 that connects your TV to the Web - a hobby, but it is also one of the rare missteps in the course of Apple's meteoric ascendance. If Cook can succeed where Jobs has failed, he would put to rest questions over whether he has the vision to lead Apple.
据路透社报道,库克出任苹果首席执行官后,要想掌好苹果这艘巨舰,还需付出巨大努力,不单单是推出时尚新版iPhone或iPad那么简单。分析人士和业内专家指出,库克需要推出一款革命性产品以证明他有能力接任乔布斯的位置,而该产品或许为一款重量级起居室电子产品,最早于2013年发布。2006年苹果公司曾推出过一款4英寸、可将电视联网的苹果电视。乔布斯将之称为"业余爱好",而该产品是苹果辉煌业绩中为数不多的失败案例之一。如果库克能令这款连乔布斯都没搞定的苹果电视"咸鱼翻身",就没人能再质疑他是否有足够远见卓识执掌苹果了。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Style my doll just like me
My London Girl is Britain's first "doll boutique" where children can choose a designer outfit and accessories for themselves and then buy a doll to match, UK media reported. The store, which opens in London's Westfield shopping center in September, will sell designer clothes for girls aged 3 to 12-years-old. The same clothing range will also be available to buy in doll-size.(See photo)
据英国媒体报道,在英国的My London Girl店里,儿童可为自己选择名家定制服装和配饰,然后再挑个穿相同服装的玩偶。这家服装店是英国第一家提供此服务的玩偶服装精品店,9月在伦敦的韦斯特菲尔德购物中心开业,销售面向3到12岁女孩的名牌服装,同时提供适合玩偶尺寸的同系列服装。(见图)  >Train surfing a fad in India
In a scene from the Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire, the leading actors ran for their lives by train riding. Now, "train surfing" has become a popular pastime in India where poor youths used to hop onto the trains for a free ride with no ticket, the Daily Mail of London reported. Despite the incredible risks involved, the popularity of the thrill-seeking fad is on the increase.(See photo)
据英国《每日邮报》报道,在奥斯卡获奖电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》中,主角曾扒火车逃命。如今这一场景已经演变成印度的一种流行趋势,被称为"火车冲浪"。贫穷的年轻人常常因为没票就扒火车蹭一段路。尽管这种行为极度危险,但"火车冲浪"受欢迎的程度却在不断增强。(见图)  【Talk Show】
>Prices are exorbitantly high in the capital.
>Several companies gang up to raise prices.
>Prices have gone through the roof.
物价飞涨。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)【Word Prize】
Blow the whistle意思是?
例句:She was fired for blowing the whistle on the bank's manipulation of accounts.