韩国女明星 裸体写真:ChinaDaily晚报6.3

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/15 22:55:08
 【Weather June 4】
Wuhan: rainy 19~24℃
Yichang: rainy 19~24℃
Shiyan: rainy 20~27℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 648.46 CNY
100 GBP = 1061.59 CNY
100 EUR = 940.4 CNY
100 HKD = 83.37 CNY
100 JPY = 8.0205 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2728.02 +22.84 +0.84%
HangSeng Stock
22949.56 -304.28 -1.31%【Highlights】
>E. coli infects 3 Americans
>Brazil approves Amazon dam
>Black boxes in cars
>Apple bans free giveaways
>Gao Xiaosong reads in prison
>Al Qaida attacked by cupcake
>A tiger hunting game
四川老虎'越狱'演习(图) 【Cover Story】
>Raising dragons from the water
With the Dragon Boat Festival just around the corner, dragon boat building yards in Guangdong are full of hustle and bustle, China Daily reported Friday. Shangjiao village, which produces 80% of Guangdong's traditional dragon boats, is filled with the noise of drilling and nailing. A 40-meter wooden dragon boat takes 4 people working overtime about 16 days to finish. The cutting should be so precise and smooth that even a thread of hair cannot slip through the cracks. Craftsmen earn RMB110 a day for more than 10 hours in the building yard.
The demand for traditional dragon boats decreased in the 1990s partly because of mass-produced dragon boats made of rubber or plastic at a lower cost. However, over the past few years, with the inclusion of dragon boat racing in the Asian Games, there has been a rebound in the demand for traditional dragon boats.
90年代,传统龙舟的需求下降,部分原因是批量生产的橡皮或塑料龙舟更便宜。近年随着龙舟比赛成为亚运会项目,对传统龙舟的需求方有所反弹。 【Top News】
>E. coli infects 3 Americans
Three Americans who recently traveled to Germany contracted the E. coli virus. The recent outbreak in Europe reached the travelers who developed haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (溶血性尿毒综合症), CNN reported. All of them are in US hospitals. The E. coli outbreak has killed 18 and sickened more than 1,600 people in Europe. Health experts warn that the bug could be exported to the US, because the bacteria have an 8-day incubation period. Seven cases have been found in Britain.
Chinese and German scientists analyzed the DNA of the E. coli bacteria and determined that the outbreak was caused by "an entirely new, super-toxic" strain that contains several antibiotic-resistant genes. The strain appeared to be a combination of 2 types of E. coli.
中德科学家在对大肠杆菌病毒DNA进行研究后称,他们认为此次疫情由一种新型、毒性超强的菌株引起。该菌株含带有若干抗生素的耐药基因,似乎是2种大肠杆菌的混合体。 >Brazil approves Amazon dam
Brazil's environmental agency gave final approval for a giant hydroelectric power plant in the Amazon rain forest, the New York Times reported. The Belo Monte dam has been at the center of a long battle between the government and environmentalists over the fate of indigenous people. The dam will be the world's 3rd largest, capable of producing 11,200 megawatts of electricity. Opponents said it would flood a large part of the Xingu River basin, affecting local fishing and forcing tens of thousands of indigenous people from their native lands.
据《纽约时报》报道,巴西环境机构日前最终批准在亚马逊热带雨林地区修建一座名为贝罗蒙特的巨型水电站。贝罗蒙特建成后将成为世界第3大水电站,可发电1.12万兆瓦。长期以来,针对大坝建成后对当地土著居民的影响,政府和环保人士之间一直争斗不断。反对人士指出,大坝将淹没亚马逊欣古河流域很多地区,影响当地渔业,并致使上万土著居民迁出故土。>Black boxes in cars
New proposals are under review at the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The group is considering mandating the use of black boxes in all new cars in the US, Fox News reported. Black boxes are already used in many new cars. Known officially as "event data recorders" or EDRs, they work much like an airplane's black box in that they only capture data related to a crash. "EDRs are extremely helpful during accident reconstruction when used with corroborating physical and forensic evidence," a Toyota spokesman said.
据福克斯新闻报道,美国国家高速公路交通安全管理局正在评估一项方案:要求美国所有新车安装统一车用"黑匣子"。该设备目前已经在许多新车上安装使用。车用"黑匣子"的学名为车辆事故数据记录仪(EDR),工作原理与飞机"黑匣子"非常相似,仅记录与交通事故有关的数据。丰田汽车的一位发言人说:"'黑匣子'和确凿的实物证据、法医报告结合起来,将对再现事故场景起到非常大的帮助。" >Apple bans free giveaways
Apple prohibits third-parties from handing out its mobile devices in giveaways. Though this rule has been in place since January, the company has just started to enforce it, Fortune reported. Apple's Guidelines for Third Party Promotions say: "iPad, iPhone, and the iPhone Gift Card may not be used in third-party promotions; iPod touch is only allowed to be used in special circumstances and requires a minimum purchase of 250 units; the use of "free" as a modifier in any Apple product reference is prohibited." While Fortune reported Apple has started to shut down promotions, it didn't specifically cite any campaigns that have been suspended. Apple wouldn't comment on the matter.
据《财富》杂志报道,苹果近日开始规范第三方促销活动,禁止将iPad和iPhone等移动设备作为奖品免费发放。此条例1月份就已出台,但直到最近才开始实施。"iPad、iPhone和iPhone礼品卡均不得用于第三方促销活动,只有iPod touch可用于特定场合,且一次性购买数量不得低于250台。"苹果在颁发的《第三方推广活动指导条例》中如是说。该文件还指出,在任何情况下用"免费"一词修饰苹果产品的行为都将严格禁止。虽然苹果已发布禁令,但至今还没听说哪个推广活动因此被叫停。目前苹果尚未对此事置评。 【In Brief】
>OPEC's oil ministers will discuss raising production when they meet next week. It would be the first increase in almost 4 years, the Financial Times of London reported.
>The group coupon website Groupon filed an initial public offering Thursday, hoping to raise up to $750m, Reuters reported.
>The New York Times announced Thursday that Jill Abramson will become its next executive editor. Abramson will become the first woman to be the editor of the paper in its 160-year history.
>The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced Thursday that actress Jane Lynch will host "The 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards" honoring excellence in prime-time TV, AP reported. The 50-year-old Lynch has won an Emmy for her performance as Sue Sylvester on "Glee." The ceremony will air September 18.
>Christie's, an international art retailer, expects Hong Kong will become a top market for global sales in 5-10 years, Reuters reported.
据路透社报道,国际艺术品拍卖行佳士得预计,香港将在未来5-10年内成为国际领先的拍卖市场。 【Quotable Quote】
英国威廉王子夫妇将于6月30日至7月8日对加拿大展开婚后第一次正式出访。据悉,整个行程将花费加拿大纳税者2百万加元(约合人民币1300万元),出动大批保安。对此,魁北克国民议会委员卡德尔(Amir Khadir)十分不满,他说:
"[Monarchy] is a parasitic system that was inherited from ancient times. A nation worthy of the 21st Century has no need for a monarchy or people with a bloodline."
>Gao Xiaosong reads in prison
Singer Lao Lang said recently that his good friend Gao Xiaosong used his time in prison to read Encyclopedia Britannica, the Chengdu Economic Daily reported. Gao, a famous Chinese musician, was sentenced to 6 months in prison for driving under the influence (固定词组:酒后开车) in May. Lao had previously refused to comment on his friend. But at a recent promotional event, Lao said Gao deserves the legal punishment and condemned drinking and driving. After visiting his friend in prison, Lao said, "He's fine, reading Encyclopedia Britannica. He used to have no time for reading. Now his wish has finally been fulfilled."
据《成都商报》报道,歌手老狼近日在活动中透露,好友高晓松在监狱中读《大英百科全书》度日。高晓松今年5月因醉驾被判6个月监禁,目前正在狱中服刑。之前,老狼一直对此事三缄其口。此次,老狼坦言他醉驾肯定不对,应该受到法律的制裁。刚探望过高晓松的老狼还说:"他状态挺好的,现在正在读《大英百科全书》,他说之前一直没有时间看,这次终于得偿所愿了。" 【Kaleidoscope】
>Al Qaida attacked by cupcake
British intelligence has hacked into an Al Qaida online magazine and replaced bomb-making instructions with a recipe for cupcakes, the Daily Telegraph of London reported Thursday. The cyber-warfare operation was launched by MI6 and GCHQ in an attempt to disrupt efforts by the terrorist organization in the Arabian Peninsula to recruit "lone-wolf" terrorists with a new English-language magazine. When followers tried to download the 67-page color magazine, instead of instructions about how to "Make a bomb in the Kitchen of your Mom" by "The AQ Chef" they were greeted with garbled computer code. The code was actually a web page of recipes for "The Best Cupcakes in America".
据英国《每日电讯报》2日报道,英国情报部门对基地组织的一本在线杂志进行黑客攻击,把长达67页的"炸弹制作指南"换成了制作纸杯蛋糕的配方。英国军情六处和政府通讯总部表示,实施此次网络战的目的是阻止基地组织阿拉伯分支用这份新的英语杂志招募独自作案的恐怖分子。当有人试图下载网站上"基地主厨"写的"如何在妈妈的厨房制作炸弹"时,网页上会弹出一个被篡改的程序,显示"美国最好的纸杯蛋糕"食谱。>A tiger hunting game
A zoo staff member dressed in a "Tigger" costume from Disney's Winnie the Pooh was seen loose in the street in a zoo in Chengdu, Sichuan Thursday. The "tiger hunt" was part of the zoo's tiger escape drill, West China Metropolis Daily reported Friday. The "tiger" hid in a bush, but was caught by policemen and zoo staff, who pretended to anesthetize him. At the end of the exercise the "tiger" was carried away on a stretcher.(See photo)
据《华西都市报》3日报道,2日,成都动物园进行了一次防止老虎越狱演习,一名动物园工作人员扮成动画片《小熊维尼》里的"跳跳虎",逃脱出虎笼在街上"闲逛"。"老虎"藏在树丛中,但不幸被手持麻醉枪的警察和动物园工作人员"抓获"。演习最后,"老虎"被放在担架上抬走。(见图)  【China Daily Radio】
犀利美文1级棒 今天又是美文环节,今天换换口味,我们来看这一段侦探小说的文风如何? 先来熟悉词汇:
in and out: 里里外外的
pompous: 自高自大,自负的
self-absorbed: 自恋的
absurdly: 荒唐的
canary: 金丝雀开始之前,还是提醒大家,我们的CD第一届英文朗读大赛和英文微小说大赛正在进行中。本期投稿截至端午节6月6号0点。参加朗读大赛的读者请把音频文件配文字(微小说大赛只需发送文字)发送到radio@chinadaily.com.cn即可。好了,今天的音频开始! From "Murder is Easy" By Agatha Christie
'Go on, Bridget, tell me how you came to suspect the Waynflete woman.' Bridget explained: 'It was when you were telling me that Gordon was the killer. I couldn't believe it. You see, I knew him so well. I'd been his secretary for two years. I knew him in and out. I knew that he was pompous and petty and completely self-absorbed, but I knew, too, that he was a kindly person and almost absurdly tender. The story about his killing Miss Waynflete's canary – it was all wrong.'
"继续说,布丽姬,告诉我你怎么会怀疑韦恩弗利那个女人。" 布丽姬解释道:"你跟我说高登就是那个杀人凶手,可是我实在没办法相信!你知道,我对他太了解了,我当过他两年的秘书,他是什么样的人我一清二楚。我知道他相当傲慢,自视很高,可是我也知道他很和善,甚至心软得可笑。韦恩弗利小姐说他杀死自己金丝雀的事根本不对,他绝对不会做那种事。" 【Weekly Topic】
Han Qunfeng, a former white-collar worker in Dongguan, pled guilty to drowning her twin sons suffering from cerebral palsy in the bathtub at home. The murder confession came this week at a public trial in Dongguan No 1 People's Court. "If I had the chance to choose once more, I would not do it," the 37-year-old said. "But I worried about their life once I got too old to look after them." Hundreds of people have signed a letter and submitted it to the court calling for a lenient sentence for Han. What's your opinion on this case?