
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 14:28:40
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12,290.14 -279.65 -2.22%
2,769.19 -66.11 -2.33%【Bonus Oriens】
Sometimes you need patience in order to find true happiness. It won't come fast and it won't come easy, but it will be worth it.
>Hukou barriers to be lifted
>Mainland marriage unfavored
>Li Na advances semis
>Google avoids $4.6B in tax
>Apple readies 'iCloud'
>Fight leads to F-16 escort
>Tse seeks custody of son
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>80% Pradas outsourcing
Italian fashion house Prada SpA has 80% of its products manufactured by outsourcers and some of its outsourced manufacturing partners are in China, according to a report by Goldman Sachs Inc, which is helping manage the company's Hong Kong IPO, cnr.cn reported. The Milan-based company is scheduled to list in Hong Kong in June and may raise $2b through its initial public offering. After outsourcing, the production cost of Prada's expensive handbags is less than $150, insiders say.
据中广网报道,意大利时尚品牌普拉达拟6月在香港公开招股,发售价值20亿美元的股份,但据其保荐人之一高盛公司的报告披露,普拉达已将8成产品外包生产,中国就有其代工生产厂家。据业内人士透露,外包生产后普拉达手袋的成本不超过150美元。【Top News】
>Hukou barriers to be lifted
Cities except municipalities are ordered to lift residence barriers, granting college graduates working in local government offices or companies hukou, or permanent residence permit, according to a State Council notice posted on gov.cn. The notice urged local governments at all levels to enhance services helping graduates find jobs, as the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015) will see increasing numbers of college graduate looking for jobs.
据中国政府网消息,国务院发布通知,要求非直辖市取消高校毕业生落户限制,允许高校毕业生在就业地办理落户手续。通知指出,预计"十二五"时期,高校毕业生数量仍将持续增长,要求各级政府要大力加强就业指导、就业服务。 >Mainland marriage unfavored
A survey showed over 40% Hong Kong citizens will not consider dating or marrying mainland residents, according to Ta Kung Pao. Hong Kong residents reportedly hold a poor image of the mainland and think there is a difference in living habits. The survey showed, compared with Hong Kong women, Hong Kong men would be more inclined to have a relationships with mainland people.
据香港《大公报》报道,香港的一项调查显示,逾4成受访者表示不会选择和内地人"拍拖"和结婚,主要原因是"对内地印象差"和"生活习惯有差距"等。调查发现,男性比女性较倾向选择和内地人拍拖。>Google avoids $4.6B in tax
Google has avoided paying more than $4.63b in tax worldwide over the past 5 years, the Sunday Times reported. The Internet search giant generated global revenues of $29.3b last year. It paid £3m in tax in the UK last year. Tax campaigner Richard Murphy said: "The expected UK tax bill would have been about £190m." The investigation found Google has an elaborate network of companies across at least 5 legal jurisdictions. These include Ireland, Holland and the Bahamas. This enables it to trade overseas profits between subsidiaries.
据《星期日泰晤士报》报道,过去的5年中,谷歌在世界范围内共逃税超过46.3亿美元。互联网搜索巨头谷歌去年的全球营收多达293亿美元,其在英国交税为300万英镑,但据税务调查员理查德·墨菲披露,谷歌在英国的原本预期纳税额应为1.9亿英镑左右。调查发现,谷歌的公司网络横跨包括爱尔兰、荷兰、巴哈马群岛在内的至少5个法律管辖区,使其营收能在旗下的子公司自由转移,进而避税。 >Apple readies 'iCloud'
Apple will make a broad push into online services, as it seeks to reinforce its consumer gadgets with a stronger presence in the "cloud" services, foreign media reported. It also broke with its normal practice of "keeping secrecy for Apple conference," revealing in advance that Steve Jobs, who has been on medical leave, would appear next week as part of the announcement of what it dubbed the "iCloud".
Based on the online music service, Apple will be able to copy users' music libraries and replicate them from its own remotely-held catalogue of songs, for access from any computer, smartphone or tablet. Apple consumers, therefore, can create and listen online to their entire music collections, without the time-consuming work of manually transferring or uploading songs.
Of the 4 major record labels, Apple has agreed terms with Sony Music, Warner Music and EMI, and is expected to be close to a deal with Universal Music. Google has attempted to create similar services but so far haven't been able to agree on terms with the record labels.
4大唱片公司中,苹果已与索尼、华纳和百代谈妥条件,据信也即将与环球唱片达成协议。谷歌一直试图建立类似的服务,不过目前为止尚无法就条款与唱片公司达成一致。 【In Brief】
>Tennis veteran Li Na continued to make history as she romped into the women's singles semifinal at the French Open by beating Victoria Azarenka from Belarus 7-5, 6-2 Wednesday. Li will meet Maria Sharapova of Russia in semi-finals.
>China's top legislature will review in mid or late June the draft amendment to the Personal Income Tax Law which sets the minimum threshold for personal income tax to RMB3,000 a month. It failed to adopt the draft earlier, Yangcheng Evening News reported.
>The Ministry of Health Wednesday urged increased surveillance over E. coli (EHEC) following a food-borne bacterial outbreak that originated in Germany. It ordered medical institutions at all levels to beef up monitoring on suspected EHEC cases and to report these cases promptly to the ministry.
>Wednesday is the first day the real-name ticket system for the high-speed train takes effect. It takes dozens of seconds for a passenger to have his ticket checked, iqilu.com reported. It only took 3 to 4 seconds to check a ticket before the real-name policy.
>Shenzhen will limit traffic on the road during the Universiade from Aug 4-24, Xinhua reported. The host city will put half of government cars off road and allow local workers to take 7-day leave during the opening and closing ceremonies.
>Construction of a tunnel that will traverse Trola Mountain in southwestern Sichuan province began Wednesday, Xinhua reported. At an altitude around 4,300 meters, the Trola Mountain tunnel on the Sichuan-Tibet Highway will be the world's highest.
据新华社报道,位于四川西南部的雀儿山公路隧道工程6月1日正式开工建设。雀儿山隧道位于川藏线,设计高程为4300米左右,将是世界上海拔最高的公路隧道。 【Celebrity】
>Tse seeks custody of son
Amid rumors that Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse, one of the hottest Chinese celebrity couples, are nearing a divorce, Hong Kong media reported the couple had made a prenuptial agreement that Cheung would have the custody of their children in the event of a divorce. But Tse is believed to have a deep attachment to their 2nd son Quintus, while Cheung dotes on their elder son Lucas, who is turning 4 years old. The couple is now in strife over custody of their children. And Tse will fight to keep Quintus.(See photo)
据香港媒体报道,谢霆锋和张柏芝陷入婚变危机,有传"锋芝"曾签下婚前协议,如果双方离婚,所有子女的抚养权都归张柏芝。不过,据知谢霆锋很爱惜小儿子Quintus,张柏芝就独爱即将4岁的大儿子Lucas,面临分居的他们对抚养权争执不下,谢霆锋将极力争取Quintus的抚养权。(见图)  【Kaleidoscope】
>Russian dies in self-burial
A Russian man died after burying himself alive in a friend's garden in the Far Eastern city of Blagoveshchensk in an endurance test that went wrong, AFP reported. The man and his friend dug a hole in the garden and put inside an improvised coffin with holes for air pipes. The man also took a blanket, a bottle of water and a cell phone. The victim's friend covered the hole with planks and dirt to a depth of around 20cm and went home after receiving a phone call from his friend telling him he was fine. The next morning, he found his friend dead.
据法新社报道,俄罗斯远东地区布拉戈维申斯克一名男子为进行耐力测试,在朋友家的花园里将自己"活埋",谁料弄假成真,命丧黄泉。据了解,该男子和友人在花园里挖了个坑,并做了一副临时"棺材",在上面留有透气管。该男子将一张毛毯、一瓶水和一个手机带进了"棺材",友人随后用木板盖住他,并覆盖上约20厘米厚的土。在接到"棺材"里的人打来的电话报平安后,友人便回家了。但次日早上,友人来查看时,他已死亡。>Fight leads to F-16 escort
A United Airlines plane with 144 people aboard returned to Washington-Dulles International Airport for an emergency landing escorted by two F-16 fighter jets after a fight broke out between passengers, US media reported. The Boeing 767 dumped fuel as a safety precaution to lighten its weight on landing. The Washington Post reported the fight began not long after takeoff when a passenger lowered his seat and a passenger behind him objected.
据美国媒体报道,由于乘客发生打斗,美国联合航空公司的一架客机在华盛顿杜勒斯机场起飞不久,就被两架F-16战机护送返航。据悉,这架波音767客机上载有144人,紧急迫降时为了安全考虑,还放掉了客机燃油,以减轻机身重量。据《华盛顿邮报》报道,事件起因是,客机起飞不久后,一名乘客调低了座椅,后面的乘客不同意,双方因此厮打起来。 【Talk Show】
>Hey, do you want to check out a band this Saturday night?
>I'm thinking about going to KTV with my coworkers tonight. Wanna come?
>I'm wondering if you're free for dinner tomorrow night.
>Why don't we go and get some tea?
一起去喝杯茶?(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Freedom Air passengers are reminded to keep their seatbelts _______ whenever the red light is on.