
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 13:31:37
 【Morning Buzz】
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
Dow Jones
11,414.86 +275.56 +2.47%
2,548.94 +75.11 +3.04%【Highlights】
>10% grains lost in storage
>China renews Google license
>Blast outside Delhi Court
>Americans are still cool
>Mini Lady Gaga appears
8岁迷你Lady Gaga走红
>World's largest stir-fry
>Video of head shot by AK-47
老总玩命测试防弹玻璃  【Notice】
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>Russian plane crashes
A passenger plane crashed near the Russian city of Yaroslavl Wednesday, killing at least 43 of the 45 people on board. The Yak-42 aircraft was carrying members of Lokomotiv, a Continental Hockey League ice hockey team based in Yaroslavl, to a match in Minsk, Belarus, RIA news agency cited a regional Emergency Situations Ministry official as saying. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin ordered Transport Minister Igor Levitin to travel to the site.
7日,俄罗斯一架雅克-42型客机在雅罗斯拉夫尔城附近坠毁,导致至少43人死亡,机上共有45人。据俄新社援引地区紧急情况部官员称,这架飞机上搭载着隶属大陆冰球联盟、总部位于雅罗斯拉夫尔的"火车头"冰球队队员,他们原本前往白俄罗斯的明斯克去参加一场比赛。目前俄罗斯总理普京已派运输部长伊格尔·列维金奔赴事发地。【Top News】
>10% grains lost in storage
Chinese farmers lose 7-10% of grain production on average during storage with the annual loss of approximately 15-22.5b kg, an official from the Ministry of Agriculture said Tuesday, according to chinanews.com. Apart from grains, the after-production loss rate is 15-20% for vegetables, 10-15% for fruits, and 15-25% for potatoes. The total loss could be worth around RMB180b, based on the prices of RMB2,000 per ton for grains, vegetables, and fruits, and RMB1,000 per ton for potatoes.
据中国新闻网报道,国家农业部官员6日称,中国农户储粮造成的平均损失为7-10%,每年损失约为300-450亿斤。此外,蔬菜损耗率达15-20%,水果为10-15%,马铃薯为15-25%。若按照粮食、果蔬每吨2000元、马铃薯每吨1000元计算,每年折合经济损失达1800亿元。 >China renews Google license
Google Inc said Wednesday the Chinese government renewed the company's Internet license for another year. A renewed ICP license allows the company to continue operating its Chinese domain address, google.cn. Google scaled back its China operations last year and began redirecting google.cn users to google.com.hk.
谷歌公司7日宣布,谷歌已获得中国政府发放的1年期互联网牌照。通过ICP牌照年检意味着google.cn将可以重新投入运营。谷歌去年宣布缩减其在中国的服务,用户访问google.cn会自动跳转到google.com.hk。>Blast outside Delhi court
A powerful bomb placed in a briefcase outside the High Court in New Delhi killed at least 11 people and wounded 76 Wednesday, the deadliest attack in India in almost 2 months, prompting the government to put the capital on high alert. Authorities said the Harkat-ul-Jihad Islami militant group - an al Qaida affiliate with bases in Pakistan and Bangladesh - had sent an email claiming responsibility, Reuters reported. It comes less than 2 months after near-simultaneous triple bomb attacks in India's financial hub Mumbai killed 24.
据路透社报道,7日,一个内置强力炸弹的公文包在印度新德里高等法院外爆炸,造成至少11人死亡,76人受伤。这是印度近2个月来死伤最严重的袭击事件,首都新德里已进入高度警戒状态。官员称,隶属于基地组织、总部位于巴基斯坦和孟加拉国的"伊斯兰圣战运动"军事组织已发电子邮件宣布对此事件负责。不到两个月前,印度金融中心孟买曾发生3起连环爆炸案,造成24人死亡。 >Americans are still cool
They may be witnessing their global influence declining, but Americans have been voted the world's "coolest nationality" in a poll. Reuters reported social networking site badoo.com asked 30,000 people across 15 countries (Asian countries excluded) to name "the coolest nationality". It found that Brazilians were considered the coolest Latin Americans and the Spanish the coolest Europeans. The French are voted cooler than the British. Belgians were the globe's least cool nationality.
1. Americans/美国人
2. Brazilians/巴西人
3. Spanish/西班牙人
4. Italians/意大利人
5. French/法国人[最不酷国家前5名]
1. Belgians/比利时人
2. Poles/波兰人
3. Turks/土耳其人
4. Canadians/加拿大人
5. Germans/德国人 【In Brief】
>The growth rate of China's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2010 was modified up by 0.1 of a percentage point to 10.4% from a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics announced Wednesday.
>China will likely need 5,000 commercial aircraft worth $600b during the next 20 years, a 25% increase in value terms over the company's previous forecast last year, Reuters reported Wednesday, citing a senior Boeing Co executive.
>Keeping a busy social life amongst lots of friends may keep people slimmer than spending hours on a treadmill, according to scientists, the Daily Mail of London reported Tuesday.
据英国《每日邮报》6日报道,科学家研究发现,与在跑步机上锻炼几个小时相比,跟朋友一起参加社交活动更有利于保持苗条身材。 【Feature】
>Libyans celebrate soccer win
The Libyan national soccer team, wearing the colors of the rebel flag and playing in neighboring Egypt, won its African Cup of Nations qualifying match against Mozambique 1-0, AP reported. It was the team's first win after the rebels forced Moammar Gadhafi into hiding. The game was organized by the Egyptian Football Federation. There was no audience for security reasons. The celebrations for the soccer victory at Tripoli blended into the Eid holiday and helped restore a sense of normalcy to the capital after months of war.
据美联社报道,近日,利比亚国家足球队身披反对派旗帜颜色的球衣在埃及亮相,在非洲杯预选赛中以1-0击败莫桑比克,取得开门红。这场胜利是反对派让卡扎菲遁形之后利比亚国足的首胜。比赛由埃及足协组织,出于安全考虑,封闭进行,没有观众现场助阵。当日,利首都为足球胜利进行的庆祝正好和开斋假期的喜庆气氛融和,帮助这个历经数月战火的城市恢复了些许正常的气息。 【Newsmaker】
>Mini Lady Gaga appears
8岁迷你Lady Gaga走红
There's a mini Lady Gaga in Brazil - little Laura Fontana, a young girl who has found instant fame for her Gaga impersonation. Fontana first found fame in 2010 when she appeared on Brazilian talent show Qual e o Seu Talento. Modeling her performance on Gaga's appearance and dancing style, Fontana – who was just 8 years old at the time – quickly became a worldwide hit. She's back in the spotlight in 2011 as more videos of her performances hit YouTube. (See photo)
巴西出了个迷你Lady Gaga——小劳拉·芳塔娜。这个小女孩因为模仿Lady Gaga红遍全球。2010年,年仅8岁的芳塔娜参加巴西选秀节目《天生我材》,以Lady Gaga的造型和舞姿大展风采,迅速走红。今年,更多她的演出视频被传至YouTube,小芳塔娜再次成为公众焦点。(见图)  【Kaleidoscope】
>World's largest stir-fry
Staff and students at the University of Massachusetts in the US celebrated the start of the new semester by making the world's largest stir-fry, AP reported. Using a custom-built, 14-foot-frying pan, the 4,010-pound meal included chicken, onions, carrots and broccoli, as well as peppers, peanuts and garlic. It was cooked in 50 pounds of canola oil. A university official says the purpose was to stress sustainability and promote healthy eating as many of the vegetables were grown at a student-run farm.
据美联社报道,为庆祝新学期开始,美国马塞诸萨大学师生定制了世界上最大的炒锅。该锅口径达14英尺(约4.3米),用它正好炒上一顿重达4010磅(约1.8吨)的大锅饭。马塞诸萨大学这顿大锅饭耗费了50磅(约22.7公斤)菜籽油,用料包括鸡肉、洋葱、胡萝卜、西兰花、辣椒、花生和大蒜。校方工作人员称,大锅饭所用蔬菜多来自学生自营农场,此举是为了强调可持续发展以及宣传健康饮食。>Video of head shot by AK-47
Trent Kimball, chairman Texas Armoring Corporation has filmed himself being shot, at almost point blank range, to the head with an AK-47, the Daily Mail of London reported. The only thing standing between him and the semi-automatic weapon's lethal rounds is a plate of his company's bullet resistant glass. An insider at the American armored vehicle company said that Kimball released the video after becoming tired of customers asking if his company's bullet-resistant glass actually worked.  (See photo)
据英国《每日邮报》报道,美国德州装甲公司总裁特伦托·基姆保尔,日前拍下一段自己被半自动AK-47近距离扫射的视频。挡在他和AK-47致命射程之间的,只有一层其自家公司生产的防弹玻璃。公司知情人士透露,基姆保尔被不断问他防弹玻璃是否真的有效的顾客搞得头大,终于决定发布视频证明。(见图)  【Talk Show】
>This game is running pretty slowly. I think it's time you upgraded your computer.
>God, why is this game lagging so much? I can't move any of my units.
>Most games that come out these days allow multiplayer gaming.
如今的这些网络游戏都允许多人游戏。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)【Word Prize】
Foaming at the mouth意思是?
例句:The court's verdict has left the public foaming at the mouth.
我们一生都渴望被人收藏,妥善安放。不管时过境迁,光华斑驳,总有一些镜头让我们感怀彷徨,总有一卷文字让我们魂牵梦绕,总有一段旋律让我们暗醉情殇。请发送"Love+推荐内容"并附上推荐理由至106580007835(免信息费),中英文皆可。ChinaDaily手机报下周一早上继续和您一起 "分享爱"。