
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/10 09:23:58
 【Morning Buzz】
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."
(Mary Anne Radmacher)
勇气并不总是拔山盖世。有时,它是一天行将结束时的低声絮语:"明天,我再试一次。"(玛丽·安妮·拉德马赫)[北京152****0406:早安,希望在前方!Tomorrow is another day.]【Markets】
Dow Jones
11,240.26 -253.31 -2.20%  
2,480.33 -65.71 -2.58%【Highlights】
>Fish patrol to Xisha Islands
>SOA: stop production
>Quake shifts nuke containers
>35 Iraqi inmates tunnel out
>Coffee hit all in the mind?
>'Between Scylla and Charybdis'
点津:'进退两难'怎么说 【Cover Story】
>China beats Singapore 2-1
China's national soccer team beat Singapore 2-1 after 90 minutes in their first 2014 World Cup qualifying match played Friday night at Kunming. Aleksandar Duric found the back of the net at the 34th minute, giving Singapore the edge going into halftime. Zheng Zhi scored the equalizer at the 69th minute with a penalty. Yu Hai slammed a second for China at the 74th minute. This match is also the China national soccer team's first game under their new Spanish coach Jose Antonio Camacho.
2日晚,中国男足坐阵昆明主场,在世界杯预选赛亚洲区首轮中迎战新加坡,经过90分钟鏖战,最终以2比1力克对手,取得开门红。上半时34分钟,杜里奇率先攻入一球,为新加坡队取得领先。经过中场休息,中国队下半时69分钟由郑智点球扳平比分。随后,于海在74分钟为中国队再入一球,将最终比分定格为2比1。此役也是卡马乔执掌中国男足的首场比赛。 【Top News】
>Fish patrol to Xisha Islands
China Yuzheng 306, a large fishery administration ship which is the first to set sail for a permanent deployment in the waters around the Xisha Islands, left Guangzhou port Friday, xinhuanet.com reported. The vessel, with a maximum displacement of 400 tons, will patrol the waters around the islands and safeguard China's marine sovereignty, fishing rights and interests. The deployment symbolizes that China has an all-weather law enforcement force in the area.
据新华网报道,中国第一艘常驻西沙群岛及其海域的400吨级大型渔政执法船——中国渔政306船,2日驶离广州的基地码头,正式开赴西沙群岛执行公务,切实维护中国海洋主权和渔业权益。这标志着中国在西沙群岛及其海域已形成全天候的渔政执法力量。>SOA: stop production
China's maritime authority Friday ordered all production operations to be stopped on the leaky Penglai 19-3 oil-field that is being developed by ConocoPhillips China, Xinhua reported. The State Oceanic Administration (SOA) said in a statement that ConocoPhillips China failed to meet its requirements of "screening out all potential sources for the oil spills and blocking the leaks once and for all."
据新华社报道,国家海洋局2日发布公告称,由于康菲公司对"彻底排查溢油风险,彻底封堵溢油源"的要求没有完成,因此责令康菲公司蓬莱19-3全油田停止油气生产作业。 >Quake shifts nuke containers
Last week's magnitude 5.8 central Virginia earthquake in the US jolted huge concrete containers holding spent nuclear fuel at a nuclear plant, shifting some containers by up to 4 inches, The Washington Post reported. The containers each weigh 115 tons and are filled with bundles of uranium dioxide fuel rods that no longer generate enough heat to produce electricity. "They are safe and remain intact," the spokesman of the plant operator said. "They are designed not to fall over and they didn't fall over."
据《华盛顿邮报》报道,上周美国弗吉尼亚州中部遭遇5.8级地震,导致该州一核电厂内钢筋混凝土核废料桶发生了最多4英寸(11.4厘米)的移位。这些核废料储桶每个重达115吨,内放有不能产生足够热量用以发电的二氧化铀核燃料棒。该核电站发言人称:"发生移位的核废料桶并未受损,仍然安全。根据设计,它们不会垮塌;事实上,它们也经受住了考验。">35 Iraqi inmates tunnel out
Thirty-five Iraqi terror suspects tunneled their way out of a prison, but 21 of the detainees were recaptured soon after they escaped through the 50-meter tunnel, AP reported. Two Iraqi officials with knowledge of the investigation said the tunnel lead to a sewage pipe and then to a nearby river. They said there were indications the prisoners had inside help, and that officials were looking into how the detainees were able to obtain digging tools.
据美联社报道,近日,35名伊拉克囚犯在监狱内挖了一条长50米的地道,成功越狱,不过警方很快逮捕了其中21人。两名了解调查情况的伊拉克官员说,囚犯们挖通的这条地道通往一条下水道,继而通向附近的河流。有迹象表明,囚犯们可能得到了监狱内部的帮助,目前官员正在调查他们是如何获得挖掘工具的。 【In Brief】
>Data from the Ministry of Commerce show the egg price hit this year's record high of RMB10.21 per kg in the last week of August, cnr.cn reported.
>China will steadily expand the numbers taking its post-doctoral education, according to a government plan released Friday, xinhuanet.com reported. According to the plan, China will admit 17,000 post-doc researchers in 2015, which is a 60% increase from 2010.
>A 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Aleutian Islands off Alaska, the US Geological Survey reported.
据美国地质调查局消息,美国阿拉斯加州外海的阿留申群岛2日发生7.1级地震。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Coffee hit all in the mind?
Many of us rely on a cup of coffee to kick-start the day, but a study shows that the early morning pick-me-up could be all in the mind, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. British researchers who lied to volunteers that the decaffeinated coffee they were drinking had caffeine in it, noticed a significant improvement in performance and mood. In a series of tests designed to measure mental performance, reaction times and mood, some even did better than volunteers who had consumed coffee with caffeine. The results suggest that coffee's pick-me-up powers may be at least partly due to consumers anticipating a caffeine "hit".
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,很多人的一天都从清晨的一杯提神醒脑咖啡开始,但最新研究表明,咖啡的提神功效或许只是心理作用。英国研究人员给测试者饮用不含咖啡因的咖啡,但谎称其所喝咖啡含有咖啡因。随后对测试者的大脑功能、反应时间及情绪进行估测。结果显示,被测人员的表现有显著提高,甚至超过了真正饮用了含咖啡因咖啡的人。由此说明,咖啡的提神功效或许,至少部分,是因为饮用者对其提神功效的心理预期所导致。 【Language Tips】
'Between Scylla and Charybdis'
He was between Scylla and Charybdis, for his company had betrayed him.
他的同伴背叛了他,致使他腹背受敌。【Talk Show】
>I'm going to Guangzhou for a business trip next week.
>By plane or by train?
>By train. You know I'm afraid to take a plane because of acrophobia.
>Actually, it's not so awful to take a plane. It will be ok if you don't look out the window.
>I still can't do it. Every time I think about it, my brain just freaks out.
还是不行。一想到坐飞机,我就头晕。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)