
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 07:02:09
 【Bonus Oriens】
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.(Thomas Edison, American inventor, 1847-1931)
>TW boat captain dies in fire
>100,000 US students at China
>Al Qaida takes over Zinjibar
>Tse and Cheung divorced?
>Shrimp running on a treadmill
>China wins Sudirman Cup
《爱·分享》周一有约 【Cover Story】
>Petroleum: highest-pay major
People who major in petroleum engineering had the highest income at an average of $120,000 per year, according to a US study, the Washington Post reported. The study by Georgetown University analyzed 171 majors and found, of the top 10 undergraduate majors with the highest median salaries, 8 were in engineering, including aerospace, chemical and mechanical. Some popular subjects, such as elementary education and psychology, are among the lowest pay, according to the report.
据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国一项调查称,石油工程是收入最高的专业,毕业生年收入可高达12万美元。这项由乔治敦大学发起的调查分析了171个不同专业,研究发现,航空航天、化学和机械工程等8个工科专业"霸占"了本科生十大高收入专业榜。而一些较热门的专业,如基础教育、心理学等,却位列收入最低专业。【Top News】
>TW boat captain dies in fire
Taiwan's foreign ministry said in a statement late Saturday the captain of a hijacked Taiwan fishing boat, Wu Lai-yu, was killed in crossfire between US Navy personnel and Somali pirates. The US troops and pirates aboard the hijacked Jih Chun Tsai 68 fishing trawler exchanged fire over the Indian Ocean during the US frigate's anti-piracy patrol mission on May 20. Pirates hijacked the boat off the Somali coast in March 2010 and used the vessel to launch maritime attacks.
台湾涉外部门28日晚发表声明,本月20日,美国军舰在印度洋海域执行反海盗任务时,与索马里海盗交火,遭海盗挟持的台渔船船长吴来于不幸在炮火中身亡。据悉,去年3月,该"日春财68号"渔船遭海盗劫持,并被当作攻击母船来使用。 >100,000 US students at China
The US government is driving a program coded "100,000 Strong Initiative", people.com.cn reported. The next 4 years will see 100,000 Americans study in China. The program aims to give poor US students opportunities to learn in China, according to Carola McGiffert, senior advisor to the assistant secretary of US state for East Asia and the Pacific. The potential candidates include high school students and college graduate and postgraduate students. They can come to China for study or work as interns.
据人民网报道,美国政府正在推动一个名为"十万强计划" 的项目,预计未来4年招10万名美国学生到中国留学。据美国国务院亚太助卿的高级顾问卡罗拉·麦吉弗特介绍,这项计划旨在让出身贫穷的学生也有机会到中国留学。"十万强计划"的目标包括了高中、大学以及研究生院的学生,无论是念书还是实习都算在内。>Al Qaida takes over Zinjibar
Al Qaida militants have taken over the Yemeni city of Zinjibar, Reuters reported Sunday. Zinjibar is the capital of Abyan province in southern Yemen. Washington considers the Yemen-based al Qaida branch the world's most active terror cell. The group has strongholds in remote mountain regions in the provinces of Shabwa, Abyan, Jouf and Marib.
据路透社29日报道,"基地"武装分子已取得也门南部阿比扬省首府金吉巴市的控制权。美国政府目前认为基地组织的也门分支恐怖策划活动最为猖獗,该分支现在沙布瓦、阿比扬、茹夫和马里布等边缘山区都拥有据点。 【In Brief】
>12 miners were trapped after a coal mine flooded in Jinyang New District of Guiyang Sunday, Xinhua reported.
>May 29 is observed as "International Qomolangma Day". More than 100 runners from around the world took part in a marathon that day on the south slope of Mt Qomolangma. The 42,195m race started near the Khumbu Ice Fall at Qomolangma Base Camp (5,364m above sea level) and finished at Namche Bazar (3,440m above sea level).
>China beat Denmark 3-0 and won the 4th straight title at the 12th Sudirman Cup world mixed team badminton championship Sunday night. In men's singles, Lin Dan beat Peter Gade, 21-16, 21-11.
>China has become the world's largest gold producer for 4th straight year, said Zhang Yongtao, vice-chairman of the China Gold Association, according to xinhuanet.com. China is currently the 3rd largest country having proven reserves of gold.
>An 88-year-old Leica camera has sold for a record EUR1.3m, according to Austrian auction house WestLicht. The camera is dated back to 1923 and was valued at up to EUR450,000.
奥地利卫斯里特拍卖公司表示,一架高龄88岁的莱卡相机,近日以创纪录的130万欧元卖出。据悉,该相机1923年出厂,原先估价为45万欧元。 【Celebrity】
>Tse and Cheung divorced?
Hong Kong actor Nicholas Tse and his actress wife Cecilia Cheung may have divorced before having a group photo with Edison Chen, her old lover, on an airplane. An entertainment company chief broke the news while chatting with a staff from ifeng.com, and claimed the 2 are not having a marriage crisis but have already divorced. Cha Siu-Yan, a famous Hong Kong media person, also said she was aware of the things going on between the couple, but wouldn't let it out.
据凤凰网报道,凤凰网员工在与一位娱乐公司高管聊天时,得到一则惊人独家爆料:谢霆锋和张柏芝在"合影门"事件之前就已经离婚,而不是现在所传的正在闹离婚。另据香港知名传媒人士查小欣透露,她已经知道谢张二人有事发生,但现在"不方便说"。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Shrimp running on a treadmill
A US Senate report has revealed mismanagement of taxpayers' money has seen the National Science Foundation (NSF) blow more than $3b on a list of seemingly pointless studies, US media reported. In the most ridiculous research, NSF scientists designed and constructed treadmills for shrimp to walk on to determine how long shrimp can run. It spent $500,000 of taxpayer money for the research. The shrimp running on a treadmill has become an Internet hit, serving as the poster crustacean for wasteful government spending.(See photo)
据美国媒体报道,日前该国一份参议员报告称美国国家科学基金会滥用纳税人的钱,超过30亿美元的资金被浪费在了毫无意义的研究上。其中最荒唐的一项研究,是科学家们专门为虾研发了一个跑步机,据称是想试验虾可以跑多久。而这项研究耗费了50万美元巨资。这只在跑步机上忙碌的小虾因此在互联网上爆红,成为批判政府浪费的活海报。(见图)  【Talk Show】
>Hey, Joe! Where have you been these past few days?
>I've been busy with a first aid course that I started about a week ago at the Red Cross.
>Cool! I've always wanted to do something like that! Have you learned anything useful?
>For sure! I mean we've learned how to apply pressure to stop bleeding, how to check for a pulse, and even how to apply CPR!
当然。我学会了如何通过按压来止血,如何来检查脉搏,还学了如何用心肺复苏法。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【爱·分享】
推荐爱尔兰民谣歌手Cara Dillon演唱的"Lark in the Clear Air"。有些感动是由外而内的,有些感动是由内而外的,当一段空灵纯净的声音里里外外穿梭于你的精神、耳际……闭上双眼,冥想着,便只想以音乐的方式老去…… 江苏苏州134****1698
推荐一首英文歌"Journey",为《海豚湾恋人》经典插曲,由张韶涵演唱,中文名是《漫步云端》。"It's a long long journey",静静的声音仿佛在叙述一个故事,人生就像一次旅行,那么漫长,望着远方的地平线,思考着旁人或热或冷的话语,也会怀疑自己的目标。疲惫,失望,苦痛,一次次询问地自己,在苦痛中发出呐喊。静静倾听,心最终平静,听轻风伴着海浪,想起儿时的梦想。
我生于70年代末,虽然那时并不富裕,但每天都很快乐。我在80年代度过了最美的童年,到了90年代,上了大学,那时的大学生渴望最深厚的友谊和最纯洁的爱情,高晓松和小柯的杰作,《冬季校园》,几乎感染了全校,正因为这首歌,我们记住了漂亮的女生和白发的先生。《冬季校园》对我们这代人影响很深,它唱出了大学生最纯洁,最青涩的对爱的向往。 [电影类]
一提到Johnny Depp(约翰尼·德普),很多人都会想到杰克船长,确实是,德普的海盗形象已经深入人心,但是他早期也有很多经典可能鲜有人知。推荐Benny&Joon(《邦尼和琼》),一部喜剧爱情电影,非常简单,讲述两个异于常人的纯美爱情。爱情本来就应该是那样简单,在这个复杂的社会,给我们一场心灵洗礼。在这部戏里你甚至可以看到杰克的身影,可见海盗不是一下就练成的。福建厦门139****7034
电影"Snow Cake"(《雪季过客》)。它讲述了一个自闭症女人如何使一个无意害她女儿死于车祸的男人走出心理阴影的故事。影片场景温馨简单,在加拿大冬季美得窒息的雪景中,一个令人心疼而感动的故事缓缓展开,主演Sigourney Weaver(西格妮·韦弗)和Alan Rickman(艾伦·里克曼)都是非常有实力的演技派。这部电影曾作为2006年柏林电影节的开幕影片,还有,片尾曲"Hello Sunshine"也很好听哦~
我不是抛弃你,我是舍不得你。电影《海角七号》中的七封信弥漫着思念的温情,久久萦绕在我的心头。人世间的名利俗尘,让神圣的爱情不再纯粹,让纯粹的爱情变成了奢求。于一个有星星的傍晚,观赏这部影片,然后仰望星空,去感受这份不屈于战争和岁月,坚如磐石的伟大的爱情,见证永恒! [书籍类]
北京 158****0986