
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 08:11:41
 【Weather May 23】
Wuhan: rainy 17~21℃
Yichang: rainy 15~23℃
Shiyan: rainy 14~22℃【Highlights】
>Beijing to control rent
>Radioactive water leaked
>US job market humbling
>Arnold has 2 more children?
>Thin is beautiful
>Tips: 'Strike it rich'
点津:'一夜暴富'怎么说【Cover Story】
>Nuclear safety in the future
China, Japan and South Korea agreed to boost cooperation in disaster preparedness and nuclear power safety among other topics at a trilateral summit held in Tokyo Sunday, Xinhua reported. In a joint declaration issued after the summit between Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, the 3 nations said they will deepen future-oriented, comprehensive cooperation. Japan promises to share with China, South Korea and the rest of the world lessons they have learned from the crisis at the nuclear plant in Fukushima.
据新华社报道,22日,中日韩领导人会议在日本东京举行。我国总理温家宝、日本首相菅直人和韩国总统李明博在会后发表联合声明,表示三国将加强未来的全面合作。中日韩三国同意增强防灾及核安全合作。日本承诺与中韩和世界其它国家分享福岛核危机事件中积累的经验。 【Top News】
>Beijing to control rent
Beijing will issue recommended rental prices for real estate in several areas, Xinhua reported Saturday. The move, which is the first time the government has ever taken control over residential rent, aims to control a significant price hike in Beijing's rental market and stabilize real estate rent and leasing prices. Statistics showed Beijing's consumer price index increased 5.5% in March and 5.8% in April, exceeding the national average.
据新华社21日报道,北京市将公布区域房屋租赁价格参考标准,首次将房租纳入物价调控重点,以抑制房屋租金不合理上涨,稳定房屋租赁价格。统计数据显示,3、4月份北京市CPI涨幅分别为5.5%和5.8%,均超过全国水平。>Radioactive water leaked
A total of 250 tons of radioactive water leaked into the sea 10 days ago at the No 3 reactor of the Fukushima No 1 nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co said Saturday. The leak is estimated to have lasted for 41 hours from 2 am on May 10 through 7 pm the following day. Japan Today reported Sunday from April 1 to 6, another leak near the No 2 reactor had been pouring about 500 tons of radioactive water into the sea.
日本东京电力公司21日称,福岛第一核电站3号机组10天前已经泄漏,造成250吨放射性污水入海。据估计,泄漏从5月10日凌晨2点开始,次日傍晚7时方止住,共持续约41小时。据《今日日本》22日报道,4月1日到6日,2号机组的一次泄漏已经向海中排放了约500吨放射性污水。 >US job market humbling
For US college graduates, the damage caused by a sour economy is becoming more widespread. According to the New York Times, employment rates for new college graduates have fallen sharply in the last 2 years, as have starting salaries for those who can find work. A study shows the median starting salary for students graduating in 2009 and 2010 was $27,000, down 10% compared to those who entered the work force between 2006 and 2008.
Young graduates who majored in education, teaching or engineering were most likely to find a job, while social studies and humanities majors were least likely to do so. It's not uncommon if a chemistry major is bartending, a classics major answering phones or an Italian studies major sweeping aisles at Wal-Mart.
主修教育、教学或工程专业的年轻毕业生最容易找到工作,而主修社会研究和人文专业的学生就业最难。有许多化学专业的毕业生去了吧台做服务员,古典文学专业的毕业生在做电话接线员,意大利研究专业的毕业生在沃尔玛当清洁工。 【In Brief】
>Heavy rain is expected to fall on southern China over the next 24 hours, offering relief to the country's drought-hit regions, China's meteorological authority said Sunday.
>China's high-speed train tickets will be sold based on real names starting Sunday as the railway ministry had planned. Travelers will have to provide ID cards to buy a ticket for June 1 and beyond.
>Iceland's most active volcano, Grimsvotn, erupted Saturday, hurling a plume of ash and smoke into the sky. Aviation officials were closely monitoring the incident after another volcano shut European airspace for several days last year, AP reported.
>More than 40 people were killed and several others injured Saturday in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh as dust storm, accompanied by strong wind and rains, hit several districts of the state, local media reported.
据当地媒体报道,21日,印度北部的北方邦多个地区遭遇沙尘暴,并伴有雷雨大风,导致40多人死亡,数人受伤。 【Celebrity】
>Arnold has 2 more children?
Hollywood star Jane Seymour has claimed Arnold Schwarzenegger has at least 2 more illegitimate children that he has kept secret from the world, the Daily Mail of London reported. Seymour, who moves in the same Malibu circles as Schwarzenegger and his wife, said: "I was not remotely surprised by their separation. I heard about 2 more children. I met someone who knows him well." Seymour, 60, made her astonishing claims in an interview with CNN.
>Thin is beautiful
Kids as young as 4 think thin is beautiful, suggesting media portrayals of thin being beautiful sink in early. In the study, Australian researchers asked 160 children and young adults to rank the attractiveness of female bodies. The participants were shown 6 images of the same woman of normal body weight. In 5 of the images, the image had been altered to make the woman look thinner or larger. Even the youngest 4-year-olds in the study ranked the "most beautiful" body as significantly thinner than the normal-weight original.
研究发现,连4岁小孩都以瘦为美了,看来,媒体以瘦为美的概念已经对孩子产生了潜移默化的影响。澳大利亚研究人员给160名儿童和青少年展示了同一个女性的6张图片,让他们按吸引力程度进行排序。6张图片中,一张是正常体重,其余5张被修改得比正常情况更胖或更瘦。结果发现,即使最小的4岁孩子都认为明显偏瘦的体型最漂亮。 【Language Tips】
'Strike it rich'
当年千千万万个淘金者中,确实有那么几个幸运儿找到了金子成为百万富翁。这时其他来探寻金矿的人就会说他们是:strike it rich。Strike it rich原意是"挖到金矿发大财了",现在引申为"突然发大财,一夜暴富"。Strike it rich有时也可以指和钱财无关的幸运。例如取得重大科研成果。
Did you hear about Jim? - What a lucky guy! He bought a lottery ticket last week. You know the odds of winning - millions to one against you. But he struck it rich - he won $10m!
你听说吉姆的事儿了吗?他可真走运!他上星期买了张彩票。你是清楚中奖机会有多渺茫的,是好几百万分之一,但是他居然中了1000万美元,转眼成了大富翁。 【China Daily Radio】
新闻英语听力训练民政部近日下发通知,规定各地要运用基本生活费用支出法、恩格尔系数法或消费支出比例法制定城乡低保标准,建立和完善城乡低保标准与物价上涨挂钩的联动机制,并随当地居民生活必需品价格变化和人民生活水平提高定期调整。Engle coefficient就是指"恩格尔系数",是指食品支出总额占个人消费支出总额的比重,19世纪由德国统计学家恩格尔得出。在总支出金额不变的条件下,恩格尔系数越大,说明用于食物支出的金额越多。
Minimum living allowances(最低生活保障)是为了保证好low-income groups(低收入群体)的生活。除了Engle coefficient外,制定这一标准时还应考虑basic subsistence costs(基本生活费用支出)以及expenditure-income ratio(消费支出比例)。准备好了么? 我们来听这一段。 请看新华社的报道:Local governments should take the basic subsistence costs, local Engle coefficient level or the expenditure-income ratio, into account when setting their own allowance standards.地方政府在制定低保标准时,应将基本生活费用支出、当地恩格尔系数水平或消费支出比例考虑在内。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
May 20 is dubbed "Web Valentine's Day" in China's cyberspace, because the number "520" shares a similar pronunciation with "I love you" in Chinese. As many choose to confess their love this weekend, ChinaDaily Mobile News invites you to share your vows with our readership nationwide. Spread the love by sending us a text message for free!
他跟我有一个十年之约。今年是约定的第五年,可是自从约定后我就再也没见过他。我们断了一切联系。有人说也许他早就有别人了,有人说年少时的誓言不能当真。可我一直在静静地守望。我相信他。我会等他。愿上天保佑我们! <^o^> <^o^>北京1520***4148 
独自在北京培训已一个多月,巧合的是培训学校就在China Daily对面,想家的时候喜欢翻手机报看,或者去China Daily楼下感受窗户里面的忙碌与充实。离家的日子还好每天有它陪伴,想对它说,China Daily 520。