
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/11 19:05:22
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To fight darkness you don't brandish a sword but you light a candle. (Zoroaster, founder of Zoroastrianism, 628 BC - 551 BC)
>Buy a Lamborghini online
>Explosion hits Foxconn compound
>TEPCO chief quits for $15B loss
>Errors in list of most wanted
>Patti Davis poses nude at 58
>Tips:'Fit for a king'
点津:'适合皇帝/极尽奢华' 【Cover Story】
>Bhutan King to wed in October
Bhutan's King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, one of world's most handsome monarchs, announced Friday that he will marry his fiancée in October. The 31-year-old monarch, an Oxford-educated bachelor crowned in 2008, presided over the summer session of the parliament where he made the announcement. According to local media, the king will marry a woman named Jetsun Pema, who is a commoner. The announcement sets up another wedding in a year highlighted by the royal nuptials of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton. In July, Prince Albert II of Monaco is to marry his swimming champion fiancée, Charlene Wittstock.
有"全球最英俊国王"之称的不丹国王吉格梅·凯萨尔·纳姆耶尔·旺楚克(旺楚克五世)20日宣布,他将于今年10月与其未婚妻举行皇家婚礼。"旺楚克五世"今年31岁,毕业于英国牛津大学,2008年加冕。在20日举行的夏季国民议会上,他宣布了自己的婚讯。据不丹当地媒体称,国王的未婚妻名叫吉增白玛,是一位平民。全球各国皇室今年婚讯不断。4月29日,英国威廉王子的盛大婚礼吸引了全球的目光,7月,摩纳哥亲王阿尔贝二世将迎娶其身为游泳冠军的未婚妻夏莱娜·维斯托克。You are the one
"I have thought over it for a long time and decided to marry. People might think that my queen should be highly educated, beautiful and best of the best," the king said with a smile. "Jetsun Pema is a kind-hearted girl who is very supportive and whom I can trust. I don't know what my people will say about her, but I find her complete with all the qualities a woman needs to have."
"结婚的事我已经考虑很长一段时间了。人们可能认为我的王后必须是受过高等教育、美貌绝伦、出类拔萃的女子。"说到这,旺楚克五世笑了笑,接着说道:"吉增白玛心地善良,她很支持我,我亦信任她。我不知道我的人民会怎样评价她,但在我心中,她身上集聚了一个女人能有的所有美好特质。" 【Top News】
>Buy a Lamborghini online
An online Lamborghini store has opened on tmall.com, chinanews.com reported. Customers can purchase cars through the website's online payment system, alipay. According to the plan, the Lamborghini online store offers 3-5 standard models, which sell for RMB3-5m. Industry insiders say Chinese began purchasing cars online very recently, but the practice will become more popular in future. The opening of the Lamborghini store at tmall.com may lead to a new era in which more luxurious brands will begin selling products on the Internet.
据中新网报道,价值数百万元的超级跑车兰博基尼正式进驻淘宝商城,车款可通过支付宝快捷支付在网上全额付款。按计划,兰博基尼淘宝商城店将常设3-5款标准款现车,价值300-500万人民币。业内人士表示,在中国,网购汽车虽仍处在起步阶段,但必定是未来趋势。兰博基尼进驻淘宝商城或开启豪车网购时代。>Explosion hits Foxconn compound
Two people were killed and 16 others injured Friday after an explosion hit a Foxconn plant in Sichuan Province, Xinhua reported. The blast occurred about 7 pm at a workshop in Hongfujin Precision Electronics (Chengdu) Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology Group, located in the provincial capital of Chengdu, said a spokesman with the city's government. The injured workers were rushed to hospital where 3 of them were being treated for serious wounds, said the spokesman. The cause of the explosion remained under investigation, said an officer with the city's public security bureau.
据新华社报道,成都市政府发言人表示,20日19时许,位于四川省成都市的台湾富士康集团鸿富锦成都公司抛光车间在生产中发生爆炸事故,造成2人死亡,16人受伤,其中3人重伤。目前,伤员已被及时送往医院救治。市公安局一名官员称,目前引起爆炸的原因仍在调查中。 >TEPCO chief quits for $15B loss
Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) reported a loss of $15b Friday. The losses were mainly due to the disaster at its Fukushima nuclear plant. That's the biggest loss in Japan by any non-financial company, Reuters reported. The often-criticized president Masataka Shimizu, 66, resigned to take responsibility for the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986. TEPCO Managing Director Toshio Nishizawa, 60, will take over the position. The nuclear disaster has triggered a drop of more than 80% in Tokyo Electric's share price and forced the company to seek government aid. It's facing compensation liabilities that some analysts expect to top $100b.
据路透社报道,日本东京电力公司20日报告显示,该公司因福岛核电站事故净损失150亿美元,创造了日本非金融公司亏损的最高纪录。饱受批评的66岁东电社长清水正孝辞去职务,为继1986年切尔诺贝利之后的世界最严重核危机负责。60岁的东电高管西泽俊夫成为继任者。福岛核灾难导致了东电股价下跌超过80%,并使其不得不寻求政府注资,以解决高达1000亿美元的补偿债务。>Errors in list of most wanted
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) of India released a 50 Most Wanted Fugitives list on its website but the list has glaring errors, the Times of India reported. Noora, who died of kidney failure in Karachi last year, continued to show up on the list. Ejaz Pathan, involved in the 1993 serial blasts, died in 2008 at Arthur Road jail after a heart attack. However he is still "wanted" on the list. Another embarrassing case was that of Feroze Abdul Khan, involved in the 1993 Mumbai blast. He was nabbed last year and is in a Mumbai jail.
据《印度时报》报道,印度中央调查局日前在其网站上公布了一份50人的通缉名单,没想到闹出很多笑话,竟将死人和囚犯也列入了名单内。调查发现,被列入通缉名单中的恐怖分子努拉,已经因肾衰竭于2010年死在卡拉奇。另外一名与1993年连环爆炸案有关的恐怖嫌犯埃加兹·帕坦,已于2008年在亚瑟路监狱死于心脏病突发。此外,1993年孟买爆炸案嫌犯菲罗兹·阿卜杜尔·克汗,已于2010年被捕,现在还关押在孟买监狱中。 【In Brief】
>Apple Inc has reached agreements with 3 major record labels – Sony, EMI, Warner. The deal will allow users of the new Apple music service to access their song collections from handheld devices via the Internet, Bloomberg reported.
>British automaker Jaguar will recall select 2010 XK and XF models for a power steering pipe failure. The recall will begin June 6, according to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. An estimated 1,552 cars will be recalled in the Chinese mainland.
>Taliban forces in Pakistan Friday attacked a US consulate convoy in the northwestern city of Peshawar. A US embassy spokesman said no Americans were killed or seriously wounded in the attack, which killed one Pakistani and injured 10 people.
美国驻巴基斯坦西北部城市白沙瓦领事馆的车辆20日遭炸弹袭击,袭击导致1名巴基斯坦平民死亡,10人受伤。美使馆发言人称,本次事件中无美国人死亡或受重伤。 【Newsmakers】
>Patti Davis poses nude at 58
Patti Davis, the 58-year-old daughter of former US president Ronald Reagan, stripped down for the cameras. The often controversial and liberal Davis appeared in More magazine to celebrate having a body that she is happy with – a look that took her a long time to achieve and accept. Addicted to drugs since she was 15, she said at one time her "body was wasted, muscles thin and barely visible". When she finally quit drugs in her late 20s she began to go to the gym. "I risked everything in my teens and twenties," she said. "I risked my health and even my life. I got both back through determination and hard work. I've now learned to respect time as the precious commodity that it is, and I've learned to respect my body."
>Tribe has no concept of time
Researchers say an Amazonian tribe has no abstract concept of time, BBC reported. Members of the Amondawa tribe lack the linguistic structures that relate time and space – as in our idea of, for example, "working through the night". The Amondawa language has no word for "time" or time periods such as "month" or "year". Researchers hypothesize that the lack of the concept of time arises from the lack of a calendar system or clocks.
据英国广播公司报道,研究人员发现一个名为阿孟搭瓦的亚马逊部落竟然没有抽象的时间概念。这个部落使用的语言缺少相关结构把时间和空间结合在一起,不像我们可以表达诸如"工作一整夜"这样的想法。他们的语言中没有"时间"这个词,也没有"年"和"月"这类表示时间段的词汇。研究人员推测,可能是由时间计量技术的缺失导致他们失落了时间,该部落既没有历法也没有时钟。  【Language Tips】
'Fit for a king'
这个习语直译为"适合皇帝的"。我们都知道,皇帝的生活养尊处优、安逸奢华,所以fit for a king用来描绘享受和待遇像皇帝一样,是"极尽奢华的"。
If you have the money, the luxury hotels in that country are fit for a king. They wait on you hand and foot.
只要你有钱,那个国家的豪华旅馆里的服务员能把你当帝王一般地侍候。【Talk Show】
>What do you do for a living?
>What's your occupation?
>What's your position?
>What's your title?
你的头衔是什么?(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Chris Clark润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
May 20 is dubbed "Web Valentine's Day" in China's cyberspace. The number "520" shares a similar pronunciation with "I love you" in Chinese. As many choose to confess their love this weekend, ChinaDaily Mobile News invites you to share your vows with our readership nationwide. Spread the love by sending us a text message for free!
15岁,我们同在一所师范学校读书;18岁,毕业回到各自县里乡下学校教书;19岁,我们考到省城同一所大学。在省城我们结婚生子,20载共同走过。执子之手,与子偕老。"I love you"永铭心中。山东烟台137****4547