
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/15 16:18:02
 【Weather May 13】
Wuhan: cloudy 17~28℃
Yichang: cloudy 18~28℃
Shiyan: cloudy 17~25℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 650.05 CNY  
100 GBP = 1064.13 CNY 
100 EUR = 924.57 CNY  
100 HKD = 83.63 CNY  
100 JPY = 8.0199 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2844.08 -39.34 -1.36%
HangSeng Stock
23073.76 -218.04 -0.94%【Highlights】
>Memorial ceremony in Beichuan
>CNOOC confirms high salary
>Panda has signs of pregnancy
>Bertolucci honored at Cannes
>Coffee lowers cancer risks
>Cheating and powerful women
研究:职场女强人易出轨 【Cover Story】
>Bosses using harsh words
A netizen's post entitled Poison-tongued Boss Makes Me Hurt And Crazy has attracted huge attention on the Internet, with many Internet users joining the netizen in pouring out similar experiences they have encountered in the office. A survey by Chongqing Business Daily shows that nearly 50% of office workers have encountered bosses who make harsh comments, and 1/3 have quit jobs because of hurtful remarks.
--The proposal you write is worse than school girl level.
你写的方案还不如我念小学的女儿。--Making a business plan is more painful for you than constipation, right?
让你做个策划,你那个表情比便秘还痛苦。--Is there anything else you can handle besides eating?
你除了吃饭还会做什么?--Look at your straight face, do I owe you some money or did someone die in your family?
你一天到晚板着脸,是我欠你钱还是你家里头死人了? 【Top News】
>Memorial ceremony in Beichuan
At 2:28 pm, Thursday, the clock stood still and numerous Chinese paid silent tribute to those killed by the earthquake in Wenchuan 3 years ago. In old Beichuan, the town hit hardest by the quake, about 100,000 people attended a public memorial ceremony. At the site, everyone held his breath and mourned for dead relatives and friends. However, Wenchuan is now doing well after the calamity, with nearly 95% of reconstruction projects completed and new high buildings standing tall.
12日,14时28分,时光在那一刻静止,无数华人为3年前那场灾难逝去的生命默哀。在北川老县城,约10万人参加公祭,公祭活动期间鸦雀无声,所有人都在默默地悼念自己的亲人和朋友。今天,当灾后恢复重建项目已完工近95%,当一座座高楼从废墟拔地而起,人们有理由相信,汶川一定崛起于危难,涅槃中重生。>CNOOC confirms high salary
China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) Wednesday confirmed the average annual pay of its employees in CNOOC Ltd is RMB386,700 per person, higher than the benchmark salary in the oil industry, the Beijing Times reported. Apart from the money that the employees receive in their bank accounts, their salary also covers other costs, such as training fees, labor union fees and social security payments, which account for a major part of the RMB386,700 total labor cost, according to CNOOC. There are about 100,000 employees at CNOOC, of which 4,650, including 800 international employees in overseas projects, work for its flagship branch CNOOC Ltd. The 4,650 is mainly composed of middle-level managers, senior executives, and professional engineers. They are elites in the company, and deserve higher pay, CNOOC said.
--CNOOC Ltd is CNOOC's flagship branch company listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
中海油是中海油总公司旗下在香港和纽约两地上市的旗舰子公司。 >Panda has signs of pregnancy
Yuan Yuan, the female giant panda who was sent, along with panda Tuan Tuan, to Taiwan in December 2008 as a gift from the mainland, is thought to be pregnant, according to Taipei zoo, Taiwan media reported. Yuan Yuan has been experiencing a loss of appetite and anxiety and has been sleeping more, all of which has never happened before, the zoo said. A giant panda fetus is so tiny that pregnancy can only be confirmed by ultrasonic checks 2-3 weeks before birth.
据台湾媒体报道,台北市立动物园表示,上周开始,赠台大熊猫圆圆食量下降、睡眠时间变长、行为焦躁,是从未出现的状况,疑似"已怀孕"。据了解,熊猫宝宝非常小,若要照超声波确认圆圆怀孕,最快也得等到产前的2至3周。大陆于2008年12月赠送台北动物园一对大熊猫团团和圆圆。>Paid babysitting of the drunk
Students at Cambridge University are being offered up to £100 to babysit their drunken fellow undergraduates, the Daily Mail of London reported. Those who need to be looked after will be fined to fund the new scheme. Anyone who signs up to take part in the scheme will be given training by the college nurse. These students will then be on call for certain nights during May Week and other big nights at the university. They will be available to be called out by a porter if a drunken student needs help.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国剑桥大学近日推出校内新规,照顾醉酒的同学将获得高达100英镑的看护报酬,而这些报酬将来源于对醉酒同学的罚款。有意参与这项活动的同学会首先接受校园护士的培训,然后上岗,在学年结束等聚会密集时段"值夜班",随时准备接听门卫打来的电话,然后赶过去解救酩酊大醉的校友。 >Coffee lowers cancer risks
Researchers found that heavy consumption of coffee reduced the incidence of malignant tumors in breasts by 20%, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. In the less common type of the disease – known as ER negative – the effect was even greater with incident rates reduced by half for coffee drinkers compared with non-coffee drinkers. The researchers said they were unsure as the reasons why it had such an effect although earlier studies have suggested that it could be because it is rich in antioxidants. Each year 45,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer, 1/3 of whom will go on to die from the disease.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,研究人员发现大量喝咖啡能够降低患恶性乳腺肿瘤20%的几率。针对更为罕见的ER阴性乳腺癌,与不喝咖啡的女性相比,常喝咖啡的女性患此病的几率要低一半。研究人员尚不清楚导致这一效果的具体原因,但之前曾有研究称,咖啡富含抗氧化剂,也许是其能有效防癌的关键。现在每年有4.5万女性被诊断出患有乳腺癌,其中的1/3会因此失去生命。【In Brief】
>The Chief of General Staff of the PLA Chen Bingde will visit US military facilities during his visit to the US next week, Xinhua reported Thursday. Chen's visit is the 1st in 7 years by a PLA chief of general staff.
>Jiayuan.com, China's biggest dating website, fell on its first day of trading at the Nasdaq stock exchange early Thursday Beijing time. Its stocks closed at $10.52 per share, 4.36% lower than the IPO price of $11.
>Two earthquakes, with magnitudes of 4.4 and 5.2, struck southeast Spain in quick succession Wednesday, killing at least 10 people and injuring dozens, local officials said. It was the highest quake-related death toll in Spain in more than 50 years.
当地政府官员称,西班牙东南部11日连续发生两次地震,至少10人死亡,数十人受伤。 两次地震震级不大,分别为4.4级和5.2级。本次地震死亡人数创西班牙50多年来地震灾害之最。
>Gasoline futures tumbled almost 8% Wednesday. The big drop halted trading on the Nymex at midday for about 5 minutes, the first of its kind in more than 2 years.
11日,国际汽油期货价格下跌近8%,以至引发纽约商交所全部能源交易午间暂停5分钟,这是两年多来首次出现这种情况。 【Quotable Quote】
在2011年美国篮球职业联赛季后赛西部半决赛中,卫冕冠军洛杉矶湖人队(Los Angeles Lakers)被达拉斯小牛(Dallas Mavericks)4比0血洗出局,湖人殿堂级教练菲尔·杰克逊(Phil Jackson)随后选择退休,暂时告别其辉煌的篮球执教生涯,他在接受采访时说:
There's a point, and I'm about at that point where you either move on or you stay in it. You never break away from it and it becomes the rest of your life.
有那么一个点,我现在就在这个点上,不得不抉择是留下还是前行。有的事,你永远不能从中抽脱,慢慢它就变成了你剩下的生命。 【Celebrity】
>C. Ronaldo nails fan in face
Before Cristiano Ronaldo recorded a hat trick in Real Madrid's 4-0 victory over Getafe Tuesday, he accidentally injured a fan who was sitting in the first row, the Huffington Post reported Wednesday. The league-leader in goals cleared the ball in the 16th minute and it happened to nail a middle-aged man in the face, giving him a tear-stained face and a bloody nose. After the match, Ronaldo walked over to the stands and handed the fan his shirt and apologized.
据美国《赫芬顿邮报》11日报道,皇马10日4:0大胜同城赫塔菲,C罗上演帽子戏法。比赛中还发生意外一幕,C罗踢飞的足球打中了坐在第一排的一位球迷。上半场16分钟时,C罗大脚解围把球踢出底线,正中一位中年大叔面部,大叔瞬间泪流满面,还流了鼻血。比赛结束后,C罗前往球迷看台,把自己的球衣送给了被砸大叔,并道歉。>Bertolucci honored at Cannes
Italian filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci was honored by the Cannes film festival Wednesday in recognition of his long career. The wheelchair-bound Bertolucci, 71, earned warm applause at the world's largest cinema event to receive the new Palme d'Honneur for his life's work. Known by movie buffs for his rich treatment of color on-screen, Bertolucci also sealed his reputation with the 1972 classic, "Last Tango in Paris." The film, which features graphic love scenes between Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider, shocked audiences in the US, where censors rated it "X" as a pornographic film, but delighted critics and audiences alike in France. His 1987 biopic "The Last Emperor" won 9 Academy Awards including best picture.
《革命前夕》(Prima della Revoluzione,1964)
《巴黎最后的探戈》(Last Tango in PARIS,1972)
《末代皇帝》(The Last Emperor,1987)
《遮蔽的天空》(The Sheltering Sky,1990)
《偷香》(Stealing Beauty,1996)
《戏梦巴黎》(The Dreamers,2003)等。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Cheating and powerful women
Women in positions of power are just as likely as their male counterparts to be unfaithful, a scientific study has found, the Telegraph of London reported. Researchers at Tilburg University in Holland, led by Dr Joris Lammers, a psychologist, found that, whether a person was male or female made no difference to their behavior. Instead, the biggest factors influencing whether or not they were unfaithful were their levels of power and self–esteem. The popular notion that men are more likely than women to cheat is simply due to the fact that men occupy more positions of power than women, according to Lammers.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,一项新的科学研究称,在权力岗位上的女强人和在同等岗位上的男性一样,出轨比例较高。心理学家乔里斯·拉莫斯率领荷兰蒂尔堡大学的研究人员研究发现,性别对于一个人的行为并不起决定作用,而权力和自信的程度才是导致出轨的最大因素。拉莫斯说,人们通常认为男人比女人更易出轨,这只是因为在权力岗位上的男性要多于女性。  【China Daily Radio】难度:简易
提问:请问北京市出台的新车"限购令"和"摇号"用英语怎么说? 以及与此相关的其他英语表达有哪些,谢谢!
答:说法好多。新车限购令是restriction on car purchase, 摇号是draw lots。还有我们之前报道过的例句:Starting on Friday, car registration will be allocated by a license-plate lottery system. 从周五(12月24日)开始,车辆登记将采用车牌摇号的方式进行。北京136****2441读者:你好,我想请问在与外国人(美洲或西欧)交流时不够准确的用词会引起他们的不满或沟通困难甚至厌恶吗?
答:怎么能这么想呢?别忘了你已经熟练掌握了世界上最难的一门语言!咱们学英语不就是为了混口饭吃么?谁瞧不起谁啊!看谁敢给你脸色看!江西景德镇139****9691读者:马上就要六级考试了,我想问一下,一般文章大概都能听懂,但就是选不对答案,好烦啊! 关键原因是?
答:关键原因是,你把学英语当成一项任务了!想想小的时候最痛恨的事情是什么?是妈妈让你吃青菜!有没有? 如果你根本不喜欢英语,怎么学对你来说都是折磨。不如这样吧! 给自己创造一个语言环境,多看看英语小说故事什么的,青菜也有好多种吃法,对不对?还有好多问题,明天再说,我们的外籍专家Renee大婶正在一一热心回答,看来以后每天都要回答问题啦! 大家踊跃提问吧! 好了,我们开始今天的《音乐之声》,准备好了么? -Maria.
The love of a man and a woman is holy too.
You have a great capacity to love.
你有机会得到爱You must find out how God
wants you to spend your love.
上帝要你如何去爱But I pledged my life to God.
I pledged my life to his service.
我要终生为上帝服务My daughter, if you love this man,
it doesn't mean you love God less.
You must find out.
You must go back.
有相当部分问题集中在如何提高分数,提高口语听力能力上。看到这些问题,小编感到自身责任重大的同时,也感到十分无力,因为一门语言的学习,毕竟不是一天两天的事情。无论如何,对于英语学习有困难的同学们来说,有一点是不能缺的,那就是自信。在这里,借用《音乐之声》里面的一句话来跟大家共勉:I have confidence in confidence alone, besides which you see, I have confidence in me!!!
我真的对未来充满信心,除此之外,你还会看到,我对自己充满信心! 【Word Power】
A prequel to the late Mario Puzo's best-selling novel "The Godfather" is headed for bookstores in June 2012.
feel-good factor
Whether the royal wedding and its feel-good factors has a knock-on effect on trade between Hong Kong and Britain remains to be seen.
这场皇室婚礼及其利好因素是否会为香港和英国之间的贸易带来强大冲击,还有待观察。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Alice Philipson润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
We are waiting for ________ from the billing department before approving the shipment of your purchase.
(A) authorized
(B) authorize
(C) authorizes
(D) authorization