
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/11 16:34:01
 【Bonus Oriens】
Time is a playful kitten. She creeps up on you and drinks the day like a bowl of milk.
>Hello Kitty park lands in ZJ
Hello Kitty乐园将入华
>US payrolls grow fast
>Father School in South Korea
>How 'Grouponomics' works
>Bin Laden's diminished life
>Pippa's dress popular
《爱·分享》栏目闪亮登场 【Cover Story】
>15 most bike-friendly cities
Matadornetwork.com selected 15 of the world's most bike-friendly cities, CNN reported. Holland's Amsterdam, the "bicycling capital of Europe", tops this list. Other European cities on the list are Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, and Paris. North American cities including Chicago, Ottawa, San Francisco are also on the list. Beijing is found on the list. Some feel this debatable, but the editor comments: "I wouldn't call the city with probably the most bicycles of any in the world to be bike unfriendly."
据美国有线电视新闻网报道,Matadornetwork.com网站近日评出了15座世界上对自行车最友好的城市。被称为"欧洲自行车之都"的荷兰阿姆斯特丹位居榜首。其它上榜的欧洲城市有巴塞罗那、柏林、哥本哈根以及巴黎。上榜的北美城市包括芝加哥、渥太华和旧金山。北京也榜上有名。虽然有人对此存有疑虑,但榜单编辑评论道:这座城市可能拥有世界上最多数量的自行车,至少我不认为它对自行车并不友好。【Top News】
>Hello Kitty park lands in ZJ
Hello Kitty乐园将入华
China's 1st Hello Kitty theme park will be built and opened to the public in Anji in Zhejiang province in 2014, nbd.com.cn reported. The RMB1.5b project, in which a Chinese and a Japanese company have both invested, officially started Saturday. The Hello Kitty theme park occupies 900 mu. The service area is about 95,000 sq m in which hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities are located. The construction will begin in November, 2011. After its opening, tickets will be sold at a price between RMB100-200.
据《每日经济新闻》网站报道,国内首个Hello Kitty家园项目8日在浙江安吉启动,项目将于2014年正式建成迎客。Hello Kitty家园项目占地约900亩,设施面积为9.5万平方米,包含酒店、餐饮、娱乐等多项设施。据悉,该项目由中日两家公司共同投资,共涉15亿人民币,计划于今年11月份正式破土动工。2014年对外开放后,门票价格大概将在人民币100元-200元区间。 >US payrolls grow fast
Companies cranked up hiring in April to the fastest pace in 5 years in the US, easing fears that a recent lull in economic growth would mean fewer new jobs, the Wall Street Journal reported. The government snapshot of the labor market showed the US created 244,000 jobs in April. The private sector added 268,000 positions – the largest jump since 2006 – offset by continued cuts at all levels of government. Most economists saw the month's strong job gains as confirmation that a recent slowdown in the economic expansion was likely temporary and that growth will pick up. Even with strong hiring, the unemployment rate rose to 9% from 8.8% in March and remains stubbornly high.
据《华尔街日报》报道,美国公司4月招聘岗位增速创5年新高,近期经济增速放缓导致的就业悲观预期也因此缓解。政府劳动力市场数据显示,私营部门新增岗位达26.8万个,为2006年以来的最高增长量。受各级政府部门不间断的裁员冲抵,全美4月份新增岗位为24.4万个。在绝大多数经济学家看来,4月份工作岗位的强势增长有力地证明了一点:近期经济恢复速度放缓很可能只是暂时的,从长远来看经济增长将会继续。但是即使岗位增加明显,失业率还是居高不下,3月份的失业率从8.8%升至9%。>Father School in South Korea
Father School, designed to help men in South Korea become more emotionally aware, aims to end "the growing national epidemic of abusive, ineffective and absentee fathers," the New York Times reported. The program includes a 12-step recovery plan. The syllabus calls for students to practice saying "I love you" and to ask their wives out on dates. Traditionally, in the Korean family, the father is considered very authoritarian. They are often not emotionally in tune with their children or their wives, and are often either workaholics or keep themselves busy by practicing their own hobbies or enjoying social activities.
据《纽约时报》报道,韩国日前开设了一种"父亲学校",帮助韩国爸爸与妻儿沟通感情。学校的宗旨是减少虐待妻儿、严重失职以及逃避责任的父亲数量。这样的父辈已经成为韩国日益严重的社会问题。"父亲学校"设置一种"12步恢复课程"。课程大纲列明:学生应当练习表达"我爱你",并且邀请太太外出约会。在韩国传统家庭中,父亲通常作风独裁,与妻儿的感情联络较少,要么埋首于工作,要么专注于自己的喜好和社会活动。 >How 'Grouponomics' works
A few years ago, group-buying websites hardly existed. But now they are extremely popular in China with millions of users. Reuters columnist Felix Salmon has come up with a new word, "Grouponomics", which derives from Groupon, to describe the phenomenon and has attributed the success of this business model to its ability to keep both consumers and merchants happy.
--From the merchant's perspective, a Groupon attracts new customers to a restaurant, some of whom might become regulars. Long-term profits from these few make up for short-term losses from the many who will never return.
--Moreover, the fact that Groupons can only be activated once a certain minimum number of people have signed up for them is a guarantee for the merchant that their efforts won't be wasted.
--Also, it's local, and effectively reaches consumers in their area. When people have signed up for a deal, news of it spreads through word of mouth. If a friend asks whether they know a good local restaurant, they might well think of your name even if they haven't been yet.
--From the consumer's perspective, Groupons can be very deeply discounted.
--A Groupon is also a commitment device: it's a way of forcing yourself to do something you really want to try at some point, but something you know you might otherwise never get around to. Groupons provide an important nudge to jolt people out of their day-to-day habits and to try something new.
团购同时是一种承诺工具:它会迫使你尝试那些心中觊觎、但可能永远不会去尝试的东西。团购提供了一种重要的驱动力,促使人们摆脱日常习惯,尝试新鲜事物。 【In Brief】
>A rainstorm pounded Guilin, a tourist city in Guangxi, Sunday, cutting off roads and at a point briefly trapping over 130 travelers in a countryside resort. Those travelers have now been evacuated, Xinhua reported.
>The Chinese mainland and Taiwan Sunday jointly proposed to set up an information sharing mechanism on nuclear power safety, Xinhua reported. The proposal was put forward during the Cross-Straits Economic, Trade and Culture Forum in Chengdu.
>A mutiny at a prison in Baghdad has led to the deaths of at least 10 inmates and 8 police officers, the BBC reported. Al-Qaida leader Huthaifa al-Batawi is reported to be among the dead.
据英国广播公司报道,伊拉克巴格达一家监狱8日发生暴乱,导致至少10名犯人和8名警察身亡。有报道称,"基地"组织头目哈代发·巴达维也在暴乱中身亡。 【Newsmakers】
>Bin Laden's diminished life
The world's most wanted terrorist lived his last 5 years imprisoned behind the barbed wire and high walls of his home in Abbottabad, Pakistan, his days consumed by dark arts. American officials believe that Osama bin Laden spent many hours on the computer, relying on couriers to bring him thumb drives packed with information from the outside world. Videos seized from Bin Laden's compound and released by the Obama administration Saturday showed him wrapped in an old blanket watching himself on TV, like an aging actor imagining a comeback, the New York Times reported. (See photo)
Bin Laden was portrayed as an isolated man, perhaps a little bored, presiding over family life while plotting mayhem - still desperate to be heard, intent on outsize influence, musing in his handwritten notebooks about killing more Americans, according to interviews with US and Pakistani military and intelligence officials and Bin Laden's neighbors where he had been hiding.
美国、巴基斯坦两国军方和情报官员以及拉登藏身处的邻居在接受采访时,把拉登描绘成一位孤独者。他可能有那么一点点无聊,在主持家庭生活的同时也不忘密谋制造混乱,内心仍然渴望赢得关注,热衷于扩大影响力,对着自己的手写笔记冥想,期望从中获得制造杀戮的灵感,以便除掉更多美国人。  【Kaleidoscope】
>Pippa's dress popular
At last, there is a reason to be always the bridesmaid, which is a rather thankless task that normally requires you to wear an unflattering dress. All this is attributed to Pippa Middleton's singlehanded fashion effort on the British royal wedding day. Pippa's slinky white gown for her sister's wedding was such a knockout that fashion houses are working overtime to get copies in store. Celebrity wedding gowns have inspired many creative copies, according the New York Times, but executives in the bridal business say this is the first time they can recall companies wishing to design a dress based on what a bridesmaid wore.
当伴娘从来都是个吃力不讨好的活儿,因为伴娘的礼服通常都很坑爹,但是现在形势不同了,女人们终于有了抢着去当伴娘的正当理由。而这一切仅仅源于一个女人单枪匹马的时尚亮相——英国新晋王妃凯特·米德尔顿的妹妹皮帕。皮帕在英国王室婚礼上担任伴娘,白色礼服勾勒倩影着实惊艳,时装公司都在加班加点赶制同款礼服以满足顾客跟风需求。据《纽约时报》报道,名人的婚纱带动同款礼服设计狂潮的案例屡见不鲜,但婚庆行业的高管们表示,这是有史以来第一次由伴娘的礼服引领设计理念。>Indians wed in mass ceremony
About 350 couples in Bolivia have been married according to Indian customs and traditions in a colorful Andean mass wedding with President Evo Morales presiding as best man, AP reported. Saturday's ceremony was held at a coliseum in La Paz, the capital, that was adorned with large white flowers and indigenous banners. Indian religious leaders presided over the wedding. And Morales gave a speech to the couples, who crowded the arena's floor wearing multicolored native ponchos and hats.(See photo)
据美联社报道,7日在玻利维亚首都拉巴斯的圆形大剧场,大约350对新人依据印第安传统风俗举行了别开生面的安第斯集体婚礼,由总统莫拉雷斯亲自作为傧相见证婚姻。当日,拉巴斯被白色的花朵和土著标语装饰一新,穿戴鲜艳印第安披风和帽子的新人们,将大剧场塞得满满当当。印第安宗教领袖为新人主持了婚礼,莫拉雷斯也发表演讲,为新人们送出了祝福。(见图)  【Language Tips】
'Party pooper'
Pooper来自poop,poop这个词有一种解释是筋疲力尽,说poop out意思是累得喘不过气来了。Party pooper指聚会上冷漠、兴味索然而令人扫兴的人。
Honey, let's not invite Joe. He's a real party pooper.
亲爱的,我们不要请乔了,他只会扫兴。【Talk Show】
>Our band shines when we play the songs we know best.
>His favorite party trick is juggling with plates.
他在晚会上最拿手的戏法是抛耍盘子。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Alice Philipson润色。) 【爱·分享】
(附)本报编辑语:读这本小说时,不妨听一首与小说相关的歌曲"Ordinary miracle"(《平凡的奇迹》),为同名影片片尾曲,由加拿大才女Sarah McLachlan演唱。如歌词所述,美好的事物并非不平凡,生活中的奇迹与感动其实无处不在,天空飘雪、雨珠滴答、种子发芽,这都是一个个平凡的奇迹,关键在于你是否能够体会。生活就像上帝的礼物,每天打包送到你面前,用自己的方式去打开它,体会其中的幸福!记住:我们是这平凡奇迹的一部分("We are all a part of the ordinary miracle")。对了,看过"City of angels"(《天使之城》)吧?主题曲"Angel"也是由Sarah McLachlan演绎的。天津137****3287
The song PICK YOURSELF UP by DIANA KRALL has always been my favorite. I once performed very poorly in a mock exam just before the national college entrance examination. I felt so low that I started to doubt myself and lose heart. But thanks to the song and its encouraging lyrics, I was cheered up and it taught me to believe in myself and always see hope. I then regained my confidence and finally entered my ideal university. Whenever I feel sad or disappointed these days, I will turn to this song. It helps me stay optimistic when facing adversity in my life.北京134****2729
电影《肖申克的救赎》 推荐理由:讲述了一个人为了改变不幸的人生而奋斗了20年的故事,真有愚公移山的神话感觉,但确实是现实的故事。Get busy living, or get busy dying. 多么moving的一句话,也是激励我一直奋斗至今的一句话。希望和大家分享,与君共勉。