
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 15:22:09
 【Weather May 7】
Wuhan: cloudy 21~31℃
Yichang: cloudy 21~32℃
Shiyan: sunny 20.3~32℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 650.03 CNY
100 GBP = 1067.32 CNY
100 EUR = 947.22 CNY
100 HKD = 83.63 CNY
100 JPY = 8.0744 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2863.89 -8.51 -0.30%
HangSeng Stock
23159.14 -102.47 -0.44%【Highlights】
>NetQin plunges on 1st day
>Developers take odd sales approach
>ZJU tops university ranking
>Al Qaida e-mail disclosed
>Boy that scorns Huang Yibo
>Blind rather than obese
音频大变身详情见尾帧 【Cover Story】
>Obama: We never forget
US President Barack Obama visited Ground Zero of the 9/11 attacks in New York Thursday. He spoke to relatives and laid a wreath in memory of the nearly 3,000 people who died when the Twin Towers fell on Sept 11, 2011, BBC reported. He told victims' families that justice had now been done, but that America "would never forget". Former president George W Bush reportedly declined an invitation from Obama to attend the remembrance.
Osama bin Laden was shot dead in a US raid on his Pakistan compound Monday. Documents found at bin Laden's home suggest he was planning new attacks on the US, including one on the anniversary of 9/11. One plan aimed to derail a train, so that it would plunge into a valley, US media reported.
2日,奥萨马·本·拉登在其位于巴基斯坦的住所被美军击毙。据美国媒体报道,从拉登藏身处搜到的文件显示,拉登死前一直在密谋对美国进行新的袭击,其中包括在9/11周年纪念之际发动袭击。比如,策划攻击美国铁路,使其脱轨跌入山谷等。 【Top News】
>NetQin plunges on 1st day
Chinese mobile security company NetQin delivered Thursday the worst first-day performance of any initial public offering (IPO) this year in the US, the Wall Street Journal reported. The company's stock closed at $9.30 a share on the New York Stock Exchange, down 19% from its IPO price of $11.50. It sold 7.8m American depositary shares at the high end of its $9.50-11.50 price range. The NetQin CEO Lin Yu said it is quite normal when a stock's price fluctuates, and there are no bubbles in China's mobile Internet business, according to chinanews.com.
据《华尔街日报》报道,中国手机安全厂商网秦于5日在美国纽交所上市,开盘价11.50美元,随即跌破发行价,收盘报于9.30美元,跌幅达19%,是年内在美发行首日表现最差的个股。在原定9.5-11.5美元的发行价格区间,网秦以较高价格卖出了780万美国存托股票。另据中国新闻网报道,网秦CEO林宇表示,任何一个公司股价一时的起伏很正常,目前的移动互联网不存在泡沫。>Developers take odd sales approach
Property developers have started encouraging real estate speculators to buy houses in 4th- and 5th-tier cities, the China Securities Journal reported. The prospective buyers mainly come from large- and medium-sized cities where local governments are enforcing property-purchasing limitations to cool the real estate market. In some county-level cities in Shandong and Guangxi, home salesmen promised free interior decoration packages and promised to help find jobs for the buyers' children. Some sellers also agreed to refund buyers' money if their home doesn't gain in value in months to come. Idle money began swarming to the 4th- and 5th-tierd cities, which may cause a bubble in the economy, said industry insiders.
据《中国证券报》报道,随着限购令在大中城市的持续,一些四五线城市楼盘开始到"限购"城市抢投资客。山东、广西等一些县级市的楼盘承诺"买房送装修,子女包就业",买房还可签"包涨协议"等。业内人士认为,目前,大量游资开始向四五线城市涌去,可能催生新的泡沫。 >Drunk drivers to face tear gas
Beijing police are stepping up their efforts to cut down on drunk driving by using car-disabling devices and tear gas. The force will be used to prevent drivers from fleeing or becoming violent during drunk-driving inspections, the Beijing Daily said Friday. The 10-meter-long car-disabling device is essentially a strip of nails placed on the road, which is designed to puncture the tires of would-be runaways. Each device is capable of covering 2 lanes, a police officer said.
Anyone caught driving while intoxicated will have his or her driver's license revoked, according to a newly-amended road traffic safety law which took effect May 1. Drunk drivers will also need to wait 5 years to apply for a new license and face a detention period of up to 6 months.
5月1日,道路交通安全法修正案正式实施,根据最新规定,醉酒驾驶机动车,一律吊销驾照,且5年内不得重新取得,同时最长可处6个月的拘役。 >ZJU tops university ranking
Zhejiang University tops the 2011 rankings among Chinese universities. It is the first time the university has been ranked No 1 in terms of comprehensive strength since the annual rankings were published in 1993. Peking University and Tsinghua University took the 2nd and 3rd spots, the West China Metropolis Daily reported. After topping the list for 14 consecutive years, Tsinghua University has lost the top slot, which has fueled nation-wide discussion on the Internet. Wu Shulian, a compiler of the list, said Zhejiang University ranked 1st because it is developing more rapidly than the other 2 universities in talent cultivation and scientific research.
据《华西都市报》报道,在2011年中国大学排行榜中,浙江大学获得综合实力冠军,北京大学、清华大学分列第二、三位。连续14年排行第一的清华大学此次让贤,浙江大学也在自1993年公布此排行榜至今,首次夺冠。对于这样一份排行榜,网友议论纷纷。发布者武书连表示,浙江大学之所以位居榜首,是因为它在人才培养和科学研究两个方面发展的速度超过清华和北大。>Al Qaida e-mail disclosed
A horrifying e-mail revealed a terror chief's instructions to commit a devastating attack in Britain. The e-mail was sent to an undercover reporter of The Sun posing as an extremist, the Daily Mail of London reported. The chilling exchange between the reporter and Anwar al-Awlaki, widely tipped to succeed Osama bin Laden as an al Qaida leader, outlines the various options open to extremists who want to launch an attack on British soil. The options include pipe bombs, assassinations or using a firearm at a location crowded with people.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,一位《太阳报》记者伪装成极端分子,并通过电子邮件询问恐怖袭击方式,近日从"基地"收到了一封回复,其中披露了对英国发动恐怖袭击的种种途径。这封令人恐慌的邮件来自可能成为本·拉登继承人的恐怖头目安瓦尔·奥拉基。信中推荐的恐怖袭击方式包括:埋藏管道炸弹、暗杀或者在人群密集处机枪扫射等。 【In Brief】
>Railway authorities announced that the high-speed rail connection from Beijing to Shanghai will debut on June 9, the Oriental Morning Post reported. The train will have a 10-day test run.
>The National Development and Reform Commission announced Friday that Unilever (China) Co Ltd would face a RMB2m fine over statements that led to price hikes for Chinese consumer goods. The fine was handed down by the Shanghai municipal pricing authority.
>Hong Kong has been voted one of the top 10 tourist destinations on the tourism commentary website TripAdvisorR, Hong Kong's Takungpao reported. Hong Kong is the only Asian city in the Top 10.
据香港《大公报》报道,香港在旅游评论网站TripAdvisorR上,获选为世界十大旅游胜地之一,也是唯一入选十大的亚洲城市。 【Quotable Quote】
"We need to teach our children empathy and care and love and communication and social responsibility in preparation for adulthood. We can't afford to live in isolation and we need to teach our kids that the things that they do not only matter to others far away, but impact others who live far away and there are ripples of effect. So that means we need to be responsible and thoughtful about our actions, about our relationship to the environment, about the way that we communicate and we ought to do so kindly."
"我们需要教导孩子们要站在他人的角度想问题,知道去关爱别人,懂得与人沟通并承担社会责任,以便为他们进入成年作好准备。我们经不起离群索居,我们要教导孩子们,他们做的事不仅关系到,而且影响到在遥远地方生活的人们,会产生涟漪效应。这意味着,我们需要承担责任,要对我们的行动、与环境的关系以及我们沟通的方式三思而行,并且采取友善的态度。" 【Newsmaker】
>Boy that scorns Huang Yibo
Huang Yibo, a 13-year-old schoolboy and deputy chief of all young pioneers of Wuhan, Hubei, shot to overnight fame on the Internet. Netizens have been abuzz over the way he speaks and acts like a government official. Now one of Huang's classmates seems to be stealing his thunder. In 3 photos showing Huang wearing a 5-stroke armband on his left arm and a red scarf on his collar, the boy sitting behind looks askance at Huang, shooting out his lips (see photo). Some netizens praised the boy with scornful expressions that he revealed his true nature and was full of childlike innocence.
Local newspapers have reported that Huang ceased watching cartoons when he was 2 years old and instead tuned in to China Central Television's 7 pm news. He also reportedly began reading the People's Daily newspaper when he was 7. He wrote that one of his goals is "to revive the Chinese nation and resume the heyday of the Han and Tang dynasties".
武汉媒体报道称,黄艺博2岁起就不再看动画片,开始看新闻联播,7岁开始阅读《人民日报》。他曾写下自己的人生目标之一是要"中华民族之复兴,续写汉唐之盛世"。  【Kaleidoscope】
>Blind rather than obese
A survey has found 1 in 6 women would rather be blind rather than obese. Others would prefer alcoholism or catching herpes to being massively overweight, the Daily Mail of London reported. Researchers also found that the likelihood of a participant becoming obese rose if those closest to her were overweight. The study also asked about women's attitudes toward obesity in a bid to determine whether shared ideas might lead to a social network tending to be fatter or thinner. They concluded that over-eating together and lack of exercise influence a group of friends or family to get fat.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,近日一项调查显示,每6个女人中就有1个宁愿瞎眼,也不要肥胖的身材。还有些被调查者表示,酗酒或者得疱疹都比成为超级大胖子来的要好。研究人员同时发现,如果某女性周围的亲朋好友都身材肥胖,那么她发胖的几率也就越高。这项研究还通过询问女性对于肥胖的态度,来探究拥有共同的看法是否能够决定某个社交群体的胖瘦程度。由此得出的结论是,共同过度饮食和缺乏运动会导致亲朋集体发福。 【China Daily Radio 资讯台】
When the policeman asked the driver to take a breath alcohol test after smelling alcohol on him, the man bit the policeman's left hand. Then, when the policeman used an interphone to call for help, the man knocked the interphone to the ground and grabbed the officer by the neck, according to police.
据警方称,警察在闻到该驾车男子身上的酒气后要求对其进行酒精呼吸测试,这时该男子一口咬住了警察的左手。警察用对讲机请求支援,该男子一把把对讲机打到地上,并用手掐住警察的脖子。上文中的breath alcohol test就是"酒精呼气测试",通过向breath alcohol detector(呼气式酒精检测仪)呼气来测试驾驶员饮入的酒精量。在拘捕该驾车男子后,警方还对其进行了blood test(血液检测),结果证实该男子确实饮酒过量。这名男子是drunk driving(醉酒驾车)入刑法后太原第一位以身试法的人。警方没收了该名男子已经过期的driver's license(驾照),并将对其处以1个月以上6个月以下的detention(拘役)。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Chris Clark润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
Mother's Day is Sunday. Have you already prepared a present for your mother? Come on and share your gift ideas with other ChinaDaily Mobile News subscribers. The editors here in Beijing also extend greeting to all the mothers around the world. Happy Mother's Day!