
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/22 06:37:01
 【Weather May 6】
Wuhan: cloudy 19~29℃
Yichang: cloudy 19~32℃
Shiyan: cloudy 18.3~33.7℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 650.25 CNY
100 GBP = 1072.13 CNY
100 EUR = 964.13 CNY
100 HKD = 83.67 CNY
100 JPY = 8.0681 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2872.40 +6.39 +0.22%
HangSeng Stock
23261.61 -53.63 -0.23%【Highlights】
>Saliva test for HIV approved
>Silver down but Chinese buy
>Top Facebook employees quit
>Cow's blood saves life
>Zhao Benshan's jet welcomed
>Tsar Harry wanted
>A quarter-life crisis
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>How much money for education?
People's Daily Thursday revealed 4 average households' expenditure on their children's education. The newspaper said that many families believe that they have to make financial sacrifices if they have a child attending school.
《人民日报》5日刊文,以4个城乡家庭为例,"晒"普通群众为孩子支付的教育成本。文章称,"家里有个上学娃,想花的钱不敢花——这恐怕是当下许多家庭的真实想法。"The following are 2 families' accounts of their expenditure on education.
Qu Kun is a farmer in Shenyang. He and his 4 family members pocket RMB7,000-8,000 per year by farming the land. Qu and his wife also make another RMB4,000 a month at a factory. The household currently spends almost 1/4 of their earnings on their only child, who is now in kindergarten. In order to enroll his child in an urban primary school later this year, Qu has just bought a house in the city. The down payment for the new house has used up almost all the savings of Qu and his parents. The couple will pay mortgage loan repayments of more than RMB1,000 a month and spend at least RMB1,500 per month on schooling for their child in the years to come.
Cai Xiyuan is a civil servant in Henan. He and his wife pocket RMB5,600 per month but the couple have to pay more than RMB4,400 each semester for their daughter's tuition since primary school. They also have to pay for extra lessons, books, exams and study materials to help their child receive a better education. The couple said that they have to save in other areas of their lives due to the heavy burden of schooling their child.
蔡锡元夫妇月入5600元左右。女儿从小学开始,每学期要交4400多元学费,此外还有补课费、书本费、考试费、资料费等。两人的感觉是教育负担太重,日子得精打细算。  【Top News】
>Saliva test for HIV approved
China's 1st saliva-based HIV test product has gained the government approval needed to enter the market, the Beijing Daily reported. People will be able to find out if they are HIV positive within 30 minutes by putting a cotton swab wetted with their saliva into a test kit loaded with reagents. The saliva HIV test reduces the risk of spreading AIDS in the process of blood testing. People who are not able to undergo venous blood collection can also choose the saliva test. According to a clinical trial, 99.61% of the results from this domestic product match with similar imported products. The new product is presently sold at approximately RMB100. It is prescribed and unavailable in drug stores.
据《北京日报》报道,国内首个艾滋病唾液检测试剂已获批上市。用棉签在口腔内蘸取唾液后,放入试剂盒中,再加入检测试剂,30分钟就可检验出是否感染艾滋病。此种试剂极大降低了血液检测时传播艾滋病的风险,还适用于一些不宜使用静脉采血的人群。临床实验显示,该试剂与进口的HIV检测试剂总符合率达99.61%。据称,这款试剂目前每份售价在百元左右,不属于非处方药物范畴,药店还买不到。>Silver down but Chinese buy
Silver sank even further Wednesday, as investors continue to dump the precious metal, the Wall Street Journal reported. Silver Tuesday suffered its worst one-day drubbing in 3 decades. Silver futures are down to about $40.45 per troy ounce, down more than 12% over the first 2 days of this week.
For months, professional and individual investors in the US piled into silver to protect against weakening value for the greenback, and to guard against a pickup in inflation. Silver fans have this possible arrow in their quiver: signs that the Chinese are still buying, according to traders. "If the Chinese weren't significant buyers I'd be shorting right now," said a hedge-fund manager with a major position in gold and silver.
数月以来,美国专业投资者和散户纷纷购入白银,用来对冲美元的贬值,并防范通货膨胀加剧。据交易员说,美追捧白银的人可能还有这样一个法宝:迹象表明中国人仍在买入。一位拥有大额黄金和白银的对冲基金经理说,"要是中国人没有大举买进,那我马上就会做空。" >Top Facebook employees quit
A number of executives and engineers at Facebook have quit the company in recent weeks, foreign media reported. Director of business development Jim Midgal has left the company. Gone too is Jonathan Heiliger, the VP of technical architecture. One thing these quitting employees have in common is that they have been with the company for more than 4 years. All of them joined Facebook before it started giving out restricted stock units instead of regular options. That means they are all able to quit Facebook and sell their stock on secondary markets, where Facebook's valuation is up at least 700% since 2007.
据国外媒体报道,最近几个星期Facebook有多名高管及工程师先后离职,其中包括业务发展主管吉姆·米达尔和技术构架副总裁乔纳森·海里格。离职的员工有一个共同点,即都在Faceobok工作了4年以上。他们在加盟Facebook时,获得的是限制性股票而不是常规股票期权,这意味着他们离开Facebook后,可以在二级市场出售所持股票。要知道,从2007年至今,Facebook估值增长了至少700%。>Cow's blood saves life
Doctors at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne have saved the life of a woman car crash victim with the 1st ever use of cow's blood, Australian media reported. Tamara Coakley, 33, rejected a life-saving conventional blood transfusion because of her Jehovah's Witness faith despite being close to death. But in first procedure of its kind in the world, a synthetic blood substitute made from cow plasma was used to revive the patient just as her heart was failing through severe blood loss. The success of the procedure could help combat the worldwide blood supply shortage.
据澳大利亚媒体报道,位于墨尔本的阿尔弗雷德医院为一位车祸重伤者输入牛血,挽救了她的生命,乃世界上"牛血救人"的先例。33岁的塔玛拉·考科里是"耶和华见证会"的教徒,即便在失血过多生命垂危之际,她仍然坚守信仰拒绝输血。医生最后采用了牛血浆为主要原料制成的合成血替代品挽救了她的生命。此番牛血救人的先例或为解决世界范围内的血液库存短缺提供新的思路。 【In Brief】
>Migrants from other provinces accounted for 35.9% of Beijing's population in 2010. The ratio is a significant increase over the 18.9% from 10 years ago, chinanews.com reported.
>Los Angeles Clippers' Blake Griffin Wednesday accepted NBA's the rookie of the year award, xinhuanet.com reported. The No 1 overall draft of 2009 was unanimously voted the league's top rookie.
>A reported released Wednesday by the Civil Aviation Administration of China showed air companies are to blame for 40% of flight delays in 2010, the Beijing Times reported.
据《京华时报》报道,中国民航局4日发布的报告披露,去年40%的航班延误是由航空公司自身原因造成。 【Quotable Quote】
一岁半的荷兰男孩Baerke van der Meij把三个足球踢进进玩具箱的视频上周被上传到YouTube之后,获得了超百万的点击量。这位小球星还得到家乡足球队芬洛队的十年职业球员合约。他爷爷曾经是这支球队的职业球员。谈到这份"象征性"合约,球队发言人称:
"The toddler's favorite position has not yet been determined. However, we can speak of a right-footed player with a very good kicking technique, perseverance and, importantly, football genes via his grandfather."
"这位小朋友最适合的位置还没有定下来,不过咱们可以期待一位惯用右脚的运动员,有着良好的球技、不屈不挠的毅力以及最重要的,从祖父那里遗传的足球基因。" 【Newsmaker】
>Zhao Benshan's jet welcomed
The news of local governmental officials receiving the famous comedian Zhao Benshan at the Changde Taohuayuan Airport in Hunan caused feverish discussion on the Internet, the Shandong Business News reported. Due to bad weather, Zhao's private jet Monday evening had to land at Changde on its way to Guangzhou. The chief manager of the airport personally commanded the operation of the landing. And city officials including the mayor and the vice general secretary in Changde rushed to the scene to meet the comedian. Many netizens say public resources have been wasted in this way.
据《山东商报》报道,近日一则有关"赵本山专机迫降机场,常德市长亲自迎接"的新闻引发网民争议。5月2日傍晚,著名笑星赵本山的商务包机在飞往广州的途中遭遇恶劣天气,不得不选择迫降湖南常德桃花源机场。期间,"常德市市长陈文浩、市政府副秘书长陈彰波等领导第一时间赶到机场,机场总经理何学君亲自坐镇指挥。"接机阵容强大让许多网友质疑其占用公共资源。>Tsar Harry wanted
Some 2b people across the world may have been watching the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton. And it seem some Russians were watching their televisions, green with envy - because now a leading former diplomat believes that Prince Harry - the 3rd in line to be British monarch - should be offered the vacant throne, the Daily Mail of London reported . Alexander Baunov - a diplomat-turned-journalist - thinks that William's 26-year-old brother should be crowned the 1st king of Russia since Tsar Nicholas II reigned in 1917. "Let him receive parades, make visits, give dinners and offer New Year congratulations," demanded Baunov.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国王室婚礼吸引了全球约20亿人关注,许多俄罗斯人看到威廉王子大婚后非常羡慕,一名俄罗斯前外交高官甚至提议,让26岁的英国哈里王子"就任"俄罗斯沙皇。这位名叫亚历山大·鲍诺夫的前外交官现在是一名记者,他认为威廉王子的弟弟、英国王位第三顺位继承人哈里王子应接替1917年即位的沙皇尼古拉二世,成为第一位"现代"国王,负责俄罗斯阅兵、出访、国宴和新年祝词等活动。   【Kaleidoscope】
>A quarter-life crisis
They may still be in the prime of their lives - but for many young adults, their 20s and 30s are now a time of panic and self-doubt as they suffer a "quarter-life crisis", the Daily Mail of London reported. Faced with too much choice, they are experiencing the traditional symptoms of a mid-life crisis earlier, research suggests. Greenwich University researcher Oliver Robinson, who interviewed 50 people aged between 25 and 35, said: "There is greater fluidity in the job world, greater fluidity in marriage or alternatives to marriage. In the past if a major life change were to occur, it would happen in mid-life."
据英国《每日邮报》报道,二三十岁的青年人正处在生命中的黄金年龄,但许多人却时时被恐惧和自卑所困扰,遭遇"青年危机"。研究称,现在的青年人面临诸多选择,大多刚刚经过1/4生命旅程的青年人已开始过早遭遇传统的"中年危机"。英国格林尼治大学研究人员奥利佛·鲁滨逊访问了50名年龄在25-35岁的青年人,他说:"现在年轻人工作、婚恋等方面的变数太多。在过去,如果一个人的生命中将有重大变化,那也是发生在他/她的中年。" 【China Daily Radio 资讯台】
我是五道杠"2岁看《新闻联播》,7岁读《人民日报》","官样"十足的13岁"少先队总队长"黄艺博,近日被网民戏称为"五道杠少年",迅速走红,引发媒体、网民一片嘘声。黄艺博的父母近日回应各方关注,希望网民宽容对待孩子。也有学者、律师等表达了"孩子无辜"的观点。请看《中国日报》的报道:Yu said the five-stroke armband is an innovation that was adopted by the Wuhan committee a dozen years ago. He declined to say what Huang's responsibilities are.于先生(武汉市少工委负责人)表示,"五道杠"队章是武汉少工委在12年前设立的,但他并未透露黄艺博的责任是什么。文中的five-stroke armband就是指少先队员"五道杠"的队章。80后的朋友们小时候很多都佩戴过这种带杠的队章。目前少先队中最高只有three-stroke armband(三道杠)的大队长,five-stroke armband代表的总队长是一些地方的尝试。Stroke在这里指的是"笔画"。在游泳中,stroke还可以指各种不同的泳姿,比如back stroke(仰泳)、breast stroke(蛙泳)、butterfly stroke(蝶泳)等等。Stroke还可以用来指"高明的举措、巧妙的办法",比如master stroke(绝招、妙举)。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Alice Philipson润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Ms. García has asked that we set up an additional meeting with ______ temporary employees for Monday morning.
(A) every
(B) all
(C) each
(D) entire