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table[5teIbl] n.[C]桌子;表,目录:I’ll have to consult the plane timetable first. 我得先查阅飞机时刻表。

【比较】at tableat the table:前者指“在吃饭”,后者指“在桌边”。

tail[teIl] n.[C](动物的)尾巴,尾部:The dog wagged its tail with pleasure. 狗高兴地摇摆尾巴。

tailor[5teIlE] n.[C]裁缝:The tailor measured me for a coat. 裁缝量了我的尺寸给我做外套。

take[teIk]v.(took, taken)拿,取;拿走,带走,带去;花费(时间) (常用it作形式主语);吃,喝,服用;乘船(车):The mother took her child by the hand. 母亲拉着孩子的手。/ Take her some flowers.=Take some flowers to her. 带一些花给她。/ Do you take me for a fool? 你以为我是个傻瓜吗? / It took me an hour to write the letter.=The letter took me an hour (to write).=I took an hour to write the letter. 我写这封信花了一个小时。

【短语】take back 收回,接回,退回 / take down 写下,记下 / take in 收留;包括;理解;欺骗,使上当 / take off 脱下;起飞;打折扣,扣掉,去掉;请假,休息 / take on 聘用,雇用;呈现,显现,具有 / take over 接替,接管,继承 / take to 喜欢;养成习惯;去(某处) / take up开始(学习或从事等);继续;占去(时间或空间);接纳(乘客等),接受(挑战,条件等);提出(商讨),讨论

tale[teIl] n.[C]传说,故事:fairy tales 童话故事 / folk tales 民间故事 / A Tale of Two Cities was written by Dickens. 《双城记》是狄更斯写的。

talk[tR:k] n.[C]谈话,聊天;讲话,演讲 v.说话,交谈:What are you talking about? 你们在谈些什么? / People will talk. 人们要说长道短的。

【短语】have a talk 谈话;做报告 / talk about 谈论 / talk of 谈到 / talk to [with] 与…说话或谈话 / talk sb into (out of) 说服某人做/不做(某事)… / talk over 讨论,商量

tall[tR:l] adj.高的:He was about six feet tall. 他约六英尺高。

tap[tAp] n.[C](自来水、煤气等的)龙头;开关;塞,栓;轻打 v.轻打,轻敲:Don’t leave the tap running. 别让水龙头开着。/ He tapped on the door. 他轻轻敲门。

tape[teIp] n.[C,U]磁带,录音带;线带;胶布;卷尺v.录音;系住,粘贴:He recorded the program on tape. 他把节目录在磁带上。

task[tB:sk] n. [C]任务,工作:Mary’s task is to set the table. 玛丽的任务是摆桌子。/ I’m not equal to the task. 我不能胜任这项任务。

taste[teIst] v.尝味;吃,喝;体验 n.[C,U]滋味;味道;尝一尝:This food tastes sweet. 这种食品是甜的。/ I haven’t tasted meat for ages. 我已有好久没吃过肉了。/ Chocolate has a sweet taste. 巧克力有甜味。

【短语】taste like 尝起来像… / taste of 有…的味道 / to one’s taste 合某人的口味,合某人的意

【用法】1.要表示某东西尝起来有什么味道,不要将其用于被动语态,而用主动式表被动意义。2.作为连系动词,其后可接形容词作表语,且该形容词前不能用to be

tax[tAks] n.[C,U]税;税款 vt.对…征税:business tax 营业税 / income tax 所得税 / interest tax 利息税 / Every citizen must pay taxes. 每个公民都必须纳税。

taxi[5tAksI] n.[C]出租汽车:You’d better call a taxi. 你最好叫一辆出租车。

tea[ti:] n. [U]茶,茶叶 [C]一杯茶,一种茶:I prefer tea to coffee. 我喜欢茶胜于咖啡。/ Three teas and a coffee, please. 请给我们来3杯茶和1杯咖啡。

【说明】汉语的“绿茶”说成英语是green tea,但汉语的“红茶”说成英语却不是red tea,而是 black tea

teach[ti:tF] v.(taught, taught)教,教书:Who teaches you English?=Who teaches English to you? 谁教你英语?

teacher[5ti:tFE] n.[C]教师,教员:a maths teacher=a teacher of maths 数学教师

team[ti:m] n.[C]队,组:She is the best player in [on] the team. 她是队里最优秀的运动员。

tear1[tIE] n.[C](常用复)眼泪,泪珠:She burst into tears. 她突然哭了起来。/ We found her in tears. 我们发现她在哭泣。

【说明】是可数名词,且通常用复数,特殊情况下也可连用不定冠词或数词:To his surprise, James saw a tear steal down her cheek. 令詹姆士吃惊的是,他看到一颗泪珠从她面颊上悄悄滚落。

tear2[tZE] v.(tore, torn)扯开,撕裂:She tore the letter into pieces. 她把信撕得粉碎。/ This material tears easily. 这种料子很容易撕破。

technical[5teknIkEl] adj. 技术的,专业的:The job calls for technical skill. 做这项工作需要专门技术。/ technical training 专业训练

technique[tek5ni:k] n. [C,U]技术,技能;方法:They need to learn modern management techniques. 他们还得学习现代管理技术。/ Writing poetry requires great technique. 写诗需要极大的技巧。

telegram[5telIgrAm] n.[C]电报:This is a telegram for you. 这是你的电报。

telegraph[5telIgrB:f] n. [U]电报v.打电报:We are asked to answer by telegraph. 要求我们用电报答复。

【辨析】telegramtelegraph:前者主要指通过电报发出的电文,为可数名词;后者主要指用电报发送信息的通讯方式,为不可数名词。表示“通过电报”时,本来要用 by telegraph,但事实上也可用 by telegram

telephone[5telIfEJn] / phone[fEJn] n.[C]电话v.打电话:Who answered the telephone? 接电话的是谁? / I telephoned her to buy some tickets. 我打电话叫她买几张票。

【短语】on the telephone 在打电话;通过电话;接通电话

【说明】表示“通过电话”除可用on the telephone外,也可用 over the telephoneby telephone

television[5telIvIVEn] / TV[7ti:5vi:]n.电视:He’s been watching television all day. 他看了一天电视了。

tell[tel]v.(told, told)告诉;讲述;吩咐;分辨:Did you tell her your name?=Did you tell your name to her? 你把你的名字告诉她了吗? / How can we tell the good from the bad? 我们怎样才能区分好坏?

temperature[5temprItFE] n.[C,U]温度;体温:He had a high temperature for three days. 他一连三天发高烧。/ Have you taken his temperature? 你给他测量体温了吗?

ten[ten] num.十:Ten to one he has forgotten it. 他很可能已经忘记了。

tense[tens] n.[C]时态 adj.紧张的,拉紧的:Is the rope tense? 绳子拉紧了吗? / The players were tense at the start of the game. 队员们在比赛开始时很紧张。

tent[tent] n.[C]帐篷:He pulled down [stroke] the tent. 他拆了帐篷。/ They spent the night in a tent. 他们在帐篷里过夜。

term[tE:m] n. [C]学期;任期;期限;术语:Are there any exams at the end of term?=Are there any end-of-term exams? 期末有考试吗? / The President is elected for a four-year term. 总统任期4年。

【短语】come to terms 达成协议 / come to terms with 甘心接受(不愉快的事) / on good (bad) terms with sb 与某人关系好(不好) / in terms of 以…观点,就…而言,谈到

terrible[5terEbl] adj.可怕的;很糟的;严重的:She caught a terrible cold. 她患了重感冒。/ It was a terrible blow to him. 这对他是一个可怕的打击。

test[test]v.&n.[C]测试,试验,检验:I passed my driving test today. 我今天通过了驾驶考试。

text[tekst] n.[C]课文 [U]正文,原文:The text of every chapter is followed by questions. 每一章正文之后有问答题。

than[TAn] prep.& conj.比:She looks younger than she is. 她看起来比她实际岁数显得要年轻。/ He was less hurt than frightened. 他与其说受了伤,还不如说受了惊。

【短语】other than 除…之外 / than ever 比以往 / than before 比以前

【用法】有时具有类似关系代词的作用,并在句中充当主语、宾语或表语:Some of the stories were really more than could be believed. 有些故事实在让人难以相信。

thank[WANk] vt.感谢,致谢,道谢n.(常用复)谢意,感谢:Thank you [Thanks] for reminding me of it. 谢谢你提醒我。

【用法】1.用作动词时,及物,且其宾语只能是人而不能是事物。2.要表示感谢某人做某事,英语习惯上用thank sb for doing sth,而不用thank sb to do sth3.thanks虽为名词,但其后可接a lotvery much,也可受many修饰。4.thanks to 为习语(用作介词),意为“由于,幸亏”:I was late thanks to the traffic. 由于交通的原因我才迟到的。

that[TAt] adj.& pron.那;那个 conj.(引导从句) adv.那么:He’s always like that. 他总是那样。/ I can’t give you that much. 可能我不能给你那么多。

the[TE,Ti:] art. 这(那)个,这(那)些:The tiger is [Tigers are] in danger of becoming extinct. 老虎有灭绝的危险。/ The rich are not always happier than the poor. 富人并不总是比穷人过得开心。


theatre / theater[5WIEtE] n.[C]剧院:Let’s go to the theatre. 我们去看戏吧。

their[TZE] pron.他们,她们,它们的:They have a house of their own. 他们自己有一所房屋。

theirs[TZEz] pron.他们,她们的,它们的:The car is theirs. 这车是他们的。

them[Tem] pron.他(她)们,它们:Do you know them? 你认识他们吗?

themselves[TEm5selvz] pron.他(她,它)们自己:They did it themselves. 这事是他们自己做的。/ They themselves are to blame. 是他们自己不好。

then[Ten] adv.当时,那时;然后,后来,接着;那么:We lived in the country then. 我们那时住在乡下。/ Then I filled in the forms. 然后我把表填好。

there[TZE] adv.在那儿,往那儿;(作引导词表示“存在”):Hi there!喂!/ There comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。/ There is no harm in trying. 不妨一试。

therefore[TZE5fR:] adv.因为,所以:I was ill, and therefore could not come. 我病了,所以没能来。/ I think, therefore I am. 我思故我在。

these[Ti:z] adj.& pron.这些:Choose a book from among these. 从这些书中选一本吧。/ Finding work is difficult these days. 现今找工作可不容易。

they[TeI] pron.他(她)们,它们:They seem to be tired. 他们似乎累了。

thick[WIk] adj.厚的,粗的;密布的;浓的,稠的:The walls are 80 cm thick. 墙80厘米厚。/ He has thick hair. 他头发浓密。/ Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。

thief[Wi:f] n.(pl. thieves)贼,小偷:Stop thief. 捉贼啊! / The policeman caught the thief. 警察逮住了小偷。

thin[WIn] adj.薄的;细的,瘦的;稀的,稀松的,稀少的:The cloth is too thin. 这布太薄。/ She is getting thin. 她瘦下来了。/ He has thin hair. 他头发稀疏。

thing[WIN] n.[C]东西;事情;(用复数)物品,用品;情况;衣服:He’s fond of sweet things. 他喜欢吃甜食。/ Things are getting worse and worse. 情况越来越糟。

think[WINk] v.(thoughtthought)想,思考;认为;考虑:I think her to be honest. 我认为她是诚实的。/ What do you think of [about] this plan? 你觉得这个计划怎么样? / We didn’t think we’d be this late. 我们没有想到会这样晚。

【短语】think of 考虑;为…着想;想起;认为 / think over 仔细考虑 / think out 想清楚,想出

thinking[5WINkIN] n.[U]思;见解 adj.有思考力的;有思想的:This article will affect my thinking. 这篇文章将会影响我的思想。

third[WE:d] num.第三:Are you in the third-year class? 你是读三年级吗?

thirsty[5WE:stI] adj.口渴的;渴望的:Salty food makes you thirsty. 吃咸的食品会令你口渴。/ He is thirsty for power. 他渴望掌权。

thirteen[WE:5ti:n] num.十三:Some people think that thirteen is an unlucky number. 有些人认为13是一个不吉利的数字。

thirty[5WE:tI] num.三十:He was born in the thirties. 他生于30年代。

this[TIs] adj.& pron.这,这个 adv.这么:I saw her this morning. 我今天上午看到她了。/ Is it this hot every day? 每天都有这么热吗?

those[TEJz] adj.& pron.那些:Whose are those? 那些是谁的?

though[TEJ] conj.虽然adv.可是,然而:Though he was poor, he was happy. 虽然他很穷,却很快乐。/ It’s hard work, I enjoyed it, though. 这工作很艰苦,可是我乐于干。

【短语】as though 好像 / even though 即使,纵然


thought[WC:t] n.[U,C]思考,考虑;想法,意见:After serious thought, he decided to accept their terms. 经认真考虑,他决定接受他们的条件。/ He had no thought of hurting her. 他没想要伤害她。

thousand[5WaJzEnd] num.千:thousands of people 成千上万的人 / A thousand thanks (pardons, apologies). 万分感谢(对不起)。

thread[Wred] n.[C,U]线;线索,条理,思路:a piece of thread 一根线 / a thread of hope 一线希望

three[Wri:] num. 三:by twos and threes 三三两两地 / When three know it, all know it. (谚)三人知,天下晓。

through[Wru:] prep.穿过,经过;自始至终,从头到尾;一直到…(并包括);(表方式或方法)凭,通过;由于;遍及,在…的到处 adv.穿过;全程地,直达地;自始至终;接通(电话):I saw you through the window. 我是透过窗子看到你的。/ He became rich through [by means of] hard work. 他通过勤劳致富。

throughout[Wru:5aUt] prep. 遍及于,到处;在…期间 adv.到处;始终;全部:News spread throughout the country. 消息传遍了全国。/ He visited me throughout my illness. 我生病期间他常来看我。/ He was wrong throughout. 他全都错了。

throw[WrEJ] v.(threw, thrown)投;掷;扔:He threw the ball to me, and I caught it. 他把球扔给我,我接住了。

【比较】throw sth at sbthrow sth to sb:前者表示“向某人扔某物(有挑衅或带恶意)”,后者表示“把某物扔给某人(无挑衅之意)”。

Thursday[5WE:zdI] n.星期四:He came last Thursday. 他上周星期四来的。

thus[TQs] adv.这样;因而:She studied hard; thus she got high marks. 她用功读书, 因此获得高分。

ticket[5tIkIt] n.[C]票,券:Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你是要单程票还是双程票? / Entrance to the theatre is by ticket only. 凭票进入剧院。

tide[taId]n.[C,U]潮,潮汐,潮流,趋势:The tide is down. 潮退了。/ Time and tide wait for no man. (谚)岁月不饶人。

tie[taI] n.[C]鞋带;关系;领带 v.系, 打结, 扎:My dress ties (up) in the back. 我的连衣裙带子在后面。/ He tied his horse to a tree. 他把马拴在树上。

tiger[5taIgE] n.[C]虎:All difficulties are paper tigers. 一切困难都是纸老虎。

tight[taIt] adv.紧紧地 adj.紧的;牢固的:Is the rope tight? 绳子拉紧了吗? / She held him tight and kissed him. 她紧紧地抱住他、吻他。

till[tIl] prep.& conj.直到:Wait till I return. 等到我回来! / People do not know the value of health till they lose it. 人们直到失去健康,才知道健康的可贵。

time[taIm] n.[U]时间;时刻 [C]一段时间;次(数);倍;(常用复)时代,时势 vt.安排…的时间,定好时间;测定(记录)…的时间:What’ s the time? 几点了? / It’s time for [to have] lunch. 该吃午饭了。/ I’ll excuse you this time. 这次我就原谅你算了。

【比较】all the time 一直,老是 / at all times=at any time 随时 / at no time 在任何时候都不 / at the same time 同时 / at times 有时 / behind time 迟,晚 / behind the time(s) 过时,落伍 / from time to time 不时 / in time 及时 / on time 按时,准时 / have a good time 玩得高兴

【比较】 at one timeat a time:前者指“一度”、“从前”,通常与过去时态连用;后者表示“每一次”。

【用法】1.every time(每次),each time(每次),(the) next time(下次),any time(随时),(the) last time(上次),the first time(第一次)等可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。注意,其中的every time, each time, any time前不用冠词,(the) next time, (the) last time中的冠词可以省略,而the first time中的冠词通常不能省略。2.It’s time 后接的that从句谓语通常用过去式:I think it’s time you went to bed. 我想你该睡觉了。

tin[tIn] n.[C]罐头 vt.将…装入罐头中:I bought a tin of cigarettes. 我买了一听香烟。/ I don’t like tinned fruit. 我不喜欢罐头水果。

tiny[5taInI] adj.极小的,微小的:a tiny room 一个很小的房间 / make tiny changes 作微小的改动

tip[tIp] n.[C]稍;尖,尖端;小费 v.付小费:the tip of a finger 手指尖 / Don’t tip freely. 不要乱给小费。

tire[5taIE] v. 使疲劳,厌倦:Digging tires me. 挖地使我累了。

tired[taIEd] adj.疲劳的;厌烦的:He is too tired to go any further. 他累得再也走不动了。/ I’m tired of living abroad. 我在国外已经住腻了。

【说明】be tired of doing sth(厌烦做某事)中的 of doing sth习惯上不能换成 to do sth

title[5taItl]n.[C]标题;题目;称号:He was awarded the title of Model Worker. 他被授予模范工人称号。

to[tu:] prep.向,朝,往,到;离,距离;导致,引起;对,给;属于,归于:Turn to the left. 向左转。/ All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。/ Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国东面。/ It is not far from here to the farm. 从这儿去农场不远。/ He works from morning to night. 他从早到晚工作。/ To our joy, he lent us the money we needed. 使我们高兴的是,他把我们需要的钱借给了我们。/ He is kind to me. 他对我友好。

【说明】除用作介词外,还用作不定式符号:I’m glad to hear the news. 听到这消息我很高兴。但需注意的是,要分清一些结构中的to到底是介词还是不定式符号,如以下结构中的to就是介词,而不是不定式符号(若其后接动词要用动名词):look forward to 盼望 / be used to 习惯于 / be devoted to 献身于 / be equal to 等于,能胜任 / be reduced to 沦为,使变为

tobacco[tE5bAkEJ] n.[U]烟草,烟叶:I gave up tobacco. 我戒烟了。

today[tE5deI] adv.& n.今天;现在,如今:Here is today’s paper. 这是今天的报纸。/ Many people use computers today. 如今许多人都使用计算机。

together[tE5geTE] adv.一起:We often talked together. 我们常常一起聊天。

【短语】all together 一起,同时,总共 / get together 聚会 / together with 和,连同

toilet[5tRIlIt] n.[C]洗手间:Where is the toilet, please? 请问卫生间在哪儿?

tomato[tE5mB:tEJ] n. (pl. tomatoes) [C]西红柿,番茄:Tomatoes can be eaten raw. 番茄可以生吃。

tomorrow[tE5mRrEJ] adv.& n.明天:The news will be in tomorrow’s newspaper. 明天的报纸将刊载这条消息。/ The world of tomorrow will be very different. 未来的世界将大不相同。

ton[tQn] n.[C](重量单位)吨;(用复数)大量:I have tons of work to do before I leave. 我走前有大量工作要做。

tongue[tQN] n.[C]舌,舌头;语言,口语:mother tongue 母语

too[tu:] adv. 也;太:He lives here too. 他也住这儿。/ He drives too fast. 他开车太快了。/ He is too young to drive a car. 他太年轻,不能开车。


tool[tu:l] n.[C]工具:Tools of this kind are made from steel. 这类工具是钢制的。

tooth[tu:W](pl. teeth)n.[C]牙齿:I brush my teeth twice a day. 我每天刷牙两次。

top[tCp] n.[C]顶部,上端;盖子;首位 adj. 顶端的,最高的,最重要的 vt.高于,优于,超过;给…加盖:He sang at the top of his voice. 他放声高唱。

【短语】at the top of 在…的上部;以最大限度;处于前茅 / on (the) top of 在…的上面

total[5tEJtl]adj.完全的,绝对的;总的,全体的n. [C]总数;总额;合计v.合计,总计:What does the total come to? 总数是多少?

touch[tQtF]v.接触,触摸;够着:Don’t touch it. 不要摸它。/ I’ve been out of touch with her. 我一直和她没有联系。

【短语】lose touch with… 与…失去联系 / get in touch with 与…取得联系 / keep in touch with 与…保持联系

tour[tJE] v.&n. [C]参观,游览,旅行:They have gone on a tour. 他们去旅行了。/ We went on [made, took] a tour of the city. 我们游览了一下这座城市。

toward(s)[ tE5wR:d(z)] prep.向,朝;对于:He stood with his back towards me. 他背朝我站着。/ What are his feelings towards us? 他对于我们的感情如何?

tower[5taJE] n.[C]塔:a television tower 电视塔 / a bell tower 钟楼 / a water tower 水塔 / the Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔

town[taJn] n. [C]城镇;(连用the)城镇居民 [U]城镇中心,商业区:I saw him in town. 我在城里见到了他。/ I’ll go to town today. 今天我要进城去。

toy[tCI] n. [C]玩具,玩物 vt.随便对待;玩弄:a toy gun 玩具手枪

track[trAk]n.[C]足迹;(火车等的)轨道:The train left the track. 火车脱了轨。

tractor[5trAktE] n.[C]拖拉机:walking tractor 手扶拖拉机

trade[treId] n.[U]贸易,交换,买卖 [C,U]职业,行业 v.用…进行交换;做生意,从事交易:Japan does lots of trade with the United States. 日本与美国间的贸易频繁。/ They trade in fruit and vegetables. 他们做水果和蔬菜生意。

traffic[5trAfIk] n.[U]交通,车辆:The traffic is moving pretty slowly. 车辆行驶得相当缓慢。

【注意】说明交通的拥挤,可用 busyheavy修饰,但不能用crowded

train[treIn] n.[C]火车,列车 v.培训,训练:Are you going by train or by plane? 你坐火车去还是坐飞机去? / They trained the dog to obey. 他们训练狗听从命令。

training[5treInIN] n. [U]培训,训练:technical training 专业训练

translate[trAns5leIt] v.翻译;转化:He translated the book from French into English. 他把这本书由法语译成英语。

transport[5trAnspC:t] n.[U]运输;交通工具vt.运输,运送:I’d like to go to the concert, but I have no transport. 我想去听音乐会,但是我没有交通。/ The goods were transported by train. 货物是用火车来运输的。

travel[5trAv?l] n.[U]旅行;(常用复)长期旅行,海外旅行v.旅行;传导:He is fond of traveling. 他喜欢旅游。/ Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。

【用法】1.泛指一般意义的旅行,不可数;有时用复数,指时间较长的各处旅行,此时其前通常有物主代词。2.只泛指旅行,不特指某次具体旅行,所以不说:How was your travel?(可改用tripjourney)

treasure[5tredVE] n.[C,U]金银财宝;财富;珍品vt.珍藏;珍惜:I treasure your friendship. 我珍惜你的友谊。

treat[tri:t] v.对待,看待;把…看作;处置;治疗;请客n.[C]乐事;请客:Don’t treat me as [like] a child. 别把我当小孩对待。

tree[tri:] n.[C]树:Fruits grow on trees. 果实长在树上。

【比较】in the treeon the tree:前者多指树外的东西在树上,后者多指树本身的东西。

trick[trIk] n.[C]恶作剧;戏法;窍门;诡计vt.欺骗:I saw through his trick. 我识破了他的诡计。/ He tricked me into giving him the money. 他哄骗我给了他钱。

【短语】play a trick on 捉弄

trip[trIp] n.[C]旅行,旅程v.绊倒;犯错误,说错:Good-bye. A pleasant trip. 再见。祝旅途愉快。/ I tripped over the box and fell. 我被箱子绊了一下,摔倒了。

trouble[5trQbl] n.[C,U]困难,烦恼;麻烦;疾病;争吵 v.(使)苦恼,(使)忧虑,麻烦:We had no trouble (in) finding his house. 我们没花吹灰之力就找到了他的家。/ I’m sorry to give you so much trouble.=I’m sorry to put you to so much trouble. 对不起,给你添了这么多麻烦。

【短语】be in trouble 处于不幸(苦恼,困境)中 / get into trouble 陷入困境 / make trouble 制造麻烦,捣乱

trousers[5traJzEz] n.(复数)长裤:I bought two pairs of trousers. 我买两条裤子。

truck[trQk] n.[C]卡车:He carried the goods by truck. 他用卡车运货。

true[tru:] adj.真实的,真正的,正确的:The news is true. 这消息是真的。

truth[tru:W] n.[C,U]真理;事实,真相:You should always tell the truth. 你要自始自终说实话。

【短语】to tell (you) the truth 说实话,老实说

try[traI] v.试图;尝试;尝尝 n.[C]尝试;审判:Do try this fish. 请尝尝这鱼。/ Let me have a try. 我来试一试。

【短语】try for 设法得到 / try on 试穿 / try one’s best 尽力,尽量 / try out 试用,试验

【比较】try to do sthtry doing sth:前者表示设法做某事,后者表示做某事试试看(有何效果):Please try to be quiet. 请设法保持安静。/ Try pressing the green button. 按绿色按钮试试。

Tuesday[5tju:zdI] n.星期二:I’ll come to see you on Tuesday. 我星期二来看你。

turn[tE:n] v.旋转,转动,翻转,转变:Turn left at the end of the road. 在路的尽头向左拐。

【短语】turn down 关小,调低 / turn into 变成,变得 / turn off 关掉(自来水、电灯、收音机等) / turn on 开(电灯、无线电等) / turn over 翻倒;翻身;翻(书页) / turn to 翻到;转向;求助于;求救于 / turn up 开大(音量);出现

twelfth[twelfW] num.第十二:December is the twelfth month of the year. 十二月是一年的第12个月。

twelve[twelv] num.十二:There are twelve inches in a foot. 1英尺有12英寸。

twentieth[5twentIEW] num.第二十:live in the twentieth century 生活在20世纪

twenty[5twentI] num.二十:He got married in his twenties. 他20多岁结的婚。

twice[twaIs] adv.两次;两倍:We meet twice a week. 我们每星期碰两次头。/ This box is twice as large as that one.=This box is twice the size of that one. 这个盒子是那个盒子的两倍。

two[tu:] num.二:Add two spoons of sugar. 加两匙糖。

type[taIp] n.[C]类型;样式 v.打字:Are you familiar with this type of car? 你熟悉这种型号的汽车吗?/ She types fast. 她打字打得快。

typist[5taIpIst] n.[C]打字员:She works as a typist. 她当打字员。





ugly[5QglI] adj.丑陋的;讨厌的;不愉快的:an ugly building 难看的建筑物 / I can’t bear the ugly smell. 我受不了这讨厌的臭味。

umbrella[Qm5brelE] n.[C]雨伞:Down came the rain and up went the umbrellas. 雨开始下起来,雨伞也都打开。

uncle[5QNkl] n.[C]叔,伯,舅,姑父,姨夫:Uncle Jack 杰克叔叔 / Uncle Sam 山姆大叔(美国或美国人的绰号)

under[5QndE] prep.在…下面,在…里面;(数量、程度、范围等)少于,低于,在…以下;(职位、权势等)低于,在…之下;在…中,在…期间 adv.向下,在…下面;少于,年纪小于:The bottle fell under the table. 瓶子掉到桌子底下。/ The price is under five dollars. 价钱不到5美元。/ He is under the doctor’s care. 他在医生的照顾中。/ My car is under repair now. 我的车现在正在修理中。

understand[7QndE5stAnd] v.(understood, understood)明白;理解;懂得:Can he make himself understood in English? 他能用英语表达自己的意思吗? / I can’t understand him [his] leaving so suddenly. 我不理解他怎么这样突然走掉。

uniform[5ju:nIfR:m] n.[C,U]制服 adj.一致的,一样的,整齐划一的:The students are in school uniform. 学生穿着校服。

unit[5ju:nIt] n.[C]单位,单元;(机构的)部件,装置;部队:The metre is a unit of length. 米是长度单位。/ The book has 12 units. 这本书有12个单元。

unite[jJ5naIt] v.联合;团结:United we stand, divided we fall. (谚)团结则存,分裂则亡。/ We must be united as one. 我们必须团结得像一个人一样。

united[jJ5naItId] adj.统一的;联合的;团结的:united front统一战线 / United Nations 联合国 / We should make a united effort. 我们应该携手合作。

universe[5ju:nIvE:s] n.(连用the)宇宙:Our world is but a small part of the universe. 我们的世界只是宇宙的一小部分。

university[7ju:nI5vE:sEtI] n.[C]大学:Beijing University 北京大学 / Has he been to university? 他上过大学吗?

unknown[Qn5nEJn] adj.不出名的,不为人所知的:His plan is unknown to us. 他的计划我们不知道。

unless[En5les] conj.除非;如果不:I shall go there tomorrow unless I’m too busy. 如果我不太忙,明天将到那儿去。/ One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。

until[En5tIl] prep.& conj.直到…为止:Until he returns, nothing can be done. 他不回来什么也不能做。/ We can’t go out until our homework is complete.我们把作业做完才能出去。/ It was not until yesterday that I noticed it. 直到昨天我才注意到此事。


unusual[Qn5ju:VJEl] adj.不正常的,异常的;稀有的,独特的:There’s something unusual in her voice. 她声音有些反常。

up[Qp] prep.在…的上方,沿着…往上;沿着adv.向上,在上方;起来;上升,上涨;结束:The cat climbed up the tree. 那只猫爬上树。/ The house stands up the river. 那座房子在河的上游。/ They normally get up at six. 他们一般六点起床。

upon[E5pRn] prep.在(到)…上面;在…时:Please place it upon the table. 请把它放在桌上。/ Upon arrival, he went in search of a hotel. 在到达时他就去找旅馆。

upstairs[7Qp5stZEz] adv.在楼上,往楼上 adj.楼上的;在楼上的:The bathroom is upstairs. 洗澡间在楼上。

upward(s)[5QpwEd(z)] adj.& adv.向上的(地);往上的(地):The smoke rose straight upwards. 烟一直向上升。

us[Qs] pron.我们:Please give the book to us. 请把书给我。

use[ju:z] v.利用,使用,应用 n.[ju:s]利用,使用;用途:Mother uses old socks as dusters. 母亲用旧袜子作抹布。/ Is there [it] any use trying waiting here? 在这儿等有用吗? / A hammer is used for driving [to drive] in nails. 锤子是用来钉钉子的。

【短语】come into use 开始使用 / for use 供使用 / in use 在使用当中 / make use of 利用;借用 / put to use 使用,起用

used[ju:st]adj.习惯于,适应于 v.(连用to)过去经常:You must be [get] used to getting up early. 你必须习惯于早起。/ He usedn’t [didn’t use] to come. 他过去不常来。

【说明】used tobe used to:前者表示“过去经常”,后接动词原形;后者表示“习惯于”,后接名词或动名词(不能接动词原形)。

useful[5ju:sfJl] adj.有用的,有益的:She is useful at cooking. 她很会烧菜。/ The dictionary is useful for [to] beginners. 这本词典对初学者有用。

usual[5ju:VJEl] adj.通常的,平常的:My usual chair had been moved from its usual place. 我平常用的椅子已从老地方移开了。

【短语】as usual 跟往常一样;像平常一样 / than usual 比平常

usually[5ju:VJElI] adv.通常,经常:The shops usually open at nine o’clock. 商店一般在9点钟开始营业。





vacation[vE5keIFEn] n.[C,U]假期,休假:She has gone to Canada on vacation. 她到加拿大去度假。/ He took ten days’ vacation. 他请假10天。

valley[5vAlI] n.[C](山)谷;流域:the Changjiang valley 长江流域

valuable[5vAljJEbl] adj.值钱的,有价值的,有用的:Your suggestions are very valuable to us. 你的建议对我们很宝贵。

value[5vAlju:] n.[U,C]价值;价格v.估价;尊重;珍惜:Your help has been of great value. 你的帮助很有价值。/ I value your advice. 我尊重你的劝告。

variety[vE5raIEtI] n.[C]种类,种种 [U]多样性:At school we learn a variety of things. 在学校我们学习各种东西。

various[5vZErIEs] adj.各种各样的,不同的;许多的:For various reasons I’d prefer not to meet him. 由于种种原因,我还是不见他的好。

【用法】其后通常接复数名词,偶尔也接不可数名词,表示“多方面的”:various reading 多方面的阅读

vast[vB:st] adj.巨大的;广阔的:That makes a vast difference. 那是天壤之别。

vegetable[5vedVItEbl] n.[C]蔬菜:Vegetables are best when they are fresh. 蔬菜新鲜时最好吃。/ They trade in fruit and vegetables. 他们做水果和蔬菜生意。

verb[vE:b] n.[C]动词:I thought it was a regular verb. 我认为它是规则动词。

very[5verI]adv.很,非常 adj.恰好的:He was very angry. 他非常生气。/ This is the very lowest price. 这是最低的价格。

victory[5vIktErI] n. [C,U]胜利:They won a victory in battle. 他们在战斗中获胜。/ They went from victory to victory. 他们从胜利走向胜利。

village[5vIlIdV] n.[C]村庄,乡村:The village boy is now used to city life. 这个农村男孩现已习惯了城市生活。

visit[5vIzIt]v.& n.[C]参观;访问,拜访:I paid my friend Jim a visit yesterday.=I paid a visit to my friend Jim yesterday. 昨天我拜访了我的朋友吉姆。

visitor[5vIzItE] n. [C]访问者,参观者:Visitor not admitted. 谢绝参观。

voice[vRIs] n. [C,U]说话声,嗓音;嗓子:He spoke in a loud voice. 他大声地说话。/ Don’t raise your voice to me. 不要对我大声叫嚷。

volleyball[5vRlIbR:l] n.[C,U]排球:Let’s play volleyball. 我们打排球吧。

voyage[5vRIIdV] n. [C]航行,航海,旅行:We had a rough voyage. 我们作了一次艰苦的航行。





wait[weIt] v.等,等候:Please don’t wait for me. 请不必等我了。/ We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们在等雨停。/ I’ll wait to hear from you. 我将等你的回音。

waiter[5weItE] n.[C](餐厅)服务员(男性);侍者:She tipped the waiter. 她付给侍者小费。/ Waiter, the bill, please. 服务员,买单。

waitress[5weItrIs] n.[C]女服务员:She is a new waitress. 她是新来的服务员。

wake[weIk] v.(woke, woken)醒,醒来:The noise woke me up. 这声音把我吵醒了。

walk[wR:k] v.& n.[C]走,步行;散步:Let’s go out for a walk. 我们出去走走吧。


wall[wR:l] n. [C]墙:the Great Wall 长城 / To talk to him is to talk to the wall. 和他讲话是对牛弹琴。

want[wRnt] v.要,想要;需要,必要;缺少:I want you to think it over. 我希望你好好想一想。

【比较】want to dowant doing:前者表示“想做…”,后者“需要(被)…”(动名词用主动表被动):He wanted to go abroad. 他想出国。/ The machine wants repairing. 这机器需要修理。(=The machine wants to be repaired.)

war[wR:] n.[C,U]战争:When did the war break out? 战争什么时候爆发的?

warm[wR:m] adj.暖和的;热情的v.使暖和:It is getting warmer day by day. 天气一天比一天暖和了。

warn[wR:n] vt.警告,预先通知:The doctor warned the patient not to smoke [against smoking]. 医生告诫病人不要抽烟。/ We warned him of the danger. 我们警告过他有危险。/ I’ve warned him that it is not allowed. 我警告过他这是不允许的。

wash[wRF] n. [C,U]洗(涤),冲洗;洗的衣服 v.洗,冲洗:The material washes easily. 这料子很好洗。/ Go and give the car a wash. 去把汽车冲洗一下。

waste[weIst] n.[U](但可连用a)浪费;废物 v.浪费:It’s a waste of time doing that. 做那事是浪费时间。/ He wasted his time (in) doing nothing. 他无所事事,浪费光阴。/ Don’t waste any more time over it. 不要再在这上面浪费时间了。

watch[wRtF] v.观看;注意看;当心,注意;寻找,等待(机会等);看守,监视n.[C]手表,表 [U](可连用a)看守,守卫:I watched him eat his breakfast.=I watched him eating his breakfast. 我瞧着他吃早饭。

【短语】keep watch 值班 / on the watch for 注意,提防 / on watch 值班 / watch out (for) 当心,提防

【用法】后接从句通常要用现在时表示将来:Watch (that) he doesn’t cheat you. 注意别让他给骗了。

water[5wR:tE] n. [U]水 v.浇水:Water boils at 100℃. 水在100摄氏度沸腾。/ Will you water the flowers? 请你浇花好吗?

wave[weIv] n.[C]波;波浪;挥手 v.挥手;挥动;波动:She waved her hand to say good-bye. 她挥手告别。

way[weI] n.[C]道路,路线;路途;方法;手段:Do it (in) your own way. 按你自己的方法做吧。/ There are different ways to do [of doing] it. 做这事有不同的办法。

【短语】by the way 在途中的路旁;顺便说,顺便问 / by way of 经由,意在,为了 / in the way 挡路,碍事 / on the [one’s] way (to) 在某人去…的路上;即将

we[wi:] pron.我们:We like to play football. 我们喜欢踢足球。

weak[wi:k] adj.软弱的,虚弱的;薄弱的,优柔寡断的:She was weak after her illness. 她病后很虚弱。/ He’s weak in [at] English. 他的英语不行。

weakness[5wi:knIs] n.[U]软弱,虚弱 [C]弱点,短处:We all have our little weaknesses. 我们大家都有些小短处。

wealth[welW] n. [U]财富,财产:Health is above wealth. 健康高于财富。/ He gained his wealth by printing the works of famous writers. 他通过印刷名作家的作品赚得财富。

wear[wZE] vt.穿,戴;留(发型等);带有(表情或样子);(常与away, down连用)磨损,使疲惫不堪:She wore a red flower in her hair. 她头发上插一朵红花。/ The man wore his hair long. 这个人留着长发。/ He wore a sad look. 他一副愁容。

weather[5weTE] n.[U]天气:I don’t like cold weather. 我不喜欢寒冷的天气。

wedding[5wedIN] n.[C]婚礼,结婚:golden wedding金婚 / We have set the date for the wedding. 我们已经确定了婚期。

Wednesday[5wenzdI] n.星期三:Ash Wednesday 圣灰星期三(四旬节第1天)

week[wi:k] n.[C]一星期,一周:I was quite busy last week. 上周我很忙。

weekend[7wi:k5end] n.[C]周末:I don’t work at [on] weekends.=I don’t work at [on] the weekend. 我周末不工作。

【用法】复数形式的weekends可用作名词,也可用作副词,所以用作状语的 on weekends也可省略其中的介词on

weigh[weI]v.重(若干);称…的重量:He weighed the fish. 他把鱼称了一下。

weight[weIt] n. [U]重量,体重:She put on weight recently. 她最近体重增加了。

welcome[5welkEm] interj.欢迎adj.受欢迎的,随意的n.[C]欢迎,迎接 vt.欢迎:Welcome to Beijing. 欢迎到北京来。/ They received a warm welcome. 他们受到热烈欢迎。/ You are welcome to (use) my car. 我的汽车你尽管用。/ He was welcomed by the students. 他受到同学们的欢迎。

【说明】1.口语中说You are welcome,主要用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢”。2.用作动词时,其过去式和过去分词均为welcomed(即为规则动词),不要误认为按 welcomewelcamewelcome变化。

well[wel] adj.(better, best)健康的 adv. (better, best)好,令人满意地,完全地interj. (表示同意,惊讶)好,那么;哎呀:Well done! 干得好! / You look quite well. 你气色很好。

【短语】as well 也,又;同样地 / as well as 既…也…,不仅…而且…

well-known[5welnEJn] adj.出名的,众所周知的:He is a well-known writer. 他是个有名的作家。

【比较】be well-known as=作为…出名,be well-known for=因为…出名,be well-known to=为…所知

【说明】用作表语时也可写成 well known,其比较等级可以在其前加 moremost,也可将 well 改为betterbestProfessor White has written some short stories, but he is better known for his plays. 怀特教授写了一些短篇小说,但他的戏剧更有名。

west[west] n.& adj.西,西方;西方的:the West Lake 西湖 / He lives on the west side of town. 他住在城的西边。

western[5westEn] adj.西方的;西部的:the Western countries 西方国家

wet[wet] adj.湿的,潮的;多雨的:Mind the wet paint. 当心油漆未干。

what[wRt] pron.什么;(所)…的 adj.多么:What we need is money. 我们所需要的是钱。/ What lovely weather! 多好的天气呀!

whatever[wRt5evE] adj.无论什么…都 pron.不管,无论:I will do whatever you wish. 我将做你希望我做的一切事情。/ Whatever she did was right. 她所做的一切都是对的。/ Whatever happened, I must be calm. 不管发生什么情况,我都必须镇静。

【说明】1.引导名词性从句时,相当于anything that,可视为what的强调说法。2.引导让步状语从句,起连词作用,在用法和含义上相当于no matter what

wheat[wi:t] n. [U]小麦:Wheat is grown mainly in the north. 小麦主要产在北方。

wheel[wi:l] n. [C]轮,车轮:The brakes locked the wheels. 刹车器将车轮刹住。

when[wen] adv.什么时候 conj.当…时候,每当;这时(突然):When she saw this, she turned red. 她看到这时脸红了。/ I was reading the newspaper when the door bell rang. 我正在看报,突然门铃响了。

【说明】有时还表示“一…就…”或“既然”等:I’ll call you when I get there. 我一到那里就给你打电话。/ Why use wood when you can use plastic? 既然能用塑料,为什么还要用木料?

whenever[wen5evE] conj.无论什么时候;每次adv.(究竟)什么时候:Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you. 你什么时候方便就来看我。/ Whenever did he tell you that? 他什么时候告诉你的?

【说明】表示“每当”,引导时间状语从句,与when用法相似,但语气更强;表示“无论什么时候”,引导让步状语从句,与no matter when用法相似:Whenever [No matter when] you call, you’ll find him reading. 无论你什么时候去找他,你都会发现他在看书。

where[wZE] adv.在哪里;…的地方 conj.在…的地方:Where did you go? 你上哪去了? / After the war, a new school building was put up where there had once been a theatre. 战争过后,在原先是剧院的地方建起了一座新的教学楼。

wherever[wZEr5evE] conj.无论在哪里 adv.究竟在(去)哪里:Sit wherever you like. 你爱坐哪儿就坐哪儿。/ Wherever are you going? 你究竟到哪里去?

【说明】用作连词,引导地点状语从句,相当于where,但语气更强;引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter whereWherever [No matter where] you work, you must serve the people heart and soul. 不论你在哪里工作,你都必须全心全意为人民服务。

whether[5weTE] conj.是否:The price has gone down, but I doubt whether it will remain so. 价格现在已经降下来了,但是我怀疑它是否会维持这样。/ Time will tell whether I made the right choice or not. 时间将会证明我所做的选择是对还是错。

【辨析】ifwhether:两者均可表示“是否”,引导宾语从句时常可互换,但在以下情况,通常用whether而不宜用if:引导主语从句时,引导表语从句时,引导宾语从句且位于句首时,位于介词之后时,后接不定式时,直接与or not连用时:I don’t know whether to accept or refuse. 我不知道应该接受还是拒绝。/ I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 我担心是否伤了她的感情。/ I am considering whether or not to buy a new car. 我在考虑是否要买一辆新汽车。

which[wItF] adj.& pron.哪一个;哪些:Which are our seats? 哪些是我们的座位? / I can’t decide which to choose. 我不能决定选哪个好。/ She was not in the train which arrived just now. 她不在刚到的那列火车上。

while[waIl] conj.当…的时候;和…同时;虽然 n.[C]一会儿,一段时间:She listened while he read. 他朗读时她听着。/ While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you. 虽然我理解你的意思,但我还是不同意。


whisper[5wIspE] vi. & n.[C]低语,耳语,私语:He is whispering to his neighbor.他向邻座的人耳语。

white[waIt] adj.& n.白色(的);白人:White House (美国)白宫,美国政府 / white coffee 加牛奶或奶油的咖啡 / black and white 黑白相间,白纸黑字

who[hu:] pron.谁;…的人:Who were you talking to? 你在和谁谈话? / She asked who would like to go. 她问谁愿意去。/ Everyone who [that] knows him likes him. 认识他的人都喜欢他。

whole[hEJl] adj.全体的,整个的;整整的 n.[C]全部,全体:They told me the whole story. 他们给我讲了整个的故事。

【短语】as a whole 作为整体,一般说来 / on [upon] the whole 总的说来,大体上,基本上 / the whole of 整个,全部

whom[hu:m] pron.谁:Who(m) do you like best? 你最喜欢谁? / I wanted to find someone with whom I could discuss music. 我想找一个能和我谈音乐的人。

whose[hu:z] pron.谁的;…的:Whose side are you on? 你在谁的一边? / There are some students whose questions I can’t answer. 有些学生提出的问题我回答不了。

why[waI] adv.为什么;…的 interj.怎么啦(表示惊讶):Why do you want a new job when you’ve got such a good one already? 你已经有一份这么好的工作了,你为什么还要一份新的工作呢? / She didn’t tell me the reason why she refused the offer. 她没跟我讲她拒绝这项工作的原因。

【用法】1.许多疑问词后可接不定式,但why是例外,其后通常不接不定式,但可接动词原形:Why bring so many? 为什么要带那么多来? / Why not go earlier? 为什么不早点去?(这类结构只用于现在和将来,不用于过去) 2.用作关系副词,不能引导非限制性定语从句,而只能引导限制性定语从句,且其先行词通常只能是the reason,而不能是其他词。

wide[waId] adj.宽阔的;…宽 adv.睁大(眼睛),张大(嘴巴),打开(门等);到处,在各地;充分地:She stared at him with wide eyes. 她睁大了眼睛注视他。

wife[waIf] n.[C]妻子:husband and wife 夫妻

wild[waIld] adj.野生的,野的:wild flowers 野花 / wild animals 野生动物

will[wIl]v. aux. (would) (表示将来)将,会;(表示同意,允诺)愿意要;(客气提问)是否愿意;…好吗? n.[C,U]遗嘱,意志,决心:You will be the first to speak. 你将第一个发言。/ Will you shut the door? 你把门关上好吗?

willing[5wIlIN]adj.乐意的,愿意的:Are you willing to go with her? 你愿意同她去吗? / Is your father willing for you to go abroad? 你父亲愿意让你出国吗?

win[wIn] v.(won, won)获取,赢得:She is the girl who won the prize. 她就是获奖的姑娘。

【辨析】winbeat [defeat]:三者均可表示“赢”,但其宾语不同:win的宾语通常为比赛或战斗,beat /defeat的宾语通常是比赛或战斗的对手:We won the match. 我们赢了比赛。/ He beat [defeated] me at swimming. 他游泳胜过了我。

wind1[wInd] n.[C,U]风:A cold wind blew from north. 冷风从北边吹来。

wind2[waInd] v.(wound, wound)使弯曲前进;迂回,蜿蜒:The path winds through the woods. 这条路蜿蜒穿过树林。

window[5wIndEJ] n. [C]窗;计算机的窗口:He stood by the window. 他站在窗户边。

wine[waIn] n.[U]酒;葡萄酒:Dinner costs $80, and wine is extra. 饭菜80美元,酒费另收。

wing[wIN] n.[C]翅膀,翼:A bird’s wings enable it to fly. 鸟的翅膀使鸟能飞。

winter[5wIntE] n.[C]冬天,冬季:Spring follows winter. 冬去春来。

wipe[waIp] vt.擦,擦净,擦干:Let’s wipe off the dust (on the table). 咱们把(桌上的)尘土擦掉。

【短语】wipe away [off] 擦掉,清除掉,刷掉 / wipe out 消灭,清除,洗净

wire[5waIE] n.[U,C]电线,铁丝;电报:Will you connect this wire to the television. 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?

wise[waIz] adj.聪明的;英明的;有见识的:It was wise of you to give up smoking.= You were wise to give up smoking. 你把烟戒掉是明智的。

wish[wIF] n.[C]愿望,心愿;(用复数)祝愿,祝福 v.想要,希望;祝愿;但愿,要是…多好:We all have a wish for peace. 我们都希望和平。/ He has a wish to go abroad. 他想出国。/ He wishes for a computer. 他希望有台电脑。/ I wish you success. 我祝你成功。/ I wish you to come early. 我希望你早点来。/ He wishes to be alone. 他希望别人别打扰他。/ I wish to go with her. 我希望同她一起去。

【用法】后接that从句时,从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气:指将来谓语用“could, would, might+动词原形”,指现在或当时的情况谓语用过去时,指过去谓语用过去完成时:I wish he were more careful. 但愿他能更仔细些。/ I wish that I had never met him. 但愿我从未见过他。

with[wIT] prep.与…(在)一起,带着;有…的,持有,随身带着;以,用;在…的情况下;尽管,虽然;若是,如果;因为;随着:With all his money, he is unhappy. 尽管他有钱,他并不快乐。/ With your permission, I’ll go. 如蒙你同意我就去。/ He is tired with work. 他工作做累了。/ I slept with the window open. 我开着窗睡觉。

【辨析】withas:两者均可表示“随着”,但前者是介词,后者是连词:He will improve as he grows older. 随着年龄的增长,他会进步的。/ People’s ideas change with the change of the times. 时代变了,人们的观念也会变化。

within[wIT5In] prep.在…之内,在…范围之内:She returned within an hour. 她不到1小时就回来了。/ It’s a task well within your powers. 这是你力所能及的工作。

without[wIT5aJt] prep.没有,无,不:He went out without his umbrella. 他外出没有带伞。/ There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。/ She left without saying goodbye. 她没有说再见就走了。/ Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看得清东西吗?

【用法】有时用于引出虚拟语气,相当于 but forWithout your advice I would have failed. 假若没有你的劝告,我想必已失败了。

woman[5wJmEn](pl. women) n.[C]妇人,女人:women doctors 女医生 / Generally speaking, man is taller than woman. 一般说来,男人比女人高。

wonder[5wQndE] vt.& vi.诧异;不知道,想知道 n. [C,U]惊奇,奇迹,奇事:I wonder whether [if] you would mind helping me. 不知你是否能帮帮我的忙。/ It’s no wonder you can’t sleep when you eat so much. 你吃得太饱,自然睡不着。

wonderful[5wQndEfJl] adj.极好的,精彩的:This is a wonderful place for a picnic. 这里是野餐的好地方。

wood[wJd] n.[U]木头,木材 [C](常用复)树林,森林:We got lost in the wood(s). 我们在森林里迷了路。

wooden[5wJdn] adj.木制的,木头的:The wooden bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of lorries. 这座木桥不够坚固,载重货车不能通行。

wool[wJl] n.[U]羊毛,毛线:The dress was made of wool. 这衣服是羊毛做的。

word[wE:d] n.[C]词,单词;话,言语 [U]口信,消息;承诺:Tell me in your own words. 用你自己的话告诉我。

【短语】break one’s word 失诺 / give one’s word 许诺,保证 / in a [one] word 一句话,总而言之 / in other words 换句话说,也就是说 / keep one’s word 守诺 / leave word 留言

【比较】have a word withhave words with:前者表示“同…说句话”,后者表示“同…争吵”。

work[wE:k] v.工作,干活;运转,转动;行得通,奏效;使…工作n.[U]工作,劳动 [C]著作,作品 (用复数)工厂:What time do you get home from work? 你什么时候下班回家? / The drug will not work. 这药不起作用。

【短语】at work 在工作,在上班;从事,忙于 / in (out of) work 有(无)工作 / work on 继续工作;从事于,致力于 / work out (计)算出;制订出,想出

worker[5wE:kE] n.[C]工人,工作者:a skilled worker 熟练工人

world[wE:ld] n.(连用the)世界:He has travelled round the world. 他周游了世界。

【短语】in the world 在世界上,在人间;究竟,到底;全然(不),一点也(不)

worry[5wQrI] n.[C,U]忧虑,担心;烦恼事 v.烦恼,担心,发怒;困扰,烦人:She had a worried look on her face. 她脸上带有愁容。/ He worried about making mistakes. 他担心犯错误。/ He was worried about his job. 他为自己的工作担心。


worse[wE:s] adj.更坏的;更差的,(病情)更重的:You’re working worse than I expected. 你做的比我预料的要差。/ He did worse than you. 他做得比你更糟。

worst[wE:st] adj.最坏的,最恶劣:Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.(谚)作最好的打算, 作最坏的准备。

worth[wE:W] adj.值得…的,有…价值的:The book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一读。/ Is it worth visiting the place? 这个地方值得一看吗? / The work is worth your while. 这工作值得你花时间去做。

【用法】1.要加强worth的语气,习惯上用 well修饰,不用very2.后接动词时,不用不定式,而用动名词,且该动名词用主动形式表被动意义。3.It’s worth (one’s) while 后接动词时,用不定式或动名词均可:It’s worth your while to visit [visiting] the museum. 这个博物馆值得你去看看。

would[wJd]v.aux.(will的过去式) (表示推测)大概;(婉转语气)愿意:I knew you would agree. 我知道你会同意的。/ Would you ask them to wait outside? 你可否请他们在外面等等? / He would come to see us on Sundays. 过去星期天他经常来看望我们。/ If he were in town he would help you. 如果他在城里,他会帮助你的。

wound[wu:nd] n.[C]创伤,伤口 vt.使受伤:The soldier was wounded in the arm. 这个士兵的胳膊受伤了。/ The wound would not heal. 伤口老不愈合。

write[raIt]v. (wrote, written) 书写,写下;写信;写作,著述:Write down everything he says. 把他所说的全都记下来。/ He wrote out a check (receipt). 他开出一张支票(收条)。/ Please write me the result.=Please write the result to me. 请把结果写给我。/ He wrote to ask me to come. 他写信请我来。

wrong[rRN] adj.坏的,邪恶的;不对的,错误的:The machine has gone wrong again. 机器又出毛病了。/ You are wrong to do [in doing] it. 你这样做是不应该的。/ It’s wrong for you to say that. 你那样说是错误的。/ It’s wrong for you to sell your car. 你把汽车卖掉是错误的。/ It is wrong of you to say so. 你这样说是不对的。/ You did me wrong. 你冤枉我了。





yard[jB:d] n.[C]院子;码(1 yard=3 feet):Came and play in our back yard. 到我们的后院来玩吧。

year[jIE] n.[C]年;学年;年级:We used to work six days a week all (the) year round. 我们过去全年都是每周工作6天。

【比较】year after yearyear by year:前者表示“年年”,强调时间之久;后者表示“一年一年地”,强调逐年变化:It’s always the same, year after year. 年年总是如此。/ Prices tend to rise year by year. 物价总是一年一年地往上涨。

【用法】the year可用作连词,引导状语从句:His father died the year he was born. 他父亲在他出生那年去世。

yellow[5jelEJ] adj.& n.黄色(的),黄色;懦弱的 v.(使)变黄:the Yellow River 黄河/ He is too yellow to stand up and fight. 他太胆怯而不敢起来抵抗。

【说明】汉语说的“黄色电影”,译成英语不是yellow films,而是 blue filmssex films

yes[jes] adv.是,是的,好,同意

【用法】除用于对一般疑问句的肯定回答外,在口语还有许多用法:1.用来应答呼唤:“Waiter!” “Yes, sir?” “服务员!”“先生,你要什么?2.用来表示疑问或希望对方进一步讲述(用升调):Yes, what happened next? 说呀,后来呢? 3.用来征求对方意见(用升调):Let’s go out for a walk, yes? 我们出去散散步,好不好?

yesterday[5jestEdeI] n. & adv.昨天,在昨天:He came yesterday and he is still here. 他昨天来的,现仍在此。

yet[jet] adv. 到目前为止,还;仍然:She has not come yet. 她还没有来。/ He was poor, yet happy. 他很穷,可是很快乐。

【短语】and yet=but yet 虽然如此,可是,然而 / as yet 到目前为止,迄今 / not yet 还没有,尚未

you[ju:] pron.你,你们:How have you been? 你近来怎样? / When did you learn about it? 这事你是什么时候知道的?

young[jQN] adj.年轻的:He married young. 他很年轻就结了婚。

【说明】the young 可用作名词,意为“年轻人”:Respect the old and cherish the young. 敬老爱幼。

your[jR:, jUE] pron.你的,你们的:I’m pleased at [with] your success. 我为你的成功感到高兴。/ Now comes your turn. 现在该你了。

yours[jR:z, jJEz] pron.你的(东西),你们的(东西):Is that coffee yours or hers? 这咖啡是你的还是她的? / My views are different from yours. 我的看法和你不同。

yourself[jR:5self] pron.你自己:Take good care of yourself. 好好保重。/ Help yourself to more cake. 再吃一点蛋糕。

yourselves[jR:5selvz] pron.你们自己:Make yourselves at home, everybody. 大家请随便一点。/ I hope you’ll both enjoy yourselves. 希望你们两人都玩得开心。

youth[ju:W] n.[U]青春;青年时代,年轻时候 [C,U]青年人:She lost (kept) her youth. 她青春不再(青春依旧)。

【说明】表示“青年人”时,若指男青年,则可数;若泛指所有青年(包括男女),则不可数,但用作主语时,谓语可用单数或复数:The youth of today is [are] better off than we used to be. 今天的青年比我们过去处境要好。





zero[5zIErEJ] n.& num.(数词)零;(温度计等)零度;零点:It was four (degrees) below (above) zero this morning. 今天早上的气温是零下4度(是4度)。

zoo[zu:]n.[C]动物园:Would you please direct me to the zoo? 请问去动物园怎么走?