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sad[sAd] adj.悲伤的;使人悲伤的:We were sad about [at, over, with] her death. 我们为她的死感到悲伤。/ He was sad to hear the news. 他听到这个消息很伤心。

safe[seIf] adj.安全的,平安的:They were safe from attack. 他们很安全,未受到攻击。/ We’re safe in accepting the offer. 我们接受这个提议不会有错。

safety[5seIftI] n. [U]安全,保险:They ran to safety, away from the fire. 他们跑到安全的地方,远离了大火。/ We are now in safety. 现在我们安全了。

sail[seIl] n.(常用单)航行 [C]帆,帆状物v.开航,驾(船),航行(于):The ship sails for Shanghai tomorrow. 这船明天开往上海。

sailor[5seIlE] n.[C]海员,水手,水兵:a bad (good) sailor 晕船(不晕船)的人

sale[seIl] n.[U,C]卖,出售;销量,销售额;减价出售,拍卖:He got $1000 from [for] the sale of his house. 他卖房子得了1000美元。

【短语】for sale 待售,出售的 / on sale (有货)售卖,上市;减价时

salt[sR:lt] n.[U]盐vt.加盐于,用盐腌:Please pass me the salt. 请把盐递给我。

same[seIm] adj.同一的,同样的 pron.同样的事:Do whatever you want, it’s all the same to me. 你想干就干啥,我无所谓。/ He likes to read in bed, and it is the same with me. 他喜欢在躺床上看书,我也一样。

【用法】1.其前通常要加定冠词。2.表示“与…一样”,要用 the same as,不能用 as same asthe same with [like]。3.It’s the same with…意为“…也一样”,与“so+助动词+主语”意思相似。4.The same to you 为口语常用语,意为“你也一样”,主要用于回答祝愿。

sand[sAnd] n. [U]沙,沙子 (复数)沙地,沙滩:The children were playing on the sand(s). 孩子们在沙滩上玩。

sandwich[5sAnwIdV] n.[C]三明治,夹心面包:He made some cheese sandwiches. 他做了一些干酪三明治。

satisfaction[7sAtIs5fAkF?n] n.[U]满意 [C]乐事,趣事:I find great satisfaction in his improvement. 我对于他的进步极为满意。

satisfy[5sAtIsfaI] v.满足,使满意,使相信:Are you satisfied with the service? 你对这服务满意吗?

Saturday[5sAtEdI] n.星期六:She doesn’t work on Saturdays. 她星期六不工作。

save[seIv] v.救,挽救;节省,存钱;免去,省去;保全,保留:He saved the boy from drowning. 他救起了这个男孩,使他免于溺死。/ Save me some milk.=Save some milk for me. 给我留点牛奶吧。

【用法】用于save sb (from) doing sth 表示“免去某人做某事”:/ If you do it tonight, it will save you from having to get up early. 你如果今晚做这事,明天早上你就不必早起了。

say[seI] v.(said, said)说,讲;(被动)据说:It’s said that he knows your father. 据说他认识你父亲。

【用法】What do [would] you say to? 意为“你说…怎么样呢?”,其中的to 为介词:What do you say to playing tennis? 打打网球怎么样?

scene[si:n] n. [C,U] (戏剧、电影等的)一场,场景;布景;风景,景色;(事件或事故的)发生地点:The sunrise was a beautiful scene. 日出是一幅美景。/ The criminal fled the scene. 罪犯逃离了现场。

school[sku:l]n.[C]学校,学院 [U]上学,上课:There will be no school tomorrow. 明日学校放假。/ Did you take history at school? 你在学校上过历史课吗?

science[5saIEns] n.[U,C](一门)科学,学科;(统称)科学,科学研究;(统称)自然科学,理科:computer science 计算机科学 / The chief sciences are chemistry, physics and biology. 主要的自然科学是化学、物理和生物。

scientific[saIEn5tIfIk]adj. 科学的,合乎科学的:a scientific method 科学方法 / He has a scientific mind. 他有科学头脑。

scientist[5saIEntIst] n.[C]科学家:Scientists have discovered a new virus. 科学家发现了一种新病毒。

scold[skEJld]v.责骂,申斥,斥责:His mother scolded him for getting his clothes dirty. 他妈妈因他弄脏了衣服而责骂他。

score[skR:] n.[C]二十;得分 vi.记分, 刻痕, 得分:What is the score now? 现在比分是多少? / Jack got a low score on the test. 杰克测验得分不高。

【用法】表示“二十”时,其复数形式通常不加词尾-s,且其后一般不接介词of,如three score eggs 60只鸡蛋。当其后的名词前有the, these, those 等表示特指的限定词修饰时,或当其后接的是us, them, you 等人称代词时,则score 后必须要有介词ofthree score of these eggs 这些鸡蛋中的60只。另外,scores of(许多)是习语,其中的score用复数。

scream[skri:m] v.尖声叫, 尖声喊叫n.[C]尖叫声, 喊叫声:She screamed out that there was a thief under the bed. 她尖叫道床下有小偷。

sea[si:] n.[U]海,海洋 [C]许多,大量:I don’t like to travel by sea. 我不喜欢乘船旅行。

【用法】构成专有名词时,其前通常要用定冠词:the Red Sea 红海

search[sE:tF]v.& n.[C,U]搜索,搜寻:The police searched the city. 警察搜遍了全城。/ The police searched for the thief. 警察搜找那个小偷。

【短语】in search of 搜找 / in one’s (the) search for 搜找

season [5si:zn] n.[C]季,季节:Spring is a lovely season. 春天是怡人的季节。

【短语】in season 当令,及时,正是时候 / out of season 不当令,在淡季

seat[si:t]n.[C]座,座位vt.使坐下:Which are our seats? 哪些是我们的座位? / He seated himself at the writing table. 他在写字台前坐下。

second[5sekEnd]n.[C]秒;片刻;第二者;第二人adj. 另一个;又一个num. 第二:We’ll have to do it a second time. 我们得再做一次。

secret[5si:krIt] n. [C]秘密, 秘诀adj.秘密的,隐秘的:We have no secrets from you. 我们对你毫无隐瞒。

【短语】in secret 秘密地,偷偷地 / in the secret 知道秘密

secretary[5sekrEtrI]n.[C]秘书;书记:He was secretary of this Party branch. 他是这个党支部的书记。/ She’s private secretary to the Minister. 她是部长的私人秘书。

see[si:]v. (saw, seen)看,看见;了解,领会:I saw her crying under the tree. 我看见她在树下哭。/ I’ve never seen the word used that way before. 我从来没有看见这个词这样用过。/ I see little of Mr Smith. 我很少见到史密斯先生。

【短语】see about (doing) sth 负责处理(安排)某事 / see off 为…送行 / see sb out 送某人出门(到门口) / see through 看穿,识破;帮助渡过(困难等);进行到底

seed[si:d]n.[C]种子,萌芽v.结实,播种:Plants develop from seeds. 植物由种子发育而成。

seek[si:k]v.(sought, sought)寻找,探索:He has sought to explain it. 他一直想对此作出解释。/ He sought out his friend in the crowd. 他在人群中找到他的朋友。

seem[si:m]vi.像是,似乎:It seems as if he is happy. 他好像很高兴。/ It seems that he has caught a cold. 他似乎感冒了。/ It seems like a good idea. 那似乎是个好主意。/ He seems to know everything. 他似乎什么都懂。

seize [si:z]v.抓住, 逮住, 夺取:He was seized with a slight fever. 他突然有点发烧。/ She seized the gun from him. 她从他手里夺过了枪。

seldom [5seldEm]adv.很少,不常:The children are seldom ill. 这些孩子很少生病。

【用法】在正式文体中可放在句首,其后用倒装语序:Seldom does he read in his free hours. 他空余时间很少看书。

sell[sel](sold, sold) v.出售,卖:He sold me his camera.=He sold his camera to me. 他把照相机卖给了我。/ He sold his car at a low price. 他低价卖掉了他的汽车。

【短语】sell out 卖完

send[send]vt.(sent, sent)送,寄,派遣:Please send him my best wishes.=Please send my best wishes to him. 请代我向他问好。/ He sent his son to post the letter. 他叫他儿子去寄信。/ The sound of the gun sent the birds flying away. 枪声把鸟吓飞了。

【短语】send up发射 / send out 发出(光亮等);生出(长出)某物

【比较】1.send sb to do sthsend for sb to do sth:前者表示派某人做某事,后者表示派人请某人做某事。2. send sb to do sthsend sb (sth) doing sth:前者表示派(叫)某人去做某事,后者表示使某人或某物很快地或失去控制地做某事。

sense[sens]n.[C]官能,感觉,意识 vt.感到,理解,认识:Can you make sense of this poem? 你能看懂这首诗吗? / I sensed that I had made a serious mistake. 我意识到自己犯了个严重的错误。

【短语】in a sense 在某个意义上 / make sense 有意义,讲得通,有道理

sentence[ 5sentEns]n.[C]句子,判决vt.审判,判决:A sentence usually contains a subject and a verb. 句子通常包括主语和动词。/ The sentence was twenty years in prison. 判决是20年徒刑。

separate[5sepEreIt]v.分开adj.[5sepErEt]分开的,分离的,个别的,单独的:Separate the longer ones from the shorter ones. 把长的与短的分开。/ Our children have separate bedrooms. 我们的孩子有各自的卧室。

September[sEp5tembE]n.九月:School begins in September. 九月开学。

serious[5sIErIEs] adj.严重的,严肃的,认真的:He was serious about (doing) his work. 他对待(做)工作很认真。/ I’m serious. 我是认真的。

servant[5sE:vEnt] n.[C]仆人,用人;公仆,公务员:A politician should be a servant of the people. 政治家应该是人民的公仆。

serve[sE:v] v.服务,服役:Let those who can serve as teachers. 能者为师。/ We must serve the people heart and soul. 我们必须全心全意地为人民服务。/ She served us (with) fruit and tea.=She served fruit and tea to us. 她用水果和茶招待我们。

service [5sE:vIs]n. [C,U]服务,服役:My car is at your service. 我的汽车随你使用。/ Will you do me a service? 帮我个忙好吗?

set [set]v. (set, set)(太阳等)下落;放置;摆设;规定;确定;使(做事) n.[C]一套,装置:When we arrived there, the sun had set. 我们到达那儿时,太阳已落山了。/ What he said set us thinking. 他的话使我们思考起来。

【短语】set about 开始或着手做某事(后接名词或动名词) / set out 动身;开始;想要(后接不定式);安排,摆设;陈述,解释

【比较】set sb to do sthset sb (sth) doing sth:前者表示使某人做某事,后者表示使某人(物)开始做某事或处于做某事的状态。

settle[5setl] v.安放;使定居;安排;解决;决定:The affair wasn’t so easily settled. 这事不是那么容易解决的。/ He settled to sell his car. 他决定把汽车卖掉。

【短语】settle down (使)安静下来;(使)舒服地坐下;安居下来;习惯于某种生活;安下心来 / settle for 勉强接受 / settle in 定居于;(使)习惯于 / settle up 结账,付清

seven[5sevEn]num.七,七个:at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟

several[5sevErEl] adj.几个 pron.几个:I’ve read it several times. 我已经读过好几遍了。

【用法】通常不与 only 连用,遇此情况可改用 a fewI have only a few friends. 我只有几个朋友。

sew[sEJ]v.(sewed, sewn / sewed)缝制,缝纫:I like sewing. 我喜欢缝纫。

sex[seks] n.[C,U]性;性别:This is a school for both sexes. 这是一所男女兼收的学校。/ There is a lot of sex in the book. 这本书有很多性描写。

shade[FeId] n.[U]阴凉,树阴 [C]遮光物,帘 v.遮住(光线):They sat in the shade. 他们坐在阴凉处。/ I shaded my eyes with my hand. 我用手遮在眼睛上挡住光线。

shadow[5FAdEJ] n.[C]影子,阴影:The shadows of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on. 随着下午时光的延续,树影会越来越长。

shake[FeIk]v.(shook, shaken)摇动,摇,颤抖,震动:He stood up and shook hands with me. 他站起身来同我握了手。/ He didn’t reply, but just shook his head. 他没有回答,只是摇头。

shall[FAl] v.aux.将要,会;(用于疑问句中征求意见)要不要,…好吗;(用于陈述句中表示允诺、告诫、威胁、命令、规定、必然性):Shall we all go to the film tonight? 我们今晚都去看电影吗?/ You shall have an answer by tomorrow. 到明天你可以得到答复。


shame[FeIm] n.[U]羞愧,惭愧 [C]惋惜的事,可耻的事 vt.给…带来羞辱,使难为情:It’s a great shame to treat him like that. 这样对待他太不像话了。/ To my shame, I never thanked him for his kindness. 令我感到惭愧的是我对他的好意从未表示过感谢。

【用法】汉语说“感到羞愧”,说成英语可以用 feel shameHe felt shame at having told a lie. 他因说了谎而感到羞愧。但不能用 feel shameful(因为 shameful的意思是“可耻的,丢脸的”)。

shape[FeIp]n.[C,U]形状;体形;形式v.使成形,塑造:Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping one’s character. 童年经历在形成一个人的性格方面往往起重要作用。

share[FZE] n.[C]共享,一份,份额,参股v.分享,共有:Let’s share the cake (with her). 我们(与她)一起分吃这块蛋糕吧。

【比较】share sthshare in sth:前者可用于具体的事物,也可用于抽象的事物;后者主要用于抽象的事物。

sharp[FB:p]adj.锋利的adv.整;锐利地;急速地:I need a sharp knife. 我需要一把锋利的小刀。/ The lecture started at three o’clock sharp. 讲座于3点整开始。

shave[FeIv] v.修(面),刮(脸) n.[C]理发,刮胡须,修面:My father shaves every day. 我父亲每天都刮脸。

she[Fi:] pron.她:I love her and she loves me. 我爱她,她也爱我。

sheep[Fi:p](pl.sheep) n.[C]羊,绵羊:a black sheep 败类,害群之马 / Sheep feed on grass. 羊吃的是草。

sheet[Fi:t]n.[C](一)片,(一)张,薄片;被单,被褥:She wrote her name and address on a sheet of paper. 她把名字和地址写在一张纸上。

shelf[Felf]n.[C]架子,搁板:Put it on the luggage shelf. 把它放在行李架上。

shine[FaIn]v. (shone, shone)照耀,发光:Make hay while the sun shines. (谚)趁太阳好垛干草。

ship[FIp] n.[C]船,海船,舰v.装上船:They crossed the Pacific by ship. 他们乘船横渡太平洋。

shirt[FE:t]n.[C]衬衫,衬衣:How much is that shirt? 那件衬衫多少钱?

shock[FRk] vt.使震惊,使受电击 n.[C,U]震动;震惊;撞击;电击:He was shocked to hear her talking like that. 听到她这样讲话他感到震惊。

shoe[Fu:]n.[C]鞋,鞋子:Your shoe laces are undone. 你的鞋带散了。

shoot[Fu:t]n.[C]射击,发射v. (shot, shot)射击,投射:He was shot three times in the leg. 他的腿中了三枪。

【比较】shoot sb (sth)与shoot at sb (sth):前者指打中某人(某物),后者指向某人(某物)射击(但不一定打中)。

shop[FRp]n.[C]商店,店铺vi.买东西,购货:We usually shop on Sundays. 我们常在星期天去商店买东西。/ I’ve got some shopping to do. 我要买些东西。

shore[FR:] n.[C]岸,滨:We went to the shore for the summer. 我们去海滨度假。

short[FR:t] adj.短的,矮的;缺乏的:Don’s cut it too short. 不要把它剪得太短。

【短语】(be) short of 缺少 / for short 为了简短,简称 / in short 总之

shot[FRt] n.[C]射击,开枪,开炮,射击声;射门;投篮;击球:The policeman fired a warning shot. 警察鸣枪示警。/ His shot went wide. 他没射进球门。

should[FJd] v.aux. (shall的过去式)将,会;应当,应该;可能;(表建议、命令、决定、必要等)应该,必须:You shouldn’t leave so soon. 你不应当这么早就走。/ They should be given a chance to try. 应当给他们尝试的机会。

【用法】1.后接动词原形,表示应该要做某事;后接动词完成式,表示本来应该发生某事(但实际未发生)或可能已经发生了某事:He should leave. 他应该离开。/ He should have left. 他可能已经离开了。/ He shouldn’t have left so soon. 他本不该那么快就离开的。2.should表示推断时,语气较肯定,通常是指非常可能的事(因为暗示有一定的事实依据或合乎常理),而与之相比 may, might, could等表示推测时,则语气较不肯定,尤其是might, could

shoulder[5FEJldE] n. [C]肩膀:She looked over her shoulder. 她回过头来看。

【短语】shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩

shout[FaJt] v.& n.[C]喊,高声呼喊:Don’t shout at me. 别冲着我喊。/ He was too far away and I had to shout to him. 他离得太远,我只好大声喊他。

show[FEJ] v.(showed, shown)给…看,出示,显示;表明,显示 n. [C]展览会:Please show me your photo.=Please show your photo to me. 请给我看看你的照片。/ He showed me how to do it. 他教我如何做此事。

【短语】on show 展出 / show off 炫耀 / show sb (a)round 陪某人参观,带某人到处看看

shower[5FaJE] n.[C]阵雨,淋浴:He was caught in a shower. 他被淋雨了。

shut[FQt] v.(shut, shut) 关闭,关门,禁闭:Shut up! 闭嘴!/ Please will you shut the door? 请你关上门好吗?

【短语】shut off 关掉,切断(电源等);停止供应(煤气,水等) / shut up 闭嘴,住口

shy[FaI] adj.害羞的,羞怯的:Don’t be shy. 别害羞。/ He was not shy of [about] offering suggestions. 他并不怯于提建议。

sick[sIk]adj.生病的;恶心的;厌烦的:She is sick with a cold. 她患感冒。/ I’m really sick of housework. 我的确厌烦做家务事。

【辨析】illsick:两者均可表示“生病的”,前者主要作表语,后者则可用作表语或定语。另外,the sick 可用作名词,表示“病人们”,但ill不这样用。

side[saId] n.[C]边,旁边;面,侧面:There are trees on both sides of the road. 路的两边都种有树。/ He painted all four sides of the box. 他把箱子的四面都漆了。

【短语】on the side of 在…一边 / side by side 肩并肩 / take sides 支持(偏袒)某一方

sigh[saI] v.& n.叹气,叹息:We heard him sigh. 我们听到他叹气。

sight[saIt] n.[U]视力;看见;视野 [C]情景,风景:He had good sight.=His sight was good. 他的视力好。

【短语】at first sight 第一次见到 / at sight 一看见 / catch sight of 看见,望到 / in sight 在视线范围内,可以看见 / lose sight of 看不见;忽略 / out of sight 在视线范围之外,看不见

sign[saIn] n.[C]符号,标记;身体的示意动作,手势;标志牌,指示牌;迹象,征兆 v.签名;打手势:A cloudy sky is not always a sign of rain. 阴天不一定是下雨的预兆。/ The policeman signed (to / for) me to stop. 警察示意我停下。/ Has he signed (to, on) the cheque? 他在支票上签名了吗?

silence[5saIlEns] n.[U]安静,沉默:Silence means [gives] consent. 沉默意味着同意。/ They walked on in silence. 他们默默向前走去。

silent[5saIlEnt] adj.无声的,无对话的,沉默的:You’d better keep silent. 你最好什么也别说。/ History is silent about [upon] this person. 历史对这个人没有记载。

silk[sIlk] n.[U]丝绸:The dress was (made of) silk. 这连衣裙是丝(做)的。

silly[5sIlI] adj.傻的:You are silly to do so.=It’s silly of you to do so. 你这样做真蠢。/ Don’t be silly, that insect can’t hurt you. 别傻了,那虫子不会伤你的。

silver[5sIlvE] n. [U]银,银币,银餐具adj.银制的,银的;银(白)色的:a silver ring 银戒指 / silver hair 银发 / It’s made of silver. 它是银做的。

similar[5sImIlE] adj.类似的,相似的:My problems are similar to yours. 我的问题与你的差不多。

【说明】要表示“与…相似”,可用 be similar to,而不用 be similar as [with],也不说 as similar as

simple[5sImpl] adj.简单的,简易的,朴素的:The operation of this machine is simple. 这个机器的操作很简单。

since[sIns] prep.从…以来 adv.从那时以来:conj.从…以来;由于,既然:I haven’t heard from him since he left. 他走之后我还没接到过他的信。/ It’s two years since I saw you last. 上次见到你到现在已经两年了。/ Since it is so hot, let’s go swimming. 既然天气这么热,我们去游泳吧。

【用法】表示“自从…以来”时,句子(主句)谓语通常都与完成时态连用。但在It has beensince…中,主句中的It has been通常用It is代替。

sing[sIN] v.(sang, sung)唱,唱歌:You sing better than I do. 你的歌比我唱得好。

single[5sINgl] adj.惟一的,一个的;各个的,单个的;单人用的;单程的;单身的:He leads a single life. 他过着单身生活。/ Not a single song did she sing at yesterday’s party. 昨天晚会上她一首歌都没唱。

sink[sINk](sank, sunk) v.下沉,消沉;下降:The ship is sinking. 这船正在下沉。

sir[sE:]先生,阁下:This way, sir. 先生,这边请。


sister[5sIstE] n.[C]姐,妹:elder sister 姐姐 / Where is Sister? 姐在哪?

sit[sIt] v.(sat, sat) 坐:Please sit down. 请坐。/ Let’s all sit under this tree. 咱们都坐在这棵树下。

situation[7sItFJ5eIF?n] n.[C]形势,情况;处境,状况;位置,场所:The situation is serious enough. 形势够严重的。/ Situation Wanted. 求职。

six[sIks] num.六:at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟

size[saIz] n. [C,U]尺寸,大小:Those shirts are all the same size. 那几件衬衫大小都一样。/ What’s the size of the park? 这个公园有多大?

skate[skeIt] vi. 滑冰:Mary never skis or skates. 玛丽从不滑雪,也不溜冰。

skill[skIl] n. [U]技能,技巧,熟练:Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读和写作是不同的技能。

skin[skIn] n. [U]皮肤:Babies have soft skin. 婴儿的皮肤很柔滑。

skirt[skE:t] n. [C]女裙:Short skirts are out. 短裙不时兴了。

sky[skaI] n. [U,C]天空,天:The sky suddenly turned dark. 天色突然变得昏暗起来。


slave[sleIv] n.[C]奴隶:Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. 亚伯拉罕·林肯解放了奴隶。

sleep[sli:p] v. (slept, slept)& n. 睡觉:Now go to sleep and stop worrying about it. 快睡吧,别再为此担心了。/ Did you have a good sleep? 你睡得好吗?

【注意】sleep late 的意思不是“睡得迟”,而是“起床迟”。

slightly[5slaItlI] adv.微小地,细小地:He is slightly drunk. 他有点醉了。

slow[slEJ] adj.& adv.慢的(地);不聪明,迟钝:He is slow in understanding. 他理解迟钝。/ He is slow to show anger. 他不易发怒。

【说明】slow downslow up 的意思并不相反,而是相同,均表示“减速”、“缓行”、“松驰下来”。

small[smR:l] adj.小的:He lives in a small town. 他住在一座小镇上。

smart[smB:t] adj.灵巧的,伶俐的;时髦的,帅的:He’s a smart businessman. 他是个精明的商人。/ You look smart in the new suit. 你穿这套新衣服很帅气。

smell[smel] v.(smelt, smelt / smelled, smelled) 嗅,闻到;散发气味n. [C,U]味,气味,嗅味:“It looks nice and smells delicious.” “Mm, it does have a pleasant smell.” “它看起来好看,闻起来也香。”“噢,它确实很好闻。”

【说明】smell like 闻起来像 / smell of 有…的气味

smile[smaIl] vi.& n.[C]微笑:He gave a satisfied smile. 他满意地笑了笑。/ He smiled a strange smile. 他奇怪地笑了笑。

smoke[smEJk] n.[U]烟 [C]抽烟v.冒烟;抽烟:(There is) No smoke without fire. 无火不起烟(无风不起浪)。/ No smoking. 禁止抽烟。

smooth[smu:T] adj.光滑的,平坦的 vt.使光滑,清除:A baby has a smooth skin.婴儿皮肤很平滑。/ He smoothed down his hair. 他弄平了头发。

snake[sneIk] n.[C]蛇:She was afraid of snakes. 她怕蛇。

snow[snEJ] n.[C,U]雪 v.下雪:The ground is covered with snow. 地上白雪覆盖。/ It snowed heavily last January. 今年一月雪下得很大。

so[sEJ] adv.(表示程度)那么,如此;(表示强调)非常,很;也,同样conj.因此,所以:Don’t talk so loud. 不要这样大声讲话。/ Hold your pen so. 这样拿笔。/ She likes dogs, and so do I. 她喜欢狗,我也喜欢。/ He was sick, so he didn’t come. 他病了,所以没有来。

soap[sEJp] n.[U]肥皂:She washed her hands with soap. 她用肥皂洗手。

socialism[5sEJFElIzEm] n. [U]社会主义:We are working hard to build socialism. 我们在为建设社会主义而努力工作。

socialist[5sEJFElIst] n.& adj.社会主义者,社会主义的:China is a socialist country. 中国是一个社会主义国家。

society[sE5saIEtI] n.[C,U]社会;社团,协会:Society makes laws to protect people. 社会制定法律保护人民。/ the Red Cross Society of China 中国红十字会

sock[sRk] n.[C]短袜:She bought a pair of sock. 她买了一双短袜。

soft[sRft] adj.(柔)软的;柔和的,温和的;(饮料)不含酒精的:She speaks in a soft voice. 她说话声音很柔和。

soil[sRIl] n. [C,U]土壤,土地:Most plants grow best in rich soil. 大多数植物在土壤肥沃的地方长得好。

soldier[5sEJldVE] n.[C]士兵:A soldier must stand up to danger. 一个战士必须敢于面对危险。/ He has been a soldier for 2 years. 他参军两年了。

solid[5sRlId] adj.硬白,固体的 n. [C]固体:Gold is solid, but when you heat it, it becomes liquid. 黄金是固体,可是把它加热时,就成了液体。

some[sQm] adj.一些,若干;有些;某人(人或物) pron.若干,一些 adv.大约,稍:Some think so. 有些人这样想。/ He waited for some time. 他等了一会儿。/ Some 40 people attended the meeting. 大约有40个人参加了会议。

【用法】主要用于肯定句,在否定句或疑问句中通常换成any,但在表示请求或征求意见的疑问句中,有时也用someWould you like some bananas? 你想吃点香蕉吗?

somebody / someone[5sQmbEdI][5sQmwQn] pron.某人,有人:Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who it is. 有人在按门铃,去看看是谁。

something[5sQmWIN] pron.某事(物,某东西):You must do something about it. 你必须对此采取措施。/ The book has something to do with this subject. 这本书与这个问题有些联系。

sometimes[5sQmtaImz] adv.有时:Sometimes we quarreled. 有时我们也吵架。

somewhere[5sQmwZE] adv.& n. 某处,在哪里,在某处:I thought I had seen you somewhere. 我记得在哪里见到过你。/ We were looking for somewhere to live. 我们在找一个地方住。

son[sQn] n.[C]儿子:Father and son went to New York by a morning train. 父子两人坐早班车去了纽约。

song[sRN] n.[C]歌唱,歌曲:She was often heard to sing this song. 人们常常听见她唱这支歌。

soon[su:n] adv.很快,不久:Do you have to leave so soon? 你必须这么早就走吗? / She will be back soon. 她马上就回来。

【短语】as soon as 一…就,如…那么早或快 / no sooner...than 刚…就 / sooner or later 迟早,早晚,总有一天

sorry[5sRrI] adj.难过的,对不起:Aren’t you sorry for [about] what you have done? 你不对自己所做的事感到遗憾吗? / I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这话我很难过。

sort[sR:t] n.[C]种类,类别;…的(种类的)人 vt.把…分类,拣选:A hammer is a sort of tool. 锤子是一种工具。/ Sort these cards according to their colors. 按颜色把这些卡片整理好。

【短语】a sort of 某种,模模糊糊的一种 / all sorts of 各种各样的 / sort of 稍微,有几分,多少 / sort out 整理,分类;挑出,拣出

soul[sEJl] n.[C,U]灵魂,精神;人:She puts her whole soul into work. 她把全部精力投入工作。

【短语】body [heart] and soul 全心全意地,完完全全地

sound[saJnd] n.[C,U]声音 vt.听起来 adj.健全的,彻底的 adv.充分地,彻底地:The report sounds true. 这个报导听起来是真的。/ Your idea sounds a good one. 你的想法听起来很好。

soup[su:p] n. [U]汤:The soup tastes of onion. 这汤有洋葱味。

【说明】英语说“喝汤”,通常用 have [take, eat] soup等,一般不用drink soup

south[saJW] n.& adj. 南,南方(的) adv.在南部,在南方:Mexico is to the south of the U.S.A. 墨西哥在美国之南。

southern[5sQTEn] adj.南部(方)的:She lives in southern Italy. 她住在意大利南部。

space[speIs] n.[C,U]间隙,间隔;空间,太空:It won’t take (up) too much space.这不会占很多地方(篇幅)。

Spanish[5spAnIF] n.[U]西班牙语 adj.西班牙人的,西班牙的:My mother tongue is Spanish. 我的母语是西班牙语。

spare[spZE] adj.空闲的,多余的 vt.节省,抽出(时间):Have you any spare time to help me? 你有空帮助我吗?/ They have three tickets to spare. 他们多3张票。

speak[spi:k] v.(spoke, spoken)说话,讲话;讲,说(某种语言):Do you speak English? 你说英语吗? / Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于语言。

【短语】speak about 谈论 / speak of 谈到,提起 / speak to [with] 同…说话 / speak out 大胆说,自由地说 / speak up 大声说

special[5speFEl] adj.特别的,专门的:He has a special car because he cannot walk. 他有一辆专车,因为他不能走路。

speech[spi:tF] n.[C]演讲 [U]说话(的能力):He will come to make [give] a speech to the students. 他要来给学生作演讲。

speed[spi:d] n.[C,U]速度,快速 v.急行;使加速:Please drive at a safe speed. 请以安全速度行驶。

【短语】at speed 高速地,很快地 / at full [top] speed 全速地 / at a [the] speed of 以...的速度 / with all [great] speed 很快地 / speed up (使)加速

spell[spel]v. (spelt, spelt)拼写:How do you spell your name? 你的名字怎么拼?

spend[spend]v.(spent, spent)花费, 度过:I spent an hour reading. 我花了一小时读书。/ He doesn’t spend much time on his homework. 他花在作业上的时间不多。

【用法】表示花钱(时间)做某事,根据情况可用spend money (time) on [for] sthspend money (time) (in) doing sth,其中的(in) doing sth通常不能换成to do sth,但在美国英语中有时也用不定式,表示花钱或花精力做某事(建议学生慎用)。

spirit[5spIrIt] n.[U,C]精神;心情,情绪:Everyone is in good [high, top, great] spirits. 每个人都很高兴(情绪好)。

splendid[5splendId] adj.壮丽的;(口语)极好的:We won another splendid victory. 我们又赢得了辉煌的胜利。/ He has a splendid memory. 他记忆力极好。

spoon[spu:n] n.[C]匙,调羹:Add two spoons of sugar. 加两匙糖。

sport[spR:t] n.[C,U]运动,锻炼 (用复数)运动会:Football is my favourite sport. 足球是我最喜欢的运动。

【用法】可用于名词前作定语,表示“运动的”或“运动用的”,常用复数:sports meet 运动会 / sports shoes 运动鞋

spread[spred]v.(spread, spread)伸开,伸长,展开;传播,流传:The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out. 宾馆里的火势蔓延得非常快,但每个人都设法逃了出来。

spring[sprIN] n.[C,U]春天,春季;青春(期);源泉;弹簧 v. (使)跳;使爆炸:the Spring Festival (中国)春节 / spring cleaning 大扫除 / If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?

square[skwZE] n.[C]广场;正方形;平方 adj.平方的;方形的:Tian An Men Square 天安门广场 / The room is 14 meters square. 这房间14米见方。

stage[steIdV] n.[C]舞台;时期,阶段:Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。

stair[stZE] n.(常用复)楼梯:She met him on the stairs. 她在楼梯上遇到了他。/ He took the stairs two or three at a time. 他一步跨两三级楼梯。

stamp[stAmp] n.[C]邮票;跺脚v.贴上邮票,跺脚:He collects stamps. 他集邮。/ He stamped his feet with [in] anger. 他气得直跺脚。

stand[stAnd] v.(stood, stood) 站,站起,坐落,忍受,经受 n.[C]看台,场所:Stand up, please. 请起立。/ Can you stand the pain? 你受得了这痛苦吗?

【用法】stand by 在场,站在旁边,袖手旁观;支持,忠于 / stand for 表示,代表;拥护,支持;容忍(用于否定句) / stand up 站起来;经得起(磨损等)

【用法】can’t stand(不能忍受)后除可接名词或代词,还可接不定式或动名词:I can’t stand being treated [to be treated] like that. 我可不能容忍别人那样对我。

standard[5stAndEd] n.& adj.标准(的):Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach required standardin other words, you failed. 你在驾照考试中的表现没有达到要求的标准,也就是说你没及格。

star[stB:] n.[C]星,恒星;明星;星级:a movie star 电影明星 / a five star hotel五星级宾馆

stare[stZE] v.盯着看,凝视:Don’t stare at me like that. 别那样盯着我看。/ The teacher stared the class into silence. 老师瞪着眼睛看全班学生直到他们安静下来。

start[stB:t] v.开始,着手;出发:Mr. Smith, tired of the boring speech, started to read a novel. 史密斯先生对这枯燥的演讲感到厌烦,他开始读起小说来。

【短语】start for 动身去… / start off 动身,出发;开始(做某事) / start out 动身,出发;开始(做某事) / to start with 在开始时,起初,首先

【用法】1.表示出发去某地,习惯上用start for a place,不用 start to a place2.表示开始做某事,其后可接不定式或动名词:It has started to rain [raining]. 开始下雨了。但若 start 本身为进行时态或其后接的是表示心理活动的动词,则其后的动词用不定式:She was starting to cook the dinner. 她开始做饭。

starve[stB:v] v.饿死,(使)挨饿;渴望,极需:I’ll never be dependent on anyone again. I’d rather starve. 我再也不依靠任何人了,我宁愿饿死。

state[steIt] n.[C]状态,状况;州,国家,政府 vt.说,说明,陈述:Ice is water in a solid state. 冰是水的固体状态。/ Please state your problem. 请说明你的问题。

station[5steIFEn]n.[C](火车、汽车等)站,电台 vt.驻扎,安置:a railway station 火车站 / Guards were stationed around the prison. 监狱周围驻有看守。

stay[steI] v. & n.停留,暂住;逗留,呆;保持:Won’t you stay for [to] supper? 留下来吃晚饭好吗? / Are you staying at a hotel? 你们是住旅馆吗? / The shop stays open till seven o’clock. 这家商店一直开到七点。

【短语】stay away (from) 不去(某地),不去(上学,上班);不接近,避开或远离 / stay behind 留下 / stay in 呆在家里,不出门 / stay out 不在家,在外面 / stay up 不睡,熬夜

steal[sti:l]vt. (stole, stolen)偷:He stole my money. 他偷了我的钱。

【说明】steal sb sth的意思不是“偷某人的某东西”,而是“为某人偷东西”:He stole her a ring. 他为她偷了一个戒指。

steam[sti:m] n.[U]汽,水蒸气 vi.蒸发,冒热气:The hot water was steaming. 热水在冒热气。/ Who invented the steam engine? 谁发明了蒸气机?

steel[sti:l]n.[U]钢:Most tools are made from steel. 大多数工具是由钢做的。

step[step] n.[C]脚步;一步的距离;脚步声;台阶,一级 vi.走,踩:The school is only a step away. 学校就在附近。/ We must take steps to prevent it from happening again. 我们采取措施防止它再次发生。

【短语】in (out of) step (with) (与…)步调一致(不一致) / step by step 一步一步地,按部就班地

stick[stIk]v.(stuck, stuck)粘贴n.[C]小树枝,棒,棍,手杖:A walking stick is a must for me now. 如今我行走离不开手杖了。

【短语】stick at 对…有顾虑;坚持(干) / stick by 忠于,遵守 / stick out 伸出,突出;坚持 / stick to 粘住;坚持

still[stIl] adv.还,仍,更 adj.静止的, 静寂的:The light was still on. 灯还亮着。/ It’s still raining. 还在下雨。/ The sea was calm and still. 大海风平浪静。

【用法】用于否定句时,通常要置于否定词之前:I still don’t understand what you mean. 我还是不明白你的意思。

stomach[5stQmEk] n. (pl.stomachs) [C]胃;(口语)肚子:She has a pain in her stomach. 她胃痛。/ The children are lying on their stomachs. 孩子们俯卧着。

stone[stEJn] n.[C,U]石头:To kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟。

stop[stRp] v.停止;阻止 n.[C]停止;终止;停车站:We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们在等候雨停。/ You’d better stop smoking. 你最好戒烟。/ He stopped to talk to us. 他停下来和我们说话。

【用法】1.后接动名词,表示停止做某事;后接不定式,表示停下来去做某事。2.stop sb (sth) (from) doing sth 的意思是“阻止某人(某事)做某事”:Her parents tried to stop her (from) seeing him. 她父母不让她见他。

store[stR:] n.[C](美)商店;大百货商店 v.储藏,存储:We have a good store of food. 我们存有许多食物。

storm[5stR:m] n. [C]风暴,狂暴天气:We were caught in a storm on the way to the farm. 我们在去农场的路上遇上了暴风雨。

story[stR:rI] n.[C]故事,小说:He is good at telling stories. 他擅长讲故事。/ The story goes that he beats his wife. 传说他打老婆。/ But that’s another story. 但那是另外一个问题。

straight[streIt] adj.& adv.直的(地),直接地,坦率地:I want a straight answer to my question. 我要求对我的问题作出直截了当的回答。


strange[streIndV] adj.陌生的;奇怪的:He is still strange to city life. 他还是过不惯城市生活。

stranger[5streIndVE] n.[C]陌生人,外行:He felt a stranger in the house. 在这房子里他感到自己是个陌生的人。

street[stri:t] n.[C]街,街道:Don’t play in [on] the street. 别在街上玩。

strength[streNW] n. [U]力量,力气:Strength lies in numbers. 人多力量大。/ I haven’t the strength to lift this table. 我没有力气抬这张桌子。

strict[strIkt] adj.严格的:You should be strict with yourself. 你应该严格要求你自己。/ He is strict in his work. 他对工作要求严格。

strike[straIk] vt.(struck, struck)侵袭;擦(打)火;打动,迷住 vi.咬,抓 n. [C]罢工,打;击:He struck me with a stick. 他用棍子打我。/ How does the idea strike you? 你感觉那主意怎么样?

strong[strRN] adj.强壮的;坚强的;坚固的;强有力的;浓烈的:Dancing is not her strong point. 跳舞不是他的强项。/ He has a strong will. 他有坚强的意志。

struggle[5strQgl] vi.& n.斗争,挣扎:The soldiers were struggling against the floods. 士兵们在与洪水作斗争。

student[5stju:dEnt] n.[C]学生:three-good students 三好学生

study[5stQdI] n.& v.学习;研究 n.[C]书房:I am studying art. 我在学习艺术。/ He will finish his studies next year. 他明年将完成学业。

stupid[5stju:pId] adj.笨的,愚蠢的:It is stupid of you to do such a thing. 你做这种事真是太蠢了。

subject[5sQbdVIkt] n.[C]科目;(语法)主语:Enough has been said on this subject. 关于这个问题已经说得够多了。

succeed[sEk5si:d] vi.成功v.接替;继承:You will succeed in the end unless you give up halfway. 除非你半途而废,否则到最后你将会成功。/ Spring succeeds (to) winter. 冬去春来。

【说明】表示成功地做某事,后接in doing sth,不接不定式。

success[sEk5ses] n.[U]成功,成就 [C]成功的人(事):Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。/ She was a success as an actress. 她是位成功的女演员。

【说明】have success in doing sth 意为成功地做某事,其中的in doing sth不能换成不定式。

such[sQtF]adj.这样的,那样的 pron.这样的人(事物):Don’t be in such a hurry. 不要如此匆忙。/ One such dictionary is enough. 这样的字典有一本就够了。

【短语】such (...) as 像…这样的;例如,诸如此类的,像…那样的 / such...that 如此…以致…

【用法】such 修饰的名词后跟定语从句时,引导定语从句的关系词只能是 as,而不能是 that, which, who, where等:I’ve never heard such stories as he tells. 我从未听过他讲那样的故事。

suddenly[5sQdnlI] adv.突然地:The sky suddenly turned dark. 天色突然变得昏暗起来。/ Suddenly everybody stopped talking. 突然大家都停止谈话了。

suffer[5sQfE] v.受苦;遭受;患病:We were suffering from poverty. 我们当时受贫穷之苦。/ He is suffering from a bad cold. 他在患重感冒。

sugar[5FJgE] n. [U]糖 [C]方糖,一块糖:Do you take sugar with your tea? 你的茶里放糖吗?

suggest[sE5dVest] vt.建议,提议;暗示,表明:He suggested going out for a walk. 他建议出去走走。

【用法】1.后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不能用不定式(有时动名词有逻辑主语):He suggests her doing it. 他建议她做此事。2.不要将汉语的“建议某人做某事”直译为suggest sb to do sth,可考虑后接宾语从句或后接one’s doing sth3.后接that从句时,若表示“建议”,则其后的 that 从句谓语通常用“(should)+动词原形”;若表示“暗示”、“意指”、“表明”等,则其后的that从句用陈述语气。

suit[sju:t] n.[C]一套衣服 v.适合,使适应:He is quite suited to [for] the work. 他很适合做此工作。/ He is suited to be a doctor. 他适合当医生。

suitable[5sju:tEbl] adj.合适的,适宜的,相配的:An evening dress would be more suitable. 晚礼服会更合适。/ Such books are not suitable for children. 那样的书不适合儿童阅读。

suitcase[5sju:tkeIs] n.[C]手提皮箱,衣箱:The suitcase wouldn’t take another thing. 这个衣箱再装不下别的东西了。

summer[5sQmE] n.[C,U]夏天,夏季:Summer follows spring. 春天之后是夏天。

sun[sQn] n. (与the 连用)太阳;阳光:The sun is set. 太阳已经下山。/ Don’t read in the sun. 不要在阳光下看书。

【短语】under the sun 世界上,到底,究竟

Sunday[5sQndI] n.[C,U]星期日:Sunday is the first day of the week. 星期日是每周的第一天。/ Let’s go swimming on Sunday. 我们星期日去游泳吧!

sunny[5sQnI] adj.晴朗的:The day was bright and sunny. 这天阳光灿烂。

sunset[5sQnset] n.[C,U]日落:They stopped work at sunset. 他们日落而息。/ We saw a glorious sunset. 我们看到一次壮观的落日景色。


supper[5sQpE] n.[C,U]晚餐:I’ll first get the supper ready. 我先去把晚饭准备好。/ What do we have for supper today? 今天晚餐我们吃什么?

supply[5sEplaI] vt.供给,供应;向…提供某物 n.[C,U]供应,供给;(用复数)生活必需品,日用品:Cows supply us with milk.=Cows supply milk to us. 奶牛给我们提供牛奶。/ We need some office supplies. 我们需要一些办公用品。

support[sE5pR:t] v.& n.支撑;支持;维持;赡养:These posts support the roof. 这些柱子支撑着房顶。/ He has a large family to support. 他要抚养一大家人。

suppose[5sEpEJz] v.猜想,推测,认为;假定:I should suppose him to be fifty. 我想他会有50岁了吧。/ Let’s suppose it to be so. 我们假定情况是这样。

【短语】be supposed to 应该,按理:They are supposed to arrive before dark. 他们应该在天黑前到。

【用法】do you suppose要连用疑问词时,疑问词总是位于其前,而不是其后,如“你放学后想干什么?”应译为What do you suppose you will do after school? 而不是Do you suppose what you will do after school?

sure[FJE] adj.确信,自信;一定,肯定adv.的确,当然:I’m not sure of [about] that. 我对此没有把握。/ You’re sure to fail if you do it that way. 你要是那样做,你肯定会失败。/ I’m not sure whether our team will win. 我不能肯定我队是否能赢。

【短语】for sure 肯定地,无疑地 / make sure 弄清,弄确实;设法,确保

【注意】下面一句要用certain不用sure,因为句首的it为形式主语:It’s certain that he will come to help us. 他肯定会来帮助我们。

surface[5sE:fIs] n.[C]表面;水面:It has a rough surface. 它表面粗糙。

surprise[sE5praIz] vt.使惊奇,使诧异n.[U]惊奇,诧异 [C]意外之事:You surprise me! 你吓了我一跳! / lt’s nothing to be surprised about [at]. 这事不值得大惊小怪。/ I was surprised at seeing [to see] him there. 我真想不到会在那里见到他。

【短语】in surprise 惊奇地 / to one’s surprise 出乎意料地,使人吃惊的是

sweater[5swetE] n.[C]羊毛衫,毛(线)衣,厚运动衣:She’s knitting her father a sweater. 她在为父亲织毛线衣。

sweep[swi:p] v.扫除;刮走,席卷;掠过,横扫n.(用单数)打扫:Sweep the floor clean. 把地扫干净。/ Her eyes swept the room. 她的目光扫视着房间。

sweet[swi:t] adj.甜的;甜美的,愉快的;芳香的;可爱的n.[C,U]糖果;甜食:The apples taste sweet. 这些苹果很甜。/ He dreamed a sweet dream. 他做了一个美梦。/ Don’t eat too many sweets. 不要吃太多的糖果。

swim[swIm]n.& v.(swam, swum)游;游泳:A horse can swim. 马会游泳。/ She went swimming every day. 她每天都在游泳。/ Let’s go for a swim. 我们去游泳吧。
