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1.        shade  n. 阴凉处    adj. shady  多荫的,阴凉的

2.        shadow  n. 阴影    adj. shadowy 有影的,多荫的

3.        shake  (shook, shaken) v., 摇动

4.        shall  (否定式shan’t ) 用在陈述句中与23人称搭配,表示说话者的意志,如威胁、恐吓、命令

5.        shame n.(不可数羞愧,可耻  He hung his head in shame.         (可数)可耻的人或事 It’s a shame to lie.

遗憾的人或事 (= pity) It’s a shame to treat him like that.

   adj. shameful 可耻的  a shameful thing       ashamed 感到羞耻的   She felt ashamed.

   adj. shameless 无耻的,不知羞耻的

6.shape n. 形状   in shape 在形式上

7.share   share sth. with sb.

8.sharp adj. 锋利的   a sharp knife   a sharp pencil 尖的铅笔    敏锐的 sharp eyes /ears    刺骨的a sharp wind

 急转的 a sharp turn   a sharp drop in temperature           adv. The meeting started at eight sharp.

9.shave (shaved, shaved/shaven) v. ,(胡须),修剪(草坪)        n. have a shave and a haircut 修面理发


11.sheep  pl. sheep    a black sheep 害群之马   separate the sheep from the goats 区别好坏

12.sheet [可数] 床单   get between the sheets 就寝   一张  two sheets of paper

13.shelf  pl. shelves    a book-shelf 书架

14.shine (shone, shone) 照耀,发光     15.ship  pl. ship           16.shirt  a T-shirt

17.shock n.震惊     to one’s shock   v. I was shocked at /by his rudeness.

18.shoe   shoe lace 鞋带   shoe polish 鞋油

19. shoot(shot, shot)  射击; 拍摄   The film was shot in China . 

the shooting star 流星     n. shot 射击,开枪  take /have a shot at a bird

20.shop             21. shore     off shore 离海岸不远处

22.short  in short 总之,简言之  run/be short of 缺少  short cut 捷径

23. should     

24. shoulder  shoulder by shoulder  肩并肩

25.shout   shout at sb.

26.show (showed, showed/shown)  n. / v.       be on show 展览 

 show sb. around 参观      show off 炫耀       show up 出席,到场

27.shower n.  阵雨        have / take a shower 沐浴

28.shut (shut, shut)   shut up 闭嘴    shout down 关闭(工厂,商店等)

29.shy adj.害羞的     n. shyness

30.sick  adj.  be /fall sick   生病    sick leave  病假    n. sickness

31.side n.边,侧面   by/ at the side of 旁边       side by side 肩并肩,并排

 take sides with sb. = take the side of sb. 同意,支持    on one’s side = on the side of sb.  支持索赔

32sigh n./v. 叹息,叹气    sign  符号

33sight n.[可数] 视力,目光    have long /far sight  远视     have short/near sight  近视

[不可数] 见,瞥见  at first sight 第一眼  at the sight of 一看见…      catch /have /get sight of 看到,发现    

in/within sight 视线范围内      out of sight 视线范围外

adj. short-sighted   near-sighted 近视的,目光短浅的  far-sighted     long-sighted远视的,目光长远的

n. sight—seeing 观光,游览

34sign n.符号,记号;标志;迹象,征兆vt.签名 sign one’s name   n. signature  

vi.做手势sign to /for sb.     sign language 手势语    sign post 路标

35silence  n.沉默,无言     in silence    vt.使安静,使沉默 The arrival of the teacher silenced the class.

adj.silent 沉默的;寂静的 ;静止的    keep silent     a silent volcano静止的火山

不发音的 The “t” is silent  in “often”.

36silk n.丝绸   adj. silky   Silk Route 丝绸之路  silkworm

37silly adj.傻的,愚蠢的   foolish   stupid

38.silver n./adj.,银的   silver medal 银牌   silver wedding 银婚

39similar  adj.相似的     be similar to

40simple adj.简单的      simple–minded 头脑简单的,纯朴的

n. simplicity     v. simplify 简化  a simplified reader 简写读物

41since     It is/was some time since …did/had done…自从有一段时间

It is /was the first time that …have done/had done…

42.sing (sang, sung) v. 唱歌    n.  singer    sing high praise for   sing the praise of sb./sing sb’s praise 赞扬 

43single 单一的;独身的      adv. singly 单身的,独自的;个别的

   deal with the problem singly  一个个的处理问题

44.sink (sank/sunk ,sunk/ sunken) 下沉,沉没      n. 洗涤槽,水池   sink or swim 孤注一掷,不论成败

45sir                       46.sister      sister-in-law 嫂子,弟媳

47sit(sat, sat)   sit up = stay up 熬夜     n. sit-up 仰卧起座

48.situation n.位置;处境,情形;形势    He is in a difficult situation他处境困难。

the international/domestic situation国际/国内形势

situated adj.位于    be situated /located in     The temple is situated /located on the top of the mountain.

49.six  at sixs and sevens  乱七八糟的     six  sixth  ;        sixteen  sixteenth;      sixty sixtieth

50.size 尺寸,大小     be of a size 一样大

51.skate v.滑冰   roller skatings 溜冰鞋

52.skill技能,技巧    skilled adj. 熟练的,有技能的  a  skilled/unskilled  worker

skillful adj. 熟练的,灵巧的  He is skilled in/at teaching.擅长于

53skin n.皮肤     adj. skinny 皮包骨的,极瘦的

54skirt n. 女裙   (常用复数)城郊,边缘 on the skirts of a city 在市郊

55sky n. 天空  praise sb. to the skies 捧上天 out of a clear sky  晴天霹雳的,突然   sky scraper   摩天大楼

56.slave n. 奴隶    v. enslave 使成为奴隶       n. slavery 奴隶制度

57sleep (slept, slept)  go to sleep 入睡     fall asleep熟睡      go to bed 去睡     sleeping bag/sack 睡袋    

sleeping car/carriage 卧铺    sleeping pill/tablet安眠药

58.slightly adv.轻微的,稍微的       adj. slight  I have a slight cold. 我有点感冒了。

59slow adj.慢的;迟钝的,不活跃的  adv. slowly    n. slowness

60. small   small change 零钱

61smart adj.聪明的,机敏的     adv. smartly   n. smartness

62. smell (smelt/smelled, smelt/smelled) n.&v.    smell/feel/sound/taste/look  + adj.   ////看起来

63smile n.&v. 微笑

64smoke n.& v. 烟;抽烟     end (up)in smoke 成为泡影,化为乌有adj. smoky 冒烟的,烟熏的

65smooth adj.光滑的,平坦的;顺利的    adv. Smoothly    vi. smooth away 消除障碍,困难等

e.g  We’ll be able to smooth away these difficulties.

66.snake                67.snow          

68.so  so + adj./adv. + that…   such + n. + that…  如此以致于,引导结果状从,可省that

       so that 引起目的状从,常和may ,can, will 连用,that 可省

e.g Check carefully so(that) any mistake will be caught.

They were so tired (that) they could do nothing but yawn(打呵欠) .

  and so on /and so forth  等等  as/so long as 只要  be so kind /good as to 劳驾  Would you be so kind to help me?

  so as not to  为了       so far 迄今为止

69soap 肥皂

70socialism n.社会主义    n. society 社会 n. socialist 社会主义    adj. socialist construction  社会主义建设  

adj. social  社会的    social welfare 社会福利

71sock n.   短袜;中统袜     stockings  长袜

72soft 软的;柔和的  soft drink 不含酒精的软饮料,尤指果汁

73.soil 土壤                    74.soldier  n. 士兵

75.solid n./adj.固体;固体的,实心的 

76.some   someday      someone /somebody    something  sometimes    somewhere

77.son 儿子       daughter女儿

78.song n.  popular songs        v. sing(sang, sung) 

79.soon   as soon as possible  = as soon as one can   no sooner…than …

   hardly / scarecely …when..   …     sooner or later 迟早      The sooner the better.越块越好

80.sorry     say sorry to sb.           

81.sort  n.种类       all sorts of  =  all kinds of   v.分类   sort out 整理   sort out a drawer  整理抽屉

82.soul 灵魂,心灵        body and soul 肉体和灵魂     heart and soul 全部心思

83.sound n./v.各种声音      voice   嗓音       noise 噪音   adj.健康的,健全的   safe and sound 安然无恙


85south n./adv.   fly to the south /  fly south      adj.  the South Pole  南极

adj. southern  the southern hemisphere 南半球   adj.& adv. southward 向南的

[u]--  不可数名词      [c]---  可数名词

86space n. [u] 太空 in outer space 不用冠词,但有adj.修饰可in the dark space

[c][u]间隔,距离  The trees are planted at equal spaces.

spacecraft spaceship 宇宙飞船          spaceshuttle 航天飞机

87.Spanish adj./n.西班牙的,西班牙人的 ;西班牙语 the Spanish 西班牙人

88.spare vt.匀出,抽出       spare a ticket for me   spare no efforts/expense 不遗余力/不惜费用

   使免受痛苦;不伤害;宽恕  spare sb. from  使sb.免受痛苦

   Take the money but spare my life .把钱拿去,饶我一命

 adj.空闲的   in one’s spare /free time

     备用的    a spare tyre  备用轮胎 

89.speak (spoke, spoken)   speak English     speak of 提到   frankly /strictly/generally speaking 插入语

   speak ill/well of 说坏/好话    loudspeaker 扬声器

90special adj.特别的,专门的   adv. specially   cf especially 尤其的,特别的  

   vi. specialize 专攻,专门研究      n. specialist专家

91.speech (speak的名词形式)   adj. speechless 无言的

   [u]说话能力    Man is the only animal that has the power of speech.

   [c] 讲话,演讲  give /make a speech 做报告,演讲

92.speed  n./v.  速度;加速   speed up 加速       with all speed 全速     speed limit 车速限制

93.spell(spelt/spelled, spelt/spelled)    n. spelling

94.spend (spent, spent) 花费   sb. spend time/money on sth.       sb. spend time/money in doing sth.

   花费take    it/sth. takes  sb. some time  to do sth.       cost    sth. cost sb. time/money 

*使失去生命,健康等 Careless driving cost him his life.

95.spirit  n.精神    the spirit of the age /times 时代精神

96.splendid adj.华丽的,辉煌的

97spoon n. 调羹

98sport n.运动       a sports meeting /meet        have sports 参加体育运动       sports car   赛车

99.spread (spread, spread)   vt.传播,散布   spread the news

   vi.传开,蔓延   Word spread quickly about the accident.   spread oneself舒展身体,伸展四肢

100spring n.春天;泉;弹簧     a hot spring 温泉  v. 弹跳  e.g He sprang to his feet. 他一跃而起。

spring up 出现,迅速长出   e.g A doubt sprang up in her mind .他心中产生了怀疑。 

101square n. 正方形,广场    Tian An Men Square  天安门广场

102stage  n. 阶段,时期      in the early stage 早期     舞台    on the stage 在舞台上

103stair n. (常用复数)楼梯   a flight of stairs  一段楼梯

104stamp 邮票    collect stamps  集邮

105stand (stood,stood)     stand by 袖手旁观    stand out 显眼,出色   stand for 代表,象征

  stand/bear doing sth. 忍受做sth. 

106.standard n./adj.标准,规格  the living standard 生活标准      moral standards 道德准则

standard English  标准英语

107star n. ;明星  the North /Polar star  北极星

108stare v.盯,凝视   stare at sb.

109.start v./n.   start doing sth. /start to do sth.

110.starve vi.饿   starve to death 饿死        n. starvation

111. state n. 国家,政府   the United States  vt.陈诉,声明   The Prime Minister stated his views on the subject.

112.station n. 车站

113stay vi.待,留下  stay at home   link.v. (联系动词) 保持某种状态  The window stayed open all the night.

stay up 熬夜     

114.steal (stole ,stolen)  steal sth. from sb./ rob sth. of sb.

115.steam n.蒸汽

116.steel       iron and steel 钢铁

117.step n.步伐     Watch your steps! 当心         v.行走   step forward  向前走 

118stick(stuck, stuck) 粘贴  stick the broken pieces together      stick to 坚持

  e.g The bus was/got stuck in the mud.  难住,困住,陷住

119.still adv. 仍然n sth.

120.stomach  n.   pl. stomachs

121.stone 石头     Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕

122.stop  stop doing sth.停止做sth. /stop to do sth. 停下来做sth.

    stop /prevent/ sb. (from )doing sth.  阻止做sth.      keep sb. from doing sth. from 不可省 ,阻止做sth.

123store n.  商店;贮存   the department store  百货商店      have sth. in store 储存

n. storekeeper /shopkeeper 店主

124storm n. 暴风雨

125story n. 故事;经历     as the story goes 据说, to make a long story short  长话短说,简言之

126straight adj.直的;坦率的,正直的     a straight line 直线   a straight answer 直截了当的回答

adv.直接的,马上  He went straight home .         stand /sit straight /坐直

127strange adj.奇怪的    adv. strangely      n. strangeness     stranger 陌生人

128street n. 街道

129strength n.力量     Union is strength. 团结就是力量。

130strict adj.严格的    be strict with sb.     be strict in sth.

131.strike (struck, struck)          be on strike  罢工

132.strong adj.强壮的

133struggle  v./ n. 奋斗,努力   struggle to one’s feet 挣扎站起

134student n.同学

135study v./n. 学习 ,研究

136stupid adj.愚蠢的

137subject n.主题;学科,科目

138succeed v. 成功          adj. successful   adv. successfully

succeed in doing sth.    be successful in doing sth.成功的做sth.

 n.  success    [u] 成功  Wish you success!       [c] 成功的人或事   He is a success as a teacher.

139.such    such…that      so …that    如此以致于

140suddenly adv. 突然的      adj. sudden      all of a sudden 突然       

141suffer   vt.  suffer hunger/pain                vi.  suffer from hunger/pain

142.sugar n.     sugarcane  甘蔗

143.suggest v.建议;暗示,表明        n.suggestion     suggest (sb/ sb’s )doing sth.

建议 suggest +that…should +  动原…        暗示,表明  suggest +that… + 陈述语气

144.suit   n. 一套衣服      vi.合适;协调     adj. suitable  合适的   be suitable for

145.suitcase n.手提箱

146.summer 夏天

147.sun  太阳      under the sun  天底下,世界上   adj. sunny  向阳的,晴朗的   sunny days  晴朗的日子

148.Sunday  星期天

149.sunset 日落        sunrise 日出

150.supper 晚饭    have supper /breakfast/lunch

151.supply   v./n.提供    be in short supply 短缺    supply sb. with sth.     supply sth. for/to sb.

    offer sb. sth.           offer sth. to sb.    provide sb. with sth.    provide sth. for sb.

152.support 支持;维持,供养  support the family 养家糊口

153.suppose v.假设,   be supposed to 应该,理应该

154sure adj.   adv. surely     sb. be sure to  do sth.       sb. be sure of sth.  主语只能是人

sb./sth. be certain to do sth.    sb./sth. be certain of sth.    只能是    it ′s certain that…      

make sure … 确信          for sure 确实的,肯定的

155surface n.表面,外观

156surprise  n./v.                             to one’s surprise 令某人奇怪的是     in surprise = surprisedly

take …by surprise  奇袭,使意外 e.g His answer took us by surprise. 他的回答使我们吃惊。

adj. surprised   surprising

157.sweep (swept, swept)   扫除;席卷

e.g The storm swept (over) the country.

158.sweet adj. 甜的  [c]  糖果     sweat  n. 

159.swim (swam, swum)游泳 n./v.    have a swim        n. swimming     swimmer游泳者


1.        table n. 桌子

2.        tail n.尾巴

3.        tailor n. 裁缝    at the tailor’s 在裁缝铺

4take (took, taken)   take a walk 散步        take away 拿走      take down  取下;写下

   take out拿出    take off  起飞;脱下;腾飞   take food /medicine      take the train/a boat/a bus

   take over接管       take in 吸收    take one’s time 慢慢来   take up 占据;从事;拿起(武器) 

   take great trouble to do sth.不辞辛劳的做某事   take exercise 运动   take …for granted  认为理所当然

5tale   故事,传说    fairy tales童话    folk tales民间故事

6talk   n./v.      have a talk 谈话   talk about 谈到       talk of 谈起       talk with /to sb.

7tall adj. 高的

8tap v. 轻拍      n.水龙头

9. tape 磁带     tape recorder磁带录音机

10task  任务

11taste n. /v.    to one’s taste 按口味      in good/bad taste格调低/高的    link.v.   It tastes good.

12.tax n.

13.taxi  的士 take a taxi       go by taxi /go in a taxi 乘出租车去

   get in /into a taxi 上车     get out of a taxi 下车

14tea     make tea 沏茶

15.teach (taught, taught)   teach  sb. sth.    teach sth. to sb.   teach oneself 自学

16teacher 教师

17team 队,组     teamwork 协同工作

18tear  n. / 眼泪    v.撕(tore,torn  in tears流着泪    tear apart 使分离    tear down 拆卸,折毁

   tear off 扯掉        tear sth. into pieces 撕成碎片

19. technical  adj. 有技术的,有技能的

20. technique  n. 技术,技能

21telegram  n. [c] [u]电报    by telegram

22telegraph n.[c]电报机   [u]  电报   by telegraph 

1.telephone/phone cn./v.(打)电话  be on the ~在打电话

2.television/TV n.电视   I heard it on TV.

3.tell/told/told vt.告诉;要求;断定    ~ sb. (not) to do sth.     ~ sb. how to do sth.

   Do as you are told to.     ~ A from B=~ A and B apart   ~ the difference between A and B

4.temperature n.温度;高烧   have/run a ~发烧

5.ten num.  ~s of thousands of数以万计的

6.tense adj.强烈的     ~ly adv.

7.tent cn.帐篷   set up the ~

8.term cn.学期;字眼    in ~s of......的词句/术语(表示);按照

be on good ~s with......和好相处       come to ~s with sb.......让步

9.terrible adj.可怕的;糟糕的    terribly adv.非常    terror n.恐怖   terrorism n.恐怖主义

10.thank v./n.感谢    thankful adj.感激的(=grateful

11.theatre/theater cn.剧院;戏剧学    go to the ~去看戏

12.then adv.当时  ~ and then就在当时当地   now and here就在此时此地   now and ~偶尔  every now and ~时常   

13.therefore adv.因此;所以

14.thick adj.厚的;浓密的;粗壮的    through ~ and thin不顾一切;不顾安危

15.thief cn.小偷;贼      (复数)thieves    theft n.偷盗    set a ~ to catch a ~以毒攻毒

16.thin adj.(thick的反义词)薄的;瘦的;稀薄的   thinner/thinnest

17.thing cn.事情   for one ~举一个例子来说吧   for another ~其次

18.think/thought/thought v.思考;认为    thought n.思想    thoughtful adj.体贴人的;沉思所

I ~ that he is a bright boy.=I ~ him a bright boy.   ~ about...考虑

I ~ that it is nice to have a tea after work.=I ~ it nice to have a tea after work.

~ hard深思   ~...over仔细思考    highly/much/a lot of重视;对......评价很高

~ poorly/little/ill/nothing of轻视;对......评价低    ~ of考虑;想起;设想;打算;记得

Think twice before you leap.三思而后行。

19.thirst n.口渴  thirsty adj.   be thirsty for sth.渴望得到

20.this pron.这个    with ~这样说完就     With this, he left in a hurry.

21.thousand num.   one in a ~独一无二的人或物  ~s upon ~s of无数的

   Toady I have a ~ and one things to do.(许多)

22.thread cn.线    the ~ of the story小说的线索   A needle and ~ is need badly.

23.through prep.穿过   all ~ the night=throughout the night=all the night      be ~ with=finish做完

   get ~完成(=get ~ with);通过;及格;接通(电话)    see ~ sb.看穿;识破

24.throw/threw/thrown vt.扔掉;投掷   ~ sth. about乱仍;乱丢    ~ sth. at向投掷     ~ sth. away抛弃;浪费

   ~ sth. back丢回;拒绝;   ~ sth. down推翻;拆毁   ~ light on照亮;阐明

   ~ sth. open打开;开放     ~ sth. up向上抛;呕吐;辞职

25.Thursday n.星期四

26.thus adv.所以;因此

27.ticket cn.票;罚单   a ~ for the film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon     a one-way ~单程车票     

28.tidy adj.整齐的  His room is clean and ~.   vt. 收拾,整理   He is ~ing his room.

29.tie n.领结;平局;关系  vt. ,,, ~ A to B     现在分词tying

30.tight adj. 紧的; 紧身的; (比赛等)势均力敌的  The dress is too ~ for me.   n.tights紧身衣    tighten vt.弄紧

31.time un.时间 How ~ flies!  cn. , How many ~s have you been to the USA?

   cn. 时代  in the ancient ~s   cn. The earth is 49 ~s the size of the moon.

     ahead of ~提前   all the ~一直;始终  at a ~同时;一次  at all ~s总是;始终

     at no ~决不;从不   at one ~曾经;一度   at that ~当时  

     at this ~ of day这样迟  at ~s偶尔    behind the ~s落后于时代

     behind ~晚点      each time每当   for the first/second ~第一次 

     for the ~ being暂时;目前    from ~ to ~偶尔    have a good ~过得快活

     It is high time that he went to bed. .......   Time is up.时间到。

     in no ~立即    in old/ancient ~s在古代    at the same ~=in the meantime同时

     in ~及时;赶上  keep good ~(钟表)走得准   most of the ~时常

     take one’s ~慢慢来  ~ after ~=~ and (~) again反复地         Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待。

32.tin un.     cn. 罐头I bought a tin of sardines.

33.tiny adj. 极小的;微小的

34.tip cn. 顶端;尖端;窍门  Your name is just on the ~ of my tongue.

35.tire vt.使劳累    ~ sb. out使......累得筋疲力尽    be tired out累得筋疲力尽     tired 累的   tiring 令人累的

 cn.轮胎   a flat ~

36.tobacco un.烟草

37.toilet cn. 洗手间; 梳妆   Jane made a toilet before going to the party. 珍在动身去参加聚会前梳妆打扮了一番。

38.tomato cn.番茄;西红柿

39.tomorrow n.明天   Tomorrow is another day.

40.ton cn.  a ~ of coal

41.tongue cn.舌头;语言   one’s mother ~母语

42.too adv.太;过于       too much接不可数名词    much too接形容词或副词    go ~ far走极端;过分

       cannot... too...=cannot...enough无论......都不过分        too...(for sb.) to do sth.

       You can never be too careful in an exam.       A woman cannot have enough hats.

43.tool cn.工具

44.tooth cn.牙齿(pl. teethhave a ~ pulled out  be armed to the teeth武装到牙齿

45.top n.顶端; 顶点,极点   on (the) ~ of        from ~ to bottom      at the ~ of one’s voice

       adj. 顶的;顶上的;最高的;最优良的      live on the ~ floor      a top expert on SARS  at top speed

46.total adj./n. 总计的,总括的,全体的   in ~=in all合计

What is the total population of Japan?   Their expenses reached a total of 1,000 pounds.

vt. 合计为The students of our college total two thousand.

47.touch vt. 碰到; 触摸; 触动,感动I was touched beyond words.

  un. 触觉; 接触,联系  sense of ~    

keep in ~ with sb.保持联系 lose ~ with sb.  be out of ~    get in ~ with sb.

cn. ,It will break at a touch.

48.tour v./cn.游览   tourism n.旅游业    tourist cn.游客

49.toward(s) prep. ,;面对;对于;关于   What is your attitude ~ the question?

50.tower cn. ;塔楼   the Leaning Tower of Pisa  vi. 高耸,屹立The skyscraper towers into the sky.

51.town cn.城镇   go to ~上城(购物游玩等)     be in ~

52.toy cn.玩具     a ~ bear

53.track cn. (1)行踪;轨道;足迹We followed his tracks in the snow to a hut.

            keep ~ of留意;跟上发展;保持接触;跟踪   『反』lose ~ of

    (2) 铁轨,轨道The train jumped the track.

           (3) 跑道;径赛运动He runs around the track every morning.    sports of ~ and field田径运动

        vt. 跟踪;追踪

54.tractor cn.拖拉机    tract vt. 拖拉

55.trade un. 贸易,交易,商业 improve international ~    WTO(World Trade Organization)

        cn. 行业        vi. 做买卖,进行交易    ~ with the local people

56.traffic un. 交通(); 运输;运载量;运输业       There is too much traffic on the road.

Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour.     Illegal traffic in protected animals is quite common there.

57.train vt.训练;培训   Mother trained us to be honest.    ~ up训练;培训

 vi.接受训练,锻炼 They are training for the boat race.   training un. 训练;培训

58.translate vt.翻译   ~ A into B

59.transport vt. 运送,运输,搬运     The goods will be transported to Tokyo by air.

The machines are ready for transport.

un.(=transportation) 运送,运输,搬运

60.travel vi. 旅行; (光、声音等)行进,传导    vt. ...旅行,游遍They travelled Australia from end to end.

          un. 旅行,游历We had ten day's travel by train.

           注意:复数表示游记” The Travels of Marco Polo

61.treasure un. 金银财宝,财富  vt. 珍爱,珍视; 铭记        This is a moment I will always ~.

62.treat vt. (1)对待;看待,...看作   ~ A as B    ~ sb. well/badly

   (2) 医疗,治疗The doctors were not able to treat this disease.

   (3) 款待,() We'll treat you to some sea food.

        cn. 请客   It’s my ~. Treat or trick?

63.trick cn. (1)诡计;骗局;谋略;花招  play a ~ on sb.

   (2) 窍门,招数,手法Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language.

64.trip cn. (1)旅行;航行;行程He has gone on a business trip.

          (2) 跌倒,失足;失误He apologized for the trip of the tongue.

       vi. 旅行,远足;绊倒He tripped over a brick.

65.trouble n. 烦恼;忧虑; 困难;困境     ask/look for ~自找麻烦   get sb. into ~使某人陷入困境    be in ~

           take the ~ to do sth.不辞辛劳做   have ~ (in) doing sth.做某事有困难

           make ~捣乱  save ~避免麻烦    have ~ with sb.与某人发生纠纷

  vt. 使烦恼;使忧虑;(表示客气时用)麻烦Could I trouble you to open the window?

   Never ~ ~ until ~ ~s you.

66.trousers n.裤子    a pair of ~     同义词pants    近义词shorts短裤 tights紧身衣

67.truck cn. 手推小平台车;卡车

68.true adj. 真实的,确实的; 真的,非人造的; 忠诚的;虔诚的

come ~实现;应验     be ~ to one’s name名副其实        be ~ to one’s word守约

       truly adv.    truth un.    in truth说实话;确实=to tell the truth=truth to tell

69.trust vt.(1) 信任,信赖Why must you trust a guy like him?

   (2)依靠,依赖I can't trust my memory. I'd better write everything down.

 un. 信任,信赖I have no trust in him.

70.try vt. (1)试图;努力 ~ to do sth.(只强调努力)   manage to do sth.(强调做成,即成功)

        (2)尝试,试行Let's try knocking at the back door.

        (3) 试验,试用  ~ some sea food/ the key

          ~ sth. on试穿;试试看  ~ sth. out试验;精炼    ~ one’s best to do sth.尽力

      cn. 尝试;努力  Don’t be shy and have a ~!


1.        Tuesday n. 星期二

2.        turn  v. / n.     turn into 使变成;翻译成    turn to 翻到;求助于(turn to sb for help

turn off 关掉  turn on  打开  turn down 关小;拒绝  turn up 调高;出现

turn over 移交;翻阅;反复思考; 翻转  turn out (to be) 结果是,证明是

turn away 转过身去   turn in 上缴    turn… upside down 颠倒

turn a deaf ear to 不理会      a turning point 转折点

turn + n.+ adj. 使变成   turn + adj. 变成   turn + n (勿加冠词)

    e.g. He has turn doctor. = He has become / made a doctor.

by turns 轮流地   in turn 依次地;转而,反过来  

take turns to do sth.  依次做,轮流做      It’s your turn now! 轮到你了! 

3. twelve 十二  twelfth 第十二    twenty 二十   twentieth 第二十

4. twice 两次,两倍 

5. type n./ v. 种类,式样;字体;打字  typewriter 打字机  typical adj. 典型的

this type of hat = a hat of this type  这种式样的帽子


1.        ugly adj. 丑陋的,难看的;不愉快的;坏的

2.        umbrella n.

3.        uncle n. 叔父,伯父,舅父,姨父,姑父 Uncle Sam 山姆大叔,美国人,美国, 美国政府

Uncle Tom汤姆大伯(与白人交往并竭力讨好白人的黑人)

4.        under prep. 之下  (反义:overunder 强调在正下方   under the table 在桌子下面

below 以下         below one’s eyes 在视线下

be under one’s control 控制  bring…under control 控制起来

under +动作名词(名词前不用冠词):处于某种状态中

   under discussion / repair / construction / treatment / investigation

5.        understand (understood, understood ) v. 理解understanding n. 理解,理解力  misunderstanding n. 误解

make oneself misunderstood 使自己被理解     have a good understanding of  了解,理解

6.         uniform n. 制服   uni- 单一  unicycle 单轮车  unique  独一无二的

7.        unit  n. 单位

8.        unite v. 合并,联合  united adj. 团结的   unity n. 团结,统一

be united with 合并,结合   the UK = the United Kingdom 英国

the US (A= the United States (of American) 美国  the UN = the United Nations 联合国

9.        universe n. 宇宙,世界 

universal adj. 普遍的,一般的,宇宙的,全世界的, 多才多艺的

universal truth 普遍的真理  a universal rule 一般法则

a universal language 世界通用语  universal knowledge 渊博的知识

10 university n. 大学  go to university 上大学

11. unknown adj. 不知的,未知的 be unknown to sb

12. unless conj. 除非,如果不He never speaks unless (he is )spoken to.除非别人先对他开口,他从不先讲话。

Unless you change you mind (If you don’t change your mind ), I won’t be able to help you.

13. until conj. / prep. 直到I shall stay here until next Sunday.(肯定句中,与持续性动词连用)

He did not come until late in the evening. (否定句中,与瞬间性动词连用)

Not until the concert had begun did he appear. (not until 放句首,考虑倒装)

It was not until …that…. (强调句型)直到

until till意思基本 一样 只是正式文体中常用until,放句首不用till.

14. unusual adj. 不同寻常的

15. up adv. / prep. / n.      up and down 上上下下(此处up 为副词

ups and downs (地形)高低, 盛败兴衰 (此处up 为名词)

up and about 起来活动  up till 直到 It’s all up with … 一切都完了        what’s up? 出了什么事?

up to 1)直到… I didn’t know the fact up to then.

      (2) 从事,忙于 What are you up to now? 你现在在忙啥呢?

     3)胜任 He is not up to the work.

      (4) …的责任,取决于It is up to me to help them with English.

      (5) (数目上)多达

16. upon prep. 之上         on 同,但有些惯用语必须用upon

upon my word 我发誓    once upon a time 从前   depend upon it 没错

17. upstairs adv.  (反:downstairs )  go downstairs 上楼

18. upward(s)  向上 upward 做定语或状语 upwards 只做状语)

19. use n. / v.    useful adj. 有用的make full / gooduse of = make the most / best of 充分利用

be of great use = be very useful  非常有用的  be of little / no use 没用的

It is (of ) no use doing sth / to do sth . 是没有用的   come into use 使用   put … to use 加以使用

20. used    be / get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事     used to do sth 过去常常做某事

21. useful adj. 有用的

22. usual adj. 通常的  as usual 一如往常

23. usually adv. 通常地


1.        vacation n. 假期  on vacation(美)/ on holiday ()在度假  

the summer vacation ()/ the summer holidays(英)暑假

2.        valley n. 山谷

3.        valuable adj. 有价值的,值钱的 value n./ v. 价值, 重视  values 人生观

be of great value = be very valuable 很有价值的   be good / poor value for money 花钱划算/不划算

4.  variety n. 种类,多样性  vary v. 改变,使变化   various adj. 各种各样的

     a great / large / wide variety of 各种各样的    vary from… to… 不等变化

e. g. Her health varies from good to rather weak.

     vary with 而变化  The weather here varies with seasons.

6. vast adj. 巨大的,广大的     a vast expanse of water 一片汪洋    a vast sum of money 一大笔钱

7. vegetable n. 蔬菜   vegetarian 素食主义这 vegan 严格的素食主义者

8. verb n. 动词

9. very adv. 非常

10. victory n. 胜利  win/ achieve/ gain/ get / have a victory 取得胜利

11. village n. 村,村庄  villager 村民

12. visit n. / v. 拜访,访问  visitor n. 访问者,来客  go on a visit to… = pay a visit to …= pay… a visit

13. voice n./ v. 嗓子, 发言权,说出     at the top of one’s voice 扯着嗓子,大声 

give voice to…大声说出或表达(感情,思想等)     in a low voice 低声地   with one voice 异口同声

     I have no voice in the decision. 我对这个决议没有发言权

     voice (v.) one’s opinion/ dissatisfaction/ views 发表意见/表示不满/表达观点

14. volleyball n. 排球 play volleyball

15. voyage n. 航海,太空旅行 (可数名词)    go on a voyage 去航海


1.        wait n. / v. 等待    wait for 等待Mother waited for me to come back for dinner. 妈等我回来吃饭。

wait …for sb. 而耽搁   Don’t wait dinner for me. 别等我吃饭。

wait on  照顾,拜访She waited on her Mother-in- law. 她照顾婆婆。

 If convenient, I’ll wait on you tomorrow.   如果方便的话,我明天去拜访你。

    wait and see 很快就会明白,拭目以待

2.        waiter 男侍者  waitress 女侍者

3.        wake v. woke, woken)醒来,叫醒   wake up  醒来

4.        walk v. / n.  散步    have / take a walk 散步 go for a walk 去散步

                       walk (vt.) a dog 遛狗   walks of life 各行各业

5.        wall n.   Wall Street 华尔街  the Great Wall 长城            Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳

6.        want v. / n. 想要  want (sb) to do sth 想要(某人)做某事           want sth done 让某事情被完成

want for 缺少 He want for nothing.她什么都不缺)

                 want doing sth = want to be done (need, require 主动表被动)

7.        war n. 战争  be at war with 交战 go to war 开战   go to the wars 从军

8.        warm adj. / v. 温暖的,热烈的,使暖和起来(warm up

9.        warn v. 警告,提醒   warning n./ adj. 告诫,警告,告诫的      warn sb of / against sth 警告某人某事

       e. g. We were warned of / against the danger of flood.

      warn sb not to do sth = warn sb against doing sth  警告某人别去做某事

       e. g. The doctor warned me not to drink / against drinking.医生告诫我不要喝酒

       warn that +从句

10.     wash .v. 洗,冲洗      This cloth washed well. 这布料经洗。

11.     waste v. / n. 浪费    waste …in / ondoing sth  Don’t waste time playing.

      waste … on sb / sth   Don’t waste words on him. 不要和他多费口舌。

      It’s a waste of … to do sth.   It’s a waste of money to but that.

12.     watch v./n.  留心观察,注视,照看, 手表     watch TV 看电视     watch sb to do sth / doing sth

     watch out (for sth )  = look out (for sth) 当心

13.     water n./ .v. 水(不可数),水域(可数, 浇灌    by water 乘船由水路 

    waterfall 瀑布  watermelon 西瓜  waterproof 防水的

14.     wave n./ v. 波浪,挥手,一阵   A wave of fear swept over her. 一阵恐惧从她身上掠过。

15. way n. 路,方式 by the way 顺便  on one’s way (to sp.) 在某人去某地的路上

     in the / one’s way  妨碍,堵住  all the way 一路上 by way of 经由

     lose the / one’s way = be / get lost 迷路     the way to do sth = the way of doing sth 做某事的方法

15.     weak adj.虚弱的,软弱的,能力差的     weaken v. 使变弱,变弱   weakness n. (可数)软弱,弱点

16. wealth n. 财富   wealthy adj. 富有的

17. wear v. wore , worn 穿,戴,留须发    wear out  穿坏;疲劳

    Cheap socks wear out quickly. 便宜的袜子很快就穿破了。I am worn out by the hard work. 辛劳使我筋疲力尽。

18. weather n. 天气(不可数) weather-beaten 饱经风霜的

19. wedding n. 婚礼 =wedding ceremony wed v. 嫁娶  He wedded / married Jane. 他娶了简。

  a newly married couple = a newly wedded couple 一对新婚夫妇

20. Wednesday n. 星期三

21. week n. 星期  week in week out = week after week 一周又一周

weekly adv. / adj. / 每周地/的;周刊  weekday 平日   weekend 周末

22. weigh v. 重量   weight n. 重量 lose weight 减肥 

     by weight 按重量/斤两计  Apples are sold by weight. 苹果按斤卖。

23. welcome v. / adj. 欢迎,受欢迎的    welcome you to sp 欢迎某人到某地方

You are welcome. = Not at all. 当对方道谢是的回答语,不要客气

24. well adj./ adv. 身体好的;顺利地,很好   might/ may as well do sth 不妨,最好做某事

  e. g. Since nobody else wants the job, we might as well let him have it.


might as well do sth …as do sth 如果倒不如

   e. g.  You might as well throw away your money as spend it in betting.


as well as   e. g. He speaks French, and Spanish as well.

as well as 之外,也

   e. g. He speaks Spanish as well as French. = He speaks not only French but also Spanish. 他不仅会讲法语,也会讲西班牙语。

25. well-known adj. 众所周知的,著名的(= famous_

26. west n./ adj./ adv. 西方,向西   in the west 在西方  the West 西方 The house looks (faces) west. 这房子朝西。

   western adj. 西方的

27. wet adj. 湿的 Wet paint. 油漆未干。

28. what    What … for? 为何 e. g. What did you go there for ? 你为何去那里?

    What if…? 如果该怎么办?如果又有什么关系?

        e. g. What if you should fail? 假如他失败又有什么关系?

    what is called 所谓的 e. g. He is what is called a walking dictionary. 他是所谓的活字典

    A is to B what C is to D.      e. g. The Spring festival is to Chinese what Christmas to wresters

29. whatever 引导让步状语从句或名词性从句

Whateverno matter what happens, we should keep calm. (让步状语从句)


Choose whatever you like. (名词性从句)选择你所喜欢的。

30. wheat n. 小麦

31. wheel n. 车轮,方向盘

32. when 的时候;既然 He was just about to leave when he came. 我刚要走,他就来了。

     Why did you write in pencil when you know you should write in ink?


33. whenever 无论何时

34. where 哪里


1.        wherever  无论在哪里

2.        whether  是否     weather  天气

3.        which

4.        while  conj. 时候 强调同时      虽然,尽管     While he was respected, he was not liked.

   n. after a while 过了一会儿      in a short while 不久,很快    once in a while 偶尔   all the while 一直

5. whisper n./v. 低声的说,耳语   whisper to sb.   in a whisper/whispers

6. white  白色                     white elephant   昂贵而无用的东西

7. who    whoever    whom    whose

8.whole 整个的,全部的   the whole class    =   all the class

9.why    the reason why… is that…  e.g   The reason why he was late is that he was held up by the traffic.

        why don’t you do sth.     why not do sth.

10.wide adj. /  adv.   宽阔的        v. widen   拓宽      with wide eyes       Open your mouth wide.

  adj. wide—spread 流传广的

11.wife pl. wives

12.wild adj.野生的      go wild 狂热,狂喜   wild wood 原始森林

 wild duck野鸭        wild goose 野雁     wild life 野生动植物

13.will n.遗嘱          make a will 立遗嘱

14.willing   be willing/unwilling  to do sth.

15.win(won. won)    宾语只能是比赛,战斗,奖品     win a battle   defeat/beat sb.  打败

16.wind n.      v.  弯曲前进 (winded/wound,winded/wound)    wind one’s way across/through/over…蜿蜒前行

17.window 窗户      18.wine         19.wing 翅膀

20.winter 冬天  this winter   in (the) winter     winter sports

21.wipe ,    wipe the table 擦桌子   wipe one’s eyes 抹眼泪   wipe off抹掉,擦掉  

 wipe off the water   wipe out 消灭

22.wire 线     23.wise 明智的

24.wish  wish sb. sth.   wish sb. to do sth.   wish to do sth.   wish for

   hope to do sth. hope for         wish sb.happiness/success

wish + 从句   用虚拟语气







          had done


    would /might +动原

25.with    without

26.within       within/beyond one’s reach    范围内/

27.woman   pl. women      man   pl.men

28.wonder     n./v. 奇迹 ;想知道   no/little/small wonder(that)… 难怪     Seven Wonders  七大奇迹

   I wonder where to spend the weekend.

29.wonderful adj.  精彩的,奇妙的

30.wood [u]n. 木头  can’t see the wood for the trees.只见树木不见森林  (常用复数)woods 小树林  forest  森林

adj. wooden木的,木制的  wooden headed 木头木脑的  wooden horse 木马   wooden wedding 木婚 (结婚五年)

32wool n.羊毛     adj. woolen 羊毛制的,毛线的    a woolen blanket  羊毛毯

33 word [c] n. 单词,字    a new word 生词        [c] n .话语,常用复数  words and deeds 言行

     have a word with sb.谈一谈   have words with sb.sb.吵架

     eat one’s words 食言          in a/one word 简言之,总之

     in other words 换句话说,也就是说   break one’s word 失信     keep one’s word 守信

34work n. /v.      [u] 工作 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻

out of work 失业                     in work 有工作    

go/set about one’s work 着手工作     be hard at work 努力工作

v.  work hard at 努力学习               work out 算出,计算出;制定

35worker n.  工人      a model worker 劳动模范    works  作品;工厂 

36world    all over/around the world  全世界

37worry  n. /v.   worry about sth.     be worried about sth.

38. worse  bad—worse--worst   good/well—better—best

be worse off 经济状况不好   for better for worse 不论好坏

from bad to worse 每况愈下  worse and worse 越来越糟

what is worse 更为糟糕 的是

39worth    n.      be (well) worth doing sth. 主动表被动

             prep.   It is worth 500 yuan.

    worthy   adj.    be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done       It is worthy of 500 yuan .

    worthwhile  adj. it’s  worthwhile  to do sth./doing sth.


41.wound n./v.伤口,常指刀伤,枪伤    hurt 常指感情的伤害     injure 指平时的大小创伤

   adj. wounded            the +  adj. 表示一类人the wounded    the rich      the poor

42.write vi.  vt. (wrote, written)   write down = take down 写下 ,记下

   write to sb.     n.  writer  作家     writing  n. 写,写作

43wrong  n./adj.    do sb. wrong  =  do wrong to sb.    冤枉sb.

do wrong 做错,犯错                go wrong 出毛病,出故障

be wrong wih 不正常,出故障,出毛病    What’s wrong with sb.   =   What’s the matter with sb.


1.yard n. 庭院,院子

2.year   year after year 强调重复       year by year 强调变化

from year to year              all the year round 一年到头

3.yellow  黄色的       The Yellow River

4.yes /no

5.yesterday 昨天  today 今天  tomorrow  明天  the day after tomorrow 后天the day before yesterday  前天

6yet adv.  还,仍然       conj. 但是,然而  He worked hard ,yet he failed.

7.you   your  yourself   yourselves        by yourself  独立的,独自的

8.young  adj.年轻的   n. youth [u]青春 ,青春时期      the youth  青年们

adj. youthful 年轻的     youngster   年轻人


1.        zero 

2.        zoo 动物园   pl. zoos

zoology   动物学