
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 21:54:59




gain[geIn] v. 获得;获益,增加;(钟、表)走快n.[C]收获,收益:Without a job, it is impossible to earn any money. 没有工作就不可能挣到钱。/ No pains, no gains.不劳则无获。/ He cares very little for fame and gain.他对名利很淡薄。

game[geIm] n. [C]游戏,运动;比赛,比赛得分(成绩);(用复数)运动会:Football is a team game. 足球是一项集体运动。/ How about playing a game of chess now? 现在来下盘棋好吗?

【用法】表示“运动会”的games用作主语时,谓语通常用复数(偶尔也用单数):The 1984 (Olympic) Games were [was] held in Los Angeles. 1984年奥运会在(美国)洛杉矶举行。

garage[5gArB:dV,5gArIdV] n.[C]车库:The garage is back of the house. 车库在房屋后面。

garden[5gB:dEn] n.[C]花园,果园,菜园:a back garden 后花园

gate[geIt] n.[C]大门:I would have him wait for me at the gate of the park. 我要他在公园门口等我。

gather[5gATE] v.聚集,集合;收集,采摘:We will gather at the school gate at eight. 我们将8点钟在校门口集合。/ He gathered me some flowers.=He gathered some flowers for me. 他给我采了几朵花。

【短语】gather around 聚集,召集,集合 / gather in 收进,收获 / gather up收集,拾起,捡起,收拾;集中,概括

gay1[geI] adj.快乐的,愉快的 n.[U]快乐:We were all gay at the thought of the coming holidays. 我们一想到即将来临的假期便高兴起来。

gay2[geI] adj.(男)同性恋的n.[C](男)同性恋者:I don’t know he was gay. 我不知道他是同性恋者。

general[5dVenErEl] adj.一般的,普遍的,大致的,总的 n.将军:Give me a general idea of the work. 告诉我这件工作的概括情况。/ The general ordered his troops to cease fire. 那位将军命令他的军队停火。

【短语】in general 总的说来;大多数

generation[7dVenE5reIFEn] n.[C]代,一代:We belong to the same generation. 我们是同龄人。

【短语】generation gap代沟 / from generation to generation=generation after generation 一代一代

【注意】汉语说老一代和年轻一代,并无比较意味,但英语却通常说成the older generationthe younger generation

gentle[5dVentl] adj.文雅的,温和的:She is gentle in touch, manner, and voice. 她在气质、态度、声调方面都温柔和蔼。

gentleman[5dVentlmEn] n.[C]绅士,先生:Ladies and gentlemen 女士们和先生们

geography[dVI5RgrEfI] n.[U]地理(学) [C]地理书:He’s interested in geography. 他对地理感兴趣。

German[5dVE:mEn] adj.德国的,德国人的,德语的 n. [C]德国人 [U]德语:He passed in German, but failed in English. 他德语考试及格了,但英语没及格。


Germany[5dVE:mEnlI] n.德国:At the finals, they lost to Germany. 在决赛中他们输给了德国。

get[get] v.(got, got)成为,变得,使得;得到,收到;具有;到达:Get me a chair, please. 请给我搬张椅子。/ You’ll get to like your work. 你慢慢会喜欢你的工作的。/ If you don’t get more exercise, you’ll get fat. 你如果不多锻炼就会发胖。

【短语】get about [around] (能)到处走动,旅行;(消息等)传播 / get along 离开(某地);相处;进展 / get away离开,逃走;逃脱 / get down 弄下,写下,吞下 / get in 进站,回来;请来;插话;收获 / get off 起飞,动身,出发,下班,下车 / get on上车;进展,过日子;相处 / get out 出来,出去,离开;拿出,取出;发表;泄漏 / get out of 逃避,躲掉;使说出(拿出等);放弃,戒除,停止 / get over 走过,越过;克服;恢复 / get through 做完,用完,吃完,看完;通过(考试),接通(电话),度过(时间) / get together 聚会,联欢 / get up 起床,起身;打扮;举办

【比较】get sb (sth) to do sthget sb (sth) doing sth:前者指使“某人(某事物)做某事”,后者指“使某人(某事物)开始…起来”。

gift[gIft] n. [C]赠品,礼物;天赋,天才:a birthday gift 生日礼物 / Her gift to him was a pen. 她送给他的礼物是一支钢笔。/ She has a gift for (learning) languages. 她对学语言有天赋。

girl[gE:l] n.[C]女孩,姑娘:Is it a boy or a girl? 是男孩还是女孩?

give[gIv](gave, given) v.给,给予,赠给,引起:Give the book to him. 把这本书给他。/ I hope you can give us some help. 我希望你能给我们一些帮助。/ I’m sorry I’ve given you so much trouble. 对不起给了你这么多麻烦。

【短语】give away 赠,送,泄露,出卖 / give back 归还,送回 / give in 屈服,让步,投降 / give off 发出(蒸汽,光等) / give out 分发,用完,耗尽,筋疲力尽;发出(气味,热等) / give up 放弃

【用法】过去分词given有时用作介词,表示“考虑到”、“鉴于”:Given their inexperience [Given that they’re inexpeerienced], they’ve done a good job. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已干得很不错了。

 glad[glAd] adj.高兴的,乐意的:I am glad to meet you. 我很高兴见到你。/ We’re glad of your success. 我们为你的成功而高兴。/ I’m glad about your passing the exam. 你考试及格了,我很高兴。

glance[glB:ns] v.& n.一瞥,扫视,瞥见:He glanced round the room. 他扫视了一下房间。/ She threw me a quick frightened glance. 她快速惊恐地望了我一眼。

glass[glB:s] n. [U]玻璃 [C]玻璃杯 (用复数)眼镜:a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 / He handed me a glass of beer. 他递给我一杯啤酒。/ I cut my hand on some broken glass. 我的手被碎玻璃割伤了。

globe[glEJb] n. (连用the)地球 [C]地球仪,球状物:We use a globe in our geography lessons. 我们在地理课上使用地球仪。/ This plant can grow in many parts of the globe. 这种植物能在地球上许多地方生长。

glove[glQv] n. [C]手套:He has his gloves on. 他戴着手套。

go1[gEJ]v. (went, gone) 去,行走;变为;处于…的状态;(机器等)运转;通到;相配;从事(活动):Let’s go for a walk along the river. 咱们到江边散散步。/ The milk went sour. 牛奶变质了。/ He went hungry. 他饿着肚子。/ Yesterday we went swimming in the river. 昨天我们去河边游泳了。

【短语】go back 回去;回顾,回溯 / go by从(…)旁边经过;(时间、机会等)过去;遵循,按照,以…为依据 / go down 下落,下降,降低,减弱 / go in for 参加(考试、比赛等);从事(某一职业等);爱好,喜欢 / go into 到达,进入,从事,参加;调查,研究 / go out 出去;出国,远行;熄灭 / go over 复习,演习;检查,核对 / go through 通过;检查,审查,查找;经历;做完,用完 / go up上升,上涨;建立 / be going to 打算,即将

【比较】go on doing sthgo on to do sth:前者指不停地做某事或继续做某事,后者指做完某事后接着或继续做某事:You oughtn’t to go on living this way. 你不应该再这样生活下去了。/ He went on to talk about his family. 他接着谈了他的家庭。

go2[gEJ] n. 1.[C]尝试(做某事);(常用单)轮到某人(做某事):Let’s have a go at it. 让我们试一试。/ It’s my go. 轮到我啦。

goal[gEJl] n.[C]目标,目的;(足球)球门,(赛跑等的)终点:His goal is a job at the university. 他的目标是要在大学任教。

goat[gEJt] n.[C]山羊:Men and goats have [grow] beards. 人和山羊都长胡子。

god[gRd] n.神,上帝:God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!(天啊!)

gold[gEJld] n.[U]黄金 adj. 金质的;金色的:All that glitters is not gold.=All is not gold that glitters. 发亮的不一定都是金子。

golden[5gEJldEn] adj.金色的;金质的;黄金般的,可贵的:golden hair 金发 / The 18th century was the golden age of the novel. 18 世纪是小说的黄金时期。

good[gJd] adj.(better, best)好的,有益的 n.[U]好处,益处:She is good at telling stories. 她擅长讲故事。/ It’s good for her to buy a computer. 买台电脑对他有好处。It’s good of you to lend it to me. 你真好把它借给我。/ Is it any good trying to explain? 试图作些解释有用吗?

good-bye[5gJdbaI] interj.& n.再见:say good-bye to sb 向某人道别 / She kissed them good-bye. 她吻别他们。

goods[gJdz] n.(复数)商品,货物:five pieces of goods五件货 / The goods are in danger of robbery. 这货有被盗的危险。


goose[gu:s] n.(pl. geese) [C]鹅 [U]鹅肉:I don’t care much for goose. 我不太喜欢吃鹅肉。

government[5gQvEnmEnt] n. [C]政府:the People’s Government 人民政府

【用法】若视为整体,表单数意义;若考虑其成员,则表复数意义:The government is planning to build a dam there. 政府打算在那里建一座水坝。/ The government are discussing the proposal. 政府(人员)正在讨论这个建议。

grade[greId] n. [C]等级;年级;成绩,分数:She ranked her students according to their grades. 她按成绩排列学生的名次。/ They sort apples by grade. 他们把苹果按等级分类。/ Her son is in the sixth grade. 她儿子读六年级。

gradually[5grAdjJElI] adv. 逐渐地:Gradually we acquired experience in how to do the work. 我们逐步获得了做这工作的经验。

graduate[5grAdjJeIt] v.毕业n.[C]大学毕业生,毕业生:He graduated in history. 他毕业于历史专业。/ He is a graduate of Oxford University. 他是牛津大学的毕业生。


grain[greIn] n. [U]谷物,谷类 [C]谷粒:Grain is used for making flour. 谷物用来做面粉。/ Bring in every single grain. 颗粒还仓。

grammar[5grAmE] n. [U]语法 [C]语法书:Is grammar important when learning English?在学英语的过程中,语法重要吗?

grand[grAnd] adj.庄严的,雄伟的,显赫的:He lives in a grand house. 他住在一栋富丽堂皇的房子里。

granddaughter[5grAn7dR:tE] n. [C]孙女,外孙女:Her granddaughter is lovely. 她的孙女很可爱。

grandfather[5grAnd7fB:TE] n. [C]祖父,外祖父:Grandfather won’t allow it. 爷爷不会允许这样做。

grandmother[5grAnd7mQTE] n. [C]祖母,外祖母:I’ve been to see your grandmother. 我(刚才)看你奶奶去了。

grandson[5grAndsQn] n. [C]孙子;外孙:Her grandson is kind to her. 她的外孙对她很好。

grass[grB:s] n. [U,C]草,草地:Keep off the grass. 勿踏草地。

great[greIt] adj.伟大的;重要的:A great deal of money is spent on research. 研究工作上花了许多钱。/ These products are in great demand. 这种产品需求很大。

Greek[gri:k] adj.希腊(人)的,希腊语的n. [C]希腊人 [U]希腊语:Greek letters 希腊字母 / It’s all Greek to me. 这东西我一窍不通。

green[gri:n] adj.& n.绿色(的),青色(的);未熟的;没有经验的:Try pressing the green button. 按绿色按钮试试。/ She was dressed in green. 她穿着绿衣服。

greet[gri:t] vt. 问候,向…打招呼:She greeted me warmly. 她热情地和我打招呼。/ His speech was greeted with cheers. 他的演说得到热烈的喝彩。

greeting[5gri:tIN] n. [C,U]祝贺,问候,致意:As I entered, he gave me a nod of greeting. 当我进来时,他点头向我打招呼。

【用法】表示“致贺”、“贺辞”时,通常用复数形式,且多与动词give, send, receive, offer 等连用:Please give my greetings to your parents. 请代我向你父母问好。

grey / gray[greI] adj.灰(白)色的:He was already gray at 30. 他30岁时头发就已经灰白了。/ The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match. 蓝衬衫和灰领带很相配。

ground[graJnd] n.[C]地面;场地:He was lying on the ground. 他躺在地上。

group[gru:p] n.[C](小)组,团体,群:The teacher divided the pupils into three groups. 老师把学生分成三组。

grow[grEJ] v.(grew, grown)种植,生长;渐渐变得:He grows vegetables. 他种植蔬菜。/ The weather is growing cold. 天气冷起来了。

【用法】其后接不定式表示开始做某事,此时不定式通常为 be, like, hate, believe 等动词:He’s growing to like her better. 他变得更喜欢她了。

guard[gB:d] n.[C]卫兵,哨兵 [U]防卫,警戒;监视,看守v.保卫,防卫;监视:He is always on his guard. 他一直很警惕。/ Two big dogs guard the farm. 有两条大狗看守农场。

guess[ges] v.& n.猜,猜测:I guessed his thoughts. 我猜着了他的想法。/ He made a blind guess. 他胡猜一通。

guest[gest] n.[C]客人:She greeted her guests at the door. 她在门口迎接客人。

guide[gaId] n. [C]向导,导游者v.引导,引路;指导,辅导;支配:The guide showed us around the city. 导游带我们游览了这座城市。/ They guided us to the office. 他们带领我们到了办公室。

gun[gQn] n. [C]枪,炮:We fired our guns at the enemy. 我们向敌人开炮。





habit[5hAbIt] n.[C,U]习惯,习性:It was not his habit to ask people for things. 他没有向别人要东西的习惯。/ Try to develop good reading habits. 要养成良好的阅读习惯。

【用法】表示做某事的习惯,其后要接 of doing sth,不接to do sthHe has broken off [got rid of] the habit of drinking. 他已戒掉了喝酒的习惯。

hair[hZE] n.[C, U]头发,毛:I shall cut my hair. 我将理发(自己给自己理发)。/ I shall have my hair cut. 我将理发(请别人给我理发)。

【用法】表示“头发”的总称,是集合名词(不可数);表示一根根的头发,是可数名词:He wears his hair long. 他留长发。/ There are hairs on your jacket. 你的上衣上有几根头发。

haircut[5hZEkQt] n.[C](男子)理发,发型:I’ll go and get a haircut. 我要去理发。

half[hB:f] adj.半,一半 n.[C,U]半,一半 adv.部分地,一半地:Half the students were late. 有一半学生迟到了。/ Well begun is half done. (谚)头开得好,事成一半。/ He was half asleep. 他半醒半睡。

【短语】by half 一半;极大地,大大地 / by halves 半途而废地,不完全地 / in half 两半

hall[hC:l] n. [C]门厅,过道;大厅,礼堂:The hall will soon be filled with people. 大厅一会儿就会坐满人。

ham[hAm] n. [C,U]火腿:Slice the ham thin. 把火腿切得薄薄的。

hammer[5hAmE] n. [C]锤子v.用锤敲击,反复敲打:Hammer the nail in. 把钉子钉进去。/ He was holding a hammer. 他手里握着一把锤子。

hand[hAnd] n.[C]手;(钟表)指针 v.传递;交付;给:Put up your hand if you know the answer. 若知道答案请举手。

【短语】at hand 在手边,在近处;即将到来 / by hand 用手工(即不是用机器或其他手段);用专人(即不是通常邮寄等) / give [lend] sb a hand 帮某人一把 / hand in hand手拉手;同时并存 / in hand 手头有;控制,处理,进行 / on hand 在手边(随时可用) / on the one (other) hand 一方面(另一方面) / hand in 交来,交上去(给老师或上级) / hand on 传递给另一个人 / hand out 散发,分发 / hand over 移交,拿给(另一人) / shake hands (with sb) (同某人)握手

handkerchief[5hANkEtFi:f] n.[C]手帕,手绢:a paper handkerchief 纸手巾


handsome[5hAnsEm]adj.漂亮的,英俊的:He looks handsome in uniform. 他穿制服很英俊。


hang[hAN]v.绞死,上吊;悬挂,吊着:He hung the picture on the wall. 他把画挂在墙上。/ He was hanged for murder. 他因杀人罪被判绞刑。


happen[5hApEn] v.(偶然)发生;碰巧:I won’t tell anybody what happened. 发生的事我谁也不告诉。/ He happened to be out.=It happened that he was out. 他恰好不在家。


happy[5hApI] adj.高兴的,幸福的:They lived a happy life. 他们过着幸福的生活。/ We are happy at [about] his letter. 收到他的来信我们很高兴。/ He is happy over his success. 他对自己的成功感到高兴。/ Are you happy with your life? 你对生活满意吗?

hard[hB:d] adv.努力地;(下雨等)猛烈地 adj.困难的;硬的:You will fail unless you work hard. 如果你不用功,你会不及格。/ It’s raining hard. 正在下大雨。/ The text is hard to understand.=It’s hard to understand the text. 这篇课文很难懂。

hardly[5hB:dlI] adv.几乎,几乎没有:I hardly ever heard him singing. 我几乎从未听他唱过歌。

【用法】1.Hardlywhen…是固定句型,意为“一…就”:Hardly had she arrived when it began to rain. 她刚到就下起雨来了。2.若用于句首,其后要用倒装句式:Hardly did he sleep last night. 他昨晚几乎没睡。

hard-working[5hB:dwE:kIN] adj.辛勤的,勤劳的:The Chinese are a hard-working people. 中国人是一个勤劳的民族。

harvest[5hB:vIst] n. [C,U]收割,收获(期);收成v.收割,收获:It happened that the harvest was bad that year. 恰好那年收成不好。

hat[hAt] n.[C]帽子:Hang your hat on the hook. 把帽子挂在衣钩上。

hate[heIt] v.憎恨;不愿,不喜欢:We hate such people. 我们讨厌这样的人。

【用法】1.后接动词作宾语时,用不定式或动名词均可:Some people hate working [to work] in the early morning. 有些人不爱在清晨工作。但若与would, should连用,则其后只接不定式:I’d hate to spend Christmas alone. 我不喜欢一个人过圣诞节。2.通常只用作及物动词,若后面直接跟ifwhen引导的状语从句,习惯上先接itI hate it when people talk with their mouths full. 我不喜欢人们嘴里含着饭说话。

have[hAv] v.(had, had)有;吃;喝;进行;经受;使v. aux.(构成完成时态):Did you have a good holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗? / Have you finished your work? 你完成工作了吗? / I’ll have her post the letter. 我要叫她去寄信。/ He had the light burning all night. 他让灯亮了一整夜。/ We had the machine repaired. 我们请人修理了机器。/ He had his finger cut. 他的手指弄伤了。

he[hi:] pron.他:Is your dog a he or a she? 你的狗是雄的还是雌的?

head[hed] n.[C]头,头部 vi.前进:Use your head. 动脑筋吧。/ Then we headed for home. 然后我们就往家走了。

headache[5hedeIk] n.[C]头疼:I have (got) a bad headache. 我头痛得厉害。

headmaster[hed5mB:stE] n. [C](英)(中小学校)校长:The headmaster has the final say. 校长说了算数。

health[helW] n. [U]健康;卫生:Walking is good for the health. 散步对健康有益。/ They are in good health. 他们身体都很好。

hear[hIE]v.(heard, heard)听,听见;听说;得知:I heard him open the door and enter the room. 我听见他打开门进到屋里。/ I heard that he was ill. 我听说他病了。

【短语】hear about 听说,得知 / hear from从…听来,收到…的来信 / hear of 听说,得知 / hear out 听完(某人的话)

heart[hB:t] n. [C]心(脏);心地,心肠,感情:She has a kind heart. 她心地善良。/ His heart beat so that he could hardly breathe. 他的心跳得这样厉害,他都喘不过气来了。

【短语】by heart 默记地,记下 / heart and soul 全心全意地,全部心思地,完全地 / lose heart 灰心 / lose one’s heart to 倾心于,爱上

heat[hi:t] n. [U,C]热,热度,高温v. 变热,把…加热:The heat has caused the milk to go sour. 酷热的天气使牛奶酸了。

heaven[5hevEn] n.天空;上帝,神:Heaven knows! 天晓得!/ Good Heavens! (表惊奇)天呀!

heavy[5hevI] adj.重的,大量的,强的:He didn’t come because of the heavy rain. 因为雨大他没有来。/ He is a heavy smoker. 他烟抽得很多。

height[haIt] n. [C,U]高,高度:He was a man of middle height. 他是中等个子。

hello[5helEJ] interj.& n.喂:Hello! How are you? 嘿,你好! / She said hello to me when she saw me. 她见到我时向我打招呼。

help[help] n.[U]帮助 [C]帮手,有益的事物v.帮助;促进:I helped him (to) repair his bike. 我帮他修自行车。/ Please help me with this luggage. 请帮我搬这行李。/ Help yourself to the fruit. 吃点水果吧。

【用法】1.表示“帮助某人做某事”,英语可用help sb (to) do sth,也可用help sb in doing sth2. can’t help doing sthcan’t help to do sth不同:前者指“禁不住做某事”,后者指“不能帮助做某事”。

her[hE:] pron.她的,她(宾格):He gave her a kiss. 他吻了她一下。

here[hIE] adv.这儿;在这里;向这里:here and there 到处,各处 / Here you are. 这就是你所要的东西。/ Here I must disagree. 这一点我必须反对。

hero[5hIErEJ] n. (pl.heroes)英雄:He died a hero’s death. 他英勇牺牲。

hers[hE:z] pron.她的:Is this his or hers? 这是他的还是她的?

herself[hE:5self] pron.她自己:She kept herself from laughing. 她忍住没笑。

hi[haI]interj.嘿! 喂(唤起注意,表示惊讶或询问):Hi there!喂!

hide[haId] v.(hid, hidden)隐蔽,把…藏起来:He is trying to hide the truth. 他想要掩盖真相。/ A fox cannot hide its tail. 狐狸尾巴是藏不住的。

high[haI] adj. 高的;高级的,高等的adv.高:higher education高等教育 / The building is nine stories high. 那座楼有九层高。

hill[hIl] n.[C]小山:The tower is on the top of the hill. 塔位于山顶上。

him[hIm] pron.他(宾格):If you ask him, he will help you. 如果你向他请求,他会帮助你。

himself[hIm5self] pron.他自己:He is not quite himself today. 今天他不太舒服。

hire[haIE] n.&vt.雇用,租用:We hired a car. 我们租了辆汽车。/ This car is for hire. 这辆车是出租的。

his[hIz] pron.他的:Everyone must do his best. 人人都要尽自己力量做。

history[5hIstErI] n.[U]历史(学) [C]一段历史:History repeats itself. (谚)历史往往重演。/ China is a country with a long history. 中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。

【用法】1.以下说法通常不用冠词:modern history 近代史 / world history 世界史 / Chinese history 中国史。但下列说法要用定冠词(注意其后有 of短语):the history of China 中国史 2. 短语in history(历史上)中也不用冠词:It was an important moment in history. 那是历史上的重要时刻。

hit[hIt](hit, hit) v.打,击中;碰撞;到达;袭击,侵袭:Hit the ball hard. 使劲击球。/ He hit her on the nose. 他打了她的鼻子。/ The area was hit by a flash storm. 这一地区受到突如其来的暴风雨的侵袭。

hold[hEJld](held, held) v. 拿,抱,握;举行,进行;容纳;持续,耐久n. (用单数)掌握,把握:He held a knife in his hand. 他手里握着一把刀。/ The room can hold twenty people. 这屋子可容下20个人。/ She holds the same view. 她持有同样的看法。/ Hold the line, please. 请不要挂断电话。

【短语】hold back 阻止;忍住;隐瞒 / hold out 支持,给予,坚持 / hold to 抓紧;坚持 / hold up 竖起;阻碍,延误 / catch (get, seize, take) hold of 抓住 / keep hold of 抓住,紧紧握住

hole[hEJl] n.[C]洞,坑,孔:There is a hole in the wall. 墙上有一个洞。

holiday[5hClEdeI] n. [C]假日,假期:You ought to have a holiday. 你应该休一休假。

【比较】on holidayon holidays:前者指“度假”、“在休假”,后者指“在假日里”(主要指诸如元旦、国庆等的放假日):The typist is on holiday this week. 打字员本周休假。/ Travel is very heavy here on holidays. 假日这里的交通很拥挤。

home[hEJm] n. [C,U]家 adj.家庭的,本国的 adv.回家,到家,在家:feel at home 感觉习惯,觉得舒适 / We decided to go home by bus. 我们决定坐公共汽车回家。

homework[5hEJmwE:k] n. [U]家庭作业:do one’s homework 做家庭作业

honest[5RnIst] adj.诚实的,正直的,公正的:Please be more honest about it. 请你更坦白地告诉我。/ It was honest of him to tell us the truth.= He was honest to tell us the truth. 他很诚实,给我们讲了真话。

honour(美honor)[5CnE] n. [C,U]荣誉;尊敬vt.尊敬,给予荣誉:Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?=Would you do me the honor to dance with me? 能请你跳曲舞吗? / We had a party in honour of his birthday. 为了祝贺他的生日我们举行了一个晚会。

hope[hEJp] v.& n.希望:She worked hard in the hope of making money.=She worked hard in hopes of making money. 她努力工作是希望赚钱。

【用法】1.汉语中的“希望某人做某事”,说成英语不能是 hope sb to do sth,但与之意思相近的wish却可以用于该句型。2.I hope后的宾语从句可用一般现在时表将来,也可直接用将来时态:I hope you (will) like it. 希望你会喜欢它。3.用作名词的hope后可接of doing sth作宾语,但不接不定式:He still has the hope of seeing her again. 他还有希望再见到她。

hopeless[5hEJplIs]adj.没有希望的,没有用的,无法可治的:Your work is hopeless and so are you. 你的工作一无是处,你这个人也是如此。

horse[hR:s] n.[C]马:I am learning to ride a horse. 我正在学习骑马。

hospital[5hCspItEl] n. [C,U]医院:The injured were taken to hospital. 受伤的人都送进了医院。

【用法】表示“住院”、“出院”等,在英国英语中不用冠词,但在美国英语中可用冠词:She is ill in (the) hospital. 她生病住院了。

hot[hRt]adj. 热的,热情的:It was very hot here in summer. 这儿夏天炎热。

hot dog[7hRt5dRg] n.[C]热狗(红肠面包):I want a hot dog. 我想要一节热狗。

hotel [hEJ5tel] n. [C]旅馆,饭店,宾馆,酒店:the Jindi Hotel 金地饭店 / This hotel is the cheapest in town. 这家旅馆是城里最便宜的。

hour[5aJE] n. [C]小时;时刻:He was paid by the hour. 他按钟点领薪。

house[haJs] n.[C]房子:It was a five-storeyed house. 这是一座5层楼房。

housewife[5haJs7waIf] n.[C]家庭主妇:She’s a bad housewife. 她不善于当家庭主妇。

housework[5haJs7wE:k] n.[U]家务劳动,家务活:You should help your mother with the housework. 你应该帮你母亲做家务。

how[haJ] adv.怎样,如何;多少:How is your mother? 你母亲身体好吗?

【短语】how far 多远(距离) / how many 多少(修饰复数可数名词) / how much 多少(修饰不可数名词) / how old 几岁,多大(岁数) / how long 多长,多久 / how often 每隔多久 / how soon 再过多久

however[haJ5evE] adv.无论如何;可是,仍然conj.不管用什么方法:However cold it isshe always goes swimming. 不管天多冷,她都会去游泳。/ However you come, be sure to come early. 不管你怎么来,一定要早来。

huge[hju:dV] adj.巨大的:My family is very large. 我的家庭是个很大的家庭。

hundred[5hQndrEd] num.百:He was paid five hundred dollars. 他们付给了他500美元。

【用法】与具体数字连用时,不用复数形式,但若表示泛指数时,只用复数形式,且通常要有of短语:hundreds of people 数百人

hunger[5hQNgE] n.[U]饥饿,饥荒 [C]渴望,盼望:Hunger reduced him to stealing. 饥饿迫使他偷窃。

hungry[5hQNgrI] adj.饥饿的:We had to go hungry. 我们只好挨饿。

hurry[5hQrI] v.& n.赶紧,急忙:I hurried to the ticket-office. 我赶紧到售票处。

【短语】hurry up 赶紧,快点 / in a hurry 匆忙地

hurt[hE:t]v. (hurt, hurt)使受伤,伤害,疼痛:I won’t hurt you. 我不会伤害你。/ You’ve hurt his feelings. 你伤害了他的感情。

husband[5hQzbEnd] n.[C]丈夫:husband and wife 夫妻





I[aI] pron.我:I’m ashamed of what I did. 我对我的行为感到羞愧。

ice[aIs] n. [U]冰 [C]一份冰淇淋:Two ices, please. 来两份冰淇淋。

ice-cream[5aIskri:m] n.[C]冰淇淋:A chocolate ice-cream, please. 请给我一份巧克力冰淇淋。

idea[aI5dIE] n. [C]主意,想法:The idea sounds great. 这主意听起来不错。/ You have no idea (of) how worried I was! 你不知道我有多着急!

【用法】其后习惯上不接不定式作定语,遇此情况可用of doing sthI hate the idea of moving. 我讨厌搬家。

if[If] conj.如果;是否:Keep your coat on if you feel cold. 如果你感觉冷大衣不要脱。/ He asked if I would show him the way. 他问我是否可以给他带路。

【短语】even if 即使,纵使 / as if 好像,似乎 / if not 如果不是那样的话 / if so 如果是那样的 / if only 只要;但愿,要是…就好了

ill[Il] adj.生病的,不健康的;不好的,有害的:He is ill with a bad cold. 他患重感冒。



illness[5Ilnis] n. [C,U]疾病:She was weak after her illness. 她病后很虚弱。

imagine[I5mAdVIn] vt.想像,设想:I can’t imagine what has happened. 我想像不出发生了什么事。

【用法】1.后接动词作宾语,通常用动名词,不用不定式:Can you imagine living without electricity? 你能想象没有电的生活吗? 2.可说 imagine sb (sth) to be,但通常不说 imagine sb (sth) to do(可将不定式改为动名词):Don’t imagine yourself to be always correct. 不要认为你总是对的。/ Can you imagine John cooking the dinner? 你能想像约翰做饭的情形吗?

immediate[I5mi:djEt] adj.立即的;目前的:He made no immediate answer. 他没有立即回答。/ My immediate problem was to get money. 我当前的问题是找钱。

immediately[I5mi:djEtlI] adv.立即,马上 conj.一…就:I should act immediately. 我应该立即行动。/ I came immediately you called. 你一来电话我就来了。

importance[Im5pC:tEns] n.[U]重要性:It’s an invention of great importance. 这是一项非常重要的发明。

important[Im5pR:tEnt] adj.重要的:The book is important to [for] me. 这本书对我很重要。/ It is important (for us) to learn English well. 学好英语 (对我们)很重要。

【用法】It’s important 后接that从句时,从句谓语通常用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气:It is important that he (shoud) work hard. 他用功是很重要的。

impossible[Im5pRsEbl] adj.不可能的:It’s impossible (for us) to finish the work in a week. 要(我们)在一周之内完成此工作是不可能的。

【用法】it’s impossible后接that从句时,从句谓语通常用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气:It is impossible that he (should) go home. 他不可能会回家去。/ It is impossible that he should have gone home. 他不可能回家去了。

improve[Im5prU:v] vt.改进,改善,提高:You can improve your English by reading more. 多看书可以提高你的英语水平。

【注意】1.本身已包含有better的意思,所以不与better连用。2. improve on [upon] 的意思不是“在…有改进”,而是指“对…改进”或“比…更好”:He has never improved on his first book. 他再也没有写出比他的处女作更好的书来。

in [In] prep.在,在…之内(上),在…期间,从事于,符合,穿着,按照adv.在家;在内,向内:The train will arrive in a few minutes. 火车过几分钟就到。/ The losses were nine in ten. 损失了十之八九。/ You must pay the bill in cash. 你必须用现金付账。/ The woman in white is his wife. 穿白衣的那个女人是他的妻子。/ His life is in danger. 他有生命危险。/ Be careful (in) crossing the street. 过街道要小心。

inch[IntF] n. [C]英寸(1 foot=12 inches):Give him an inch and he will take a mile. 他会得寸进尺。

include[In5klu:d] vt.包括:His writings include poetry and a novel. 他的作品包括诗歌和一部小说。/ I include him among my friends. 我把他当作朋友。

【用法】1.后接动词作宾语,用动名词形式:Your duties will include putting the children to bed. 你的职责包括照顾孩子就寝。2.注意以下同义句:We all went including me.= We all went me included. 所有人都去了,包括我在内。

income[5InkQm] n. [C,U]收入:He has a five figure income. 他有五位数的收入。

【用法】可受 large, high, small, low 等的修饰,但习惯上不用 much, little

increase[In5kri:s] v.增加,增多,增大 n. [C,U]增加:The population of the city has increased by 20 per cent. 这座城市的人口增加了20%。

indeed[In5di:d] adv.的确;真正地,确实:I was indeed very glad to hear the news.我听到这消息的确很高兴。


India[5IndjE] n.印度:India is the home of elephants. 印度是大象的生长地。

Indian[5IndjEn] n.[C]印度人,印第安人adj.印度(人)的,印第安人的:The Indian people remain in deep poverty. 印第安人仍处于极端贫困状态。

industry[5IndEstrI] n.[C,U]工业;勤奋:Trade helps the development of industry. 贸易促进工业的发展。/ He won the prize through industry. 他靠勤奋获奖。

infer[In5fE:] vt.推断:I infer from your letter that you have not made up your mind yet. 我从你信中推断,你还没有下决心。

information[7InfE5meIFEn] n. [U]信息;通知,告知:information desk 问讯处

ink[INk] n.[U]墨水:Please write in ink. 请用钢笔写。

inside[In5saId] n. [C]内部 adv.& prep.在内部;在…里面:There is a label on the inside of the box. 盒子内侧有个标签。

insist[In5sIst] v. 坚持:I insist on your being there. 我坚持要你在那里。

【用法】1.其后不能直接跟名词或代词作宾语,也不能接不定式或动名词作宾语。后接名词时借助介词on,后接动词时要用on doing sthHe insisted on this point. 他坚持这一点。/ He insisted on seeing us home. 他一定要送我们回家。2.后接that从句时,若表示“坚持要”(从句所指内容只是想法,不是事实),从句谓语用“用should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气;若表示“坚持说”(从句内容不是想法,而是事实),从句谓语用陈述语气:I insisted that he (should) go. 我一定要他去。/ I insisted (that) he was wrong. 我坚持认为他错了。

instead[In5sted] adv.代替:If you cannot go, let him go instead. 如果你不能去,让他替你去。

【短语】instead of 代替,而不是:Use eggs instead of meat. 用鸡蛋代替肉。

institute[5InstItjU:t] n.[C]学会,协会,学院,(研究)所、院:an institute of foreign languages 外国语学院 / the Women’s Institute 妇女协会

instruction[In5strQkFEn] n.[U]教导,教授 [C]命令,指示 (用复数)说明:Mr Smith gives instruction in English. 史密斯先生教授英语。/ You must obey my instruction. 你必须遵守我的命令。/ Read the instructions on the bottle before you take the medicine. 吃药前先看药瓶上的说明。

interest[5Intrist] n.[C,U]兴趣;利息 [C,常用复]利益 vt.使…感兴趣:They have much [a great] interest in poetry. 他们对诗歌很感兴趣。/ He lent me the money at 5% interest. 他以五分的利息借给我这笔钱。/ Football interests him. 他对足球感兴趣。

【比较】be interested in (doing) sthbe interested to do sth:前者指“对做某事感兴趣”,后者指“很想做某事”:They are interested in learning drawing. 他们对学绘画感兴趣。/ I’d be interested to hear your opinion about this. 我很想听听你对这事的意见。

interesting[5IntrIstIN] adj.有趣的,引起兴趣的:Tell us something interesting. 给我们讲点有趣的事。

international[7IntE(:)5nAFEnEl] adj.国际的:international law 国际法

interrupt[7IntE5rQpt] v.打断,打扰;中断:Don’t interrupt me. 别打断我。/ Rain interrupted our baseball game. 下雨中断了我们的棒球比赛。

into[5IntJ] prep.到…内,向内;变成:Throw it into the fire. 把它扔进火里。/ That woman screamed into my face. 那个女人对我的脸尖叫。/ The dish broke into many pieces. 碟子打成了许多小块。/ He worked far [deep, late] into the night. 他工作到深夜。/ He talked his wife into buying a car. 他说服他妻子买一辆小汽车。/ He divided the students into six groups. 他把学生分为6组。

【说明】在口语中,be into 可表示“给迷住”、“对…深感兴趣”:He is into stamp collecting. 他非常喜欢集邮。

introduce[7IntrE5dju:s] vt.介绍,引进:Permit me to introduce myself. 请允许我介绍自己。

【说明】1.不能后接双宾语,要表示给某人介绍他人,应用introduce sb to sbHe introduced his friend to me. 他把朋友介绍给我。2. introduce sb to sth 的意思不是“把某人介绍给某事物”,而是“使某人了解(认识、体验)某事物”:The teacher introduced the students to the pleasure of reading. 老师让学生们尝到了读书的乐趣。

invent[In5vent] vt.发明,创造;捏造,编造:Who invented the television? 电视是谁发明的? / The whole story was invented. 整个故事是虚构的。

invite[In5vaIt] vt.邀请,招待:He invited me to dinner. 他邀请我参加宴会。/ They invited her to go for a walk. 他们请她一起去散步。/ He didn’t invite us (to come) in. 他没有请我们进屋。

iron[5aIEn] n.[U]铁 [C]熨斗 v.熨烫:We must strike while the iron is hot. 我们要趁热打铁。/ She’s ironing his shirt. 她在烫他的衬衫。

island[5aIlEnd] n. [C]岛,岛状物:Hainan is China’s second largest island. 海南是中国第二大岛。

it[It]pron.(指事物)它,(当性别不明或被认为不重要时,指动物或人)它,(用作各种无人称动词形式的主语以及用于强调句型等):It’s a nice watch. 是块漂亮的表。/ It is raining. 正在下雨。/ It’s in this room that he was born. 他就是在这个房间出生的。/ It’s nice to see you again. 又见到你真是太好了。

itself[It5self] pron.它自己,它本身:The work itself is easy. 这工作本身很容易。