
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/30 04:01:41
 【Weather Sept 9】
Wuhan: rainy 19~23℃
Yichang: rainy 20~23℃
Shiyan: cloudy 18~25℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 638.89 CNY  
100 GBP = 1019.6 CNY 
100 EUR = 898.82 CNY  
100 HKD = 81.97 CNY  
100 JPY = 8.2539 CNY  
Shanghai Stock
2498.94 -17.15 -0.68%
HangSeng Stock
19912.82 -135.18 -0.67% 【Highlights】
>Fake repair agencies rampant
>360buy plans $4-5b US IPO
>Taliban official kidnap plan
>9/11 plea for adding cancer
>Nadal lashes out at US open
>Russian crowned Mrs Globe
>Defender keeps it short
希后卫姓氏过长终改名 【Cover Story】
>Gift card for teachers
Carrefour's new slogan that asks citizens to buy a gift card for teachers has sparked widespread controversy, as Teachers' Day approaches. Chongqing Economic Times reported that consumers found in Chongqing and Wuhan Carrefour stores a slogan, which says, "Teachers' Day is coming. Don't forget to buy a gift card for your teachers!" On top of the banner advertisement is what looks like a public-interest advertisement, while at the bottom is a "tip", with an attempt to sell the store's card. A gift card can be purchased for between RMB100-1000.
教师节临近,家乐福打出买购物卡送老师的广告语,引起广泛争议。据《重庆商报》报道,近日,消费者在重庆和武汉家乐福超市看到一幅宣传语:"教师节,别忘记献上家乐福购物卡给老师哦!"在这幅长条广告中,上部分是对老师的赞美,乍一看,这很像一幅公益广告,可是在随后的"温馨提示"中,却向大家推销买购物卡送老师。据悉,一张卡可以充值100-1000元不等。 【Top News】
>Fake repair agencies rampant
Seemingly authorized hotlines starting with "400" or "800" online turn out to be mostly deceptive. Over 9m search results of service centers can be got, if you type in some brand home appliances providers. But 90% of the service agencies, who claim to have a franchise, prove not to be registered, after, the National Household Electronic Appliances Service & Maintenance Association compared this information with that given by the providers, the Beijing News reported. Even numbers from the 114 directory desk can be from unqualified companies, which usually charge high fees but do nothing for your appliances.
拨打看似正规的"400"、"800"家电维修热线电话,有可能招来"李鬼"。据《新京报》报道,中国家用电器服务维修协会日前调查发现,仅检索几家品牌家电的服务电话,就能得到900多万个搜索结果。但与企业提供的授权信息比对后,其中90%所谓的"特约授权"、"指定维修"网点都被证明是假冒的,甚至通过114查询的维修点也有可能是假的。这些黑维修点不仅修不好电器,还收取高昂的费用。 >360buy plans $4-5b US IPO
Chinese online retailer Jingdong Mall is set to kick off an IPO process next week that could be the most daring bet yet on US investors' appetite for Chinese stocks. The company, also known as 360buy.com, plans to raise $4-5b in an IPO tentatively scheduled for the first half of 2012, according to IFR, a Thomson Reuters publication. 360buy Chairman and CEO Liu Qiangdong denied the project.
据汤森路透旗下IFR报导,中国B2C零售商京东商城将于下周开始其计划在美国进行首次公开招股的相关程序。京东商城计划通过首次公开招股(IPO)募集40-50亿美元资金,IPO暂定于2012年上半年,这将是美国证券市场迄今募集金额最高的一起互联网公司首次公开招股,同时也是试探美国投资者对中国股票期许的一次大胆尝试。据悉,京东商城董事局主席兼首席执行官刘强东对公司拟上市一事予以否认。>Taliban official kidnap plan
Taliban militants are conspiring to kidnap high-ranking officials from all over the country to force the Pakistani government to release the family of slain al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden, The Express Tribune reported Thursday quoting sources. Pakistan's interior ministry has advised all government departments and officials of law enforcement agencies to stay vigilant. Bin Laden's family members, including his 3 wives and around 10 children, have been in custody since the American raid that killed the al-Qaida chief on May 2.
据巴基斯坦《论坛快报》8日报道,塔利班武装正密谋在全国范围内绑架高级官员,以迫使巴基斯坦政府与其交换被击毙的"基地"组织领导人本·拉登的家人。巴基斯坦内政部已经建议所有政府部门和司法机构官员保持警惕。自5月2日拉登被美军击毙后,其3位妻子和约10个孩子等家人就被巴基斯坦政府看管起来。 >9/11 plea for adding cancer
Federal lawmakers from New York are pushing for cancer to be covered by a free-care fund for victims of the Sept 11 terrorist attacks after a study linked exposure to World Trade Center smoke and dust to the disease, US media reported. Over the past decade, most of the millions of dollars spent on helping treat sick Ground Zero workers has been focused on respiratory problems and mental health issues. Cancer treatment has been specifically excluded from federal health funding. But last week the results of the first large-scale study, published in the Lancet, found that firefighters in the terror attacks had a 19% higher risk of contracting cancer.
据美国媒体报道,纽约的联邦议员正呼吁政府将癌症纳入9·11事件受害者赔偿范围,近日,一项研究显示世贸中心的浓烟和粉尘与癌症有直接联系。在过去十年里,用于救治世贸中心废墟工作人员的数百万美元主要花费在呼吸道疾病以及精神疾病上,而癌症则被明确排除在联邦健康基金资助之外。但上星期,刊登于《柳叶刀》的首个此类大型研究显示,9·11事件中参与救助行动的消防员罹患癌症的比率比一般人要高出19%。 【In Brief】
>Eighty-six primary school students have been affected by a suspected food poisoning incident in Shenxian, Shandong Thursday, Xinhua reported.
>The finance ministers and central bankers from the G7 will meet Friday in France to work on a plan to solve the European debt crisis and to avoid another recession by boosting growth.
>Indian security agencies Thursday arrested 3 people who claimed responsibility for a blast at the high court in New Delhi Wednesday, AP reported. The death toll has now risen to 12 with 76 people injured.
据美联社报道,印度安全部门8日逮捕了3名自称制造了7日新德里高等法院爆炸案的嫌犯。目前,爆炸死伤人数升至12人死、76人伤。 【Quotable Quote】
"Requirement on application package is the first step that will push China's education reform forward. We may face fairness problems, but only further reform will solve them. If we do not take the initial step, education will eventually die."
" '申请制'是推动教育其他环节继续改革的开端,如果迈出去,可能会面临公平公正的问题,这需要进一步的改革加以消除,但如果不迈出这一步,等待教育的最终将只有死亡。" 【Newsmaker】
>Nadal lashes out at US open
Rafael Nadal accused the US Open organizers of putting profit before player safety Wednesday, after they rushed 3 important men's matches on to the courts while there were still spots of rain in the air. Nadal spoke to the host broadcaster, ESPN, and made explicit criticism of the tournament. "We don't feel protected," he said. "Grand slams, they win a lot of money, and they are just working for that, not for us. They are calling us on court and it's still raining." The terms and conditions of the US Open say that once there has been 90 minutes' play, fans have no recourse to compensation.
网坛巨星纳达尔7日炮轰美网组织方,斥责他们眼中只有利润,而将球员的安全抛之脑后,在空中依旧飘着雨点的情况下,仍然鲁莽决定让三场重量级男单比赛继续进行。在接受美网主转播方ESPN采访时,纳达尔直言不讳地表示:"球员们没有觉得受到保护,大满贯赛已经赚得盆满钵满了,但他们的目的仅仅是赚钱,而不考虑我们。当组委会通知我们上场时,天空还在飘雨。"依据美网规则,只要比赛打满90分钟,持票球迷就无法申请赔偿。>Russian crowned Mrs Globe
Alisa Krylova (see photo) from Russia has won the "Mrs Globe-2011" beauty contest held in the US, foreign media reported. The 28-year-old is a mother of 2 children and a successful businesswoman. The 2nd and 3rd places were won by Kotive Sachdev from India and Melanie Stemler from Guatemala. Only married women were eligible to participate in the event.
据外媒报道,"全球最美太太"评选近日在美国落下帷幕,来自俄罗斯的艾丽莎·科瑞洛娃(见图)夺得冠军。现年28岁的艾丽莎是两个孩子的母亲,还是一名成功的商人。来自印度的Kotive Sachdev和来自危地马拉的Melanie Stemler分列第2、3位。这项选美比赛仅限已婚女性参加。  【Kaleidoscope】
>Defender keeps it short
Stadium announcers in the German league can breath a sigh of relief after it was announced that Werder Bremen's Greek defender Sokratis Papastathopoulos will now simply be known by his first name--Sokratis, Bild reported. The 23-year-old has played all 4 of Bremen's German league games this season, giving Bundesliga announcers and broadcasters alike nightmares trying to get their tongues around his foreign name.
据德国《图片报》报道,效力于德甲云达不莱梅的希腊后卫索克拉蒂斯·帕帕斯塔索普洛斯日前宣布,他已去掉了自己的姓氏,而仅保留名字索克拉蒂斯。他的这一决定必将让德国联赛的球场广播员长舒一口气。本赛季前4轮德甲,现年23岁的帕帕斯塔索普洛斯一场不落,这可害苦了现场广播员和解说员,将舌头捋直报出他那怪异的姓氏堪称噩梦。 【China Daily Radio】
The allegations have helped turn the spotlight once again onto domestic violence, a problem that experts at the All-China Women's Federation say is "universal".
李阳被指家暴事件再次将公众关注的目光引向家庭暴力这个话题,全国妇联的专家一致认为家暴是"全球性"的问题。"家庭暴力"可以说是当前社会的热门词汇。由报道可知,"家庭暴力"的地道说法是"domestic violence",也可称作"family violence"或者domestic abuse。Domestic指的是"家务的、与家庭有关的",如:domestic chores(家务活);domestic joys(家庭乐趣)。
另外,domestic也常用来形容"国内的、驯养的",如:domestic wine(国产酒);domestic cat(家猫)。看个例句:One of the greatest challenges facing the domestic violence movement is the widespread perception that spousal abuse is a "private matter".(人们普遍认为伴侣间施虐是"个人私事",由此大大阻碍了反家庭暴力运动的开展。)快乐英文
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(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)