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来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/27 14:15:57

American man eats 25,000th Big Mac

A retired prison guard ate his 25,000th Big Mac on Tuesday, 39 years to the day after eating his first nine.

Don Gorske eats his 25,000th Big Mac Photo: AP (Don Gorske吃下自己的第2万5千个巨无霸。)

Don Gorske was honoured after reaching the meaty milestone during a ceremony at a McDonald's in his hometown of Fond du Lac.
在他家乡的一家麦当劳里,Don Gorske在一场庆典中达到了自己的巨无霸里程碑。

GuinnessWorld Records recognised Mr Gorske's feat three years and 2,000 BigMacs ago, and the 59-year-old says he has no desire to stop.

"I plan on eating Big Macs until I die," he said.

"Ihave no intentions of changing. It's still my favourite food. Nothinghas changed in 39 years. I look forward to it every day."

Mr Gorske, who appeared in the 2004 documentary Super Size Me, which examined the fast food industry, looks nothing like one might expect of a fast food junkie.

He's trim and walks regularly for exercise, and he attributes his build to being "hyperactive."

He said he was recently given a clean bill of health and that his cholesterol is low.

MrGorske's obsession with the burger started May 17, 1972, when he boughtthree Big Macs to celebrate the purchase of a new car. He was hooked,and went back to McDonald's twice more that day, eating nine before theyclosed.

He's only gone eight days since without a Big Mac, and most days he eats two.

Among the reasons he skipped a day was to grant his mother a dying wish.

Hislast Big Mac-less day was Thanksgiving 2000, when he forgot to stock upand the restaurant was closed for the traditional American harvestholiday.

MrGorske said he loves numbers and counting things and was inspired tostart counting his burgers because McDonald's noted how many hamburgerswere served on their sign.

Hesaid he probably has an obsessive-compulsive disorder, and that helikes repetition and doesn't like change. He said he's kept many of theBig Mac boxes and receipts over the years, and has noted his purchasesin calendars he's kept.

McDonald'ssays there are 540 calories in a Big Mac, which is more than a quarterof the calories a person on a 2,000-calorie diet would consume.

MrGorske said he likes other foods, including bratwurst and lobsters, butthat he loves Big Macs and his wife Mary, a nurse, never has to worryabout making him a meal.

"I really do enjoy every Big Mac," he said.

He said his wife jokes about ending his streak.

"She says when she has to put them in a blender, it's over," he said.

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