达·伽马主要贡献:『民调』我比老板更能干?七成上班族质疑上司 - JuliaD的日志 - 网易博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/30 06:03:24

Most of us think we'd do a better job than the boss, study finds

Seventy per cent of us believe that we could do a better job than our boss, a study has revealed.

Inthe poll of 9,000 workers in 52 countries, the British emerged as themost critical in the world – with only 18 per cent believing their bossis ‘more capable’ than they are.

Another 41 per cent describe their boss as ‘totally incompetent’. Only one in ten say their boss is ‘brilliant’.

This compares starkly with attitudes of workers in other countries, particularly in the Far East.

InChina, almost a third said their boss was ‘brilliant’ and only 15 percent questioned their competency. Indian workers were the second-mostimpressed.

ManyBritish workers do not believe their boss values their contribution,cares about their wellbeing or communicates effectively, the poll byonline recruiters Monster.co.uk found. But despite their unhappiness,one in four Britons remain in their jobs because they do not feel thereare better ones to move to.

IsabelleRatinaud, of Monster, said: ‘This poll reveals huge frustration, withthe vast majority of junior staff believing they are competent enough totake on more responsibility.
Monster网站的Isabelle Ratinaud说:“这项调查揭示了上班族的巨大挫折感。大部分基层员工都觉得自己有足够的能力承担更多责任。”

‘In reality, it is unlikely there are so many poor and incompetent bosses in the UK.

‘Junior employees should also remember it’s the most senior members of staff who carry the burden of failure.’


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