颈椎痛 手麻:ChinaDaily晚报9.10

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/08 13:25:11
 【Weather Sept 11】
Wuhan: cloudy 21~27℃
Yichang: cloudy 21~27℃
Shiyan: rainy 18~21℃【Highlights】
>Beijing triathlon worlds
>7 dead in scaffolding collaps
>Exports surged 24.5% in Aug
>Israeli embassy attacked
>AOL in talks with Yahoo
>Gumby robber foiled
'小绿人'打劫不成反留钱 【Cover Story】
>Student tradition criticized
A tradition among students at Communication University of China at the beginning of each school year has triggered a dispute, xinhuanet.com reported. Zhang, father of a freshman student at the university, said that his child and dozens of other freshmen were summoned by the senior students. They were required to bow and salute to the senior students, sing, dance, and then be lectured. Zhang said he can hardly understand this "tradition" and said it sounded like something from the underworld. However, many students argued that lecturing newcomers is a way of communication between seniors and freshmen and can add to their friendship. Some experts said this is a typical part of school culture. "If we say too many no's to school culture activities, the individuality of students could be curbed," they said.
据新华网报道,中国传媒大学同学"训新"的传统日前引发了争议。学生家长张先生称,从孩子口中得知,前几天高年级学生将几十位新生集中,要求新生鞠躬,喊"学长好",之后要求新生唱歌跳舞,还要被训话。张先生表示,对这种"传统"难以理解,"搞得像黑社会似的。"但多位学生却认为"训新"是学长与学弟学妹沟通的一种独特方式,能增进大家的感情。更有专家称,"训新"是别具特色的校园文化,"如果没有多元的校园文化,学生的个性将被遏制。" 【Top News】
>Beijing Triathlon Worlds
A British trio collected all the medals in the men's under-23 group at the 2011 ITU World Championship Series-Grand Final in Beijing Friday, Xinhua reported. Over 2,000 participants from all over the world gathered at the Ming Tombs Reservoir, Beijing, to compete for top honors at the Beijing Triathlon Worlds from Sept 7 to 11. It was the largest and highest-level international triathlon ever held in this country. The elite groups of the competition, which are linked to London Olympics qualification, started Saturday.
据新华社报道,英国队在9日进行的2011北京铁人三项世界锦标赛男子23岁以下组的比赛中包揽了前三名。比赛于7至11日在北京十三陵水库周边举行,来自世界各地的2000多名运动员参加了本次比赛。本次铁人三项世锦赛是中国到目前为止举办的规模最大、级别最高的铁人三项赛事。事关伦敦奥运资格的优秀组比赛已于10日开始举行。 >Israeli embassy attacked
Egypt went on high alert early Saturday after protesters raided the Israeli embassy, Xinhua reported. Israeli Ambassador Yitzhak Levanon, who arrived at Cairo airport with his family and staff under tight security in the wee hours, flew out of the country aboard a military aircraft, an airport source said. Egyptian riot police used tear gas and rubber bullets and fired live ammunition in the air in order to disperse the protesters. Military forces were also dispatched to the scene, as Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf summoned an emergency cabinet meeting to deal with the situation. The White House said President Barack Obama called on the Egyptians to protect the Israeli diplomatic mission.
据新华社报道,以色列驻埃及大使馆遭到示威者冲击,埃及10日进入安全警戒状态。埃及开罗机场的消息人士称,以色列驻埃及大使拉宾莱·瓦诺与其家人和助手在警卫的严密保护下已于10日凌晨乘军用飞机离开埃及。埃及防暴警察用催泪瓦斯和橡皮子弹,甚至鸣枪警告来驱散示威者。埃及总理就此事召开紧急内阁会议,并派遣军队前往骚乱现场。美国白宫发表声明称,奥巴马总统呼吁埃及政府保护以色列使馆安全。 [埃以两国关系]
Egypt became the first Arab country to establish diplomatic relations with Israel in 1979, and relations between the 2 neighboring countries has since been largely calm. Yet since former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was toppled earlier this year, the Egypt-Israel relationship turned tense. The situation worsened in August after Israeli forces killed 5 Egyptian police officers while chasing Palestinian militants along the border.
1979年,埃及与以色列建交,成为第一个与以色列建交的阿拉伯国家。两国关系一直以来相对平稳。但随着今年年初埃及前总统穆巴拉克下台,埃以关系趋于紧张。8月,以色列国防军士兵在边界处追捕巴勒斯坦武装分子时误杀了5名埃及警察,令两国关系进一步恶化。 >AOL in talks with Yahoo
AOL CEO Tim Armstrong is in discussions with advisers at Yahoo in a possible deal after Yahoo's former CEO Carol Bartz was ousted earlier this week, Bloomberg reported, citing people familiar with the matter. Armstrong was reportedly interested in a merger with Yahoo last year but was rebuffed. One potential scenario under consideration is AOL being acquired by Yahoo, with Armstrong becoming the CEO of the new conglomerate. But it is unlikely that Yahoo would be interested in a deal right now, sources added, due to AOL's declining revenue.
据彭博社报道,消息人士透露,雅虎前CEO巴茨本周被解雇后,美国在线(AOL)首席执行官蒂姆·阿姆斯特朗开始与雅虎的顾问谈判,有意让两家公司合并。据了解,阿姆斯特朗去年曾就有意与雅虎合并,但遭到断然拒绝。合并可能采取的方案之一是,雅虎收购AOL,由阿姆斯特朗出任新公司的CEO。但消息人士称,鉴于AOL的营收正不断下降,雅虎暂时不大可能对这一交易感兴趣。 【In Brief】
>Seven people were confirmed dead after scaffolding collapsed at a construction site in Xi'an Saturday morning, Xinhua reported.
>China's exports surged 24.5% year-on-year in August to reach $173.31b, the General Administration of Customs announced Saturday.
>China has started construction on 8.68m units of state-subsidized homes by the end of August, meeting 86% of the government's full-year target, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said Friday.
住建部9日称,截至8月底,全国城镇保障性住房已开工868万套,开工率为86%。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Gumby robber foiled
A person dressed as Gumby attempted to rob a California 7-Eleven but failed due to an unfortunate costume glitch, AP reported. Surveillance video showed Gumby demanded money, but the store clerk thought it was a joke. The costumed man fumbled inside his costume as if to retrieve a weapon. But the green gloves seemed to get in the way, and rather than pull a gun, he dropped 26 cents on the floor. The would-be robber decided to flee empty-handed when his accomplice pulled up in front of the store and beeped his horn. (See photo)
据美联社报道,一名男子装扮成卡通小绿人冈比企图抢劫加州一家7-11便利店,却因服装阻碍了计划,灰溜溜地逃走了。监控录像显示这个小绿人声称打劫,可店员却以为他在开玩笑。劫匪于是在笨重的衣服里摸索着,仿佛要掏枪,可是绿色的大袖子似乎是个障碍,他没有掏出枪,反而掉出了26美分在地上。之后他的同伙把车开到了店门口并按喇叭催促,劫匪于是空手落荒而逃。(见图)  【Language Tips】
If the shoe fits, wear it
"如果鞋子合适,就穿上吧。"这个习语通常可理解为"如果是真的就承认吧,敢作敢为吧"。这是美式英语的表达,英国人说If the cap fits, wear it."如果帽子合适,就戴上吧。"通常也可省略后半句,只说"if the shoe fits."。
I did not say you were the one that started the scandal, but if the cap fits, wear it.
我没说是你捅出了这次丑闻,但如果是真的,就承认吧。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色) 【China Daily Radio】
古人过中秋是啥滋味?小长假第一天,在此给大家推荐古诗一首。来感受一下古人过中秋是何般滋味!我们先来看王建的《十五夜望月》。The poem describes the moon-lit scene and the people in the courtyard admiring the moon on the night of the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. The trees, birds and dewdrops are not only actual things in the yard but also the imaginary counterparts in the moon.
诗歌描写了中秋节月光下庭院中的景和赏月的人。庭院中树、鸟雀和露水是人间实景的描绘,也是对天上虚幻的想像,都是与中秋月夜有关的景物,虚实相宜。The words "perched" and "mutely" demonstrate the quiet and desolation of the festive night. The full moon traditionally signifies a family reunion closely associated with the Moon Festival. Tonight the moon is so bright and so many people enjoy watching the moon, but who is alone in deep homesickness, only accompanied by the moon?
perch: 鸟儿栖息
osmanthus: 桂花
homesickness: 乡愁
准备好了吗? 音频开始喽!  Viewing the Moon on Mid-Autumn Night
(唐) 王 建
(Tang) Wang Jian
A crow is perched on the court tree in moonlight,
And osmanthuses are mutely wet with chilly dews.
When all eyes are raised towards the moon this night,
Who for homesickness is alone deep in the blues?