
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/01 05:03:21
 【Weather Sept 2】
Wuhan: cloudy 25~33℃
Yichang: cloudy 24~34℃
Shiyan: cloudy 22~34℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 638.59 CNY
100 GBP = 1036.97 CNY
100 EUR = 917.33 CNY
100 HKD = 82 CNY
100 JPY = 8.3031 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2556.04 -11.30 -0.44%
HangSeng Stock
20585.33 +50.48 +0.25%【Highlights】
>No tax for property naming
>Fake vinegar causes concern
>Era of disguise comes
>Transfer deadline day spree
>Chavez followers shave heads
>Get up early for success
参加'中国日报'调查赢话费 【Cover Story】
>China's rich list to double 
Millionaires in the Chinese mainland may account for about half of the rich people across 10 major economies in Asia and hold more than half of the wealth by 2015, according to a study by Julius Baer Group, Bloomberg reported. The millionaires will more than double in number to 2.8m, according to the report that covered the Chinese mainland, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines and Malaysia. Chinese mainland had over 500,000 millionaires last year, according to the report.
据彭博社报道,瑞士宝盛银行日前发布的研究报告显示,到2015年,中国大陆富豪将约占亚洲10个主要经济体富豪总数的50%,所持有资产将占亚洲富豪总资产的50%以上。报告称,届时中国大陆富豪总数将在现有基础上翻番,达280万人,而中国大陆去年的富豪数为50多万。据悉,参与统计的另外9个经济体为印度、泰国、印尼、韩国、中国台湾、中国香港、新加坡、菲律宾和马来西亚。 【Top News】
>Fake vinegar causes concern
Guangzhou food brand Jammy Chai has been found making vinegar out of ethanoic acid, The Time Weekly reported. The honored brand is now facing its worst crisis of confidence since its founding. Ethanoic acid is a petrochemical which poses great danger to human health if consumed excessively, and could be carcinogenic. The price of ethanoic acid is 35% of that of edible glacial acetic acid, and the company could save up to 60% on the cost by the process of adulteration.
据《时代周报》报道,近日,广州老字号致美斋,曝出涉嫌用工业冰醋酸配制食醋,从而经历了创业以来最严重的一次信任危机。工业冰醋酸是一种石油化工产品,长期食用对人体危害很大,可能会致癌。由于工业冰醋酸是食用冰醋酸价格的35%,掺假可节省原料成本逾6成。>Era of disguise comes
82.7% of respondents believe we have stepped into an era of disguise, according to an online survey of 1,473 people by the China Youth Daily. 84.5% said excessive embellished photos exist everywhere and 58.4% admitted they would use a photo embellishment tool like Photoshop to decorate their own photos. As regards the main reason, 62.1% blamed the distortion of the public's aesthetic standards. Some netizens said besides photo embellishment, many would "decorate" their manners and conceal their true colors, for example acting like a gentle lady on a blind date or pretending to be a busy employee.
《中国青年报》一项1473人参与的在线调查显示,82.7%的受访者认为"我们已进入'假面时代'"。84.5%的受访者感叹过度修饰照片的现象普遍存在,58.4%坦言会用Photoshop等软件修饰自己的照片。究其原因,62.1%的受访者认为过度PS盛行源于大众审美观发生扭曲。有网友评论,日常生活中,除了过度修饰照片,还有很多人"修饰"自己的言谈举止,隐藏真实的一面,如相亲装温柔、工作装忙碌等。 >Transfer deadline day spree
Arsenal swooped on 4 players in a dramatic deadline day in the English transfer window, snapping up Brazilian defender Andre Santos, Germany centre-back Per Mertesacker, Israeli midfielder Yossi Benayoun and Spaniard Mikel Arteta. Manchester City also completed its shock swoop for injury-plagued former Manchester United midfielder Owen Hargreaves. With Chelsea failing to get Modric, the Blues launched a late move for Liverpool midfielder Raul Meireles. Meanwhile, Liverpool boss Kenny Dalglish brought Craig Bellamy back to Anfield 4 years after the Welsh striker left the club.
Inter Milan completed the signing of forwards Mauro Zarate and Diego Forlan on transfer deadline day while AS Roma gave notice of its Scudetto intentions by signing Bosnia midfielder Miralem Pjanic from Lyon and Argentine midfielder Fernando Gago on loan from Real Madrid. In other late deals champions AC Milan signed Palermo's Italian midfielder Antonio Nocerino on a five-year deal while Parma picked up Italian striker Stefano Floccari from Lazio.
在意大利转会窗口关闭截止日,意甲豪门国际米兰签下了阿根廷前锋萨拉特以及乌拉圭球星迭戈·弗兰,而罗马则买入了里昂的波斯尼亚中场皮亚尼奇以及皇马的阿根廷中场加戈,新赛季争冠之心昭然若揭。卫冕冠军AC米兰也不甘人后,引进了巴勒莫的意大利中场诺切里诺,帕尔马则是在最后时刻从拉齐奥签下了意大利锋线杀手弗洛卡里。 【Feature】
>A chance for the US
The principal casualty of US unilateralism has been the US itself. America is choking on the edifice of empire and the sooner it's dismantled, the easier will be its return to a leading position as a dynamic and innovative economy, Reuters columnist Nader Mousavizadeh writes. He cites 6 aspects to explain the price of empire in stark terms: federal deficits, gross debt, military spending, infrastructure investment, income inequality and now endemic joblessness. A victim of strategic gluttony, America has gorged itself for the past 2 decades. And now, it needs go on a crash diet. The decline of the American Empire may well be the best thing for the US – and the sooner the better.
路透社专栏作家纳德尔·穆萨维扎德称,美国奉行单边主义的首要受害者就是其自身,愈早打破帝国桎梏,美国就愈容易作为一个充满活力和创新力的经济体,重返全球领袖级地位。他表示,从6个侧面即可以完全窥探出美国为帝国模式所付出的代价:联邦赤字、总债务、军事支出、基础设施投资、收入不均和目前的高失业率。美国受战略性暴饮暴食所害,过去20年间对自身资源狼吞虎咽、索求无度,现在急需“调理膳食”。他预测称,美利坚帝国的日渐衰落,很可能到最后反而造福于美国,而且衰落来得愈早,受益愈大。 【In Brief】
>Married couples seeking to add the name of their spouse to property deeds or land titles will not be taxed, according to a joint statement published Thursday by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.
>Muammar Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam made his first public appearance Thursday since the fall of Tripoli, vowing to continue the war and retake his father's capital, AFP reported.
>US President Barack Obama declared a major disaster area in New Jersey and announced plans to visit the flood-hit state Sunday to view damage wreaked by Hurricane Irene, AP reported.
据美联社报道,美国总统奥巴马日前将新泽西列为"艾琳"飓风重灾区,并宣布将于当地时间4日访问新泽西,以考察灾情。【Quotable Quote】
"The housing price is high. Going to hospital is expensive. People's educational expenditure increases sharply. It's a pity that the latest revision of the personal income tax law did not touch these specific issues. We expect related tax reduction in future."
"我国个税法的最新修正,在房地产价格高企、看病难看病贵、教育支出剧增的情形下,未对此作出相应扣除规定,不能不说属于需加改变的遗憾。" 【Newsmaker】
>Chavez followers shave heads
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who is undergoing chemotherapy, has set off a new trend in the country. Many of his die-hard supporters have entered the barber shop to ask for a "president hairstyle"—bald. Local media reported Chavez has suffered hair loss as a result of treatment for the cancer diagnosed in June, and appeared with his head almost shaven in August.Many Venezuelans have shaved their heads too in a show of solidarity with him and pray for his health and cancer treatment.
据当地媒体报道,正在接受癌症化疗的委内瑞拉总统查韦斯日前在该国掀起了一股时尚新浪潮,他的众多铁杆支持者纷纷走进理发店,要求理发师为他们理一个"总统发型"——光头。查韦斯于6月被查出体内有癌变肿瘤,由于接受化疗,头发大量脱落。8月份,他便以光头造型出现在公众面前。目前,不少委内瑞拉民众也剃了光头,表达和查韦斯团结一致的决心,并为他的健康和癌症治疗祈福。>Teacher & part-time stripper
A male teacher who moonlighted as a stripper and starred in pornographic films is free to continue teaching, the Daily Mail of London reported. Benedict Garrett(see photo) taught health education at a high school in London. An investigation began after pupils reported seeing him in a trailer for an adult film. He admitted working in the industry but argued none of his behavior was illegal. The 31-year-old has been suspended from his job since last July.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,该国一名男教师日前获准在兼职脱衣舞男和成人片演员的情况下,仍可继续留任教师。31岁的格瑞特(见图)在伦敦一所高中教授健康教育课,却被学生意外看到其参演的色情短片。他也因此开始接受调查,并于去年7月被停职。格瑞特大方承认了自己从事的职业,但并不认为自己的行为有何违法之处。  【Kaleidoscope】
>Get up early for success
Do morning people have a professional advantage over others? The answer may be yes. Research published by Harvard Business finds that people who are most energetic in the mornings are more likely to identify long-range goals for themselves and feel in charge of making things happen. While night owls may be more creative, "they're out of sync with the typical corporate schedule," experts said. "When it comes to business success, morning people hold the important cards." And one of the reasons is that accomplishing things in the morning sets off a cascade of success.
"早起的鸟儿"真的比同僚们胜出一筹吗?答案或许是肯定的。《哈佛商业评论》日前发表的一份调查报告显示,早晨精力最充沛的人更能明确自己的长期目标,且更有把握实现它。专家称,尽管"夜猫子"们可能更具创造力,但他们与公司的正常安排不合拍,所以事关职业成就时,"早起的鸟儿"总能占得先机。而造成这一现象的原因之一即是,早上顺顺利利地做完一些事情,往往能带来一连串的成功,使这天一顺到底。 【China Daily Radio】
US vice-president Joe Biden and his guests ordered five bowls of noodles with fried bean and meat sauce, ten steamed stuffed buns, a cucumber salad, a yam salad, a potato salad and some coca-cola, costing 79 yuan ($12) at a local Beijing noodle restaurant, the microblog of the US embassy, Beijing said.
据美国驻华大使馆微博发布的消息称,美国副总统乔?拜登一行人在北京一家面馆点了5碗炸酱面、10个包子、拌黄瓜、凉拌山药、凉拌土豆丝和几瓶可乐,一共花费了79元(12美元)。北京特色小吃"炸酱面"在上文中的译法是noodles with fried bean and meat sauce,也可简单表达为noodles with bean paste。拜登没有去大饭馆用餐,而选择路边的小吃店品尝北京最平常的炸酱面,这一举动引起了众多网民的热议。除了炸酱面,拜登还吃了steamed stuffed buns (包子)、cucumber salad(拌黄瓜)、yam salad(凉拌山药)等小菜。北京小吃历史悠久、品种繁多,有glutinous rice rolls with sweet bean flour(驴打滚儿)、candied rice fritter of Manchu origin / sachima(萨琪玛)、yellow split peas cake(豌豆黄儿)、sweetened baked wheaten cake(糖火烧)、fermented bean drink(豆汁儿)、以及 stewed liver(炒肝儿)等。快乐英文
i love CDR
(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Power】
critical medical negligence 
Taiwan's health authorities are investigating a case of "critical medical negligence" that led to 5 patients receiving organs from an HIV positive donor.
台湾卫生部门正在调查一项将一名艾滋病感染者器官移植给5名病患的"重大医疗事故"。【Word Prize】 
Be broad in the beam意思是?
A.肩膀宽 B.屁股大