
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/18 00:34:27
 【Weather June 1】
Wuhan: cloudy 17~30℃
Yichang: cloudy 19~31℃
Shiyan: sunny 19.4~34℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 648.45 CNY
100 GBP = 1071.3 CNY
100 EUR = 932.15 CNY
100 HKD = 83.37 CNY
100 JPY = 8.0214 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2743.47 +37.11 +1.37%
HangSeng Stock
23684.13 +499.81 +2.16% 【Highlights】
>China reviews heritage list
>Building boom for hotels
>Go East for resume
>E.coli outbreak spreads
>The blue collar premier
>Lady Gaga 'went bankrupt'
>Fashion cigarettes attacked
精致烟盒勾引女性吸烟【Cover Story】
>China Daily marks 30th birthday
China Daily celebrated its 30th birthday in the Great Hall of the People Tuesday. Li Changchun, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, sent a letter of congratulations to China Daily. The celebrating symposium was attended by Liu Yunshan, head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. Li said the paper has been playing a key role in introducing China to the world and in reporting international events during the past 30 years, making it an important window for China to know the world and the world to understand China. The following photo shows Zhu Ling, editor-in-chief of China Daily, delivering a speech.
31日,纪念中国日报创刊30周年座谈会在人民大会堂举行。中共中央政治局常委李长春致信祝贺。中央宣传部部长刘云山出席大会并讲话。李长春在贺信中指出,30年来,中国日报作为我国国际传播事业的重要力量,已经成为中国感知世界、世界了解中国的重要窗口。下图为中国日报社总编辑朱灵致辞。Did You Know?
Founded on June 1, 1981, China Daily has developed into a strong all-media group with 12 print publications, a national portal website with 8 sub-websites, 3 mobile platforms and 14 applications and products on wireless terminals.
中国日报创刊于1981年6月1日,经过30年发展,已经发展为立体化全媒体集团,旗下拥有12份报纸、1个国家级网站、8个网站集群、3大移动平台和14个无线终端产品。  【Top News】
>China reviews heritage list
Fewer cultural properties will be on China's new national intangible cultural heritage list as the government vows to nip a trend that gives more weight on bidding for the list but fails to protect it after winning the bid, Xinhua reported. China will soon issue a 3rd list of only 190 cultural properties, said a cultural ministry official Monday. A total of 1,028 items made the previous 2 lists. China is also considering an "exit mechanism" to kick out unfit items already on the list.
据新华社报道,由于部分地方政府花大力气申请到非物质文化遗产后却疏于保护,中央将抑制这一趋势,减少非遗名录。文化部官员30日透露,我国即将公布的第3批国家级非遗名录仅190余项,较前两批合计1028项有了较大幅度减少。此外,政府还在酝酿国家级非遗名录退出机制,以改变部分地区的"重申报轻保护"现象。>Building boom for hotels
China is witnessing an unprecedented boom in hotel construction, prompting fears of oversupply, China Daily reported. China has about 1,182 hotel projects under construction compared to just 754 in Europe, figures released by market analyst company Lodging Econometrics showed. The leading international hotel chains are all making major investments in China. One of the big drivers of hotel development has been major international events such as the Beijing Olympics and the Shanghai Expo, which have led to significant overcapacity in the high-end, 5-star hotel market and low room occupancy rates.
据《中国日报》报道,中国正在经历一场空前繁荣的酒店建设热潮,引发酒店建设供过于求的担忧。市场分析公司Lodging Econometrics数据显示,中国目前约有1182个在建酒店项目,而整个欧洲加起来也只有754个。多家国际知名连锁酒店都在不惜血本向中国注资。据悉,中国酒店业发展的最大动力来自北京奥运、上海世博等大型国际活动。这些活动造成5星级高档酒店严重富余,推高了客房空置率。 >Go East for resume
In a crowded job market, having work experience in China on your resume can make a big difference. Recent graduates in industries from engineering to finance in both Europe and the US are making their way to the country, hoping to land jobs faster and more easily than their competitors, the Wall Street Journal reported. Graduates unanimously agreed China experience in a resume impresses employers, while some recruiters are swift to point out that China isn't the only place that will help students stand out. Chris McCarthy of London-based recruiter Hays PLC said it isn't China experience that employers are looking for but evidence that potential employees are willing to challenge themselves.
据《华尔街日报》报道,在欧美劳动力市场竞争激烈的情况下,在中国的工作经历会给你的简历锦上添花。怀抱这种信念,不管是欧洲还是美国的新近毕业生们都纷纷把眼光投向中国,他们专业背景各不相同,从工程学到金融应有尽有,但目的是一致的:通过中国经历让自己比同行更快更容易地找到毕业后的第一份工作。毕业生们异口同声地承认中国经历能打动用人单位,但也有人才招聘企业委婉指出,中国并不是让求职者脱颖而出的唯一之选。供职于伦敦猎头公司Hays PLC的克里斯·麦卡锡表示,招聘方想看到的不只是中国经历,而是求职者愿意挑战自我的例证。 >Social network for rich
An invitation-only social networking service for urban affluent Chinese has emerged, the Financial Times of London reported. Prospective members must have a monthly income of at least RMB8,000, the threshold for an upper middle class lifestyle. But above ordinary membership, there are silver, gold and platinum memberships. Platinum members are "basically the super-wealthy," insiders said.
据英国《金融时报》报道,中国出现了专为城市富裕阶层打造的社交网络服务,而且仅接受邀请入会。潜在用户的月收入至少要达到8000元人民币,这是上层中产阶级生活方式的门槛。不过在普通会员之上,还有银卡、金卡和铂金会员。据内部人士称,铂金用户"基本上都是超级富豪"。 >E.coli outbreak spreads
An E. coli outbreak linked to contaminated cucumbers that has killed 14 people and made more than 300 seriously ill in Germany has spread to other north European countries and is expected to worsen in the coming week, Reuters reported. The source of the bacteria is unknown, German authorities said Monday. Most of the deaths have been in northern Germany. The E. coli pathogen has been identified on cucumbers imported from Spain but it is unclear if they were contaminated there, during transport or in Germany.
There are 36 cases of suspected E. coli in Sweden; all linked to travel in northern Germany. A small number of cases have been reported in Britain, Denmark, France and the Netherlands; all linked with travel to Germany.
Spain said Monday it was mulling taking action over Spanish cucumbers being blamed for the outbreak. "There is no proof of this and so we will demand explanations from who has attributed this matter to Spain," an official said. Farms in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia have been losing EUR7-8m a day since German authorities linked the bacteria to Spanish cucumbers last week.
西班牙30日表示,西班牙黄瓜被当作疫情爆发替罪羊,他们将研究采取措施。一位官员说:"目前没有证据能证明是西班牙的黄瓜引发的疫情,因此,我们将要求把此事归罪于西班牙的人出来解释。"自从德国政府上周把病毒与西班牙黄瓜联系起来,西班牙南部安达卢西亚地区的农场每天损失700-800万欧元。 【In Brief】
>Unions will introduce collective wage negotiations by 2013 in at least 95% of enterprises set up by Fortune 500 companies operating in China. Among the approximately 4,800 corporations of Fortune 500 companies in China, 93% have already established unions, said Guo Chen of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.
>Chongqing's first bicycle path has finished construction, local media reported. The red path is 1.5m wide with a total investment of around RMB10m.
>The Lincoln Center recently announced the famed New York institution will partner with a Chinese company to build a multimillion-dollar performing arts center in Tianjin to promote artistic exchanges.
>Chery Automobile Co will break new ground in Latin America when its $200m factory in Venezuela starts producing vehicles for the region later this year, a move seen as further enhancing foothold in the overseas market of the automaker.
奇瑞汽车公司将大举进军拉美市场,在委内瑞拉投资2亿美元开设新厂,并于年内投入生产,产品销往本地。此举被认为是奇瑞巩固海外市场地位的又一举措。 【Quotable Quote】
French state [is] led by hoodlums and killers. We are going to break the wall of silence.
法国是由暴徒和杀手领导的国家,我们将打破沉默之墙。 【Newsmaker】
>The blue collar premier
British Prime Minister David Cameron is a true conservative when it comes to casual wear. He appears to have stuck to the same old blue (and occasionally black) polo shirts over the past 6 years, the Daily Mail of London reported Tuesday. Whether enjoying a day out with his children, getting stuck into sports or accompanying his wife Samantha, Cameron shows the common touch begins at the closet.
英国首相大卫·卡梅伦的休闲装扮可以证明他是个不折不扣的保守党人。据英国《每日邮报》31日报道,过去6年,卡梅伦似乎没换过衣服,一直穿着同款深蓝色(偶尔黑色)翻领T恤。不论是带孩子外出、参加体育运动,还是陪伴老婆萨曼莎,他都是同样的装扮,从衣着展现亲和力。>Lady Gaga 'went bankrupt'
Lady Gaga has revealed her love for outrageous costumes and sets for her Monster Ball world tour left her broke. The singer said in an interview published in the UK's Financial Times that she was in debt of about $3m at the beginning of the 18-month-long tour. "I put everything in the show and I actually went bankrupt after the first extension of the tour," she said. "And it was funny because I didn't know! I had 5 No.1 singles, the Monster Ball (tour is) doing great, and they said, 'Well, you're $3m in debt'."
Lady Gaga自曝因购买奇装异服和《魔神狂舞》世界演唱会道具,自己已经破产。英国《金融时报》刊登的一篇Lady Gaga的专访透露,她在为期18个月的世界巡演之初,就已经负债300万美元。"我把所有钱都投进了演唱会,在第一轮巡演结束就已经破产。有趣的是,我根本不知道这件事。我有5首冠军单曲,演唱会很成功。然后他们说:'好了,你负债300万美元。'" 【Kaleidoscope】
>Fashion cigarettes attacked
With its glossy appearance and stylish brand name, it could be mistaken for a luxury perfume. But the Vogue Perle packet in fact conceals "fashion cigarettes" which are clearly targeted at young women, British media reported. It was created in Paris by British American Tobacco, which has been widely condemned. Critics say the design of the pack makes smoking look elegant, sexy and classy. "Vogue is trying to capitalize on a woman's desire to feel beautiful to sell their cigarettes, which is sad because they can only destroy it," said a marketing expert.
珍珠白的雅致色调包裹出盒子的精巧,Vogue Perle,多么入时动听的名字,乍看一眼,还以为是哪款名品香水。错了,不是香水,是香烟,显然是对年轻女性的心理攻势。据英国媒体报道,这款香烟的包装是英美烟草公司专门在巴黎设计完成的,但现已招致广泛批评。批评者称,烟盒的设计传达出一种理念,那就是吸烟让你性感优雅、与众不同。一位营销专家表示:"这种设计就是在利用女性爱美的心理来推销自己的产品,但吸烟只能让女性的美丽凋零,真是悲剧。" 【China Daily Radio】
A. Advice is a stronger word than suggestion. Advice is a recommendation with regard to a course of action. A suggestion is merely a hint, or a thought or idea you put into someone else's mind.  Example: "I don't want to tell you what to do, but my suggestion would be to call her before some other lucky fellow does." Or. "My advice is to call her up right now and ask her for a date."
advice表达的语气比suggestion强得多。advice的意思是建议某人一定要做某事,已经到了命令的程度。suggestion只是针对问题而提出的建议或想法。举例说明: "我不想指挥你做什么,但我建议你最好抢在别人之前给她打电话。"或者是"你直接给她打电话把她约出来呗!"Q:1368***9378黑龙江哈尔滨:你好,我是咱China Daily的忠实读者,请问comprehensive和overall在表示"综合的"意思时有什么区别吗? 
A. Overall is a stronger word than comprehensive if what you mean to say is "absolutely everything." Overall means including everything. Comprehensive means covering completely or broadly.
Overall比comprehensive语气强很多,尤其特指"全部,所有的时候"。overall的意思包含所有事物。comprehensive是指包含全部的,广泛的。上海1391***5446的读者发问:duty和responsibility有什么区别,分别怎么用? 这个问题可把我们的外籍专家也难住了,准备好了么? 音频开始! A.Duty is a task or service you are assigned by others to do, or which is required by your job or social or military position. Responsibility is the choice you make yourself to fulfill your obligations. So, for example: "My duty as a mother is to take care of my children, but it is a responsibility I freely choose."
Duty这个词是指工作(或社会、军事职位)上的义务和职责,是非做不可的。Responsibility是自己选择要承担的责任,是自愿的。比如说:作为母亲,我的义务是照顾好自己的孩子。但是,想要照顾好孩子是我自愿选择的责任。大家还有问题? 短信106580007835!  CD第一届翻译大赛圆满结束!感谢各位同学的支持,让我们祝贺获奖同学:
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请上述获奖同学把自己的详细地址邮编发电子邮件至radio(at)chinadaily.com.cn,这一次就不只是10元话费的奖品了! 神秘大奖敬请期待吧!参考答案:
The 1st annual report on the social outlook of the Chinese people, released by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, has found that hope for their children's future development is the greatest life motivator for Chinese people. Children have always been regarded as the continuation and extension of the family in China. Such forces underlying Chinese culture have never changed. 【Word Power】
twuilt(The guilty feeling you get when you haven't Twittered recently. A combination of twitter + guilt.)
I'm feeling a lot of twuilt since my last tweet was over a week ago.
brain waste
If the labor market cannot absorb the migrants at the level of their qualifications, the phenomenon changes its nature: brain drain from the sending countries becomes "brain waste" for the migrants.
如果劳动力市场不能按照移民的资质将其吸收进来,那么移民来源国面临的将是人才流失,而移民本身则面临"人才浪费"的境地。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Safety is a priority, and our guidelines _____ state that all employees must wear protective headwear on the building construction site.
(A) clear
(B) cleared
(C) clearly
(D) clearness