
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 11:40:23
 【Weather May 31】
Wuhan: cloudy 18~26℃
Yichang: rainy 19~25℃
Shiyan: cloudy 17~32℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 648.56 CNY
100 GBP = 1068.89 CNY
100 EUR = 926.79 CNY
100 HKD = 83.35 CNY
100 JPY = 8.0168 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2706.36 -3.59 -0.13%
HangSeng Stock
23184.32 +66.25 +0.29%【Highlights】
>Key sector corruption
>Stalls to leave Zhongguancun
>Germany vows nuke shutdown
>Fish die in volcano lake
>Less married in US
>'Man drought' in cities
>Pitching a tent on a cliff
峭壁上挂帐篷露营(图)【Cover Story】
>Chinese no retirement worry
Chinese are more optimistic about their post-work lives than almost everyone else according to a new study from HSBC. Surveying 17,000 working adults in 17 places, HSBC found 75% of Chinese believe they'll be better off than their parents when it comes to retirement. That level of hopefulness puts China 2nd only to India (78%) in the survey, and well ahead of developed countries, Wall Street Journal reported.
The study attributes some of China's preparedness to the fact that the country's citizens, well known for their savings habits, are accustomed to saving their money in preparation for emergencies and old age.
Chinese do have one major concern about their retirement, however: the cost of caring for their aging parents. More than a quarter of Chinese people in the study said the prospect of caring for their parents made them anxious.
不过,中国人对退休的主要担忧仍然存在,即赡养年事渐高的父母的费用。在汇丰的研究中,有1/4以上的中国人表示,赡养父母的前景让他们感到焦虑。 【Top News】
>Key sector corruption
Urban construction, rural infrastructure, transport and railway projects are the sectors worst hit by corruption, a senior prosecutor said. Officials from such departments tend to be vulnerable when offered bribes, Song Hansong, a senior official of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, told China Daily. Song said the vast majority of corruption-related crimes in construction occur during bidding and approval procedures as well as land transfers. From January to March, prosecuting agencies nationwide charged 1,923 suspects in 1,583 such cases.
最高人民检察院厅长宋寒松日前透露,城市建设、农业基础设施建设、交通和铁路工程等建设项目领域,已经成为贪污等职务犯罪的重灾区。宋寒松接受《中国日报》专访时说,受高额经济利益的诱惑,相关政府职能部门工作人员往往成为职务犯罪的涉案人群。工程建设领域职务犯罪主要发生在投标和土地审批、出让环节。今年第一季度,全国检察机关立案查办此类案件1583件,涉案人数1923人。>Stalls to leave Zhongguancun
The commercial area in Zhongguancun's electronics markets such as Hailong Plaza and Dinghao Electronic Building will be reduced below 50% by the end of the year, Beijing's Haidian District government said Sunday, the Beijing News reported. Sales counters and stalls will be phased out in the markets while brand stores will be set up. The government also made it clear for the first time that the low-end industry situation will be banned from the markets, including electronics repair and sales by small stalls, low-end clothing and low-end dining services.
据《新京报》报道,北京海淀区政府29日发布消息,今年年内,北京中关村海龙、鼎好等大厦的商业面积要下降至50%以下。据悉,卖场以后将逐步淘汰现有的柜台、摊贩式经营,建成品牌店。同时,政府首次明确禁止入驻的低端业态形式,包括小商户电子产品维修和销售、低端服装、低端餐饮等。 >Germany vows nuke shutdown
Germany said Monday it will shut all its nuclear reactors by 2022 in a reaction to Japan's Fukushima disaster. The Japanese nuclear crisis sparked calls for tougher global safety measures and prompted some governments to reconsider their nuclear energy strategy. The German decision still needs to go through parliament and could still face opposition from the utility companies that run the nuclear plants, Reuters reported. With the announcement, Germany is to become the first major industrialized power to shut down all its nuclear plants.
据路透社报道,当地时间30日,德国宣布将在2022年前关闭国内所有的核反应堆。日本福岛核电站事故成为该决议的导火线。日本核危机发生后,人们纷纷呼吁国际社会加强核安全约束,也迫使一些国家对自身的核能应用策略进行反思。然而此次德国政府的决定还没过议会这一关,此外,核电站运营商的反对也在意料之中。此举一出,德国将成为首个不再使用核能的主要工业国家。>Fish die in volcano lake
More than 700 tons of fish died from a sudden temperature hike in a lake near Taal volcano in the Philippines due to signs of restiveness in the volcano, Xinhua reported. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said Sunday 10 volcano restiveness had been tracked during the past 24 hours. The Taal lake is a famous scenic spot in the Philippines.
据新华社报道,菲律宾塔阿尔火山近期显现活跃迹象,火山口周围湖水温度骤然升高,致使700多吨鱼类死亡。菲律宾火山和地震研究院29日称,监测结果显示,塔阿尔火山过去24小时内出现10次火山震动。塔阿尔火山湖为菲律宾知名景点。 >Less married in US
A new report from the US Census has indicated that married couples have dropped below half of all US households, marking a historic shift in what constitutes the traditional American family, AP reported Monday. In the 2010 Census, married couples represented 48% of all households, down from 52% in the previous Census. A few reasons may be that the fast-growing older population is more likely to be divorced or widowed later in life and 20-somethings are postponing marriage for reasons including money and career, a demographer said.
据美联社30日报道,美国最新发布的2010年人口普查数据表明,美国的所有家庭中,只有不到半数由已婚夫妇组成,标志着美国传统家庭观正在遭遇历史性转折。2010年数据显示,已婚夫妇占所有家庭的48%。而上一次普查时该数字为52%。一位人口统计学家表示,造成这一现象有两方面原因:越来越多的人口迅速老龄化,晚年离异或丧偶的可能性增加;而20几岁的年轻人往往因为经济或事业等原因推迟婚期。 【In Brief】
>Seventy percent of Japanese voters want to get rid of Prime Minister Naoto Kan, a survey by Nikkei business daily showed Monday, Reuters reported.
>Zhang Jilong, vice president of Asian Football Confederation (AFC), will take the reins of the AFC in the absence of Mohamed bin Hammam, who was suspended from all soccer activity by FIFA over bribery allegations Sunday, Reuters reported Monday.
>Alibaba Group's Taobao opened a 5-story home furnishings showroom in Beijing last Friday for customers to try out sofas, tables and other big-ticket items before placing an order online.
27日,阿里巴巴旗下的淘宝网在北京推出5层楼的家具展示厅,消费者可以亲身体验沙发、桌子等大件货品后在网上下单。 【Quotable Quote】
We would like, in 50, 60 years, people are reminded of this team as one of the best. If this happens for us, it's marvelous.
过五六十年之后,希望人们依然能记住我们是最好的球队、最好的团队之一。假如真的如此,那就太棒了。 【Newsmaker】
>'Man drought' in cities
Single women in Australia's major cities are being forced to head into the country in search of love because of a "man drought" that is gripping metropolitan areas, the Daily Telegraph of Australia reported. In the latest example of how difficult it has become for women in their late 20s and early 30s to find an eligible man in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, a dating agency has started sending busloads of single women out to country towns, where the ratio of men to women is far more favorable. The first tour, which took 50 Sydney women to the rural town of Tamworth was a success, with an 85% pick up rate.
>Pitching a tent on a cliff
Imagine being dangled 4,000ft (1,220m) above the ground with just a rope and a tent connecting you to a cliff face while dozing off for a quick sleep - welcome to the new craze of extreme camping in Europe and the US. Climbs can last for weeks and explorers must set up tents on the edge of monstrous cliff faces to get some rest, the Daily Mail of London reported. "I find it similar to sleeping into a regular tent - unless I had to lean out to get food or supplies from our haul bags hanging outside," 57-year-old adventure photographer Gordon Wiltsie, who had risked his life to capture the thrill-seeking moments, said.(See photo)
欧美兴起极限露营运动:想象一下自己被悬挂在4000英尺(1220米)的悬崖峭壁,只有一条绳子和一个帐篷护身,你还必须在帐篷里小睡。据英国《每日邮报》报道,由于攀岩会延续数周,探险家必须在光滑的峭壁上搭建帐篷,稍事休息保存体力。这组图片是57岁的冒险摄影家戈登·维尔斯冒着生命危险拍下的,他说:"我觉得和睡在地面上的帐篷没什么不同——除了我必须探出身子拿挂在帐篷外的食物和其它东西。"(见图)  【China Daily Radio】
千斤大小姐私密记事话说这夏天就这么悄无声息地来了! 超市里西瓜走起来,家里空调开起来有没有?可是这夏天真的食欲不振!千斤大小姐为大家搜罗消暑美食,老用户肯定很熟悉了,这是我们曾经出过的美食特刊,特地再次拿出来给大家分享。准备好了么?我们先来熟悉一些词汇:Scorching: 灼热的
Appetite: 胃口
Re gan mian: 热干面
Sesame paste: 芝麻酱
Pickled vegetable: 酱菜,咸菜
Stall: 小摊,路边摊 Scorching summer in Wuhan is the season when appetite shrinks. Locals created a cuisine for breakfast known as Re gan mian, or Hot and Dry Noodles. Re gan mian consists of long freshly boiled noodles mixed with sesame paste. The typical bowl of Re gan mian will have soy sauce, sesame paste, pickled vegetables, chopped garlic chives and chili oil. Many stalls that make Re gan mian will have their own variations in seasoning, creating signature tastes for individual stands or localities.
在武汉,炎热的夏天让你食欲不振!不过当地人发明一种道地美食来"过早" - 武汉热干面!简单是它的精髓,鲜煮面条配浓香芝麻酱。就是这样一碗充满古早味的热干面:鲜美酱油,浓香芝麻酱,爽脆腌菜,小香葱和辣椒油的搭配让你欲罢不能!充满创意的小贩不断推出新吃法,每一摊都有自己的代表口味。再普及一下,武汉人管吃早饭叫做"过早"。我们的CD第一届翻译大赛圆满结束,看到这么多同学参与活动,我们真是干劲儿十足啊!编辑团队正在仔细阅读每一位同学的答案,我们将在本周公布结果!对了,还有问题回答环节,上周欠了同学们不少问题呢,明天集中解答! 【Word Power】
Online Blue Army
The development of China's "Online Blue Army" unit is for improving the defense capabilities of the People's Liberation Army, a Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman said Wednesday.
国防部一位发言人周三表示,组建"网络蓝军"是为了提高解放军的国防能力。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
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If you are making travel ____ with Lee Travel Ltd, please have the relevant details for all members of your party available when you call.
(A) arranges
(B) arranged
(C) arrangements
(D) arranging